Jul 30, 2020

Instagram Insights reporting in Google Data Studio: A free template and tutorial

5-MINUTE READ | By Joy Huynh

DashboardsData VisualizationInstagramLooker Studio (Google Data Studio)Social Media Analytics

[ Updated Oct 31, 2023 ]

TL;DR: You can copy our free Instagram Insights template for Google Data Studio here. But if you need some tips to get started, keep reading!

Out of curiosity: how do you decide what to post on your business account on Instagram?

There are a ton of formats to choose from. You can go with photos, videos, stories, or IGTV. Not to mention the unlimited options you have for the creative.

Creating content for Instagram takes lots of time—especially if you’re committed to posting frequently. So unless you know what works best for your business and audience, you’re wasting your time.

This is where Instagram Insights comes in handy.

Instagram Insights will help you figure out:

  • Who your followers are
  • What types of content do they prefer
  • Whether your Insta posts are working

In this post, I’ll show you how to quickly create a dashboard in Google Data Studio using Supermetrics’ Instagram Insights connector.

Fast forward >>>

You can use the insights from this template to improve your content strategy, optimize your campaigns, and grow your business account.

So, without further ado…

Instagram Insights report template for Google Data Studio

Instagram Insights template for Data Studio

Get the Instagram Insights report template >>

The template consists of 3 important sections: 

  • Profile performance insights
  • Audience demographics
  • Post performance insights

Next, let’s look at each section and see how you can use these insights to improve your Instagram marketing strategy.

1. Profile performance insights

Profile insights tell you how your audience interacts with your profile. 

At the top of this dashboard, you’ll see how many times people have seen your content and how many followers you have.

Instagram profile impressions

Pro tip: Since profile followers is a lifetime metric, you can’t use the comparison scorecard to see a historical change in this number

Next, you’ll find a sparkline chart showing how your profile reach and views have evolved over time.

Instagram profile trend

So, why do you need to care about your profile performance stats?

Let’s say you’re promoting an online store. The more people see your content, the more opportunities you have to drive sales. 

Instagram shop example

Profile followers is also a great metric for measuring brand affinity. Just compare your followers to those of your direct competitors to understand how well-liked your brand is in comparison.

If your profile reach and engagement are low or if you’re just starting out, you can quickly increase reach with paid ads and/or relevant hashtags.

Profile views can tell you if people want to learn more about your products. Especially if you’re showing different products in your feed or if you’ve released a new collection, you’ll want people to visit your profile and learn more about them.

Instagram profile example

2. Audience demographics

Audience demographics help you understand your followers and where they’re from.

Instagram followers by country

The template will also categorize your followers by age and gender.

Followers by age and gender

Here’s how you can use audience demographics data to improve your Instagram strategy:

  1. Inform your posting schedule to maximize reach—based on your followers’ location
  2. Check if your followers match your target audience—it just doesn’t make sense to create content for people who’ll never buy from you
  3. Inform your ad targeting on Instagram—target to the same demographics as your followers or similar demographics in different regions

3. Post performance insights

Now that people have hit the follow button on your profile, they’ll expect to see great content from you—no pressure, though.

The catch here is that you can create almost any type of content with Instagram. From photos to videos and carousels to IGTV, how can you tell which content type your audience enjoys the most?

The answer: try all kinds of formats and look at your post performance insights.

With the help of this template, you’ll be quickly able to spot the types of content your audience prefers.

Like count by content type

If you want to get a more granular view of your content performance, you can look at the table that shows you your reach, the number of impressions, saves, and likes per post.

Post performance metrics

You can use this data to:

  1. Double down on content types and creatives that are working
  2. Put some $$ on the best-performing posts to get even more reach and engagement.

If you love what you’re seeing, here’s how you can start using this template.

How to get started with this template

First, open the template. On the top left corner, click ‘Use template’.

Next, you’ll want to connect your Instagram Insights account to the template so it can automatically pull all the necessary data. 

To do that, click the drop-down menu → ‘Create new data source’.

Instagram Insight template 1
Google Data Studio copy this report window

Find a connector called ‘Instagram Insights by Supermetrics’.

Instagram Insights connector by Supermetrics

After completing the 2-step authorization, choose the Instagram account you want to get data from. Then click ‘Add’ → ‘Add to report’.

Authorizing the data source will automatically start your 14-day free trial of Supermetrics for Data Studio.

Select Instagram account

Then click ‘Add to report’.

Instagram Insights template 3

Voilà, your Instagram Insights overview report is done.

If you want to share the report with your team or clients, simply click ‘Share’ and enter their email addresses.

How to share this template

I hope you’ll be able to pull some valuable insights from this template. Feel free to play around with it, and customize it to your needs.

If you find this template useful or come up with new use cases, let me know on LinkedIn or Twitter.

But for now, happy reporting!

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