Supermetrics report templates

Build your first report in minutes with our free reporting templates.

Search or filter templates

Facebook public data reporting template

Facebook public data reporting template

Monitor page likes, post statistics, as well as comments, and see your highest performing posts at a glance.

Data sources used:

Google Ad Manager reporting template

Google Ad Manager reporting template

Monitor the performance of your Google Ad Manager campaigns and quickly see which ads are bringing in revenue.

Data sources used:

Google Ads reporting template

Google Ads reporting template

Stay on top of your Google Ads campaigns' clicks, conversions, cost and other key metrics.

Data sources used:

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads comparison template

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads comparison template

Compare your Google Ads performance to your Facebook Ads performance to determine which channel is best for each campaign.

Data sources used:

Google Analytics 4 website performance dashboard

Google Analytics 4 website performance dashboard

Get an overview of your website performance, including monthly cohort analysis, top pages, and top events.

Data sources used:

Google Campaign Manager 360 reporting template

Google Campaign Manager 360 reporting template

Get an overview of your programmatic ads run on different platforms

Data sources used:

Google My Business dashboard template

Google My Business dashboard template

Easily switch between your Google My Business locations to compare key metrics and customer reviews.

Data sources used:

Google Play Reviews report

Google Play Reviews report

Get the pulse about how your audience feels about your Google Play listed apps with this template.

Data sources used:

Google Trends overview dashboard

Google Trends overview dashboard

Easily monitor the most popular search terms by country and time.

Data sources used:

HubSpot cross-portal performance overview template

HubSpot cross-portal performance overview template

Analyze your entire contact lifecycle funnel across multiple portals.

Data sources used:



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