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Field list for Shopify

16 metrics and 87 dimensions available

Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearOfWeekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearOfWeekIsodim
Year & monthyearMonthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearWeekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearWeekIsodim
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)weekIsodim
Day of monthdayOfMonthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNamedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsodim
STOREStore IDshop_iddimThe unique identifier of the store
Store nameshop_namedimThe name of the store
PRODUCTSKUskudimVariant SKU number
Product IDproduct_iddimThe unique identifier of the product
Variant IDvariant_iddimThe unique identifier of the product variant
Product titletitledimThe title of the product
Variant titlevariant_titledimThe title of the product variant
Product tagsproduct_tagsdimTags attached to the product
PricepricedimThe price of the product
DescriptiondescriptiondimDescription of the product
VendorvendordimThe vendor of the product
TypetypedimThe type of the product
Image URLimage_srcdimThe image URL of the product
Product created datetimeproduct_created_atdimThe date and time the product was created
Product created dateproduct_created_at_datedimThe date the product was created
INVENTORY ITEMCost per iteminventory_item_cost_per_itemdimCost of the inventory item
LINE ITEMLine item IDline_item_iddimID of the line item row
Line item typeline_item_typedimType classification by Supermetrics. Possible values are "Product", "Refund", "Order adjustment", and "Shipping"
Is gift cardline_item_is_gift_carddimWhether or not the line item is a gift card
ORDEROrder IDorder_iddimThe unique identifier of the order
Order nameorder_namedimThe name of the order
Order noteorder_notedimThe note on the order
Order tagsorder_tagsdimTags attached to the order
Order created datetimeorder_created_atdimThe date and time the order was created
Order created dateorder_created_at_datedimThe date the order was created
Order closed datetimeorder_closed_atdimThe date and time the order was closed
Order closed dateorder_closed_at_datedimThe date the order was closed
Order cancelled datetimeorder_cancelled_atdimThe date and time of the order cancellation
Order cancelled dateorder_cancelled_at_datedimThe date of the order cancellation
Shipping address 1order_shipping_address1dimThe street address of the shipping address
Shipping address 2order_shipping_address2dimAn optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address
Shipping phoneorder_shipping_phonedimThe phone number at the shipping address
Shipping post codeorder_shipping_post_codedimThe postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the shipping address
Shipping cityorder_shipping_citydimThe city, town, or village of the shipping address
Shipping provinceorder_shipping_provincedimThe name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the shipping address
Shipping countryorder_shipping_countrydimThe name of the country of the shipping address
Billing address 1order_billing_address1dimThe street address of the billing address
Billing address 2order_billing_address2dimAn optional additional field for the street address of the billing address
Billing phoneorder_billing_phonedimThe phone number at the billing address
Billing post codeorder_billing_post_codedimThe postal code (for example, zip, postcode, or Eircode) of the billing address
Billing cityorder_billing_citydimThe city, town, or village of the billing address
Billing provinceorder_billing_provincedimThe name of the region (for example, province, state, or prefecture) of the billing address
Billing countryorder_billing_countrydimThe name of the country of the billing address
Channelorder_channeldimThe sales channel of the order
Channel (App name)order_channel_app_namedimThe sales channel's app name of the order
Order confirmedorder_confirmeddimWhether inventory has been reserved for the order
Currencyorder_currency_codedimThe currency code of the order
Order emailorder_emaildimThe email associated with the order
Fully paidorder_fully_paiddimWhether the order is fully paid or not
Discount reasonorder_discount_codedimThe reason for the applied order-level discount
Location nameorder_locationdimThe location name
Shipping descriptionorder_shipping_descriptiondimDescription of the shipping selected for the order
Is returning customerorder_is_returning_customerdimWhether the customer is returning or not
Fulfillment statusorder_display_fulfillment_statusdimRepresents the order's current fulfillment status. Valid values are: unfulfilled, partial, fulfilled, restocked
TRAFFIC SOURCELanding page URLorder_landing_page_urldimThe URL of the landing page
Referral codeorder_referral_codedimReferral code that led the customer making the order to the store. However this is set when a customer first enters the store. So if they have been to the store previously without a referral, then the referral code will stay empty even if they would later visit the store via a referral link
Order referrer URLorder_referrer_urldimThe web page the customer clicked a link on that sent them to the online store that led to the order
UTM contentorder_utm_contentdimA/B testing and content-targeted ads to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL
UTM termorder_utm_termdimThe keywords associated with an ad
UTM mediumorder_utm_mediumdimThe ad medium, such as email or cost-per-click (cpc)
UTM sourceorder_utm_sourcedimIdentifies a search engine, a newsletter name, or other source
UTM campaign nameorder_utm_namedimThe name that you give a promotion or campaign to identify it
CUSTOMER GEOCountrycustomer_countrydimThe country of the customer
Country codecustomer_country_codedimThe country code of the customer
Citycustomer_citydimThe city of the customer
CUSTOMER DETAILSCustomer IDcustomer_iddimThe unique identifier of the customer
First namecustomer_first_namedimThe first name of the customer
Last namecustomer_last_namedimThe last name of the customer
Emailcustomer_emaildimThe email of the customer
Last order created datetimecustomer_last_order_created_atdimThe date and time the last order of the customer was created
Last order created datecustomer_last_order_created_at_datedimThe date the last order of the customer was created
Account age in dayscustomer_lifetime_durationdimThe amount of days since the customer was first added to the online store
Account created datetimecustomer_created_atdimThe date and time the customer was added to the online store
Account created datecustomer_created_at_datedimThe date the customer was added to the online store
SALESGross salesgross_salesmetThe total price for the line item without any discounts applied
DiscountsdiscountsmetThe total amount of discounts applied on the order
ReturnsreturnsmetThe total amount refunded for the order
Net salesnet_salesmetThe net sales of the line
ShippingshippingmetThe total shipping amount including returns
TaxtaxmetThe total amount of tax for the line. Takes returns into account
Total salestotal_salesmetThe total sales for line
ORDERItemsitemsmetThe amount of the line item
Orderssm_order_countmetThe amount of orders
Avg. order valueavg_total_salesmetThe average total sales
Avg. number of itemsavg_itemsmetThe average number of sold items. Order adjustments and shipping is not calculated towards this metric
PRODUCTInventory valueproduct_inventory_valuemetThe sell value of the product inventory
Inventory quantityproduct_inventory_quantitymetThe product quantity in inventory
INVENTORY ITEMCost of goods soldcost_of_goods_soldmetThe total cost of all the units of goods sold
Gross profitgross_profitmetThe total profit made calculated by subtracting the cost from net sales
CUSTOMERCustomer countcustomer_countmetThe total count of the customers