Supermetrics brings all your marketing data into Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift, Azure
Category | Field | Code | Type | Description |
DOMAIN | Database | Db | dim | Regional database (US, UK, Italy, etc.) |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Rank | Rk | dim | The Semrush rating of the website`s popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic keywords | Or | met | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic traffic | Ot | met | Traffic brought to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic cost | Oc | met | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Adwords traffic | At | met | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results | |
Adwords cost | Ac | met | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) | |
PLA uniques | Sv | met | Number of unique product listing ads (PLA Copies) | |
PLA keywords | Sh | met | Number of keywords the website is using for product listing ads | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Rank | Rk | dim | The Semrush rating of the website`s popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic keywords | Or | met | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic traffic | Ot | met | Traffic brought to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic cost | Oc | met | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Adwords traffic | At | met | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results | |
Adwords cost | Ac | met | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) | |
TIME | Year | year | dim | |
Year of week (Sun-Sat) | yearOfWeek | dim | ||
Year of week (Mon-Sun) | yearOfWeekIso | dim | ||
Year & month | yearMonth | dim | ||
Month | month | dim | ||
Year & week (Sun-Sat) | yearWeek | dim | ||
Year & week (Mon-Sun) | yearWeekIso | dim | ||
Week (Sun-Sat) | week | dim | ||
Week (Mon-Sun) | weekIso | dim | ||
Day of month | dayOfMonth | dim | ||
Day of week (Sun-Sat) | dayOfWeekName | dim | ||
Day of week (Mon-Sun) | dayOfWeekNameIso | dim | ||
DOMAIN | Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results |
Rank | Rk | dim | The Semrush rating of the website`s popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Date | date | dim | Actual date | |
Organic keywords | Or | met | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic traffic | Ot | met | Traffic brought to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic cost | Oc | met | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Adwords traffic | At | met | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results | |
Adwords cost | Ac | met | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) | |
ORGANIC POSITION DISTRIBUTION | Keywords (top 3) | keywords_1_3 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 3 organic search results |
Keywords (top 4-10) | keywords_4_10 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 4-10 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 11-20) | keywords_11_20 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 11-20 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 21-30) | keywords_21_30 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 21-30 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 31-40) | keywords_31_40 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 31-40 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 41-50) | keywords_40_50 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 41-50 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 51-60) | keywords_50_60 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 51-60 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 61-70) | keywords_61_70 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 61-70 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 71-80) | keywords_71_80 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 71-80 organic search results | |
Keywords (top 81-90) | keywords_81_90 | met | Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 81-90 organic search results | |
DOMAIN | Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Position | Po | dim | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Previous position | Pp | dim | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Trends | Td | dim | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month | |
Position difference | Pd | met | The difference between the previous position a domain was earning with a particular keyword and its current position | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Traffic (%) | Tr | met | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period | |
Traffic cost (%) | Tc | met | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Adwords block | Ab | dim | The place on a SERP where an ad appeared (top, side, or bottom blocks) | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Position | Po | dim | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Previous position | Pp | dim | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Trends | Td | dim | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month | |
Description | Ds | dim | Ad text | |
Visible URL | Vu | dim | This is the URL displayed on your Ad, identifying your site for users | |
Title | Tt | dim | Ad title | |
Position difference | Pd | met | The difference between the previous position a domain was earning with a particular keyword and its current position | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Traffic (%) | Tr | met | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period | |
Traffic cost (%) | Tc | met | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Position | Po | dim | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Previous position | Pp | dim | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Trends | Td | dim | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month | |
Description | Ds | dim | Ad text | |
Visible URL | Vu | dim | This is the URL displayed on your Ad, identifying your site for users | |
