The Looker Studio


Planning and designing Looker Studio reports for organizations and agencies

What is a Looker Studio Toolkit?

The Looker Studio Toolkit is a UI-style guide that will help your organization create coherent reports even when many editors are involved in the creation process.

It defines all elements present in a report and sets rules that all report editors should follow.

How to make a copy of the Toolkit?

  1. Create a copy of the Google Sheets test data.
  2. Create a Looker Studio data source using your Google Sheet.
  3. Make a copy of the toolkit using your Looker Studio data source.
  4. Watch the video and learn how to adapt the toolkit for your organization.
Open datasourceOpen Toolkit

Using the Toolkit

This video will show you how we structured the toolkit and walk you through the process of creating your toolkit.

Supporting articles in our community

For a deep dive into the Toolkit, please visit the Supermetrics Community site, where we've added multiple articles on creating a centralized Looker Studio style guide.

(Links will follow once the articles are published)

Questions about the toolkit