Supermetrics Blog

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Data Visualization, Looker Studio (Google Data Studio)
Most marketers track goals. You want to know if you’re within your budget, make more sales than the week before, or if your NPS score is in the green zone. With Google Data Studio, you can access several charts to track goals, like the built-in gauge or the bullet chart. You might already use the ...

4-MINUTE READ | By Ralph Spandl

As a digital marketer, you’re familiar with many advertising channels, like social media, search, online video, TV, or radio. But you may still be a bit unfamiliar with digital audio advertising. Marketers have found themselves asking questions like what digital audio advertising is, why should I run audio ads, or how do I create an ...

15-MINUTE READ | By Fanny Heimonen

Considering the marketing timeline, data ethics is still a relatively new concept. Broadly speaking, marketing data ethics refers to the ethical considerations that need to be taken into account when collecting, using, and sharing data. This can include everything from ensuring that data is collected fairly and responsibly to protecting people’s privacy to being transparent ...

10-MINUTE READ | By Stéphane Hamel

Log in to your Google Analytics dashboard, and you’ll see hundreds of metrics across a variety of reports. Slice and dice that data, viewing website information depending on the visitor’s referral source, device, operating system… Feeling overwhelmed? The even more worrying news is that Google Analytics is just one source. With thousands of marketing platforms, ...

12-MINUTE READ | By Elise Dopson

My rudimentary knowledge of SEO tells me that you’re probably somewhere in the middle of our marketing funnel and are comparing alternatives to Supermetrics. Otherwise, why would you be reading this? If you’ve made it this far into the evaluation process, it’s time you learn about our philosophy for how we approach data at Supermetrics. ...

10-MINUTE READ | By Evan Kaeding

There’s never been so much data available. According to Forbes, almost all of the world’s data was created in the past few years. Now that you have all that data, do you know what to do with it? And can it be done ethically, reliably, and efficiently? Absolutely it can, but before looking at how ...

7-MINUTE READ | By Sophie Michaud

We’ve created many dashboards at Supermetrics. When we started building custom visualizations, we didn’t just look at features but also made sure they blended well into the dashboard creation process. This article will uncover some of these features that you’ll appreciate once you start using them. Minimize the number of charts on your page The ...

5-MINUTE READ | By Ralph Spandl

After nine years of dedicated service, Google Analytics— or Universal Analytics—will finally step down and give the crown to its successor—Google Analytics 4. Google Analytics has been around for 15 years, and for the very first time, Google gives the platform a complete makeover. This time we’re not only talking about a brand new UI, ...

6-MINUTE READ | By Joy Huynh


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