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Field list for Yahoo DSP

41 metrics and 47 dimensions available

Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearOfWeekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearOfWeekIsodim
Year & monthyearMonthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearWeekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearWeekIsodim
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)weekIsodim
Day of monthdayOfMonthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNamedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsodim
OBJECTSPublisher IDpublisher_iddimThe unique identifier of the publisher
Publisherpublisher_namedimThe name of the publisher
LayoutlayoutdimThe name of the layout expressed in terms of its dimensions
AdvertiseradvertiserdimThe name of the advertiser
Advertiser IDadvertiser_iddimThe unique identifier of the advertiser
Advertiser currencyadvertiser_currencydimThe currency used by the advertiser
CampaigncampaigndimThe name of the campaign
Campaign IDcampaign_iddimThe unique identifier of the campaign
Campaign start datecampaign_start_datedimThe start date of the campaign
Campaign end datecampaign_end_datedimThe end date of the campaign
Campaign total budgetcampaign_total_budgetdimThe total budget allocated to the campaign for the lifetime of the campaign
Line IDline_iddimThe unique identifier of the line
LinelinedimThe name of the line
AdaddimThe name of the ad
Ad IDad_iddimThe unique identifier of the ad
CreativecreativedimThe name of the creative
Creative IDcreative_iddimThe unique identifier of the creative
Media typemedia_typedimThe media type of the creative
LOCATIONCountrycountrydimName of the consumer's country
Country codecountryCodedimTwo-letter code of the consumer's country
RegionregiondimName of the consumer's region or state
CitycitydimName of the consumer's city
Postal codepostal_codedimName of the consumer's zip code or postal code
DEVICEDevice category namedevice_category_namedimThe name of the mobile operating system
Device category IDdevice_category_IDdimThe device category ID
Browser type namebrowser_type_namedimThe name of the consumer's browser
Browser type IDbrowser_type_iddimThe ID of the consumer's browser
Desktop OS namedesktop_OS_namedimThe name of the consumer's operating system. Possible values: Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, Unknown
Desktop OS IDdesktop_OS_IDdimThe ID of the consumer's operating system
AUDIENCEAgeagedimThe age group expressed as a range of ages. For example, 25-34
GendergenderdimThe gender of the segment. Possible values: Male, Female, Unknown
PIXELPixel IDpixel_iddimThe beacon ID of the conversion rule
Pixel namepixel_namedimThe name of the conversion rule
BASICImpressionsimpressionsmetThe total amount of times an ad has been displayed
Measurable impressionsmeasurable_impressionsmetTracks the number of impressions measured for viewability. Note that not all impressions may be measured because of technical limitations or publisher page design
Viewable impressionsviewable_impressionsmetThe total amount of times an ad has been displayed while in view
ClicksclicksmetThe amount of times an ad has been clicked
CTRctrmetClick-through rate
Network profitprofitmetThe total profit of the network
CPAcpametCost per action
CPCcpcmetCost per click
CPCVcpcvmetCost per completed video view
CPMcpmmetCost per a thousand impressions
vCPMvcpmmetCost per a thousand viewable impressions
Unique Viewersunique_viewersmetThe number of unique users
Moat viewable impressionsmoat_viewable_impressionsmetMoat viewable impressions
Moat viewability ratemoat_viewability_ratemetThe Moat viewable rate for display metrics. Moat viewable impressions divided by Moat measurable impressions
Moat measurable impressionsmoat_measurable_impressionsmetMoat measurable impressions for display metrics
Moat measurability ratemoat_measurability_ratemetThe Moat measurability rate, the percentage of impressions where Moat viewability was measurable
Non-viewable impressionsnon_viewable_impressionsmetThe number of impressions that were not viewable
CONVERSIONSConversionsconversionsmetThe total amount of conversions
Conversion ratecvrmetConversions divided by clicks
Conversion valueconversion_valuemetThe ROAS conversion value
Click-through conversionsclick_conversionsmetThe amount of times a user clicks on an ad impression, and eventually converts on the advertiser’s site who served the ad
View-through conversionsview_conversionsmetThe amount of times a user views an ad impression
Cross-device conversionscross_device_conversionsmetThe amount of cross-device conversions
VIDEOVideo view startsvideo_viewsmetThe amount of times a video was started
Video views 25%video_completions_25metNumber of video starts that resulted in at least a 25% completed video
Video views 50%video_completions_50metNumber of video starts that resulted in at least a 50% completed video
Video views 75%video_completions_75metNumber of video starts that resulted in at least a 75% completed video
Completed viewsvideo_completionsmetVideo views that resulted in 100% completion
Video view rate 25%video_completion_rate_25metPercentage of video starts that resulted in at least a 25% completed video
Video view rate 50%video_completion_rate_50metPercentage of video starts that resulted in at least a 50% completed video
Video view rate 75%video_completion_rate_75metPercentage of video starts that resulted in at least a 75% completed video
Video completion ratevcrmetPercentage of video views that resulted in 100% completion
COSTPublisher earningspublisher_earningsmetThe amount paid to publishers
Order management feeorder_management_feemetThe order management fee
Seat tech feeseat_tech_feemetThe seat tech fee
Seat data feeseat_data_feemetThe seat data fee
Seat management feeseat_management_feemetThe seam management fee
Yahoo data feesyahoo_data_feesmetThe Yahoo data fees
Third party data feesthird_party_data_feesmetThird party data fees
Estimated billable amountestimated_billable_amountmetThe costs and fees associated with lines or campaigns