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Field list for TikTok Ads

268 metrics and 128 dimensions available

TIMEYearyeardimYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearOfWeekdimYear of week for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearOfWeekIsodimYear of week for ISO standard Monday-Sunday weeks, e.g. 2017
Year & monthyearMonthdimYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
MonthmonthdimMonth, e.g. 6
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearWeekdimYear and week for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearWeekIsodimYear and week for ISO standard Monday-Sunday weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdimUS week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun)weekIsodimISO week number, e.g. 51
Day of monthdayOfMonthdimDay of month, e.g. 2
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNamedimDay of week number & name for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsodimDay of week number & name for ISO standard Monday to Sunday weeks, e.g. 1 Sunday
DatedatedimDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
HourhourdimHour in a 24-hour clock, e.g. 18
ACCOUNTAdvertiser nameadvertiser_namedimName of the advertiser account
Advertiser IDadvertiser_iddimID of the advertiser account
Advertiser statusadvertiser_statusdim
Companyadvertiser_companydimAdvertiser company name
Advertiser balanceadvertiser_balancedimAvailable balance on the account
Currencyadvertiser_currencydimCurrency of the advertiser account
Time zoneadvertiser_timezonedimTime zone of the ad account
Advertiser addressadvertiser_addressdimAdvertiser company address
Advertiser countryadvertiser_countrydimAdvertiser company country
Advertiser license numberadvertiser_license_numberdimAdvertiser company license number
Advertiser contact emailadvertiser_emaildim
Advertiser contact phone numberadvertiser_phone_numberdimFixed phone number, desensitised data
Advertiser cellphone numberadvertiser_cellphone_numberdimContact mobile number, desensitised data
Business center IDadvertiser_owner_business_center_iddimID of a Business Center that the ad account belongs to
Advertiser account typeadvertiser_account_typedimType of the ad account, values include: RESERVATION, AUCTION
CAMPAIGNCampaign namecampaign_namedimName of the campaign
Campaign IDcampaign_iddimID of the campaign
Campaign typecampaign_typedimType of the campaign
Campaign budgetcampaign_budgetdimBudget of the campaign
Campaign budget modecampaign_budget_modedimBudget of the campaign
Campaign statuscampaign_statusdimThe status of the campaign
Campaign operation statuscampaign_operation_statusdimOperation status, values include: DISABLE, ENABLE, DELETE
Campaign objective typecampaign_objective_typedim
Campaign RF typecampaign_rf_campaign_typedimWhen objective type is specified as RF_REACH, this field shows whether the campaign has been set as a TikTok Pulse campaign. Values: STANDARD (Reach & Frequency campaign), PULSE (TikTok Pulse campaign)
Campaign creation datecampaign_creation_datedim
Campaign modify datecampaign_modify_datedim
AD GROUPAd group namead_group_namedimName of the ad group
Ad group IDad_group_iddimID of the ad group
Ad group statusad_group_statusdim
Ad group operation statusad_group_opt_statusdimOperation status, values include: DISABLE, ENABLE
Optimization goaloptimize_goaldimThe optimization goal for the ad group, see possible values at
CPV video durationcpv_video_durationdimOptimized video playback duration, values include: SIX_SECONDS (video playback 6 seconds) and TWO_SECONDS (video playback 2 seconds)
PacingpacingdimSpeed of ad delivery, values include PACING_MODE_SMOOTH (Standard pace, budgets are allocated within the scheduled ad time) and PACING_MODE_FAST (Fast paced, consumes budget and produces results as fast as possible)
Bid methodbilling_eventdimBilling event for the ad group, eg. CPC, CPM or CPV
Bidding strategybid_typedimValues include BID_TYPE_CUSTOM (Manual bidding), BID_TYPE_MAX_CONVERSION (Maximum conversion bidding), BID_TYPE_NO_BID (Disable bid control, spending your budget fully and getting the maximum possible results)
Deep bid typedeep_bid_typedimValues include DEFAULT (No deep event bid), MIN (Double bid operation Method: Tiktok Ads platform will bid to keep your average cost around your target, including installation and target costs), PACING (Automatic optimization operation method: Tiktok Ads platform will bid to keep your average installation cost around your target goal, while aiming to get you the maximum number of target events.)
