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Field list for X Ads (Twitter)

158 metrics and 126 dimensions available

TIMEYearyeardimYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearofweekdimYear of week for US weeks, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearofweekisodimYear of week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017
Year & monthyearmonthdimYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
QuarterquarterdimQuarter, e.g. 1
MonthmonthdimMonth, e.g. 6
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearweekdimYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearweekisodimYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdimUS week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun)weekisodimISO week number, e.g. 51
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNamedimDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsodimDay of week name for ISO weeks, e.g. 1 Monday
Day of monthdayOfMonthdimDay of month, e.g. 2
DatedatedimDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
ACCOUNTAccountaccountdimThe ad account name
Account IDaccount_iddimThe unique ID for the ad account
Account UI IDaccount_ui_iddimConverted account ID to base-10 to match the UI value
Campaign IDcampaign_iddimThe unique ID for each campaign
Campaign UI IDcampaign_ui_iddimConverted campaign ID to base-10 to match the UI value
Campaign creation datecampaign_created_atdim
Campaign start datecampaign_start_timedimThe date your campaign is scheduled to launch. This field is deprecated by Twitter, please use Ad group start date instead
Campaign end datecampaign_end_timedimThe date when the campaign ends. This field is deprecated by Twitter, please use Ad group end date instead
Campaign servablecampaign_servabledim
Campaign statuscampaign_statusdimThe campaign status, with possible values ACTIVE, DRAFT, or PAUSED
Campaign deletedcampaign_deleteddim
Campaign currencycampaign_currencydimThe currency used for all spend-related metrics and billing
Campaign standard deliverycampaign_standard_deliverydim
Campaign total budgetcampaign_total_budget_amountdimThe maximum amount you're willing to spend on each campaign for the duration of the campaign
Campaign daily budgetcampaign_daily_budget_amountdimThe maximum amount you're willing to spend on each campaign on average per day
Campaign budget optimizationcampaign_budget_optimizationdimType of the campaign budget optimization. Possible values - CAMPAIGN and LINE_ITEM
FUNDING INSTRUMENTSFunding instrument IDfunding_instrument_iddimA reference to the funding instrument
Funding instrument UI IDfunding_instrument_ui_iddimConverted funding instrument ID to base-10 to match the UI value
Funding instrument descriptionfunding_instrument_descriptiondimFunding instrument description
Funding instrument typefunding_instrument_typedimFunding instrument type
Funding instrument statusfunding_instrument_statusdimFunding instrument status
Funding instrument currencyfunding_instrument_currencydimFunding instrument currency
Funding instrument start datefunding_instrument_start_datedimThe date for the funding instrument to become active and usable
Funding instrument end datefunding_instrument_end_datedimThe date for the funding instrument to become inactive
Funding instrument credit limitfunding_instrument_credit_limitdimThe total credit available against funding instrument
Funding instrument funded amountfunding_instrument_funded_amountdimThe total budget amount allocated to funding instrument
Funding instrument credit remainingfunding_instrument_credit_remainingdimThe total credit remaining to funding instrument
Reasons funding instrument was not able to fundfunding_instrument_reasons_not_able_to_funddimReasons funding instrument was not able to fund
Insertion order header IDfunding_instrument_io_headerdimID for the associated insertion order. Note that a single ID may be associated with multiple funding instruments
AD GROUPAd groupline_item_namedimFormerly called line item
Ad group IDline_item_iddimFormerly called line item id
Ad group UI IDad_group_ui_iddimConverted ad group ID to base-10 to match the UI value
Goalline_item_goaldimThe optimization setting used for this ad group
Product typeline_item_product_typedim
Charge byline_item_charge_bydim
Bid typeline_item_bid_typedim
Bid amountline_item_bid_amountdim
Ad group total budgetline_item_total_budget_amountdimThe maximum amount you are willing to spend on the ad group, for the duration of the ad group flight length. Formerly called line item total budget
Advertiser domainline_item_advertiser_domaindim
Primary web event tagline_item_primary_web_event_tagdim
Ad group creation dateline_item_created_atdimFormerly called line item creation date
Ad group start dateline_item_start_datedimThe date when the ad group began serving
Ad group end dateline_item_end_datedimThe date when the ad group stopped serving
Ad group statusline_item_statusdimThe ad group status, with possible values ACTIVE, DRAFT, or PAUSED
Ad group deletedline_item_deleteddimFormerly called line item deleted
