Ecommerce Analytics

Ecommerce Analytics

How to win at ecommerce email marketing

ecommerce email marketing

No matter how popular social networks are, email is still one of the most valuable tools in a marketer’s toolbox.  In 2020, the number of email users amounted to four billion and is set to grow to 4.6 billion users in 2025, according to Statista.  According to HubSpot, email generates $38 for every dollar spent. ...

14-MINUTE READ | By Kaleigh Moore

Ecommerce data warehouse

Ecommerce merchants and marketers have one major advantage over brick and mortar retailers: data.  When your shoppers come from the internet, you can measure almost every aspect of your interactions with them. However, that advantage doesn’t count for much without a system for making sense of your data. Many companies think they already have a ...

8-MINUTE READ | By Kaleigh Moore

How to use CRM data to boost ecommerce conversions

To beat your competition in the crowded ecommerce market, you need to give your customers what they want.  The secret to giving your customers what they want? Knowing them inside out. That’s where customer relationship management (CRM) data comes in.  Ecommerce platforms that allow you to manage and nurture relationships with your customers now form ...

8-MINUTE READ | By Jimmy Rodriguez


Great news: you can now pull your Shopify data into Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, and Microsoft Excel with Supermetrics! Why is this connector such a big deal? Because it helps ecommerce merchants and marketers quickly understand what’s going on with the business. As you’ve probably noticed, ecommerce data is scattered across multiple siloed platforms. ...

5-MINUTE READ | By Anna Shutko

Ecommerce customer segmentation for beginners

The promotions tab in Gmail is a gift for email users — it’s the perfect junkyard for irrelevant ads, discount emails, and offers.  From a marketer’s perspective, though, think of all the wasted dollars it represents. Almost all mass emails blasted without segmentation and personalization meet a similar fate: deleted, archived, or caught in the ...

17-MINUTE READ | By Farheen Gani


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