BidbiddimCPC, CPM bidding, oCPM learning bidding
Conversion bidconversion_biddimoCPM conversion bid
Conversion bid statistic typestatistic_typedimConversion bid statistic type, either EVERYTIME (Each Purchase) or NONE (Unique Purchase)
Deep CPA biddeep_cpabiddimDeep bid
Placement typeplacement_typedimPossible values for placement type are PLACEMENT_TYPE_AUTOMATIC (automatic placement), PLACEMENT_TYPE_NORMAL (manual placement)
AG Placementadgroup_placementdimPlacement location. If placement_type of the adgroup is PLACEMENT_TYPE_AUTOMATIC (automatic placement), placement will be returned as None
Are comments disabledis_comment_disabledimWhether to allow comments on your ads on TikTok, Vigo, Helo. Optional values: FALSE (allow), TRUE (restrict)
Schedule typeschedule_typedimAd schedule type values include: SCHEDULE_FROM_NOW, SCHEDULE_START_END
Schedule start timeschedule_start_timedimAd delivery start time (UTC)
Schedule end timeschedule_end_timedimAd delivery end time (UTC)
Ad group budgetad_group_budgetdimBudget of the ad group
Ad group budget modead_group_budget_modedimBudget mode of the ad group
Ad group shopping ads typead_group_shopping_ads_typedimShopping ads type. Values include: UNSET, VIDEO (Video shopping ads), LIVE (Live shopping ads), CATALOG_LISTING_ADS
Ad group product sourcead_group_product_sourcedimValues include: UNSET, CATALOG (Catalog), STORE (TikTok Shop or TikTok Storefront (third-party store))
Ad group split test group IDad_group_split_test_group_iddimSplit test group ID. Returned if the ad group is part of a split test
Ad group split test statusad_group_split_test_statusdimSplit test status. Returned if the ad group is part of a split test
ADAd namead_namedimName of the ad
Ad textad_textdimText of the ad
Ad IDad_iddimID of the ad
Ad statusad_statusdimThe status of the ad
Ad operation statusad_opt_statusdimOperation status, values include: DISABLE, ENABLE
Post IDpost_iddimID of the post associated with the ad
Profile image URLprofile_imagedimAvatar URL
Landing page URLlanding_page_urldim
utm_source parameter valueutm_sourcedimutm_source parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_medium parameter valueutm_mediumdimutm_medium parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_campaign parameter valueutm_campaigndimutm_campaign parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_term parameter valueutm_termdimutm_term parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_content parameter valueutm_contentdimutm_content parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
Display namedisplay_namedimThe display name of the landing page or pure exposure ad
Call-to-actioncall_to_actiondimThe call-to-action (CTA) text
Playable URLplayable_urldimPlayable material URL
Video IDvideo_iddimID of ad video
Image modeimage_modedimMaterial type
Ad product specific typead_product_specific_typedimDifferent dimensions to choose products, values include: ALL, PRODUCT_SET, CUSTOMIZED_PRODUCTS
Ad catalog IDad_catalog_iddimThe catalog you choose for your ads
Ad product set IDad_product_set_iddimThe ID of the product set
Ad SKU IDsad_sku_idsdimIDs of the SKUs
Ad dynamic formatad_dynamic_formatdimValues include: UNSET, DYNAMIC_CREATIVE (smart creative)
Ad vertical video strategyad_vertical_video_strategydimValues include: UNSET, CUSTOM (single video), TPL_VIDEO (catalog videos), LIVE_STREAM
Ad dynamic destinationad_dynamic_destinationdimValues include: UNSET, DLP (Dynamic Landing Page)
CREATIVEVideo thumbnailvideo_thumbnaildimThumbnail image for video creative
Video thumbnail URLvideo_thumbnail_urldimThumbnail URL for video creative
PROMOTED APPTikTok app IDtt_app_iddimTikTok App ID, the App ID you used when creating an Ad Group. Supported in Ad Group and Ad level. Returned if the promotion type of one Ad Group is App
TikTok app namett_app_namedimThe name of your TikTok App. Supported in Ad Group and Ad level. Returned if the promotion type of one Ad Group is App
Mobile app IDmobile_app_iddimMobile App ID. Supported in Ad Group and Ad level. Returned if the promotion type of one Ad Group is App
Promoted app nameapp_namedimThe name of the promoted app
Promoted app IDapp_iddimThe application ID of the promoted app
Promoted app typeapp_typedimThe type of the promoted app
Promoted app download URLapp_download_urldimThe download URL of the promoted app
Promoted app packageapp_packagedimThe package name of the promoted app
CONVERSIONConversion eventexternal_actiondimName of the shallow external action conversion event
Deep conversion eventdeep_external_actiondimName of the deep external action conversion event
Pixel IDpixel_iddimID of the conversion pixel
