Dec 15, 2022

Supermetrics Wrapped 2022

12-MINUTE READ | By Aurora Aalto and Tea Korpi

Supermetrics News

[ Updated Jun 24, 2024 ]

Before the year comes to an end, let’s have a look at all the great things that happened at Supermetrics in 2022. This was a busy year for us—we like to set ourselves ambitious goals to serve our customers as best we can. We set goals to release new products, improve the existing ones, tighten partnerships and improve overall customer satisfaction. So this is how our 2022 went!

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During 2022, we released several data source connectors and new data destinations. We also made improvements to our existing products and connectors, like some added fields to LinkedIn Ads, Google Analytics 4, and TikTok Ads. We also released our public roadmap so you could vote on the requests important to you.

Luckily, it seems you enjoyed using our products since 1,5 billion queries don’t happen by themselves. Just think, if those queries were copy-pasted, that would’ve meant hours and hours of manual work.

the supermetrics public roadmap

Data source connectors

We released 30 new data sources in early access and 22 data source connectors to full release.

Our top 5 most popular connectors this year were:

  1. Facebook Ads
  2. Google Ads
  3. Google Analytics
  4. Microsoft Advertising
  5. Facebook Insights
Top 5 most popular connectors 2022

Our top 5 most popular early access connectors were:

  1. Salesforce
  2. ActiveCampaign
  3. Adobe Analytics 2.0
  4. Semrush Projects
  5. Appsflyer
Top 5 most popular early access connectors 2022

Our top 3 most popular reporting templates for Looker Studio were:

  1. Facebook Ads Overview Report
  2. Universal Analytics Report (it has been deprecated, but check out our Google Analytics 4 report template instead)
  3. Facebook Insights
The Facebook Ads reporting template in Looker Studio

Data destinations 

We also released new data destinations, which allow you to transfer, transform, and store data to Amazon Redshift, Azure SQL Database, and Google AlloyDB.

For on-premise data warehouses, you can now also use Supermetrics for SFTP to move data to your SFTP server.

Data integration to a data warehouse with Supermetrics

Our top 3 most popular data warehouse products in 2022 were:

  1. Supermetrics for Google BigQuery
  2. Supermetrics for Snowflake
  3. Supermetrics API

As the end of the year approaches, we’ve reached over 600k successful data warehouse transfers per week for the first time. More than twice what we had in the first week of the year.

Product updates and improvements

Releasing new destinations and data sources is great. Still, we also take good care of our existing products. Here are the top updates.

Shared connections in Looker Studio and Excel 

This update makes collaboration and teamwork easier since you don’t have to go around asking for credentials or authorizing access to several destinations. Once you’ve authorized the connection to a data source, simply share it across destinations and your team.

If a team member decides to leave the company, you can replace the old connection and keep your reports running. Less friction and hassle.

Data source connection account authentication page with Supermetrics

Sidebar update in Google Sheets 

You requested, and we delivered. Our Google Sheet sidebar had a new starting view at the beginning of the year. Managing multiple queries in the old view was a bit hard and complicated. The update made managing queries as easy as creating new ones.

The Google Sheets Supermetrics sidebar changes

Custom Fields 

Your data, the way you need it. Custom fields allow you to transform your data into a format that fits your needs. Check the video to learn more about using custom fields.

Google Data Studio is now Looker Studio

When Google decided to change the name from Data Studio to Looker Studio, that made us correct the name pretty often.

Most used brand names at Supermetrics

Development and engineering

We’re backed by our multitalented development and engineering team. The team transferred 2,5 PB of data each month. That’s a whopping 30 PB this year, and if you’re unfamiliar with this unit, that makes 31 457 280 GB of data.

During the year, our development and engineering team also merged 1,3 million lines of code, and for the first time, we also removed the same amount. That means we not only added code, but our main focus was also to improve the platform by removing the code that no longer served us.

Awards and partnerships

We’re proud to have a product that’s valued by our customers and partners but also that we love to use. Here are the awards our product received this year, and our top partnerships, which elevated our product further.


G2 is a great tool for finding and reviewing software. It’s the largest and most trusted software marketplace. G2 compiles reports to showcase the best software across different categories. The most hyped award is the G2 Top 100 list.

We were excited to discover we made it to G2’s Top 100 list in two categories for winter 2022. Our hard work had paid off. If you want to know how we did it, check out​​ ‘How to ask customers for reviews—and how we got to the G2 Top 100’.

We were recognized in two categories:

  • Best Software Products 2022
  • Highest Satisfaction Products 2022

Recommended app by the Google marketplace

We’ve always had a close relationship with Google ever since our CEO, Mikael, created the first query from Google Analytics to Google Sheets. This is why we were thrilled to find out we’re one of the 12 apps recommended by Google in their marketplace.

Editor’s pick by Excel 

Microsoft chose us as Editor’s pick, and they curate 1,500 extensions and apps and chooses the best ones. We’re in great company with companies like Grammarly, LastPass, and Honey.

