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Field list for Pinterest Ads

321 metrics and 122 dimensions available

Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearOfWeekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearOfWeekIsodim
Year & monthyearMonthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearWeekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearWeekIsodim
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)weekIsodim
Day of monthdayOfMonthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNamedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsodim
ADVERTISERAdvertiser IDadvertiser_iddimThe unique identifier for the advertiser
Advertiser nameadvertiser_namedimThe name of the advertiser
Advertiser countryadvertiser_countrydimThe country of the advertiser
Currencyadvertiser_currencydimThe currency the advertiser uses
Owner user IDadvertiser_owner_user_iddimThe user ID of the owner of the advertiser
Rolesadvertiser_rolesdimThe roles of the advertiser
CAMPAIGNCampaign IDcampaign_iddimThe unique identifier of the campaign
Campaign namecampaign_namedimThe name of the campaign
Campaign start datecampaign_start_timedimThe start date and start time of your campaign in UTC
Campaign end datecampaign_end_timedimThe end date and end time of your campaign in UTC
Daily spend capcampaign_daily_spend_capdimThe daily spend cap of the campaign
Lifetime spend capcampaign_lifetime_spend_capdimThe lifetime spend cap of the campaign
Campaign statuscampaign_statusdimThe status of the campaign
Campaign objective typecampaign_objective_typedimThe objective type of the campaign
Order line IDcampaign_order_line_iddimThe order line ID of the campaign
Campaign created datecampaign_created_timedimThe date the campaign was created
Campaign updated datecampaign_updated_timedimThe date the campaign was last updated
TARGETING BREAKDOWNSKeywordtargeting_keyworddimSearch term used by the user triggering the ad. Note that this field will only return data if you target by keyword
Gendertargeting_genderdimUser gender. Note that this field will only return data if you target by gender
Age grouptargeting_agedimUser age group. Note that this field will only return data if you target by age
Country codetargeting_countrydimTwo-letter code of the user country. Note that this field will only return data if you target by country
Country nametargeting_country_namedimName of the user country. Note that this field will only return data if you target by country
Region codetargeting_regiondimCode of the user region. Note that this field will only return data if you target by region
Region nametargeting_region_namedimName of the user region. Note that this field will only return data if you target by region
Locationtargeting_locationdimUser location: metropolitan area or region. Note that this field will only return data if you target by location
App typetargeting_app_typedimType of the user's app, eg. "web" or "iphone". Note that this field will only return data if you target by app type
Feed typetargeting_feed_typedimType of the feed, eg. "TWOCOLUMN_FEED". Note that this field will only return data if you target by feed type
Placementtargeting_placementdimPlacement, eg. "HOME_FEED" or "RELATED_PINS". Note that this field will only return data if you target by placement
Targeted interesttargeting_targeted_interestdimTargeted user interest. Note that this field will only return data if you target by interest
Pinner interesttargeting_pinner_interestdimTargeted user interest. Note that this field will only return data if you target by interest
Audience includetargeting_audience_includedimTargeted user belonging to an audience. Note that this field will only return data if you target by audience
AD GROUPAd group campaign IDad_group_campaign_iddimThe unique identifier of the campaign of the ad group
Ad group IDad_group_iddimThe unique identifier of the ad group
Ad group namead_group_namedimThe name of the ad group
Ad group statusad_group_statusdimThe status of the ad group
Ad group typead_group_typedimThe type of the ad group
Auto targeting enabledad_group_auto_targeting_enableddimWhether auto targeting is enabled or not
Bidad_group_bid_valuedimThe bid amount of the ad group in the currency of the advertiser account
Billable eventad_group_billable_eventdimThe billable event of the ad group
Budgetad_group_budget_valuedimThe budget of the ad group in the currency of the advertiser account. Ad group budgets will be blank if they belong to a campaign that is using campaign budget optimisation
Budget typead_group_budget_typedimThe budget type of the ad group
Lifetime frequency capad_group_lifetime_frequency_capdimLifetime frequency cap of the ad group
Optimization goal conversion tag IDad_group_optimization_goal_metadata_conversion_tag_iddimThe unique identifier for the conversion tag of the ad group
Optimization goal conversion eventad_group_optimization_goal_metadata_conversion_eventdimThe conversion event of the ad group
Optimization goal engagement windowad_group_optimization_goal_metadata_engagement_windowdimThe engagement attribution window in days
Optimization goal click windowad_group_optimization_goal_metadata_click_windowdimThe click attribution window in days
Optimization goal view windowad_group_optimization_goal_metadata_view_windowdimThe view attribution window in days
Optimization goal conversion learning mode typead_group_optimization_goal_metadata_learning_mode_typedimThe learning mode type of the ad group
Optimization goal CPA valuead_group_optimization_goal_metadata_cpa_goal_valuedimThe CPA goal value of the ad group in the currency of the advertiser account
Pacing delivery typead_group_pacing_delivery_typedimThe pacing delivery type of the ad group
Pin promotion IDsad_group_pin_promotion_idsdimThe unique identifiers for the pin promotions of the ad group
Placement groupad_group_placement_groupdimList of placements group for the ad group
Targeting app typead_group_targeting_spec_app_typedimList of app types the ad group is targeting
Targeting genderad_group_targeting_spec_genderdimList of genders the ad group is targeting
Targeting localead_group_targeting_spec_localedimList of locales the ad group is targeting
Targeting locationad_group_targeting_spec_locationdimList of locations the ad group is targeting
Targeting geoad_group_targeting_spec_geodimList of geolocations the ad group is targeting
Tracking URLsad_group_tracking_urlsdimThe tracking URLs of the ad group
Ad group start datead_group_start_timedimThe start date and start time of your ad group in UTC
Ad group end datead_group_end_timedimThe end date and end time of your ad group in UTC
Ad group created datead_group_created_timedimThe date the ad group was created
Ad group updated datead_group_updated_timedimThe date the ad group was last updated
PIN PROMOTIONSAd IDpin_promotion_iddimThe unique ID of the ad/pin promotion
Pin IDpin_promotion_pin_iddimID of the pin used in the promoted pin / ad
