Data Management

Marketing Analytics, Data Management
We aren’t cookieless yet—but it’s coming, and marketers are freezing up. This is where serve-side tracking can help. Since it allows you to collect and process data on your server rather than relying on users’ browsers, it improves data and targeting accuracy. ...

10-MINUTE READ | By Ilkka Särkiö

MMM is a fantastic marketing measurement method that can tell you the true impacts of your marketing campaigns and investments. As a Solution Engineer at Supermetrics, I’ve seen many clients struggling to get their model right, and most of the time, it’s due to the lack of a solid data foundation. So, let’s address that. ...

5-MINUTE READ | By Pieter van Groenendael

Imagine analyzing data from a “Special Discount” campaign six months later. Unless you’re blessed with an exceptional memory, you’ll find it impossible to remember details such as its purpose, audience, or the period it ran. This is why having a well-structured naming convention and marketing data governance will make analyzing and reporting your campaign much ...

6-MINUTE READ | By Milja Nevalainen

With third-party cookies declining due to privacy rules and ad blockers, marketers face the challenge of maintaining effective targeting and performance.  Enter Conversions APIs (CAPIs). They let you upload your first-party data straight to ad platforms, ensuring accurate targeting and on-platform attribution. With improved signal quality, ad platforms can optimize their algorithms, leading to better ...

6-MINUTE READ | By Ilkka Särkiö & Kelly Duval


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