Include sentimentline_item_include_sentimentdim
PROMOTED TWEETTweet IDpromoted_tweet_iddimUnique numeric ID of the original tweet being used in the promoted tweet ad
Tweet ad IDpromoted_tweet_ad_iddimUnique alphanumeric ID for the promoted tweet ad
Tweet creation datepromoted_tweet_created_atdim
Ad namead_namedimAd name as displayed in X user interface. Derived from promoted tweet name, or card name if tweet name is not set
Tweet namepromoted_tweet_namedimName of the promoted tweet. Note that this can be empty for older Tweets or ones created without a name
Tweet textpromoted_tweet_textdim
Tweet sourcepromoted_tweet_sourcedimSource client of the tweet, e.g. or Twitter for Android
Tweet scheduled statuspromoted_tweet_scheduled_statusdimWhether the tweet is scheduled for later or not
Tweet scheduled atpromoted_tweet_scheduled_atdimTweet scheduled to publish at
Tweet typepromoted_tweet_typedimTweet type, e.g. PUBLISHED
Tweet languagepromoted_tweet_languagedimLanguage of the tweet (automatically identified)
Tweet hashtagspromoted_tweet_hashtagsdimHashtags included in the tweet
Tweet symbolspromoted_tweet_symbolsdimSymbols included in the tweet
Tweet mentionspromoted_tweet_user_mentionsdimUsers mentioned in the tweet
Link to tweettweet_urldim
Tweet first URLpromoted_tweet_first_urldim
Tweet card titlepromoted_tweet_card_titledim
Tweet card namepromoted_tweet_card_namedim
Tweet card typepromoted_tweet_card_typedim
Tweet card destination URLpromoted_tweet_card_destination_urldim
Tweet card image URLpromoted_tweet_card_image_urldim
Tweet card imagepromoted_tweet_card_imagedim
Tweet card URIpromoted_tweet_card_uridimThe unique identifier of the card. Replaces Tweet card ID
Tweet destination URLpromoted_tweet_destination_urldim
Tweet media typepromoted_tweet_media_typedimType of tweet media
Source (utm)utm_sourcedimValue of the utm_source parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Medium (utm)utm_mediumdimValue of the utm_medium parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Content (utm)utm_contentdimValue of the utm_content parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Term (utm)utm_termdimValue of the utm_term parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Campaign (utm)utm_campaigndimValue of the utm_campaign parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
MEDIA CREATIVEMedia creative IDmedia_creative_iddimID of the media creative
Media creative creation datemedia_creative_created_atdimCreation date of the media creative
Media creative typemedia_creative_typedimType of the media creative
Media namemedia_namedimName of the media object
Media urlmedia_urldimURL to the media object
App store categoryAPP_STORE_CATEGORYdim
Conversion tagCONVERSION_TAGSdim
Country codecountryCodedimTwo-letter county code
Similar to followerSIMILAR_TO_FOLLOWERS_OF_USERdim
TV showTV_SHOWSdim
DEPRECATEDTweet card display URLpromoted_tweet_card_display_urldimPlease note this field will be removed on 2021-08-24
Audience categoryaudienceCategorydimName of audience category, e.g. White collar worker. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Optimizationline_item_optimizationdimPlease note this field will be removed on 2021-08-24
Audience nameaudienceNamedimName of audience, e.g. Occupation. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Source of audience dataaudienceSourcedimThe providing party of audience data. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Audience typeaudienceTypedimType of an audience, e.g. ALL_ON_TWITTER. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Interaction typeinteractionTypedimType of interaction; applicable to some audience types. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Tracking tagsline_item_tracking_tagsdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-02-15
Ad group pausedline_item_pauseddimFormerly called line item paused. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-11-30
Automatically select bidline_item_automatically_select_biddimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-02-15
Campaign pausedcampaign_pauseddimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-11-30
Tweet card IDpromoted_tweet_card_iddimPlease note this field will be removed on 2021-08-24
GENERAL METRICSImpressionsimpressionsmetThe number of times your ad is shown to users, including earned
Cost (EUR)cost_eurmet
Cost (USD)cost_usdmet
Cost (GBP)cost_gbpmet
Media viewsmediaViewsmetTotal views (autoplay and click) of your media across videos, Vines, GIFs, and images. This includes views you are not billed for
Media view ratemediaViewRatemetTotal media views divided by number of impressions
Media engagementsmedia_engagementsmetTotal number of clicks of media across videos, Vines, GIFs, and images
Conversion rate (%)conversionsRate_percmet
REACHTotal audience reachtotal_audience_reachmetThe total number of people who have been reached by the campaign
Average frequencyaverage_frequencymetThe average number of times a person saw ads related to this campaign