LinkedIn Partner Award—Customer Value

LinkedIn recognized us in their Marketing Partner Awards on Customer Value. The customer value award recognizes the partner who has impacted a customer’s business outcomes or results with LinkedIn. According to LinkedIn, the collaboration between us is a “testament to creating customer value at scale”.

Snowflake premier partnership

Another important partner that recognized us this year was Snowflake. Snowflake granted us the premium partner status. According to Snowflake, these partners have a strong reference architecture and joint customer wins.


We had many great webinars in 2022. Thousands of people worldwide joined our live webinars this year, and if you weren’t one of them, don’t worry since you can watch the recordings on our YouTube channel.

The Supermetrics YouTube channel feed

Here’s the top pick of our webinars from 2022:

Over 11,000 experts signed up for our webinars during the year, and we recorded over 450 minutes of content. If you lack something to watch after binging Netflix during the holidays, our webinar recordings are just what you need.

You might have also bumped into some Supermetrics employees at live events we attended this year, for example, the Marketing Technology Expo in London in November, or you might have seen our CEO and founder, Mikael, speak at Slush in Helsinki.

We also attended many virtual events. Here are our top picks:


On top of webinars, we also had many inspirational guest speakers on our podcast, ‘The Marketing Analytics show’. Here are our best episodes from this year:

We recorded 475 minutes worth of content for the podcast. Seems like you found the show interesting since our follower base on Spotify grew by 150%.

The marketing analytics show spotify wrapped 2022


Many new readers also found our blog this year, and dear, did we give them plenty to read about. We published many interesting articles on many different subjects. Here’s our pick for the top 5 best articles from 2022:

  1. The end of third-party cookies and what it means for retargeting 
  2. Data vs. insights-Driven marketing: what’s the difference?
  3. How to centralize your marketing data with an integration strategy
  4. The marketing industry has a data problem. How can you fix it?
  5. Too much data: “data is harder to manage than people” and other peak season marketing statistics

Altogether, we published 60 articles. That’s a lot of text about marketing, data warehousing, and products, isn’t it? What’s even better is that it seems you found the articles interesting because over +760k visitors read our blog.

Blog editor's top picks for the year 2022

Social media

If you can’t get enough of marketing and data, you’ll love following Supermetrics on social media! We’re currently on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest, and maybe one day, we’ll also be making dances on TikTok…

Not sure whether you should give us a follow? Let our audience do the talking—across platforms, we’ve grown our follower base by 9.2% and now have an audience of 165K. Not sure which platform to follow us on? According to our followers, our Instagram and LinkedIn are some of the most interesting spaces to follow us on—our follower base grew by 204% on Instagram, and by 83.9% on LinkedIn.

What kind of content do our followers love? Let’s have a look at some of the most engaging posts from this year:

  1. This one resonated with many of you… Looks like we don’t have too many copy-paste fans out there.
  1. Seems like we can all bond over messy reporting too.
  1. Have you heard about the most epic party of the year called Superscape? You can see what that’s all about in this video:
  1. It’s not all parties and giggles on our socials. You also enjoyed our practical and educational content, like this:
  1. GA4 and the stress around it has been a recurring theme on our socials… so we tried to poke some fun at it at the same time:


We released our Supermetrics community during fall 2022. We’re thrilled to find like-minded marketers and data enthusiasts to join the community. We warmly welcome you to join us today!


Our customers also bumped into some issues along the year that were easily solved with our great selection of support articles. Here’s what people were looking to solve:

During 2022, we received 32,000 support tickets. A site visitor or customer started a chat conversation 7,500 times. We’re happy to say that 97% of customers who contacted us were happy and satisfied with our support. We also expanded our support team by opening our third regional support location in Singapore.

People and growth

The Supermetrics team continued its growth this year. We’re now 330 strong—a 60% growth compared to last year.

We also continued to expand globally. During 2022, we opened an office in Dublin, Singapore, and Atlanta and started hiring remotely in Spain, Poland, Portugal, and Australia. Our team now has people from 10 different countries and representing 40 different nationalities!

Supermetrics peopleSupermetrics people
Supermetrics peopleSupermetrics people

There are as many highlights for our team this year as there are people in it, but two of the biggest highlights of the year were our Superscape offsites. At the beginning of the year, we brought the whole team together in Tenerife for a week to enjoy some sun and connect with old and new colleagues. In August, we gathered at our headquarters in Helsinki, culminating in an outdoor festival in the sunny Finnish archipelago.

And that’s a wrap!

That was our year. Thanks for reading and being a part of our journey in 2022. Safe to say we’re excited about next year. We’re determined to find new ways to help marketers succeed in their day-to-day job and make data more accessible for everyone. We’re welcoming the new year with a brand new Supermetrics website and colors. So stay tuned and don’t miss out on 2023.

About the authors

Aurora and Tea are Marketing Managers at Supermetrics, who help make our product and our customer experience great by providing customers with relevant information at the right time.

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