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Field list for TikTok Organic

22 metrics and 32 dimensions available

Year of week (Sun-Sat)profile_year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)profile_year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthprofile_year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)profile_year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)profile_year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)profile_weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)profile_week_isodim
Day of monthprofile_day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)profile_day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)profile_day_of_week_name_isodim
ProfileUsernameprofile_usernamedimUsername of TikTok account.
Display nameprofile_display_namedimDisplay name for TikTok account.
Profile image URLprofile_profile_image_urldimThe URL link to profile image of the Tiktok account.
Video viewsprofile_video_viewsmetThe total number of times the business accounts videos have been viewed. This metric is available per day.
Profile viewsprofile_profile_viewsmetTotal number of time the business accounts profile has been viewed. This metric is available per day.
Total engagementprofile_total_engagementmetTotal number of engagement. Calculated with Likes + Comments + Shares
Likesprofile_likesmetTotal number of likes received across business accounts videos. This metric is available per day.
Commentsprofile_commentsmetTotal number of comments received across business accounts videos. This metric is available per day.
Sharesprofile_sharesmetTotal number of times the business accounts videos have been shared. This metric is available per day.
New followersprofile_new_followersmetTotal number of new followers each day within the specified range.
Current followersprofile_profile_followers__current_followersmetCurrent total number of accounts following this profile.
Usernamevideos_usernamedimUsername of TikTok account.
Display namevideos_display_namedimDisplay name for TikTok account.
VideoVideo IDvideos_video_iddimUnique identifier for the video.
Captionvideos_captiondimThe caption/description for the video.
Create datevideos_create_datedimDate when the video was posted.
Create datetimevideos_create_datetimedimDate-time when the video was posted.
Thumbnail URLvideos_thumbnail_urldimPreview thumbnail URL for the video.
Share URLvideos_share_urldimA shareable URL for the video.
Embed URLvideos_embed_urldimAn embeddable URL for the video.
Video viewsvideos_video_viewsmetThe total number of views the video has received.
Likesvideos_likesmetThe total number of likes the video has received
Commentsvideos_commentsmetThe total number of comments the video has received.
Sharesvideos_sharesmetThe total number of times the video has been shared.
Reachvideos_reachmetTotal number of unique viewers who viewed the video.
Video duration (s)videos_video_duration_secmetDuration of the video, in seconds.
Video duration (min)videos_video_duration_minmetDuration of the video, in minutes.
Video completion ratevideos_video_completion_ratemetPercentage of viewers who viewed the whole video.
Total time watched (s)videos_total_time_watched_secmetTotal watch-time in seconds for the video across all views.
Total time watched (min)videos_total_time_watched_minmetTotal watch-time in minutes for the video across all views.
Total time watched (h)videos_total_time_watched_hmetTotal watch-time in hours for the video across all views.
Average view time (s)videos_average_view_timemetAverage watch-time in seconds for the video across all views (Total time watched (s) / Video views).
ProfileUsernameterritories_usernamedimUsername of TikTok account.
Display nameterritories_display_namedimDisplay name for TikTok account.
CountryCountryterritories_countrydimCountry distribution of business accounts followers.
Distributionterritories_distributionmetGender distribution of business accounts followers. This information is available as an aggregate of the previous 60 days. This information is not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.
ProfileUsernamegender_usernamedimUsername of TikTok account.
Display namegender_display_namedimDisplay name for TikTok account.
GenderGendergender_genderdimGender of business accounts followers.
Distributiongender_distributionmetGender distribution of business accounts followers. This information is available as an aggregate of the previous 60 days. This information is not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.