OBJECTIVE WEBSITE CLICKS OR CONVERSIONSClicksclicksmetTotal clicks on links, hashtags, a Website Card, and other Tweet details in your ad, combined with likes and profile clicks
URL clicksurl_clicksmetTotal clicks on the link or Website Card in your ad, including earned. This includes clicks you're not billed for
CTRCTR_percmetTotal clicks on a link or a Website Card divided by total impressions, including earned
CPCCPCmetTotal clicks on a link or a Website Card divided by total clicks, including earned
Cost per acquisitionCPAmet
Site visitsconversion_site_visitsmet
Sign-upsconversion_sign_upsmetTotal number of sign ups. This is the same as the sum of post views, post engagements and assisted sign ups. This is also the sum of website and mobile app sign ups
Purchasesconversion_purchasesmetTotal number of purchases. The sum of post view, post engagement, and assisted purchases for both your website and mobile app
Order quantityconversion_order_quantitymetThe order quantity of the purchase, e.g. 1 unit
Sale amountconversion_sale_amountmetThe total sale amount of the purchase
Custom conversionsconversion_custommet
OBJECTIVE TWEET ENGAGEMENTSEngagementsengagementsmetAll clicks on your Tweet, including Retweets, replies, likes, poll votes, and hashtag clicks. This includes earned clicks that you're not billed for
Engagements (billed)billed_engagementsmet
Cost per engagement (CPE)CPEmetTotal spend divided by the number of Tweet engagements, including earned. You only pay the first time someone engages with your ad (e.g. Retweets, replies, likes, or other clicks)
Engagements rate (%)engagementsRate_percmetTweet engagements divided by impressions. This helps you understand the rate of engagements with your ad
Likes (paid)likesmetThe number of people who liked your ad by clicking the heart button
RetweetsretweetsmetThe number of people that Retweeted your ad by clicking the Retweet button
RepliesrepliesmetThe number of people that responded to your Tweet by clicking the reply button
FollowsfollowsmetTotal number of followers generated from your Tweet, including earned. If you're running a followers campaign, this number also reflects follows from other locations, including Who to follow. You only pay the first time someone follows you
Card engagementscard_engagementsmetTotal number of card engagements
Qualified impressionsqualified_impressionsmet
OBJECTIVE APP INSTALLSApp installsapp_installsmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
App clicksapp_clicksmetTotal number of clicks to install or open your app. This includes earned clicks that you're not billed for
App click rate (%)app_click_rate_percmetTotal number of app clicks divided by impressions
App install rate (%)app_install_rate_percmet
Cost per app click (CPAC)cpacmetTotal spend divided by the number of app clicks, including earned. You only pay the first time someone clicks to install or open your app
Cost per install (CPI)cpimet
OBJECTIVE FOLLOWERSFollowersfollowersmetTotal number of followers generated from your Tweet, including earned. If you're running a followers campaign, this number also reflects follows from other locations, including Who to follow. You only pay the first time someone follows you
Followers rate (%)followersRate_percmetTotal followers divided by total impressions. This helps you understand how well your ad is attracting new followers
Cost per follower (CPF)CPFmetTotal spend divided by the number of followers, including earned. You only pay when someone follows you
OBJECTIVE LEAD GENERATIONLeadsleadsmetThe number of leads you acquired as a result of a user submitting their contact information on Twitter through the Lead Generation Card
Lead rate (%)lead_rate_percmetTotal leads divided by the number of impressions, including earned. You only pay the first time a user submits a Lead Generation Card
Cost per leadCPLmetTotal spend divided by the number of leads, including earned. You only pay for leads generated by your ad
OBJECTIVE VIDEO VIEWSVideo viewspromoted_video_total_viewsmetVideo views only count when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when a user clicks to expand/unmute your video. This includes views you are not billed for
Video view rate (%)video_view_rate_percmetTotal video views divided by impressions. Regardless of your bid type, this is always calculated using video ad views
Cost per video viewCPVmetTotal spend divided by the number of views, including earned. You only pay the first time someone watches your video
Video CTA clickspromoted_video_cta_clicksmetTotal clicks on the call to action in the video player. This includes clicks you are not billed for
3s/100% video viewsvideo_3s100pct_viewsmetTotal number of views where at least 3 seconds were played while 100% in view
6s video viewsvideo_6s_viewsmetTotal number of views where at least 6 seconds of the video was viewed
15s video viewsvideo_15s_viewsmetTotal number of views where at least 15 seconds of the video or for 95% of the total duration was viewed
