May 5, 2020

5 types of affiliate dashboards that help you track affiliate sales

7-MINUTE READ | By Svetlana Gryaznova & Johannes Rastas

DashboardsData Visualization

[ Updated Jun 25, 2024 ]

In this post, we will introduce you to affiliate marketing dashboards in 5 channel categories. These dashboards help you track your performance across different channels. Whether you’re an SEO blogger, PPC specialist, email marketer, social media expert, or you use several of them together, we’ve got you covered.

Get your affiliate marketing data flowing directly into the following dashboards:

These affiliate marketing dashboards were built on Google Data Studio. For more information about data visualization, take a look at our extensive Google Data Studio Guide.

Why is it important to set up your affiliate dashboard?

Being able to evaluate the performance of your affiliate marketing efforts is the primary reason for tracking your data. As an affiliate, your goal is to convert prospects into paying customers, so you need to understand which channels and strategies bring you these conversions. And that’s why you need tracking. Once you optimize your efforts, you’re able to allocate your marketing budget more effectively and focus your resources only on the most cost-effective campaigns.

What makes Supermetrics useful for affiliates?

If you’re one of us who prefer to focus on analysis and strategy instead of collecting and organizing data, these dashboards are for you. Take opportunity costs also into account.

Collecting data and creating dashboards or reports is a time-consuming process. But with our tools, you can combine all of your affiliate marketing data into one comprehensive dashboard.

By taking one glance at the dashboard, you will see in real time how your marketing campaigns and website are performing. You will face no steep learning curves since working with the data and tweaking your queries is made easy and straightforward for everyone, especially marketers.

How to understand whether your content is worth it?

“Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.” Before you decide to monetize your blog with affiliate links, you first need to build a loyal audience who wants to read your content. While Google’s algorithms dictate which websites appear in the top results for each search query, they were actually designed to reward publishers who create the most outstanding content. 

To boost your blog’s performance and drive affiliate sales, your content needs to answer the questions that your potential leads are searching for. Only then you should start optimizing your content for conversions with the help of this SEO reporting template for Google Data Studio.

moz url metrics overview template

With this template, you can analyze your affiliate blog or website against competitors on key metrics such as MOZ rank, page authority, domain authority, and the number of external links.

Get the Moz URL Metrics Overview template here >>

How do you track your PPC performance?

Savvy affiliate marketers leverage PPC to acquire traffic to their website and convert visitors into paying customers. While it’s getting more and more difficult to reach your audience organically, paid advertising can be your way to rank for competitive and difficult keywords. When done right, PPC will help you bring in qualified leads and climb at the top of your niche. 

Despite its multiple benefits, investing in PPC marketing is not a good strategy for novice affiliate marketers. Although paid advertising provides immediate results, you have to make sure the sales generated outweigh the expenses of running your ads. This can only be achieved by providing credible, quality organic content. Whether PPC is the right fit for your affiliate marketing efforts depends on your goals and the niche you operate in. 

It’s obvious that tracking your PPC ad performance is essential. Setting up and maintaining a campaign is crucial but so is being able to understand and monitor the results. If you’re not sure where to start, you may use the Google Ads Overview report. Covering all the necessary KPIs, this template provides you with a perfect affiliate dashboard that ensures you are on the right track from day 1. 

The Google Ads Overview template allows you to quickly check your affiliate campaigns’ performance. This template will help you understand better what’s working and which campaign needs optimization. 

Get the Google Ads Overview report here >> 

If you’re running paid ads on multiple platforms simultaneously, then the next template is for you. With the help of this Paid Channel Mix template, you can easily compare the performance of your campaigns across various channels: Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.

Get the Paid Channel Mix template here >>

How do you measure the success of your social media?

Social media is no longer just a place where you keep in touch with your friends. It’s an effective marketing tool that helps you communicate with and understand your target audience. Before any promotion, it’s critical to research which social media platforms your target audience uses the most. Keep in mind that not all platforms are affiliate-link-friendly. For example, it’s impossible to add a link to your Instagram post. 

Once you have your strategy and platform figured out, you need to keep track of your results. If you’re just getting started with social media or not sure what metrics to track, we’ve compiled several helpful social media reporting templates to beef up your affiliate marketing strategy.

facebook insights report template

This template is perfect for quickly checking the overall performance of your Facebook page. Easy to set up and go. 

Get your Facebook Page template here >>

pinterest organic report template

This Pinterest organic reporting template will help you quickly figure out how your Pinterest account is performing and get an overview of your top content.

Get your Pinterest Organic template here >>

Similarly to the two previous dashboards shared above, this template was created to see the performance of your YouTube channel at a glance.

Get your Youtube Channel Overview template here >>

Yes, email marketing is still not dead

While most affiliate marketers earn their commissions with websites and blogs or selling directly to their own clients, some also promote their engaging content and offers through email campaigns. Email campaigns and newsletters are not spam but a tool for marketing and building relationships. Why? Because we all live in our inbox.

Previously, we’ve published an article on how to launch your first email campaign as an affiliate: from setting up a goal to tracking your performance. With this Mailchimp performance template, you’ll get a comprehensive review of your email campaign performance. By checking and optimizing these KPIs can dramatically increase your open and conversion rates. 

This Mailchimp template provides a high-level overview of your affiliate campaign performance. Open and click rates, conversion funnel, campaign details—everything you need in one place.

Get your Mailchimp Campaign Performance template here >>

All-in-one affiliate dashboard

Most affiliate programs will provide you with the basic statistics for your affiliate sales tracking. For example, by joining our Supermetrics partner program you’ll get access to your personal partner area where you can find general statistics and graphs, traffic log, custom tracking links, and training materials

However, sometimes you just need to have it all in one place. This all-in-one affiliate dashboard is simply an overview of your website performance. It won’t give you in-depth metrics but rather a summary of your work. With the help of such a dashboard, you can easily compare what channel is performing better, for example, paid vs. organic. Then, you may choose a template from that category for a more in-depth analysis.

Get your Google Analytics 4 dashboard here >>


Now that you know why performance tracking is important for all affiliates, it’s time to check your metrics. With these affiliate dashboards, you will be able to optimize your affiliate marketing performance and drive more conversions in the most cost-effective way possible. The most successful affiliates make their decisions based on data, and so should you. To access more dashboards, visit our marketing report template gallery.

And if you’re not a Supermetrics user and want to just test these dashboards, don’t worry—you can start a free 14-day trial. No credit card required. And join our Supermetrics partner program to earn 20% recurring commissions from each recommendation that leads to a sale.

About Svetlana Gryaznova

Svetlana is a Partner Marketing Manager at Supermetrics. By combining both her engineering and business education background, Svetlana has worked in several startups across Europe. At the moment, she is applying her knowledge and skills to help grow the Supermetrics partner program. Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.

About Johannes Rastas

A Partner Marketing Manager at Supermetrics, Johannes focuses on expanding the Supermetrics partner program and collaborating with their existing partners. He also works with SEO and content on a daily basis. Feel free to contact him on LinkedIn.

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