Promoted pin namepin_promotion_namedimName of promoted pin / ad
Promoted pin statuspin_promotion_statusdimStatus of promoted pin / ad
Promoted pin created datepin_promotion_created_timedimThe date the promoted pin was created
Promoted pin updated datepin_promotion_updated_timedimThe date the promoted pin was last updated
Android deep linkpin_promotion_android_deep_linkdimDeep link for Android apps used in pin
Android click tracking URLpin_promotion_click_tracking_urldim3rd-party click tracking URL used on promoted pin / ad
Creative typepin_promotion_creative_typedimCreative type used in the promoted pin / ad
Destination URLpin_promotion_destination_urldimDestination URL used in promoted pin / ad
IOS deep linkpin_promotion_ios_deep_linkdimDeep link for iOS apps used in pin
Is pin deletedpin_promotion_is_pin_deleteddimTRUE if pin has been deleted, FALSE if pin still exists
Review statuspin_promotion_review_statusdimReview status of promoted pin / ad
View tracking URLpin_promotion_view_tracking_urldim3rd-party impression or view tracking URL used on promoted pin / ad
Targeting valuetargeting_valuedimThe targeting value
Targeting typetargeting_typedimThe targeting type
DEPRECATEDCreative typecampaign_creative_typedimThe creative type of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-03
Engagement window daysadvertiser_engagement_window_daysdimThe tracking window for engagements in days. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-01-17
Campaign typecampaign_typedimThe type of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-03
Placement exclusioncampaign_placement_exclusiondimThe placement exclusion of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-03
Campaign upgrade statuscampaign_upgrade_statusdimThe upgrade status of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-03
Campaign entity versioncampaign_entity_versiondimThe entity version of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-01
Is agencyadvertiser_is_agencydimWhether of not the advertiser is an agency. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Conversion learning mode typead_group_conversion_learning_mode_typedimThe type of conversion learning mode of the ad group. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-25
Advertiser created dateadvertiser_created_timedimThe date the advertiser was created. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Advertiser updated dateadvertiser_updated_timedimThe date the advertiser was last updated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
VAT numberadvertiser_vat_numberdimThe VAT number of the advertiser. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
VAT exempt numberadvertiser_vat_exempt_numberdimThe VAT exempt number of the advertiser. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Represented countryadvertiser_represented_advertiser_countrydimThe country the advertiser represents. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Advertiser typeadvertiser_typedimThe type of the advertiser. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Is paying agencyadvertiser_is_agency_payingdimWhether of not the advertiser is a paying agency. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Business addressadvertiser_business_addressdimThe business address of the advertiser. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Advertiser is one-tapadvertiser_is_one_tapdimWhether of not the advertiser is a one-tap. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Ad group bid typead_group_bid_typedimThe bid type of the ad group. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-03
Ad group upgrade statusad_group_upgrade_statusdimThe upgrade status of the ad group. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-03
Measurement partner campaign idcampaign_measurement_partner_campaign_iddimThe unique identifier of the measurement partner's campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-01
Campaign is one-tapcampaign_is_one_tapdimWhether the campaign is one-tap of not. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-03
Product filtercampaign_product_filterdimThe product filter of the campagin. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-01
Ad group targeting type (deprecated)ad_group_targeting_typedimThe targeting type of the ad group. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-08
Billing groupcampaign_billing_groupdimThe billing group of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-01
Ad group targeting value (deprecated)ad_group_targeting_valuedimThe targeting value of the ad group. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-08
Click window daysadvertiser_click_window_daysdimThe tracking window for clicks in days. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-01-17
Ad group targeting term (deprecated)ad_group_targeting_spec_termdimList of terms the ad group is targeting. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-08
View window daysadvertiser_view_window_daysdimThe tracking window for views in days. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-01-17
Ad group entity versionad_group_entity_versiondimThe entity version of the ad group. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-25
Merchant IDadvertiser_merchant_iddimThe merchant ID of the advertiser. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
Is a test accountadvertiser_test_accountdimWhether or not the advertiser is a test account. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-05-24
CORE METRICSImpressions paidimpressions_paidmetThe number of impressions from your promoted Pins. This includes both paid impressions and over-delivered impressions
Impressions earnedimpressions_earnedmetThe number of impressions from Repins of your promoted Pins
FrequencyfrequencymetThe average number of times each user saw your ad
ReachreachmetTotal number of unique users who saw your ads
Impressionstotal_impressionsmetThe number of impressions from earned and paid sources
Clicks paidclickthrough_paidmetThe number of clicks from your promoted Pins. This includes both paid clicks and over-delivered clicks
Clicks earnedclickthrough_earnedmetThe number of clicks from Repins of your promoted Pins
Clickstotal_clickthroughmetThe number of clicks from earned and paid sources
CTR (%)ctr_rate_percmetClick-through rate
CTR paid (%)ctr_rate_paid_percmetThe click-through rate of paid sources
CTR earned (%)ctr_rate_earned_percmetThe click-through rate of earned sources
Outbound clicks paidoutbound_clicks_paidmetThe number of paid outbound clicks from your promoted Pins
Outbound clicks earnedoutbound_clicks_earnedmetThe number of earned outbound clicks from your promoted Pins
Outbound clicksoutbound_clicksmetThe total number of outbound clicks from your promoted Pins
Outbound CTR paidoutbound_ctr_paidmetPaid outbound click-through rate. The ratio of paid outbound clicks to impressions of your promoted Pins