Video startspromoted_video_startsmetThe number of people who started the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (25% complete)promoted_video_views_25metThe number of people who watched 25% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (50% complete)promoted_video_views_50metThe number of people who watched 50% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (75% complete)promoted_video_views_75metThe number of people who watched 75% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (completed)promoted_video_views_100metThe number of people who watched 100% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
PROMOTEDACCOUNT METRICSFollows (promoted act)promoted_account_followsmet
Follow rate (promoted act)promoted_account_follow_ratemet
Impressions (promoted act)promoted_account_impressionsmet
Profile visits (promoted act)promoted_account_profile_visitsmet
PROMOTED TWEETSTweet retweetspromoted_tweet_retweetsmetThe number of people that Retweeted your ad by clicking the Retweet button
Likes (paid+organic)promoted_tweet_likesmetThe number of people who liked your ad by clicking the heart button
PROMOTED TWEETS (PROFILE)Impressions (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_impressionsmet
Qualified impressions (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_qualified_impressionsmet
Clicks (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_clicksmet
Engagements (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_engagementsmet
Favorites (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_favoritesmet
Follows (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_followsmet
Replies (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_repliesmet
Retweets (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_retweetsmet
URL clicks (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_url_clicksmet
Card engagements (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_card_engagementsmet
Media views (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_media_viewsmet
PROMOTED TWEETS (SEARCH)Impressions (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_impressionsmet
Qualified impressions (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_qualified_impressionsmet
Clicks (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_clicksmet
Engagements (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_engagementsmet
Engagement rate (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_engagement_ratemet
favorites (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_favoritesmet
Follows (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_followsmet
Replies (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_repliesmet
Retweets (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_retweetsmet
URL clicks (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_url_clicksmet
Card engagements (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_card_engagementsmet
Media views (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_media_viewsmet
PROMOTED TWEETS (TIMELINE)Impressions (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_impressionsmet
Qualified impressions (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_qualified_impressionsmet
Clicks (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_clicksmet
Engagements (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_engagementsmet
Engagement rate (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_engagement_ratemet
Favorites (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_favoritesmet
Follows (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_followsmet
Replies (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_repliesmet
Retweets (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_retweetsmet
URL clicks (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_url_clicksmet
Media views (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_media_viewsmet
Card engagements (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_card_engagementsmet
PROMOTED TWEETS (TWITTER PUBLISHER NETWORK)Media views (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_media_viewsmet
Qualified impressions (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_qualified_impressionsmet
Card engagements (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_card_engagementsmet
Engagement rate (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_engagement_ratemet
Engagements (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_engagementsmet
Clicks (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_clicksmet
Favorites (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_favoritesmet
Follows (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_followsmet
Impressions (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_impressionsmet
Replies (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_repliesmet
Retweets (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_retweetsmet
URL clicks (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_url_clicksmet
