Jan 22, 2020

PPC report templates: 30+ free performance marketing reports for Google Sheets, Data Studio & Excel

10-MINUTE READ | By Pinja Virtanen

DashboardsExcelGoogle SheetsLooker Studio (Google Data Studio)Performance Marketing Analytics

[ Updated Jun 25, 2024 ]

10-MINUTE READ · By Pinja Virtanen

At Supermetrics, we’re big on making marketing reporting as painless as possible. That’s why we love using ready-made templates as a starting point for building any and all of our reports.

In this post, we’ll walk you through 31 of our favorite PPC reporting templates that you can swipe today.

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PPC report templates for Google Sheets

If Google Sheets is your PPC reporting playground of choice, these 21 templates are for you.

Paid channel mix report for Google Sheets

paid channel mix reporting template for Google Sheets

If your paid channel mix consists of any combination of Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and Twitter Ads, you can use this template to quickly compare your campaign performance across key metrics, including impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per conversion.

Get the paid channel mix template >>

Detailed paid channel mix report for Google Sheets

detailed paid channel mix report for google sheets

If you’re looking to get a more detailed breakdown of your PPC campaign performance, this reporting template is for you. In addition to letting you combine high-level performance data from Google Ads, Twitter, Facebook, and Bing, you can also track daily performance, highest performing keywords, and ad set-level performance.

Get the detailed paid channel mix template >>

Detailed paid channel mix with Yandex.Direct report for Google Sheets

Detailed paid channel mix with Yandex Direct

Similarly to the previous template, this report allows you to get more granular with your PPC performance reporting. In addition to the channels listed above, it also lets you track the results of your Yandex.Direct campaigns.

Get the detailed paid channel mix template with Yandex.Direct >>

Branding performance dashboard for Google Sheets

branding performance dashboard for google sheets

Built by our friends at Gauge, this handy dashboard will calculate your optimal CPM and let you compare it to your current CPM. With channel-specific data from Google Ads, Google Display, and Facebook, the dashboard helps you quickly find out where you have the most room for improvement.

Get the branding performance template >>

Google Ads high-level monthly report for Google Sheets

google ads high level performance reporting template for google sheets

This monthly Google Ads report is especially convenient for agency marketers who need to quickly and clearly showcase their results to clients. Featuring an overview of account performance, month-over-month changes, and 12-month trend lines, this template offers a great baseline for high-level monthly reporting.

Get the high-level monthly Google Ads reporting template >>

Google Ads monthly report for Google Sheets

google ads monthly reporting template for google sheets

If you’re reporting to a manager or client who’s interested in seeing a detailed breakdown of your Google Ads results, you might want to give this template a go. In addition to the basics like clicks and conversions, the template allows you to review performance by additional variables, such as campaign, device, and country.

Get the monthly Google Ads reporting template >>

Google Ads in-depth PPC report for Google Sheets

google ads in-depth ppc report for Google Sheets

When you’re looking to optimize your Google Ads campaigns but don’t really know where to start, this template is a great resource. By providing a quick overview of what’s working and which areas need improvement, the template will help you optimize your Google Ads campaigns.

Get the Google Ads in-depth report template >>

Google Ads client budget and alerts for Google Sheets

Google Ads client budget tracker for Google Sheets

If you’re managing multiple Google Ads accounts, it can be pretty difficult to stay on top of account-level spend. Introducing: an agency marketer’s best friend AKA a convenient budget tracker that’ll help you avoid overspending and/or underspending by letting you know which client accounts require your immediate attention.

Get the Google Ads budget template >>

Google Ads keyword heatmap report for Google Sheets

Google Ads keyword heatmap template for Google Sheets

This template helps you analyze and optimize the performance of your Google Ads keywords by highlighting the highest-performing numbers in green and the relatively poorly performing figures in red. 

Get the Google Ads keyword heatmap template >>

Google Ads ad copy & preview template for Google Sheets

Google Ads copy template for Google Sheets

When you need to edit Google Ads across multiple ad groups, you can simplify the task with this handy template. You can also preview your ads directly in the template and export all changes at once without any manual copy-pasting.

Get the Google Ads ad copy & preview template >>

Google Ads ad label testing template for Google Sheets

Google Ads ad label testing template for Google Sheets

Use the ad label testing template to simplify running split tests between your ad copy variants. You can either test copy across campaigns or within a single ad group. 

Get the Google Ads ad label testing template >>

Google Ads historical quality score template for Google Sheets

Google ads historical quality score template

The Google Ads historical quality score template allows you to quickly review the quality score of your keywords to help you optimize your campaigns and content.

Get the Google Ads historical quality score template >>

Google Ads & organic keyword performance template for Google Sheets

Google Ads and organic keyword performance template for Google Sheets

If you’re like us and strongly believe that SEO and SEM shouldn’t live in their own silos, this template is for you. By figuring out which keywords perform well on Google Ads, but have a low visibility in organic search results, you’ll be able to optimize your content for organic search and increase high-quality traffic to your website.