Title | Tt | dim | Ad title | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Traffic (%) | Tr | met | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of keywords | Pc | met | Number of keywords | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic keywords | Or | met | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic traffic | Ot | met | Traffic brought to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic cost | Oc | met | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Competitor relevance | Cr | met | Competition level based on the total number of keywords of each domain and the number of keywords the domains have in common | |
Common keywords | Np | met | Common keywords that domains are ranking for in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Traffic | Tg | met | The amount of estimated organic traffic driven to an analyzed domain with a given keyword over a specific period of time | |
Traffic (%) | Tr | met | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period | |
Number of keywords | Pc | met | Number of keywords | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Traffic | Tg | met | The amount of estimated organic traffic driven to an analyzed domain with a given keyword over a specific period of time | |
Traffic (%) | Tr | met | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period | |
Number of keywords | Pc | met | Number of keywords | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic keywords | Or | met | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Adwords traffic | At | met | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results | |
Adwords cost | Ac | met | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) | |
Competitor relevance | Cr | met | Competition level based on the total number of keywords of each domain and the number of keywords the domains have in common | |
Common keywords | Np | met | Common keywords that domains are ranking for in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Adwords block | Ab | dim | The place on a SERP where an ad appeared (top, side, or bottom blocks) | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Position | Po | dim | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Previous position | Pp | dim | A position a domain gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Trends | Td | dim | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month | |
Description | Ds | dim | Ad text | |
Visible URL | Vu | dim | This is the URL displayed on your Ad, identifying your site for users | |
Title | Tt | dim | Ad title | |
Shop name | Sn | dim | Name of the shop | |
Timestamp | Ts | dim | UNIX Timestamp | |
Position difference | Pd | met | The difference between the previous position a domain was earning with a particular keyword and its current position | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Traffic (%) | Tr | met | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period | |
Traffic cost (%) | Tc | met | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Product price | Pr | met | Price of promoted product | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Domain1 pos | P0 | dim | A position of the first queried domain for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Domain2 pos | P1 | dim | A position of the second queried domain for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Domain3 pos | P2 | dim | A position of the third queried domain for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Domain4 pos | P3 | dim | A position of the fourth queried domain for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Domain5 pos | P4 | dim | A position of the fifth queried domain for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
TIME | Year | year | dim | |
Year of week (Sun-Sat) | yearOfWeek | dim | ||
Year of week (Mon-Sun) | yearOfWeekIso | dim | ||
Year & month | yearMonth | dim | ||
Month | month | dim | ||
Year & week (Sun-Sat) | yearWeek | dim | ||
Year & week (Mon-Sun) | yearWeekIso | dim | ||
Week (Sun-Sat) | week | dim | ||
Week (Mon-Sun) | weekIso | dim | ||
Day of month | dayOfMonth | dim | ||
Day of week (Sun-Sat) | dayOfWeekName | dim | ||
Day of week (Mon-Sun) | dayOfWeekNameIso | dim | ||
DOMAIN | Database | Db | dim | Regional database (US, UK, Italy, etc.) |
Date | date | dim | Actual date | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Rank | Rk | dim | The Semrush rating of the website`s popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
TIME | Year | year | dim | |
Year of week (Sun-Sat) | yearOfWeek | dim | ||
Year of week (Mon-Sun) | yearOfWeekIso | dim | ||
Year & month | yearMonth | dim | ||
Month | month | dim | ||
Year & week (Sun-Sat) | yearWeek | dim | ||
Year & week (Mon-Sun) | yearWeekIso | dim | ||
Week (Sun-Sat) | week | dim | ||
Week (Mon-Sun) | weekIso | dim | ||
Day of month | dayOfMonth | dim | ||
Day of week (Sun-Sat) | dayOfWeekName | dim | ||
Day of week (Mon-Sun) | dayOfWeekNameIso | dim | ||
DOMAIN | Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results |
Date | date | dim | Actual date | |
Position | Po | dim | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
URL | Ur | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Description | Ds | dim | Ad text | |
Visible URL | Vu | dim | This is the URL displayed on your Ad, identifying your site for users | |
Title | Tt | dim | Ad title | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Adwords traffic | At | met | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results | |
Adwords cost | Ac | met | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Trends | Td | dim | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Trends | Td | dim | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Keyword difficulty | Kd | met | An estimate of how difficult it would be to rank well in organic search results for a particular keyword. The higher the percentage, the harder it is to achieve high rankings for the given keyword | |
Keyword | Ph | dim | Keyword bringing users to the website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Position | Po | dim | Position a URL gets with a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic or paid search results | |
