Feb 8, 2022
Introducing Supermetrics Charts for Google Data Studio
2-MINUTE READ | By Ralph Spandl
[ Updated Nov 7, 2023 ]
If you’re using Data Studio to visualize your data, you’ve had to create charts. So to get you one step closer to data insights, you can now use our new service — Supermetrics Charts for Google Data Studio.
Our Charts for Data Studio is a collection of new visualizations that you can use in all your dashboards like other charts and enhance the already existing data visualization capabilities of Google Data Studio.
Solve analytical problems
Is your marketing data complex and requires specific visualizations to reveal its secrets? We created several charts that will help you visualize particular scenarios, like charts to discover user journeys on your website or allow you to visualize funnels easily.

User journeys through a checkout process
Reduce maintenance
Your data changes every day, but do your visualizations adapt to your changing data? Do your ideas exceed the maximal capacity of 50 charts per report page?
Many of our charts can create small multiples. With a single chart, you can visualize a metric for many dimensions. And, of course, layout and font sizes will adapt automatically.

Track targets with a single chart by using small multiples
Create a better experience for report viewers
We designed all our charts with a focus on communication. They help the report viewer quickly understand the data with an uncluttered design and comprehensive tooltips.

Scorecards with small bar charts help to understand the core metrics better
The best thing is, you can use any of these charts in all your dashboards, no matter what data source or what connector you are using. Once integrated into your dashboards, they will play nicely with your theme settings and can be adapted to work with your brand.
To learn more about Supermetrics Charts, please visit our support site. The support site contains the complete list of Supermetrics Charts that you can immediately try out.
About the author

Ralph Spandl
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