Outbound CTR earnedoutbound_ctr_earnedmetEarned outbound click-through rate. The ratio of earned outbound clicks to impressions of your promoted Pins
Outbound CTRoutbound_ctrmetOutbound click-through rate. The ratio of outbound clicks to impressions of your promoted Pins
Conversionstotal_conversionsmetThis is the sum of all website conversions. For example, if you track sign ups and checkouts on your website, it's the sum of all sign ups and checkouts attributed from clicks, engagements and views on Pinterest
Conversions quantitytotal_conversions_quantitymetConversions quantity
Conversions valuetotal_conversions_valuemetConversions value
Saves paidsaves_paidmetThe number of paid Repins of your promoted Pins
Saves earnedsaves_earnedmetThe number of unpaid Repins of your promoted Pins
Savestotal_savesmetThe number of Repins from earned and paid sources
Save ratesave_ratemetThe rate of Repins
Save rate paidsave_rate_paidmetThe rate of paid Repins
Save rate earnedsave_rate_earnedmetThe rate of earned Repins
Carousel swipes paidcarousel_swipes_paidmetThe number of paid swipes from your promoted carousel Pins
Carousel swipes earnedcarousel_swipes_earnedmetThe number of non-paid swipes from your promoted carousel Pins
Carousel swipescarousel_swipes_totalmetThe number of swipes from your promoted carousel Pins. This includes both paid and non-paid activity
Engagements paidengagements_paidmetTotal engagements from paid sources
Engagements earnedengagements_earnedmetTotal engagements from earned sources
Engagementstotal_engagementsmetTotal engagements from earned and paid sources
CPMcpmmetCost per mille
CPEcpemetCost per engagement
CPE paidcpe_paidmetCost per paid engagement
CPE earnedcpe_earnedmetCost per earned engagement
CPCcpcmetCost per click
CPC paidcpc_paidmetCost per paid click
CPC earnedcpc_earnedmetCost per earned click
CostcostmetThe money you spent for promoted Pins, in the currency of the advertiser
Cost (EUR)cost_eurmetThe money you spent for promoted Pins, converted to Euros
Cost (USD)cost_usdmetThe money you spent for promoted Pins, converted to US dollars
Cost (GBP)cost_gbpmetThe money you spent for promoted Pins, converted to British pounds
Conversion rateconversion_ratemetTotal conversions divided by total clicks
Cost per conversioncost_per_conversionmetCost divided by total conversions
VIDEO ENGAGEMENTSVideo avg. watch time (s) earnedvideo_avg_watchtime_in_second_2metAverage watch time of all video ads, including seeks and loops, after being saved to another person's board
Video avg. watch time (s) paidvideo_avg_watchtime_in_second_1metAverage watch time of all video ads, including seeks and loops
Video starts earnedvideo_p0_combined_2metNumber of times your video ad started playing after it was saved to another person's board
Video starts paidvideo_p0_combined_1metNumber of times your video ad started playing
Video views earnedvideo_mrc_views_2metNumber of times your video ad played continuously for 2 seconds while 50% in view after being saved to another person's board
Video views paidvideo_mrc_views_1metNumber of times your video ad played continuously for 2 seconds while 50% in view
Three second video viewsvideo_3s_viewsmetTotal number of times your video ad played continuously for at least 3 seconds while 50% visible (includes both paid and earned)
Video views at 100% paidvideo_p100_complete_1metNumber of times your video ad reached 100% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 100% earnedvideo_p100_complete_2metNumber of times your video ad reached 100% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 25% paidvideo_p25_combined_1metNumber of times your video ad reached 25% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 25% earnedvideo_p25_combined_2metNumber of times your video ad reached 25% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 50% paidvideo_p50_combined_1metNumber of times your video ad reached 50% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 50% earnedvideo_p50_combined_2metNumber of times your video ad reached 50% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 75% paidvideo_p75_combined_1metNumber of times your video ad reached 75% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 75% earnedvideo_p75_combined_2metNumber of times your video ad reached 75% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 95% paidvideo_p95_combined_1metNumber of times your video ad reached 95% of its length, including views that skipped ahead to this point
Video views at 95% earnedvideo_p95_combined_2metNumber of times your video ad reached 95% of its length after it was saved to another person's board, including views that skipped ahead to this point
CONVERSIONS ADD TO CARTClick-through conversions (add to cart)total_click_add_to_cartmetTotal number of add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ads
Conversion quantity from add to cart - clickstotal_click_add_to_cart_quantitymetTotal quantity of add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ads
Click-through value (add to cart)total_click_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ads
Engagement conversions (add to cart)total_engagement_add_to_cartmetTotal number of add to cart events resulting from engagement with your ads
Conversion quantity from add to cart - engagementstotal_engagement_add_to_cart_quantitymetTotal quantity of add to cart events resulting from engagement with your ads
Engagement value (add to cart)total_engagement_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of add to cart events resulting from engagement with your ads
View-through conversions (add to cart)total_view_add_to_cartmetTotal number of add to cart events resulting from views of your ads
Conversion quantity from add to cart - viewstotal_view_add_to_cart_quantitymetTotal quantity of add to cart events resulting from views of your ads
View-through value (add to cart)total_view_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of add to cart events resulting from views of your ads
Add to cart desktop action to desktop conversiontotal_add_to_cart_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of desktop add to cart actions leading to a desktop add to cart conversion
Add to cart desktop action to mobile conversiontotal_add_to_cart_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of desktop add to cart actions leading to a mobile add to cart conversion
Add to cart desktop action to tablet conversiontotal_add_to_cart_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of desktop add to cart actions leading to a tablet add to cart conversion
Add to cart mobile action to desktop conversiontotal_add_to_cart_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of mobile add to cart actions leading to a desktop add to cart conversion
Add to cart mobile action to mobile conversiontotal_add_to_cart_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of mobile add to cart actions leading to a mobile add to cart conversion