Trends | Td | dim | The interest of searchers in a particular keyword during the last 12 months. This metric is based on changes in the number of queries per month | |
Search volume | Nq | met | The average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month. We calculate this value over the last 12 months | |
CPC | Cp | met | Average price in US dollars advertisers pay for a user`s click on an ad containing a particular keyword (Google AdWords) | |
Traffic (%) | Tr | met | The share of traffic driven to the website with a particular keyword for a specified period | |
Traffic cost (%) | Tc | met | The total amount spent on keywords in Google AdWords for which the domain is ranking in search results | |
Competition | Co | met | Competitive density of advertisers using the given term for their ads. One (1) means the highest competition | |
Number of results | Nr | met | The total number of organic results returned for a given keyword at the last date of collection | |
Requested object | profile | dim | Domain/URL (the value from Target(s) input) | |
Domains | domains_num | met | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain | |
Total links | total | met | Total numeric value of backlinks | |
IPs num | ips_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `ips` | |
IP classc num | ipclassc_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `ipclassc` | |
Texts num | texts_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `text` | |
URLs num | urls_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `url` | |
Forms num | forms_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `form` | |
Frames num | frames_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `frame` | |
Images num | images_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `image` | |
Number of links that have `follow` tag | follows_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `follow` | |
Number of links that have `nofollow` tag | nofollows_num | met | Numeric value of backlinks of type this type `nofollow` | |
Authority score | ascore | met | Authority Score measures the overall quality of domain/URL and influence on SEO. The score is based on the number of backlinks, referring domains, organic search traffic, and other data | |
DEPRECATED | Domain trust score | trust_score | met | This metric measures the trustworthiness of a particular domain using a 100-point scale (with ‘0’ indicating a low-trust site and ‘100’ indicating a highly trusted site) and is based on the number of backlinks from trusted sites pointing to the domain. If a site’s Trust Score is significantly lower than its Domain Score, this may be a sign that the latter was artificially inflated. Backlinks from such sites may trigger Google penalties. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 |
Domain score | score | met | This metric measures the importance of a domain using a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100) and is based on the quality and volume of links pointing to this domain. The higher the score, the higher the quality of the domain. Domain Score is calculated in the same way as Google`s PageRank. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 | |
DOMAIN | First seen | first_seen | dim | The timestamp on which Semrush first noticed a backlink |
Last seen | last_seen | dim | The timestamp on which Semrush last noticed a backlink | |
Response code | response_code | dim | Server response code | |
Redirect URL | redirect_url | dim | The last URL in redirect chain | |
Source URL | source_url | dim | The URL of the source page | |
Source title | source_title | dim | The title of source page | |
Image URL | image_url | dim | URL for the links with type `image` | |
Target URL | target_url | dim | The URL of the target page (Backlinks) | |
Target page title | target_title | dim | The title of the target page | |
Anchor text | anchor | dim | A clickable text of a backlink | |
Image alt | image_alt | dim | A URL of an image backlink`s location | |
Nofollow | nofollow | dim | Backlink type that does not influence the link`s target in the search engine | |
Form | form | dim | Backlink type: form | |
Frame | frame | dim | Backlink type: frame | |
Image | image | dim | Backlink type: image | |
Sitewide | sitewide | dim | Sitewide links are link that are present on every page of the site | |
Page authority score | page_ascore | met | Page Authority Score measures the overall quality of URL and influence on SEO. The score is based on the number of backlinks, referring domains, organic search traffic, and other data | |
Source page size (bytes) | source_size | met | The source page‘s size in bytes | |
External links | external_num | met | The number of the source page’s links that point to other websites’ pages | |
Internal links | internal_num | met | The number of the source page’s links that point to webpages of the same website | |
Newlink | newlink | met | Newlink are backlinks if less than a month has passed since Semrush first discovered them | |
Lostlink | lostlink | met | Lostlink is previously existed link that is considered lost after the date that is identified by the provider as lost | |
DEPRECATED | Page trust score | page_trust_score | met | Trust Score measures the trustworthiness of a web page based on the number of links coming from highly trusted websites. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 |
Page score | page_score | met | Page Score measures the importance of a web page on a 100 point scale based on the volume of links pointing back to the page. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 | |
DOMAIN | First seen | first_seen | dim | The timestamp on which Semrush first noticed a backlink |
Last seen | last_seen | dim | The timestamp on which Semrush last noticed a backlink | |
Domain | domain | dim | Domain name | |
IP address | Ip_address | dim | IP address | |
Country code | country | dim | Country code resolved from IP address | |
Domain authority score | domain_ascore | met | Domain Authority Score measures the overall quality of domain and influence on SEO. The score is based on the number of backlinks, referring domains, organic search traffic, and other data | |