TARGETINGAudience typeaudience_typedimAudience type values: CUSTOM_AUDIENCE (Customize your audience), EXCLUDE_INTERACT_USERS (Exclude audience who have interacted with your App), INCLUDE_INTERACT_USERS (Include audience who have interacted with your App), INCLUDE_SPECIFIC_EVENTS (Include audience who satisfy specific audience_rule), EXCLUDE_SPECIFIC_EVENTS (Exclude audience who satisfy specific audience_rule)
Audience ruleaudience_ruledimAudience targeting inclusion and exclusion rules
Age targetingtarget_agedimList of targeted age groups
Gender targetingtarget_genderdimTargeted gender
Language targetingtarget_languagesdimList of targeted languages
Operating system targetingtarget_operation_systemdimList of targeted operating systems
Connection type targetingtarget_connection_typedimList of targeted connection types
Device price targetingtarget_device_pricedimTargeted device price in USD, for example: [0,300] represents price range is from $0 to $300
Minimum Android versiontarget_android_osvdimTargeted audience minimum Android version
Minimum iOS versiontarget_ios_osvdimTargeted audience minimum iOS version
DMA IDdma_iddim
DMA namedma_namedim
Province IDprovince_iddim
Province nameprovince_namedim
Country codecountry_codedim
Connection typeconnection_typedim
Device platformplatformdimReports the OS platform that received impressions of your ads (iOS, Android, etc.)
PlacementplacementdimReports the apps that were served impressions of your ads
Interest categoryinterest_category_namedim
DEPRECATEDKeywordskeywordsdimAn array of keywords to describe the app/website. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-06-17
ACCOUNTCost (cash)cost_cashmetThe estimated amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group, or ad during its schedule charged by cash
Cost (voucher)cost_vouchermetThe estimated amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group, or ad during its schedule charged by voucher
BASICImpressionsimpressionsmetThe number of times your ads were on screen
ClicksclicksmetThe number of clicks on your ads
CTRCTR_percmetThe percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click
CostcostmetThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group or ad in the currency of the advertising account
Cost (EUR)cost_eurmetThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group or ad converted to euros
Cost (GBP)cost_gbpmetThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group or ad converted to British pounds
Cost (USD)cost_usdmetThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group or ad converted to US dollars
CPCcpcmetThe average amount of money you've spent on a click
CPMcpmmetThe average amount of money you've spent per 1,000 impressions
REACHReachreachmetThe number of unique users who saw your ads at least once. This metric is estimated
FrequencyfrequencymetThe average number times each unique user saw your ads. Calculated as impressions divided by reach. This metric is estimated
Cost per 1,000 people reachedcost_per_1000_reachedmetThe average cost to reach 1,000 unique users. This metric is estimated
CONVERSIONResultsresultsmetThe number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected. One campaign may have a number of different optimization goals. Calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred
Result rateresult_ratemetThe percentage of results you achieved out of all of the views/clicks on your ads. Calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred
Cost per resultcost_per_resultmetThe average cost for each result from your ads. Calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred
Real-time resultsreal_time_resultsmetThe number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected. One campaign may have a number of different optimization goals. Count is based on when the conversion actually happened
Real-time result ratereal_time_result_ratemetThe percentage of real-time results you achieved out of all of the views/clicks on your ads. Calculated based on when the conversion actually happened
Cost per real-time resultreal_time_cost_per_resultmetThe average cost for each real-time result from your ads. Calculated based on when the conversion actually happened
ConversionsconversionsmetThe number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected. One campaign may have a number of different secondary goals. Calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred
Conversion rateconversion_ratemetThe percentage of results you received out of all the clicks of your ads. Calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred
Cost per conversioncost_per_conversionmetThe average amount of money you've spent on a conversion (CPA). Calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred
Real-time conversionsreal_time_conversionsmetThe number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the objective and settings you selected. Count is based on when the conversion actually happened
Real-time conversion ratereal_time_conversion_ratemetThe percentage of real-time conversions you received out of all the clicks of your ads. Calculated based on when the conversion actually happened
Cost per real-time conversioncost_per_real_time_conversionmetThe average amount of money you've spent on a real-time conversion (Real-time CPA). Calculated based on when the conversion actually happened
Secondary goal resultsecondary_goal_resultmetThe number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected. As one campaign may have a number of different secondary goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Cost per secondary goal resultcost_per_secondary_goal_resultmetThe average cost for each secondary goal result from your adverts. As one campaign may have a number of different secondary goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Results (SKAN)skan_resultsmetThe number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Result rate (SKAN)skan_result_ratemetThe percentage of results you achieved out of all of the views/clicks on your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Cost per result (SKAN)skan_cost_per_resultmetThe average cost for each result from your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Conversions (SKAN)skan_conversionsmetThe number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Conversion rate (SKAN)skan_conversion_ratemetThe percentage of results you received out of all the clicks of your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Cost per conversion (SKAN)skan_cost_per_conversionmetThe average amount of money you've spent on a conversion (CPA). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
VIDEOVideo viewsvideo_play_actionsmetThe number of times your video starts to play. Replays will not be counted
2-second video viewsvideo_watched_2smetThe number of times your video played for at least 2 seconds. Replays will not be counted
6-second video viewsvideo_watched_6smetThe number of times your video played for at least 6 seconds, or completely played. Replays will not be counted
Avg watch time per video viewaverage_video_playmetThe average time your video was played per single video view, including any time spent replaying the video
Avg watch time per personaverage_video_play_per_usermetThe average time your video was played per person, including any time spent replaying the video. This metric is estimated
Video views at 25%video_views_p25metThe number of times your video was played at 25% of its length. Replays will not be counted
Video views at 50%video_views_p50metThe number of times your video was played at 50% of its length. Replays will not be counted
Video views at 75%video_views_p75metThe number of times your video was played at 75% of its length. Replays will not be counted
Video views at 100%video_views_p100metThe number of times your video was played at 100% of its length. Replays will not be counted
6-second video views (focused view)engaged_viewmetThe number of times your video has been played at least 6 seconds, or received at least 1 engagement within 1 day of the user seeing a paid ad. Engagements to be measured: Likes, shares, follows, profile visits, clicks, hashtag clicks, music clicks, anchor clicks, and interactive add-ons activity clicks
ENGAGEMENTProfile visitsprofile_visitsmetThe number of profile visits the ad drove during the campaign
Paid likeslikesmetThe total amount of likes the ad received during the campaign
Paid commentscommentsmetThe number of comments the ad received during the campaign
Paid sharessharesmetThe number of shares the ad received during the campaign
Paid followsfollowsmetThe number of new followers that were gained within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad
Clicks (All)engagementsmetThe sum of all clickable interactions on your ads, including clicks led to advertiser-specified destinations and non-destination clicks from social actions and interactive experiences
Music clicksclicks_on_music_discmetThe number of clicks on the official music in your Spark Ads during the campaign
Duet clicksduet_clicksmetThe number of clicks on the "Duet" button
Stitch clicksstitch_clicksmetThe number of clicks on the "Stitch" button
IN APP EVENTReal-time app installsreal_time_app_installmetThe number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.)