Add to cart mobile action to tablet conversiontotal_add_to_cart_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of desktop add to cart actions leading to a mobile add to cart conversion
Add to cart tablet action to desktop conversiontotal_add_to_cart_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of tablet add to cart actions leading to a desktop add to cart conversion
Add to cart tablet action to mobile conversiontotal_add_to_cart_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of tablet add to cart actions leading to a mobile add to cart conversion
Add to cart tablet action to tablet conversiontotal_add_to_cart_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of tablet add to cart actions leading to a tablet add to cart conversion
In-app CPA (add to cart)inapp_add_to_cart_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per in-app add to cart events
In-app ROAS (add to cart)inapp_add_to_cart_roasmetAverage return on spend for in-app add to cart events
In-app conversions (add to cart)total_inapp_add_to_cartmetTotal number of in-app add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ads
In-app order value (add to cart)total_inapp_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of in-app add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ads
In-app click-through conversions (add to cart)total_inapp_click_add_to_cartmetTotal number of in-app add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ads
In-app click-through order value (add to cart)total_inapp_click_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of in-app add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ads
In-app engagement conversions (add to cart)total_inapp_engagement_add_to_cartmetTotal number of in-app add to cart events resulting from engagement with your ads
In-app engagement order value (add to cart)total_inapp_engagement_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of in-app add to cart events resulting from engagement with your ads
In-app view-through conversions (add to cart)total_inapp_view_add_to_cartmetTotal number of in-app add to cart events resulting from views of your ads
In-app view-through order value (add to cart)total_inapp_view_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of in-app add to cart events resulting from views of your ads
Web conversions (add to cart)total_web_add_to_cartmetTotal number of web add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ads
Web order value (add to cart)total_web_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of web add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ads
Web click-through conversions (add to cart)total_web_click_add_to_cartmetTotal number of web add to cart events resulting from clicks on your ads
Web click-through order value (add to cart)total_web_click_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of web add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ads
Web engagement conversions (add to cart)total_web_engagement_add_to_cartmetTotal number of web add to cart events resulting from engagement with your ads
Web engagement order value (add to cart)total_web_engagement_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of web add to cart events resulting from engagement with your ads
Web view-through conversions (add to cart)total_web_view_add_to_cartmetTotal number of web add to cart events resulting from views of your ads
Web view-through order value (add to cart)total_web_view_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of web add to cart events resulting from views of your ads
Offline order value (Lead)total_offline_lead_valuemetTotal value of offline lead events resulting from interactions with your ad
CPA (Add to cart)add_to_cart_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per add to cart event
ROAS (Add to cart)add_to_cart_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for add to cart events
Conversions (Add to Cart)total_add_to_cartmetTotal number of add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversions Value (Add to cart)total_add_to_cart_valuemetTotal value of add to cart events resulting from interactions with your ad
CONVERSIONS LEADWeb conversions (Lead)total_web_leadmetTotal number of web lead events resulting from clicks on your ad
Web order value (Lead)total_web_lead_valuemetTotal value of web lead events resulting from interactions with your ad
Click-through conversions (lead)total_click_leadmetTotal number of lead events resulting from clicks on your ads
Conversion quantity from lead - clickstotal_click_lead_quantitymetTotal quantity of lead events resulting from clicks on your ads
Click-through value (lead)total_click_lead_valuemetTotal value of lead events resulting from clicks on your ads
Engagement conversions (lead)total_engagement_leadmetTotal number of lead events resulting from engagement with your ads
Conversions (lead)total_leadmetTotal leads from clicks, engagements and views
Conversion quantity from lead - engagementstotal_engagement_lead_quantitymetTotal quantity of lead events resulting from engagement with your ads
Engagement value (lead)total_engagement_lead_valuemetTotal value of lead events resulting from engagement with your ads
View-through conversions (lead)total_view_leadmetTotal number of lead events resulting from views of your ads
Conversion quantity from lead - viewstotal_view_lead_quantitymetTotal quantity of lead events resulting from views of your ads
View-through value (lead)total_view_lead_valuemetTotal value of lead events resulting from views of your ads
Leads desktop action to desktop conversiontotal_lead_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of desktop lead actions leading to a desktop lead conversion
Leads desktop action to mobile conversiontotal_lead_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of desktop lead actions leading to a mobile lead conversion
Leads desktop action to tablet conversiontotal_lead_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of desktop lead actions leading to a tablet lead conversion
Leads mobile action to desktop conversiontotal_lead_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of mobile lead actions leading to a desktop lead conversion
Leads mobile action to mobile conversiontotal_lead_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of mobile lead actions leading to a mobile lead conversion
Leads mobile action to tablet conversiontotal_lead_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of mobile lead actions leading to a tablet lead conversion
Leads tablet action to desktop conversiontotal_lead_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of tablet lead actions leading to a desktop lead conversion
Leads tablet action to mobile conversiontotal_lead_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of tablet lead actions leading to a mobile lead conversion
