Supermetrics report templates

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Facebook Page dashboard template

Facebook Page dashboard template

Get a complete overview of how your Facebook Page is performing with this visual dashboard.

Data sources used:

Google Ads & organic keyword performance template

Google Ads & organic keyword performance template

Compare the performance of your most important keywords across paid and organic traffic.

Data sources used:

Google Ads ad label testing tool template

Google Ads ad label testing tool template

Simplify the testing process of your Google Ads copy with this handy template.

Data sources used:

Google Ads budget tracker and alert by account

Google Ads budget tracker and alert by account

Make sure your Google Ads accounts are not overspending or under-spending with this convenient budget tracker.

Data sources used:

Google Ads campaign budget tracker and alert template

Google Ads campaign budget tracker and alert template

Make sure you're not overspending or under-spending on your clients' Google Ads accounts.

Data sources used:

Google Ads Campaign Performance dashboard

Google Ads Campaign Performance dashboard

Measure the success of your Google Ads campaigns easily with this versatile Google Sheets template. Track the basic metrics such as impressions, cost, and CPC, or edit the query and modify the template as much as you like.

Data sources used:

Google Ads copy edit tool template

Google Ads copy edit tool template

Simplify the process of simultaneously editing your Google Ads across multiple ad groups.

Data sources used:

Google Ads high-level monthly performance report template

Google Ads high-level monthly performance report template

Get an overview of your Google Ads account's performance with key metrics, including MoM changes and 12-month trend lines.

Data sources used:

Google Ads historical quality score analysis template

Google Ads historical quality score analysis template

Quickly determine which of your Google Ads keywords have low quality scores and see where you can improve.

Data sources used:

Google Ads in-depth performance report

Google Ads in-depth performance report

Get a thorough understanding of the performance of your Google Ads account.

Data sources used:


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