Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics,

Why traditional B2B marketing attribution is broken and what you can do about it

Why traditional B2B marketing attribution is broken and what you can do about it

Tell me B2B marketing attribution reporting is broken without actually telling me B2B marketing attribution reporting is broken… This is one of many quote requests where the message that came across Session Media didn’t align with the attribution source concluded by either Google Analytics or HubSpot.  And it’s not just me—I’ve spoken to many marketers ...

6-MINUTE READ | By Ben Brown

email marketing metrics

As marketing evolves and new ideas replace the old and redundant ones, the one question that keeps coming back to us is: How important is email marketing today? If you’re well-versed with email marketing strategy, you might have noticed how even the smallest tweak can improve your brand reach. But email marketing can get tricky ...

15-MINUTE READ | By Carla Andre-Brown

How to automate your marketing reports in Google Slides

If you work in marketing, chances are you’ve copy/pasted data from Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, HubSpot, etc., into a Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation on more occasions than you’d like to admit. And if you’ve been through the process, you’d probably agree that manually copying data is a huge time-suck. What’s even worse is that ...

7-MINUTE READ | By Pinja Virtanen

How to build a Facebook Ads pivot table in Data Studio

As digital marketers, we’re often experiencing data overload. And that’s why having a clear process for analyzing your paid campaigns’ performance is critical.  This process will help when you’re asking questions, like: To answer these questions, pivot tables come in handy. What are pivot tables? Pivot tables allow you to group data in a meaningful ...

18-MINUTE READ | By Gabe Solberg

how to automate reporting

In August of 2019, Search Station had come to a point where we needed to optimize the efficiency of our time spent on client tasks and our own operational tasks. We decided to plunge into the shiny world of automated marketing reporting and analytics, with the aim to cut out bulky work and streamline our ...

5-MINUTE READ | By Samuel Manton

how to build an attribution model

Far too many marketing teams are still seen internally as the arts and crafts department.  They’re considered a support function at best and a cost center at worst. And that’s frustrating considering all the work you’re putting into launching new products, producing awesome content, building campaigns, and well… ultimately driving revenue. The good news is ...

9-MINUTE READ | By Pinja Virtanen


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