Leads tablet action to tablet conversiontotal_lead_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of tablet lead actions leading to a tablet lead conversion
CONVERSIONS APP INSTALLClick-through conversions (app install)total_click_app_installmetTotal number of app install events resulting from clicks on your ads
Click-through value (app install)total_click_app_install_valuemetTotal value of app install events resulting from clicks on your ads
Engagement conversions (app install)total_engagement_app_installmetTotal number of app install events resulting from engagement with your ads
Engagement value (app install)total_engagement_app_install_valuemetTotal value of app install events resulting from engagement with your ads
View-through conversions (app install)total_view_app_installmetTotal number of app install events resulting from views of your ads
View-through value (app install)total_view_app_install_valuemetTotal value of app install events resulting from views of your ads
App install desktop action to desktop conversiontotal_app_install_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of desktop app install actions leading to a desktop app install conversion
App install desktop action to mobile conversiontotal_app_install_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of desktop app install actions leading to a mobile app install conversion
App install desktop action to tablet conversiontotal_app_install_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of desktop app install actions leading to a tablet app install conversion
app install mobile action to desktop conversiontotal_app_install_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of mobile app install actions leading to a desktop app install conversion
App install mobile action to mobile conversiontotal_app_install_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of mobile app install actions leading to a mobile app install conversion
App install mobile action to tablet conversiontotal_app_install_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of mobile app install actions leading to a tablet app install conversion
App install tablet action to desktop conversiontotal_app_install_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of tablet app install actions leading to a desktop app install conversion
App install tablet action to mobile conversiontotal_app_install_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of tablet app install actions leading to a mobile app install conversion
App install tablet action to tablet conversiontotal_app_install_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of tablet app install actions leading to a tablet app install conversion
In-app CPA (app install)inapp_app_install_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per in-app app install events
In-app ROAS (App install)inapp_app_install_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for in-app app install events
In-app conversions (app install)total_inapp_app_installmetTotal number of in-app app install events resulting from interactions with your ads
In-app order value (App install)total_inapp_app_install_valuemetTotal value of in-app app install events resulting from interactions with your ad
In-app click-through conversions (app install)total_inapp_click_app_installmetTotal number of in-app app install events resulting from clicks on your ads
In-app click-through order value (app install)total_inapp_click_app_install_valuemetTotal value of in-app app install events resulting from clicks on your ads
In-app engagement conversions (app install)total_inapp_engagement_app_installmetTotal number of in-app app install events resulting from engagement with your ads
In-app engagement order value (app install)total_inapp_engagement_app_install_valuemetTotal value of in-app app install events resulting from engagement with your ads
In-app view-through conversions (app install)total_inapp_view_app_installmetTotal number of in-app app install events resulting from views of your ads
In-app view-through order value (app install)total_inapp_view_app_install_valuemetTotal value of in-app app install events resulting from views of your ads
Conversions (app install)total_app_installmetTotal number of app install events resulting from interactions with your ads
Order value (App install)total_app_install_valuemetTotal value of app install events resulting from interactions with your ad
CPA (app install)app_install_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per app install events
CONVERSIONS CHECKOUTClick-through conversions (checkout)total_click_checkoutmetCheckouts that can be traced back to when somebody clicked a promoted Pin and continued to your site, leaving Pinterest
View-through conversions (checkout)total_view_checkoutmetCheckouts that can be traced back to times when people repinned or clicked your promoted Pin to see it close-up, staying on Pinterest
Click-through order quantity (checkout)total_click_checkout_quantitymetClicks checkout quantity
Click-through order value (checkout)total_click_checkout_valuemetClicks checkout value
Engagement conversions (checkout)total_engagement_checkoutmetEngagements checkout
Engagement order quantity (checkout)total_engagement_checkout_quantitymetEngagements checkout quantity
Engagement order value (checkout)total_engagement_checkout_valuemetEngagements checkout value
View-through order quantity (checkout)total_view_checkout_quantitymetViews checkout quantity
View-through order value (checkout)total_view_checkout_valuemetViews checkout value
Checkouts desktop action to desktop conversiontotal_checkout_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetCheckouts desktop action to desktop conversion
Checkouts desktop action to mobile conversiontotal_checkout_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetCheckouts desktop action to mobile conversion
Checkouts desktop action to tablet conversiontotal_checkout_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetCheckouts desktop action to tablet conversion
Checkouts mobile action to desktop conversiontotal_checkout_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetCheckouts mobile action to desktop conversion
Checkouts mobile action to mobile conversiontotal_checkout_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetCheckouts mobile action to mobile conversion
Checkouts mobile action to tablet conversiontotal_checkout_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetCheckouts mobile action to tablet conversion
Checkouts tablet action to desktop conversiontotal_checkout_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetCheckouts tablet action to desktop conversion
Checkouts tablet action to mobile conversiontotal_checkout_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetCheckouts tablet action to mobile conversion
Checkouts tablet action to tablet conversiontotal_checkout_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetCheckouts tablet action to tablet conversion