App installsapp_installmetThe number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique registrationsregistrationmetThe number of unique registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique purchasespurchasemetThe number of unique purchases event occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique adds to cartapp_event_add_to_cartmetThe number of unique times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique checkoutscheckoutmetThe number of unique times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique content viewsview_contentmetThe number of unique times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique day 2 retentionsnext_day_openmetThe number of unique day 2 retentions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique payment info additionsadd_payment_infometThe number of unique times a user added payment info in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique adds to wishlistadd_to_wishlistmetThe number of unique times users added items to a wishlist in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique app launcheslaunch_appmetThe number of unique times a user launched your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique tutorial completionscomplete_tutorialmetThe number of unique times a user completed a tutorial in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique group creationscreate_groupmetThe number of unique times a user created a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique group joinsjoin_groupmetThe number of unique times a user joined a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique role creationscreate_gamerolemetThe number of unique times a user created a character or role in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique credit spendsspend_creditsmetThe number of unique times a user spent credit in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique level achievementsachieve_levelmetThe number of unique times a user achieved a level in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique achievement unlocksunlock_achievementmetThe number of unique times that a user unlocked an achievement in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique in-app ad clicksin_app_ad_clickmetThe number of unique in-app ad click events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique in-app ad impressionsin_app_ad_imprmetThe number of unique in-app ad impression events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique loan applicationsloan_applymetThe number of unique times a user applied for a loan in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique loan approvalsloan_creditmetThe number of unique times a user was approved a loan in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique loan disbursementsloan_disbursementmetThe number of unique loan disbursal in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique loginsloginmetThe number of unique logins in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique searchessearchmetThe number of unique searches in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique trial statsstart_trialmetThe number of unique times a user started a trial in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Unique subscribessubscribemetThe number of unique subscriptions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Registrations eventstotal_registrationmetRegistration (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Purchase eventstotal_purchasemetPurchase (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total purchase valuetotal_purchase_valuemetTotal Purchase Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Add to cart eventstotal_app_event_add_to_cartmetAdd to Cart (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total add to cart valuetotal_app_event_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal Add to Cart Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Cost per add to cart (in app)cost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cartmetCost per Add to Cart (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Checkout eventstotal_checkoutmetCheckout (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total checkout valuetotal_checkout_valuemetTotal Checkout Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
View content eventstotal_view_contentmetView Content (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total view content valuetotal_view_content_valuemetTotal View Content Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Day 2 retention eventstotal_next_day_openmetDay 2 Retention (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Add payment info eventstotal_add_payment_infometAdd Payment Info (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Add to wishlist eventstotal_add_to_wishlistmetAdd to Wishlist (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total add to wishlist valuetotal_add_to_wishlist_valuemetTotal Add to Wishlist Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Launch app eventstotal_launch_appmetLaunch App (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Complete tutorial eventstotal_complete_tutorialmetComplete Tutorial (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total complete tutorial valuetotal_complete_tutorial_valuemetTotal Complete Tutorial Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Create group eventstotal_create_groupmetCreate Group (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total create group valuetotal_create_group_valuemetTotal Create Group Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Join group eventstotal_join_groupmetJoin Group (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total join group valuetotal_join_group_valuemetTotal Join Group Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Create role eventstotal_create_gamerolemetCreate Role (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total create role valuetotal_create_gamerole_valuemetTotal Create Role Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Spend credit eventstotal_spend_creditsmetSpend Credit (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total spend credit valuetotal_spend_credits_valuemetTotal Spend Credit Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Achieve level eventstotal_achieve_levelmetAchieve Level (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total achieve level valuetotal_achieve_level_valuemetTotal Achieve Level Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Unlock achievement eventstotal_unlock_achievementmetUnlock Achievement (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total unlock achievement valuetotal_unlock_achievement_valuemetTotal Unlock Achievement Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
