Mar 15, 2022

Supermetrics Charts offers improved scorecards for your Google Data Studio dashboards

3-MINUTE READ | By Ralph Spandl

Data VisualizationLooker Studio (Google Data Studio)

[ Updated Mar 3, 2023 ]

Scorecards are everywhere. They’re a substantial element in any marketing dashboard because they provide an easy-to-understand visual representation of a KPI. But there is already a native scorecard in Google Data Studio, so why would we create a new one?

The scorecard dilemma

If you examine several dashboards, you’ll find that a scorecard is rarely used alone. A single KPI often has very little meaning. Using multiple scorecards side-by-side gives context mutually to your KPIs.

However, comparing numbers without visual representation requires your brain to work hard. Adding a bar or line chart will make the comparison a breeze. As an added value, you may even spot some odd patterns.

Comparing multiple KPIs is much easier by adding a bar chart.

KPIs are aggregated data. And aggregated data is often hiding the truth. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could quickly break down a KPI with a dimension to obtain multiple cards?

A single metric visualized by country quickly reveals that traffic is coming mainly from the US.

Improving scorecards without sacrificing the UX

Our new Combo Scorecards address the above concerns by offering the possibility to create small multiples and add a bar or line chart to the cards.

But we didn’t stop here—we also wanted to facilitate the maintenance by making them responsive and providing several layout options to make it the perfect fit for as many dashboard use-cases as possible. And still, creating these new scorecards isn’t more complicated than creating native scorecards.

Providing context with multiple scorecards

The new Combo Scorecard offers three types of small multiples. You can create them by adding various metrics or by adding a dimension. Finally, it’s possible to combine both methods to create a matrix.

At this point, scales come into play. As mentioned earlier, charts help the viewer to compare KPIs quickly. Therefore all charts should, in most cases, use the same scale.

If your dataset has one dominant dimension, you may want to use an individual scale for each card. The screenshots below demonstrate the three options that are available for this chart.

On the left side, all three charts use the same scale for the bar chart.
On the right side, each chart uses its own scale. Notice the axis on each chart.

As these examples show, there is no hard rule, which scales to apply depending on whether you want to show individual patterns or compare volume.

Avoid surprises with responsive cards

Numbers change. And from time to time, you change the layout of your dashboard.

Rigid settings can become an absolute nightmare. A KPI with a 24px font size might suddenly outgrow the canvas of your scorecard.

It can happen overnight when your KPI changes from a 3 to a 4-digit number, and you may not even realize that your dashboard looks broken.

On the left: native scorecards can break. On the right: self-adjusting labels.

We think charts should work the same way as responsive web pages. No matter the screen size, content always fits, whether KPIs, labels, or charts.

Try for yourself—big or small, your scorecard will never break.

If the scorecard becomes too small, the chart is automatically removed. If your date range becomes very long, a bar doesn’t necessarily represent a day, but maybe a week, a month, a quarter, or even a year. Just leave the auto-pilot turned on, and your dashboard is safe.

Leaving the auto-pilot on gives you self-adjustable scorecards.

No Dashboard is alike

You should be able to use all Supermetrics Charts in any dashboard. They fit any design, brand, and layout.

The chart offers many options to be adapted—vertical and horizontal layout, cards with or without charts.

You can also compare your metric to a target, a timeframe, or not at all.

Customize as needed.

Our charts adapt to theme settings and can be adjusted manually. You can also place your cards on top of images. They can be blurred for better readability. Glassmorphism at its best.

It’s not just about numbers. It’s also about emotion and telling a story.

Start using Supermetrics Charts yourself.

Are you looking for scorecards that have a significant visual impact on your dashboard? Are your clients expecting top-notch dashboards, but you don’t want to spend hours tweaking graphic details?

Give Supermetrics Charts a try and check out the demo report. They’re exclusively available to Supermetrics customers. Get your trial—contact sales today.

About the author

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Ralph Spandl

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