Web conversions (Signup)total_web_signupmetTotal number of web signup events resulting from clicks on your ad
Web order value (Signup)total_web_signup_valuemetTotal value of web signup events resulting from interactions with your ad
Web conversions (Page visit)total_web_page_visitmetTotal number of web page visit events resulting from clicks on your ad
Web order value (Page visit)total_web_page_visit_valuemetTotal value of web page visit events resulting from interactions with your ad
Web ROAS (Page visit)web_page_visit_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for web page visit events
Web CPA (Page visit)web_page_visit_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per web page visit event
Web conversions (Custom)total_web_custommetTotal number of web custom events resulting from clicks on your ad
Web order value (Custom)total_web_custom_valuemetTotal value of web custom events resulting from interactions with your ad
Web conversions (Checkout)total_web_checkoutmetTotal number of web checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
Web order value (Checkout)total_web_checkout_valuemetTotal value of web checkout events resulting from interactions with your ad
Web CPA (Checkout)web_checkout_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per web checkout event
Web click-through conversions (Checkout)total_web_click_checkoutmetTotal number of web checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
Web click-through order value (Checkout)total_web_click_checkout_valuemetTotal value of web checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
Web engagement conversions (Checkout)total_web_engagement_checkoutmetTotal number of web checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad (save, closeup or carousel swipe)
Web engagement order value (Checkout)total_web_engagement_checkout_valuemetTotal value of web checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad (save, closeup or carousel swipe)
Web view-through conversions (Checkout)total_web_view_checkoutmetTotal number of web checkout events resulting from views of your ad
Web view-through order value (Checkout)total_web_view_checkout_valuemetTotal value of web checkout events resulting from views of your ad
Web ROAS (Checkout)web_checkout_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for web checkout events
In-app CPA (Checkout)inapp_checkout_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per in-app checkout event
In-app ROAS (Checkout)inapp_checkout_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for in-app checkout events
In-app conversions (Checkout)total_inapp_checkoutmetTotal number of in-app checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
In-app order value (Checkout)total_inapp_checkout_valuemetTotal value of in-app checkout events resulting from interactions with your ad
In-app click-through conversions (Checkout)total_inapp_click_checkoutmetTotal number of in-app checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
In-app click-through order value (Checkout)total_inapp_click_checkout_valuemetTotal value of in-app checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
In-app engagement conversions (Checkout)total_inapp_engagement_checkoutmetTotal number of in-app checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad (save, closeup or carousel swipe)
In-app engagement order value (Checkout)total_inapp_engagement_checkout_valuemetTotal value of in-app checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad (save, closeup or carousel swipe)
In-app view-through conversions (Checkout)total_inapp_view_checkoutmetTotal number of in-app checkout events resulting from views of your ad
In-app view-through order value (Checkout)total_inapp_view_checkout_valuemetTotal value of in-app checkout events resulting from views of your ad
In-app conversions (Signup)total_inapp_signupmetTotal number of in-app signup events resulting from clicks on your ad
In-app order value (Signup)total_inapp_signup_valuemetTotal value of in-app signup events resulting from interactions with your ad
Offline conversions (Checkout)total_offline_checkoutmetTotal number of offline checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
Offline order value (Checkout)total_offline_checkout_valuemetTotal value of offline checkout events resulting from interactions with your ad
Offline CPA (Checkout)offline_checkout_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per offline checkout event
Offline conversions (Custom)total_offline_custommetTotal number of offline custom events resulting from clicks on your ad
Offline order value (Custom)total_offline_custom_valuemetTotal value of offline custom events resulting from interactions with your ad
Offline ROAS (Checkout)offline_checkout_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for offline checkout events
Offline conversions (Lead)total_offline_leadmetTotal number of offline lead events resulting from clicks on your ad
Offline conversions (Signup)total_offline_signupmetTotal number of offline signup events resulting from clicks on your ad
Offline order value (Signup)total_offline_signup_valuemetTotal value of offline signup events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversions (Checkout)total_checkoutmetTotal number of checkout events that resulted from interactions with your ad
Conversions Value (Checkout)total_checkout_valuemetTotal value of checkout events resulting from interactions with your ad
ROAS (Checkout)checkout_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for checkout events
CPA (Checkout)checkout_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per checkout event
Conversions (Custom)total_custommetTotal number of custom events resulting from interactions with your ad
Conversion value (Custom)total_custom_valuemetTotal value of custom events resulting from interactions with your ad
CPA (Custom)custom_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per custom event
ROAS (Custom)custom_roasmetAverage return on spend for custom events
Conversion value (Lead)total_lead_valuemetTotal value of lead events resulting from interactions with your ad
CPA (Lead)lead_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per lead event
ROAS (Lead)lead_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for lead events
Offline click-through conversions (Checkout)total_offline_click_checkoutmetTotal number of offline checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
Offline click-through order value (Checkout)total_offline_click_checkout_valuemetTotal value of offline checkout events resulting from clicks on your ad
Offline engagement conversions (Checkout)total_offline_engagement_checkoutmetTotal number of offline checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad (save, closeup or carousel swipe)