In-app ad clickstotal_in_app_ad_clickmetIn App Ad Click (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total in app ad click valuetotal_in_app_ad_click_valuemetTotal In App Ad Click Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
In-app ad impressionstotal_in_app_ad_imprmetIn-app ad impressions (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total in-app ad impression valuetotal_in_app_ad_impr_valuemetTotal in-app ad impression value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Loan apply eventstotal_loan_applymetLoan Apply (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Loan approval eventstotal_loan_creditmetLoan Approval (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Loan disbursement eventstotal_loan_disbursementmetLoan Disbursement (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Login eventstotal_loginmetLogin (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Search eventstotal_searchmetSearch (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Start trial eventstotal_start_trialmetStart Trial (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Subscribe eventstotal_subscribemetSubscribe (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total subscribe valuetotal_subscribe_valuemetTotal Subscribe Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Unique generate leadsales_leadmetThe number of unique leads generated in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads
Total generate leadtotal_sales_leadmetGenerate lead (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total generate lead valuetotal_sales_lead_valuemetTotal generate lead value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Unique rateratingsmetThe number of unique ratings in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads
Total ratetotal_ratingsmetRate (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Total rate valuetotal_ratings_valuemetTotal rate value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
IN APP EVENT (SKAN)App Installs (SKAN)skan_app_installmetThe number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique registrations (SKAN)skan_registrationmetThe number of unique registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Registration events (SKAN)skan_total_registrationmetRegistration (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique purchases (SKAN)skan_purchasemetThe number of unique purchases event occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Purchase events (SKAN)skan_total_purchasemetPurchase (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total purchase value (SKAN)skan_total_purchase_valuemetTotal Purchase Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique adds to cart (SKAN)skan_add_to_cartmetThe number of unique times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Add to cart events (SKAN)skan_total_add_to_cartmetAdd to Cart (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Cost per add to cart (SKAN)skan_cost_per_total_add_to_cartmetThe average cost for each add to cart event that is attributed to your ads. The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API
Total add to cart value (SKAN)skan_total_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal Add to Cart Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique checkouts (SKAN)skan_checkoutmetThe number of unique times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Checkout events (SKAN)skan_total_checkoutmetCheckout (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total checkout value (SKAN)skan_total_checkout_valuemetTotal Checkout Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique view content (SKAN)skan_view_contentmetThe number of unique times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
View content events (SKAN)skan_total_view_contentmetView Content (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total view content value (SKAN)skan_total_view_content_valuemetTotal View Content Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique add payment info (SKAN)skan_add_payment_infometThe number of unique times a user added payment info in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Add payment info events (SKAN)skan_total_add_payment_infometAdd Payment Info (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique add to wishlist (SKAN)skan_add_to_wishlistmetThe number of unique times users added items to a wishlist in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Add to wishlist events (SKAN)skan_total_add_to_wishlistmetAdd to Wishlist (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total add to wishlist value (SKAN)skan_total_add_to_wishlist_valuemetTotal Add to Wishlist Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique launch app (SKAN)skan_launch_appmetThe number of unique times a user launched your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Launch app events (SKAN)skan_total_launch_appmetLaunch App (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique complete tutorial (SKAN)skan_complete_tutorialmetThe number of unique times a user completed a tutorial in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Complete tutorial events (SKAN)skan_total_complete_tutorialmetComplete Tutorial (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total complete tutorial value (SKAN)skan_total_complete_tutorial_valuemetTotal Complete Tutorial Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique create group (SKAN)skan_create_groupmetThe number of unique times a user created a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Create group events (SKAN)skan_total_create_groupmetCreate Group (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total create group value (SKAN)skan_total_create_group_valuemetTotal Create Group Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique join group (SKAN)skan_join_groupmetThe number of unique times a user joined a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Join group events (SKAN)skan_total_join_groupmetJoin Group (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total join group value (SKAN)skan_total_join_group_valuemetTotal Join Group Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique create role (SKAN)skan_create_gamerolemetThe number of unique times a user created a character or role in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Create role events (SKAN)skan_total_create_gamerolemetCreate Role (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total create role value (SKAN)skan_total_create_gamerole_valuemetTotal