Get the Google Ads & organic keyword performance template >>

Google AdSense report for Google Sheets

Google AdSense reporting template for Google Sheets

This template provides a detailed report of your AdSense account performance, including breakdowns by ad format and targeting type.

Get the Google AdSense reporting template >>

Microsoft Advertising high-level monthly report for Google Sheets

Bing Ads monthly reporting template for Google Sheets

Similarly to the high-level Google Ads monthly report, this template is perfect for agency marketers who want to provide an overview of their Bing Ads results to clients. From clicks to conversions and from cost per click to conversion rate, this template will help you communicate your biggest wins in a clear format.

Get the Microsoft Advertising high-level monthly report template >>

Microsoft Advertising in-depth report for Google Sheets

Bing Ads in-depth reporting template for Google Sheets

Even if you’re using a more straightforward template for client-facing reports, you may occasionally want to dive deeper into the data to come up with actionable optimization ideas. This template is perfect for Microsoft Advertising accounts with relatively high monthly budgets. It helps you quickly figure out what’s working well and which areas could use optimization.

Get the Microsoft Advertising in-depth reporting template >>

Microsoft Advertising client budget tracker & alert template for Google Sheets

Bing Ads client budget tracker for Google Sheets

If you’re managing multiple client ad accounts at once, it can be difficult to avoid accidental overspending or underspending. This handy Google Sheets template lets you know whenever one (or more) of your clients’ Microsoft Advertising accounts require your attention.

Get the Microsoft Advertising client budget tracker template >>

Facebook Ads high-level monthly report for Google Sheets

Facebook Ads high-level monthly reporting template for Google Sheets

If Facebook plays a large role in your paid channel mix, you may want to give this template a try. It pulls the most important data from demographics to clicks onto a single tab, making it easy for your manager or client to quickly review your results.

Get the Facebook Ads high-level monthly reporting template >>

PPC reporting templates for Google Data Studio

If your reporting platform of choice is Google Data Studio, worry not because we’ve got your back, too.

Paid channel mix report for Google Data Studio

If you’re looking to use Google Data Studio to compare and contrast the results of several different paid channels, this template is a great place to start.

Get the paid channel mix template for Google Data Studio >>

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads comparison report for Google Data Studio

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads comparison

This template is perfect when you want to compare the overall performance of your campaigns across two of the biggest advertising platforms: Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Get the Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads comparison template >>

Facebook Ads overview report for Google Data Studio

This visual report helps you clearly and efficiently communicate the performance of your Facebook Ads as compared to the previous period. 

Get the Facebook Ads overview report template >>

LinkedIn Ads overview report for Google Data Studio

Similarly to the Facebook Ads overview template above, this handy dashboard allows you (and your clients and/or managers) to see the performance of your LinkedIn ad campaigns at a glance. 

Get the LinkedIn Ads overview report template >>

Twitter Ads overview report for Google Data Studio

Twitter Ads overview report

If you’re running Twitter ads on a relatively large budget, this template is perfect for showcasing the results of your campaigns. From basic metrics like clicks, cost, and conversions to campaign-level breakdowns, this reporting template works well as a high-level monthly overview.

Get the Twitter Ads overview report template >>

Quora Ads overview report for Google Data Studio

Quora Ads overview reporting template for Google Data Studio

If you’re advertising on the question and answer platform Quora, this template will help you quickly figure out which campaigns and ad sets are bringing in the highest conversions.

Get the Quora Ads overview report template >>

Google AdSense monthly report for Google Data Studio

Google AdSense monthly reporting template for Google Data Studio

Get an overview of your AdSense results with this convenient dashboard. This visual one-page report makes it easy even for non-marketers to understand what’s happening with your Google AdSense campaigns. 

Get the AdSense monthly report template >>

PPC reporting templates for Excel

If Excel is your reporting tool of choice, you might want to check out these three templates that can save you some serious time.

Paid channel mix report for Excel

paid channel mix reporting template for Excel

If you’re running the same campaigns across several channels including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and Twitter Ads, this report will make it easy for you to compare and contrast the performance of each channel.

Get the paid channel mix reporting template >>

Google Ads overview report for Excel

Google Ads overview reporting template for Excel

If you’re running Google Ads internationally or on a relatively large budget, you may find this reporting template helpful. Use it as a client-facing document or an internal report to help non-marketers get a quick idea of which campaigns are performing the best across each geographic location you’re targeting.

Get the Google Ads reporting template >>

Facebook Ads overview report for Excel

Google Ads overview reporting template for Excel

This Facebook Ads reporting template provides a high-level overview of your campaign performance. And the best part? You can use it either as a client-facing report or for internal purposes only.

Get the Facebook Ads overview report template >>


I really hope you found some new ideas for your PPC reporting from these templates! And if you discovered a new favorite template, please let me know by tweeting at me.

Happy reporting!

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