MOBILE CONVERSION METRICSMobile conversion achievements unlockedmobile_conversion_achievement_unlockedmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to cartmobile_conversion_add_to_cartmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion added payment infosmobile_conversion_added_payment_infosmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to wishlistmobile_conversion_add_to_wishlistmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion checkout initiatedmobile_conversion_checkout_initiatedmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion content viewsmobile_conversion_content_viewsmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CONTENT_VIEW by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion installsmobile_conversion_installsmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion installs post viewmobile_conversion_installs_post_viewmet
Mobile conversion installs post engagementmobile_conversion_installs_post_engagementmet
Mobile conversion invitesmobile_conversion_invitesmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion level achievedmobile_conversion_level_achievedmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED
Mobile conversion loginsmobile_conversion_loginsmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion purchasesmobile_conversion_purchasesmet
Mobile conversion re-engagesmobile_conversion_re_engagesmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion sign upsmobile_conversion_sign_upsmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP
Mobile conversion ratedmobile_conversion_ratedmet
Mobile conversion reservationsmobile_conversion_reservationsmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion searchesmobile_conversion_searchesmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SEARCH by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion sharesmobile_conversion_sharesmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion spent creditsmobile_conversion_spent_creditsmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT
Mobile conversion tutorial completesmobile_conversion_tutorial_completesmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion updatesmobile_conversion_updatesmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion achievement unlocked breakdownmobile_conversion_achievement_unlocked_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to cart breakdownmobile_conversion_add_to_cart_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to wishlist breakdownmobile_conversion_add_to_wishlist_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST
Mobile conversion added payment infos breakdownmobile_conversion_added_payment_infos_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion checkout initiated breakdownmobile_conversion_checkout_initiated_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion content views breakdownmobile_conversion_content_views_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CONTENT_VIEW by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion installs breakdownmobile_conversion_installs_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion invites breakdownmobile_conversion_invites_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion level achieved breakdownmobile_conversion_level_achieved_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion logins breakdownmobile_conversion_logins_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion order quantitymobile_conversion_order_quantitymet
Mobile conversion purchases breakdownmobile_conversion_purchases_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type PURCHASE
Mobile conversion rated breakdownmobile_conversion_rated_breakdownmet
Mobile conversion re-engages breakdownmobile_conversion_re_engages_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion reservations breakdownmobile_conversion_reservations_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION
Mobile conversion sale amountmobile_conversion_sale_amount_local_micromet
Mobile conversion searches breakdownmobile_conversion_searches_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SEARCH by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion shares breakdownmobile_conversion_shares_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion mobile conversion sign ups breakdownmobile_conversion_sign_ups_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP
Mobile conversion spent credits breakdownmobile_conversion_spent_credits_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT
Mobile conversion tutorial completes breakdownmobile_conversion_tutorial_completes_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion updates breakdownmobile_conversion_updates_breakdownmetBreakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
DEPRECATEDMatch ratematchRatemet90 day active Twitter users divided by number of users provided by the source of audience data. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
PercentagepercentagemetRepresentation of a category within an audience. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30