Create Role Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique spend credit (SKAN)skan_spend_creditsmetThe number of unique times a user spent credit in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Spend credit events (SKAN)skan_total_spend_creditsmetSpend Credit (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total spend credit value (SKAN)skan_total_spend_credits_valuemetTotal Spend Credit Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique achieve level (SKAN)skan_achieve_levelmetThe number of unique times a user achieved a level in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Achieve level events (SKAN)skan_total_achieve_levelmetAchieve Level (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total achieve level value (SKAN)skan_total_achieve_level_valuemetTotal Achieve Level Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique unlock achievement (SKAN)skan_unlock_achievementmetThe number of unique times that a user unlocked an achievement in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unlock achievement events (SKAN)skan_total_unlock_achievementmetUnlock Achievement (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total unlock achievement value (SKAN)skan_total_unlock_achievement_valuemetTotal Unlock Achievement Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique generate lead (SKAN)skan_sales_leadmetThe number of unique leads generated through your mobile app and are attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total generate lead events (SKAN)skan_total_sales_leadmetGenerate Lead (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total generate lead value (SKAN)skan_total_sales_lead_valuemetTotal Generate Lead Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique in app ad click (SKAN)skan_in_app_ad_clickmetThe number of unique in-app ad click events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
In app ad click events (SKAN)skan_total_in_app_ad_clickmetIn App Ad Click (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total an app ad click value (SKAN)skan_total_in_app_ad_click_valuemetTotal In App Ad Click Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique in app ad impressions (SKAN)skan_in_app_ad_imprmetThe number of unique in-app ad impression events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
In app ad impressions events (SKAN)skan_total_in_app_ad_imprmetIn-app ad impressions (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total in app ad impressions value (SKAN)skan_total_in_app_ad_impr_valuemetTotal in-app ad impression value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique loan apply (SKAN)skan_loan_applymetThe number of unique times a user applied for a loan in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Loan apply event (SKAN)skan_total_loan_applymetLoan Apply (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique loan approval (SKAN)skan_loan_creditmetThe number of unique times a user was approved a loan in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Loan approval events (SKAN)skan_total_loan_creditmetLoan Approval (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique loan disbursement (SKAN)skan_loan_disbursementmetThe number of unique loan disbursal in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Loan disbursement events (SKAN)skan_total_loan_disbursementmetLoan Disbursement (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique logins (SKAN)skan_loginmetThe number of unique logins in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Login events (SKAN)skan_total_loginmetLogin (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique ratings (SKAN)skan_ratingsmetThe number of unique ratings in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Rate events (SKAN)skan_total_ratingsmetRates (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total rate value (SKAN)skan_total_ratings_valuemetTotal rate value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique search (SKAN)skan_searchmetThe number of unique searches in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Search events (SKAN)skan_total_searchmetSearch (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique start trial (SKAN)skan_start_trialmetThe number of unique times a user started a trial in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Start trial events (SKAN)skan_total_start_trialmetStart Trial (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Unique subscribe (SKAN)skan_subscribemetThe number of unique subscriptions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Subscribe events (SKAN)skan_total_subscribemetSubscribe (Total No.). SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
Total subscribe value (SKAN)skan_total_subscribe_valuemetTotal Subscribe Value. SKAN metrics will only display values for iOS14 dedicated campaigns
ATTRIBUTIONVTA conversionsvta_conversionmetThe percentage of app install events you received out of all the clicks of your ads
VTA registrationsvta_registrationmetThe number of registration event that attribute to impression, based on information received from your measurement partner
VTA purchasesvta_purchasemetThe number of in-app payment event that attribute to impression, based on information received from your measurement partner
CTA conversionscta_conversionmetThe number of in-app app install event that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to the amount of clicks
CTA registrationscta_registrationmetThe number of in-app registration event that attribute to click, based on information received from your measurement partner
CTA purchasescta_purchasemetThe number of in-app payment event that attribute to click, based on information received from your measurement partner
PAGE EVENTComplete payment ROAScomplete_payment_roasmetThe total return on ad spend (ROAS) from complete payment events that are attributed to your ads
Complete payment eventscomplete_paymentmetThe number of complete payment events
Total complete payment valuetotal_complete_payment_ratemetThe total value returned from complete payment events
Total landing page viewtotal_landing_page_viewmetThe number of landing page view events from your ads
Cost per landing page viewcost_per_landing_page_viewmetThe average cost of each landing page view event
Landing page view ratelanding_page_view_ratemetThe percentage of click events that are landing page view events
Cost per add to cartcost_per_web_event_add_to_cartmetThe average cost of each add to cart event
Page browse eventspage_browse_viewmetThe number of page browse events
Button click eventsbutton_clickmetThe number of button click events
