Supermetrics report templates

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Snapchat overview performance dashboard

Snapchat overview performance dashboard

Get a quick overview of your key Snapchat Ads metrics, including impressions, swipes, and purchases.

Data sources used:

Social media follower count dashboard

Social media follower count dashboard

Keep track of your follower count in social media. See which channels are gaining new followers and which ones are losing followers.

Data sources used:

Spotify Ads overview performance dashboard

Spotify Ads overview performance dashboard

Easily keep track of your Spotify Ads campaigns.

Data sources used:

StackAdapt report

StackAdapt report

Keep track of your StackAdapt campaign performance with this detailed dashboard.

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Taboola campaign performance reporting template

Taboola campaign performance reporting template

Monitor your KPI's and Native Ads campaign performance.

Data sources used:

TikTok Ads overview performance dashboard

TikTok Ads overview performance dashboard

Get a quick overview of your key TikTok Ads metrics, including impressions, clicks, and results.

Data sources used:

TikTok Organic overview dashboard

TikTok Organic overview dashboard

Get a quick overview of your organic TikTok metrics, including profile followers, video views, likes, and more.

Data sources used:

Tripadvisor reviews report

Tripadvisor reviews report

Use this template to quickly keep track of your Tripadvisor reviews, including reviews and the average rating.

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Tumblr public data reporting template

Tumblr public data reporting template

Keep track of your blog's performance on Tumblr by monitoring your likes and posts.

Data sources used:

Vimeo video metrics reporting template

Vimeo video metrics reporting template

Report on top videos, comment and engagement data from Vimeo

Data sources used:



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