Offline engagement order value (Checkout)total_offline_engagement_checkout_valuemetTotal value of offline checkout events resulting from engagements with your ad (save, closeup or carousel swipe)
Offline view-through conversions (Checkout)total_offline_view_checkoutmetTotal number of offline checkout events resulting from views of your ad
Offline view-through order value (Checkout)total_offline_view_checkout_valuemetTotal value of offline checkout events resulting from views of your ad
Conversion value (Signup)total_signup_valuemetTotal value of signup events resulting from interactions with your ad
CPA (Signup)signup_cost_per_actionmetSIGNUP_COST_PER_ACTION
ROAS (Signup)signup_roasmetAverage return on ad spend for signup events
CONVERSIONS CUSTOMClick-through conversions (custom)total_click_custommetCustom conversions that can be traced back to when somebody clicked a promoted Pin and continued to your site, leaving Pinterest
Engagement conversions (custom)total_engagement_custommetCustom conversions that can be traced back to times when people repinned or clicked your promoted Pin to see it close-up, staying on Pinterest
View-through conversions (custom)total_view_custommetCustom conversions that can be traced back to when somebody saw your promoted Pin
Conversion quantity from custom - clickstotal_click_custom_quantitymetClicks custom quantity
Conversion quantity from custom - viewstotal_view_custom_quantitymetViews custom quantity
Custom desktop actions to desktop conversiontotal_custom_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetCustom desktop actions to desktop conversion
Custom desktop actions to mobile conversiontotal_custom_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetCustom desktop actions to mobile conversion
Custom desktop actions to tablet conversiontotal_custom_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetCustom desktop actions to tablet conversion
Custom mobile actions to desktop conversiontotal_custom_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetCustom mobile actions to desktop conversion
Custom mobile actions to mobile conversiontotal_custom_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetCustom mobile actions to mobile conversion
Custom mobile actions to tablet conversiontotal_custom_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetCustom mobile actions to tablet conversion
Custom tablet actions to desktop conversiontotal_custom_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetCustom tablet actions to desktop conversion
Custom tablet actions to mobile conversiontotal_custom_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetCustom tablet actions to mobile conversion
Custom tablet actions to tablet conversiontotal_custom_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetCustom tablet actions to tablet conversion
Click-through value (custom)total_click_custom_valuemetClicks custom value
Conversion quantity from custom - engagementstotal_engagement_custom_quantitymetEngagements custom quantity
Engagement value (custom)total_engagement_custom_valuemetEngagements custom value
View-through value (custom)total_view_custom_valuemetViews custom value
CONVERSIONS PAGE VISITClick-through conversions (page visit)total_click_page_visitmetPage visits that can be traced back to when somebody clicked a promoted Pin and continued to your site, leaving Pinterest
Engagement conversions (page visit)total_engagement_page_visitmetPage visits that can be traced back to times when people repinned or clicked your promoted Pin to see it close-up, staying on Pinterest
View-through conversions (page visit)total_view_page_visitmetPage visits that can be traced back to when somebody saw your promoted Pin
Conversion quantity from page visit - clickstotal_click_page_visit_quantitymetClicks page visit quantity
Click-through value (page visit)total_click_page_visit_valuemetClicks page visit value
Conversion quantity from page visitstotal_engagement_page_visit_quantitymetEngagements page visit quantity
Engagement value (page visit)total_engagement_page_visit_valuemetEngagements page visit value
Conversion quantity from page visit - viewstotal_view_page_visit_quantitymetViews page visit quantity
View-through value (page visit)total_view_page_visit_valuemetViews page visit value
Page visits desktop action to desktop conversiontotal_page_visit_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetPage visits desktop action to desktop conversion
Page visits desktop action to mobile conversiontotal_page_visit_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetPage visits desktop action to mobile conversion
Page visits desktop action to tablet conversiontotal_page_visit_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetPage visits desktop action to tablet conversion
Page visits mobile action to desktop conversiontotal_page_visit_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetPage visits mobile action to desktop conversion
Page visits mobile action to mobile conversiontotal_page_visit_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetPage visits mobile action to mobile conversion
Page visits mobile action to tablet conversiontotal_page_visit_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetPage visits mobile action to tablet conversion
Page visits tablet action to desktop conversiontotal_page_visit_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetPage visits tablet action to desktop conversion
Page visits tablet action to mobile conversiontotal_page_visit_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetPage visits tablet action to mobile conversion
Page visits tablet action to tablet conversiontotal_page_visit_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetPage visits tablet action to tablet conversion
CONVERSIONS SIGNUPClick-through conversions (signup)total_click_signupmetSign ups that can be traced back to when somebody clicked a promoted Pin and continued to your site, leaving Pinterest
Engagement conversions (signup)total_engagement_signupmetSign ups that can be traced back to times when people repinned or clicked your promoted Pin to see it close-up, staying on Pinterest
Conversion quantity from signup - engagementstotal_engagement_signup_quantitymetEngagements sign-up quantity
Engagement value (signup)total_engagement_signup_valuemetEngagements sign-up value
Conversion quantity from signup - viewstotal_view_signup_quantitymetViews sign-up quantity
View-through value (signup)total_view_signup_valuemetViews sign-up value
Sign-ups desktop action to desktop conversiontotal_signup_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetSign-ups desktop action to desktop conversion
Sign-ups desktop action to mobile conversiontotal_signup_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetSign-ups desktop action to mobile conversion
Sign-ups desktop action to tablet conversiontotal_signup_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetSign-ups desktop action to tablet conversion