Total button click valuetotal_button_click_valuemetThe total value returned from button click events
Online consultation eventsonline_consultmetThe number of online consultation events
Total online consultation valuetotal_online_consult_valuemetThe total value returned from online consultation events
User registrationsuser_registrationmetThe number of user registration events
Total user registration valuetotal_user_registration_valuemetThe total value returned from user registration events
Product details page browse eventsproduct_details_page_browsemetThe number of product details page browse events
Total product details page browse valuetotal_product_details_page_browse_valuemetThe total value returned from product details page browse events
Add to cart eventsweb_event_add_to_cartmetThe number of add to cart events
Total add to cart valuetotal_web_event_add_to_cart_valuemetThe total value returned from add to cart events
Place an order eventson_web_ordermetThe number of place an order events
Total place an order valuetotal_on_web_order_valuemetThe total value returned from place an order events
Form submissionsformmetThe number of form submission events
Total form submission valuetotal_form_valuemetThe total value returned from form submission events
Download button clicksdownload_startmetThe number of download button click events
Total download button click valuetotal_download_start_valuemetThe total value returned from download button click events
Checkout initiationsinitiate_checkoutmetThe number of initiate checkout events
Total initiate checkout valuetotal_initiate_checkout_valuemetThe total value returned from initiate checkout events
Add billingadd_billingmetThe number of add billing events
Total add billing valuetotal_add_billing_valuemetThe total value returned from add billing events
Search eventspage_event_searchmetThe number of search events
Total search valuetotal_page_event_search_valuemetThe total value returned from search events
Total subscribeon_web_subscribemetThe number of subscribe events that are attributed to your ads
Total subscribe valuetotal_on_web_subscribe_valuemetThe total value returned from all subscribe events
Cost per subscribecost_per_on_web_subscribemetThe average cost of each subscribe event
Subscribe rate (%)on_web_subscribe_per_clickmetThe percentage of subscribe events out of all click events
Value per subscribevalue_per_on_web_subscribemetThe average value returned from each subscribe event
ONSITE EVENTComplete payment ROAS (onsite)onsite_shopping_roasmetThe total return on ad spend (ROAS) from complete payment events that are attributed to your ads on TikTok Store
Complete payment (onsite)onsite_shoppingmetThe number of complete payment events on TikTok Store
Cost per complete payment (onsite)cost_per_onsite_shoppingmetThe average cost of each 'Complete Payment' event attributed to your TikTok ads
Total complete payment value (onsite)total_onsite_shopping_valuemetThe total value returned from 'Complete Payment' events attributed to your TikTok ads
Initiate checkout (onsite)onsite_initiate_checkoutmetThe number of initiate checkout events on TikTok Store
Product details page view (onsite)onsite_on_web_detailmetThe number of product details page view events on TikTok Store
Add to wishlist (onsite)onsite_add_to_wishlistmetThe number of add to wishlist events on TikTok Store
Add billing (onsite)onsite_add_billingmetThe number of add billing events on TikTok Store
Add to cart (onsite)onsite_on_web_cartmetThe number of add to cart events on TikTok Store
Cost per add to cart (onsite)cost_per_onsite_on_web_cartmetThe average cost of each 'Add to Cart' event attributed to your TikTok ads
Total add to cart value (onsite)total_onsite_on_web_cart_valuemetThe total value returned from 'Add to Cart' events attributed to your TikTok ads
Form submission (onsite)onsite_formmetThe number of form submission events on Leads Generation page
App store click (onsite)onsite_download_startmetThe number of app store click events on App Profile Page
Total page views (onsite)onsite_total_page_viewsmetThe number of page view events on Instant Experience pages (App Profile Page, Collection Ads, TikTok Instant Page, Leads Generatio Ads)
Call-to-Action button clicks (onsite)onsite_total_product_clicksmetThe number of call-to-action button click events on Instant Experience pages (App Profile Page, Collection Ads, TikTok Instant Page, Leads Generatio Ads)
Total product clicks (onsite)onsite_button_clicksmetThe number of product click events on Instant Experience pages (App Profile Page, Collection Ads, TikTok Instant Page, Leads Generation Ads)
DEPRECATEDTotal button clicks (form) valuetotal_form_button_valuemetThe total value returned from button click (form) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Total details page browse (form) valuetotal_form_detail_valuemetThe total value returned from details page browse (form) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Total details page browse (consultation) valuetotal_page_browse_consultation_valuemetThe total value returned from button click (consultation) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Details page browse events (consultation)page_browse_consultationmetThe number of details page browse (consultation) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Total button click (consultation) valuetotal_button_click_consultation_valuemetThe total value returned from button click (consultation) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Button clicks (consultation)button_click_consultationmetThe number of button click (consultation) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Total consultation valuetotal_consultation_valuemetThe total value returned from consultation events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Consultation eventsconsultationmetThe number of consultation events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Details page browse events (app download)download_detailmetThe number of details page browse (app download) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Total details page browse (app download) valuetotal_download_detail_valuemetThe total value returned from details page browse (app download) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Button clicks (app download)download_buttonmetThe number of button click (app download) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Details page browse events (form)form_detailmetThe number of details page browse (form) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02
Button clicks (form)form_buttonmetThe number of button click (form) events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-02