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Field list for Readpeak

9 metrics and 36 dimensions available

Year of week (Sun-Sat)campaigns_report_year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)campaigns_report_year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthcampaigns_report_year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)campaigns_report_year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)campaigns_report_year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)campaigns_report_weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)campaigns_report_week_isodim
Day of monthcampaigns_report_day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)campaigns_report_day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)campaigns_report_day_of_week_name_isodim
AdvertiserAdvertiser Namecampaigns_report_advertiserdimThe name of the advertiser
Client Namecampaigns_report_clientdimThe name of the client
CampaignCampaign Namecampaigns_report_campaigndimThe name of the campaign
Campaign IDcampaigns_report_campaign_iddimThe ID of the campaign
Campaign Creator Emailcampaigns_report_campaign_creatordimThe email of the campaign creator
Campaign Creator Namecampaigns_report_campaign_creator_namedimThe name of the campaign creator
AdAd Group Namecampaigns_report_ad_groupdimThe name of the ad group
Ad Group IDcampaigns_report_ad_group_iddimThe ID of the ad group
Ad Variation Titlecampaigns_report_article_titledimThe title of the ad variation
Ad Variation IDcampaigns_report_variation_iddimThe ID of the ad variation.
Ad Variation Numbercampaigns_report_variation_nodimThe number of the ad variation
Ad Image URLcampaigns_report_image_urldimThe URL of the ad image
Ad Themecampaigns_report_themedimThe theme of the ad
Ad Call-To-Actioncampaigns_report_ctadimThe CTA statement of the ad
Ad Teasercampaigns_report_textdimThe teaser of the ad
Click URLcampaigns_report_target_urldimThe link that a visitor goes to when he/she clicks on the ad
Ad Creation Datecampaigns_report_article_creation_datedimThe date the ad was created
Ad Creation Datetimecampaigns_report_article_creation_datetimedimThe date and time the ad was created.
Ad Update Datecampaigns_report_article_update_datedimThe date the ad was updated
Ad Update Datetimecampaigns_report_article_update_datetimedimThe date and time the ad was updated
OtherPublisher Namecampaigns_report_locationdimThe publisher that showed the impression
Impressionscampaigns_report_impressionsmetThe number of impressions
Clickscampaigns_report_clicksmetThe number of clicks
CTRcampaigns_report_ctrmetClick Through Rate, the percentage of ads that were clicked. Clicks / Impressions
Spendcampaigns_report_spendmetThe amount of money was spent
CPCcampaigns_report_cpcmetCost Per Click
CPMcampaigns_report_cpmmetCost per 1000 impressions
Spend in Campaign Currencycampaigns_report_spend_in_currencymetThe amount of money was spent in campaign
CPC in Campaign Currencycampaigns_report_cpc_in_currencymetCost Per Click in Campaign Currency
CPM in Campaign Currencycampaigns_report_cpm_in_currencymetCost per 1000 impressions in campaign currency