Sign-ups mobile action to desktop conversiontotal_signup_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetSign-ups mobile action to desktop conversion
Sign-ups mobile action to mobile conversiontotal_signup_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetSign-ups mobile action to mobile conversion
Sign-ups mobile action to tablet conversiontotal_signup_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetSign-ups mobile action to tablet conversion
Sign-ups tablet action to desktop conversiontotal_signup_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetSign-ups tablet action to desktop conversion
Sign-ups tablet action to mobile conversiontotal_signup_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetSign-ups tablet action to mobile conversion
Sign-ups tablet action to tablet conversiontotal_signup_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetSign-ups tablet action to tablet conversion
Conversions (signup)total_signupmetTotal sign-ups from clicks, engagements and views
View-through conversions (signup)total_view_signupmetSign ups that can be traced back to when somebody saw your promoted Pin
Conversion quantity from signup - clickstotal_click_signup_quantitymetClicks sign-up quantity
Click-through value (signup)total_click_signup_valuemetClicks sign-up value
CONVERSIONS WATCH VIDEOClick-through conversions (watch video)total_click_watch_videometTotal number of watch video events resulting from clicks on your ads
Conversion quantity from watch video - clickstotal_click_watch_video_quantitymetTotal quantity of watch video events resulting from clicks on your ads
Click-through value (watch video)total_click_watch_video_valuemetTotal value of watch video events resulting from clicks on your ads
Engagement conversions (watch video)total_engagement_watch_videometTotal number of watch video events resulting from engagement with your ads
Conversion quantity from watch video - engagementstotal_engagement_watch_video_quantitymetTotal quantity of watch video events resulting from engagement with your ads
Engagement value (watch video)total_engagement_watch_video_valuemetTotal value of watch video events resulting from engagement with your ads
View-through conversions (watch video)total_view_watch_videometTotal number of watch video events resulting from views of your ads
Conversion quantity from watch video - viewstotal_view_watch_video_quantitymetTotal quantity of watch video events resulting from views of your ads
View-through value (watch video)total_view_watch_video_valuemetTotal value of watch video events resulting from views of your ads
Watch video desktop action to desktop conversiontotal_watch_video_desktop_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of desktop watch video actions leading to a desktop watch video conversion
Watch video desktop action to mobile conversiontotal_watch_video_desktop_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of desktop watch video actions leading to a MOBILE watch video conversion
Watch video desktop action to tablet conversiontotal_watch_video_desktop_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of desktop watch video actions leading to a tablet watch video conversion
Watch video mobile action to desktop conversiontotal_watch_video_mobile_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of mobile watch video actions leading to a desktop watch video conversion
Watch video mobile action to mobile conversiontotal_watch_video_mobile_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of mobile watch video actions leading to a mobile watch video conversion
Watch video mobile action to tablet conversiontotal_watch_video_mobile_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of mobile watch video actions leading to a tablet watch video conversion
Watch video tablet action to desktop conversiontotal_watch_video_tablet_action_to_desktop_conversionmetTotal number of tablet watch video actions leading to a desktop watch video conversion
Watch video tablet action to mobile conversiontotal_watch_video_tablet_action_to_mobile_conversionmetTotal number of tablet watch video actions leading to a mobile watch video conversion
Watch video tablet action to tablet conversiontotal_watch_video_tablet_action_to_tablet_conversionmetTotal number of tablet watch video actions leading to a tablet watch video conversion
Web conversions (watch video)total_web_watch_videometTotal number of web watch video events resulting from interactions with your ads
Web order value (watch video)total_web_watch_video_valuemetTotal value of web watch video events resulting from interactions with your ads
Web click-through conversions (watch video)total_web_click_watch_videometTotal number of web watch video events resulting from clicks on your ads
Web click-through order value (watch video)total_web_click_watch_video_valuemetTotal value of web watch video events resulting from clicks on your ads
Web engagement conversions (watch video)total_web_engagement_watch_videometTotal number of web watch video events resulting from engagement with your ads
Web engagement order value (watch video)total_web_engagement_watch_video_valuemetTotal value of web watch video events resulting from engagement with your ads
Web view-through conversions (watch video)total_web_view_watch_videometTotal number of web watch video events resulting from views of your ads
Web view-through order value (watch video)total_web_view_watch_video_valuemetTotal value of web watch video events resulting from views of your ads
Web CPA (watch video)web_watch_video_cost_per_actionmetAverage cost per web watch video events
Web ROAS (watch video)web_watch_video_roasmetAverage return on spend for web watch video events
DEPRECATEDTotal onsite checkoutsonsite_checkoutsmetOn-site checkouts. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-02-15
Total onsite checkouts CPAonsite_checkouts_cpa_billablemetOn-site checkouts cpa billable. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-02-15
Close-up rate paidcloseups_rate_paidmetThe rate of paid close ups. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-01-21
Close-up rate earnedcloseups_rate_earnedmetThe rate of earned close ups. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-01-21
Close-up ratecloseups_ratemetThe rate of close ups. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-01-21
Close-upstotal_closeupsmetThe number of close-ups from earned and paid sources. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-01-21
Close-ups earnedcloseups_earnedmetThe number of close-ups from Repins of your promoted Pins. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-01-21
Close-ups paidcloseups_paidmetThe number of close-ups from your promoted Pins. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-01-21
Total onsite checkouts valueonsite_checkouts_valuemetOn-site checkouts value. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-02-15