Backlinks | backlinks_num | met | The number of backlinks to a given domain | |
DEPRECATED | Domain trust score | domain_trust_score | met | Trust Score measures the trustworthiness of a domain based on the number of links coming from highly trusted websites. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 |
Domain score | domain_score | met | Domain Score measures the importance of a domain on a 100 point scale based on the volume of links pointing back to the domain. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 | |
DOMAIN | Zone | zone | dim | The metrics indicates the backlink TLD zone |
Domains | domains_num | met | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain | |
Backlinks | backlinks_num | met | The number of backlinks to a given domain | |
Country code | country | dim | Country code resolved from IP address | |
Domains | domains_num | met | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain | |
Backlinks | backlinks_num | met | The number of backlinks to a given domain | |
First seen | first_seen | dim | The timestamp on which Semrush first noticed a backlink | |
Last seen | last_seen | dim | The timestamp on which Semrush last noticed a backlink | |
Anchor text | anchor | dim | A clickable text of a backlink | |
Domains | domains_num | met | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain | |
Backlinks | backlinks_num | met | The number of backlinks to a given domain | |
Last seen | last_seen | dim | The timestamp on which Semrush last noticed a backlink | |
Response code | response_code | dim | Server response code | |
Source URL | source_url | dim | The URL of the source page | |
Source title | source_title | dim | The title of source page | |
Domains | domains_num | met | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain | |
External links | external_num | met | The number of the source page’s links that point to other websites’ pages | |
Internal links | internal_num | met | The number of the source page’s links that point to webpages of the same website | |
Backlinks | backlinks_num | met | The number of backlinks to a given domain | |
Neighbour | neighbour | dim | A domain with a similar backlink profile to the analyzed domain | |
Domains | domains_num | met | The total number of domains, including common referring domains, linking to a given domain | |
Domain authority score | domain_ascore | met | Domain Authority Score measures the overall quality of domain and influence on SEO. The score is based on the number of backlinks, referring domains, organic search traffic, and other data | |
Backlinks | backlinks_num | met | The number of backlinks to a given domain | |
Authority score | ascore | met | Authority Score measures the overall quality of domain/URL and influence on SEO. The score is based on the number of backlinks, referring domains, organic search traffic, and other data | |
Similarity | similarity | met | This metric is calculated based on the number of referring domains to each competitor and the total number of common referring domains to all competitors. If websites have a large number of common referring domains, they can be considered competitors | |
Common refdomains | common_refdomains | met | The number of referring domains that link back to both the analyzed and competing domains | |
DEPRECATED | Domain trust score | trust_score | met | This metric measures the trustworthiness of a particular domain using a 100-point scale (with ‘0’ indicating a low-trust site and ‘100’ indicating a highly trusted site) and is based on the number of backlinks from trusted sites pointing to the domain. If a site’s Trust Score is significantly lower than its Domain Score, this may be a sign that the latter was artificially inflated. Backlinks from such sites may trigger Google penalties. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 |
Domain score | score | met | This metric measures the importance of a domain using a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100) and is based on the quality and volume of links pointing to this domain. The higher the score, the higher the quality of the domain. Domain Score is calculated in the same way as Google`s PageRank. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-31 | |
DOMAIN | Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results |
Rank | Rk | dim | The Semrush rating of the website`s popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic keywords | Or | met | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic traffic | Ot | met | Traffic brought to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic cost | Oc | met | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Adwords traffic | At | met | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results | |
Adwords cost | Ac | met | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) | |
Organic keywords difference | Om | met | Changes in the number of organic keywords | |
Organic traffic difference | Tm | met | Changes in organic traffic | |
Organic cost difference | Um | met | Changes in organic traffic cost | |
Adwords keywords difference | Am | met | Changes in the number of paid keywords | |
Adwords traffic difference | Bm | met | Changes in paid traffic | |
Adwords cost difference | Cm | met | Changes in paid traffic price | |
Domain | Dn | dim | A website`s position for a particular keyword in Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Rank | Rk | dim | The Semrush rating of the website`s popularity based on organic traffic coming from Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic keywords | Or | met | Keywords that bring users to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic traffic | Ot | met | Traffic brought to a website via Google`s top 20 organic search results | |
Organic cost | Oc | met | Estimated price of organic keywords in Google AdWords | |
Adwords keywords | Ad | met | Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results | |
Adwords traffic | At | met | Traffic brought to the website via paid search results | |
Adwords cost | Ac | met | Estimated budget spent buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation) |