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Metric list for MailChimp

84 metrics available

SENT & OPENEDEmails sentemails_sentThe total number of emails sent for this campaign
Emails deliveredemails_deliveredThe total number of emails confirmed sent for this campaign so far
Emails cancelledemails_cancelledThe total number of emails canceled for this campaign
Delivery rate (%)delivery_rate_perc
Unique opensunique_opensThe total number of unique opens
Total opensopens_totalThe total number of opens for a campaign
Open rate (%)open_rate_percThe number of unique opens divided by the total number of successful deliveries
BOUNCESBouncesbouncesThe bounce summary for the campaign
Bounce rate (%)bounce_rate_perc
Hard bounceshard_bouncesThe total number of hard bounced email addresses
Soft bouncessoft_bouncesThe total number of soft bounced email addresses
Hard bounce rate (%)hard_bounce_rate_perc
Soft bounce rate (%)soft_bounce_rate_perc
Syntax errorssyntax_errorsThe total number of addresses that were syntax-related bounces
FORWARDSForwardsforwards_countThe forwards and forward activity for the campaign
Forward opensforwards_opensHow many times the forwarded campaign has been opened
ABUSE REPORTSAbuse reportsabuse_reportsThe number of abuse reports generated for this campaign
Abuse report rate (%)abuse_rate_percThe industry abuse rate
UNSUBSCRIPTIONSUnsubscribesunsubscribesA list of members who unsubscribed from a campaign
Unsubscription rate (%)unsubscription_rate_percThe average number of unsubscriptions per month for the list
CLICKSUnique clicksunique_clicksThe total number of unique clicks for links across a campaign
Total clicksclicks_totalThe total number of clicks for the campaign
Unique subscriber clicksunique_subscriber_clicksThe total number of subscribers who clicked on a campaign
Click rate (%)click_rate_percThe number of unique clicks divided by the total number of successful deliveries
LIKESFacebook likesfacebook_likesThe number of Facebook likes for the campaign
Unique likesunique_likesThe number of unique likes
Recipient likesrecipient_likesThe number of recipients who liked the campaign on Facebook
ECOMMERCETotal ordersecommerce_total_ordersThe total orders for a campaign
Total spentecommerce_total_spentThe total amount the customer has spent
Total revenueecommerce_total_revenueThe total revenue for a campaign
EEPURLTwitter tweetseepurl_tweetsThe number of tweets including a link to the campaign
Retweetseepurl_reweetsThe number of retweets that include a link to the campaign
EepURL clickseepurl_clicksThe total number of clicks to the campaign's URL
A/B TESTINGUnique opens Aunique_opens_aUnique opens for Campaign A
Unique opens Bunique_opens_bUnique opens for Campaign B
Total opens Aopens_aOpens for Campaign A
Total opens Bopens_bOpens for Campaign B
Bounces Abounces_aBounces for Campaign A
Bounces Bbounces_bBounces for Campaign B
Forwards Aforwards_aForwards for Campaign A
Forwards Bforwards_bForwards for Campaign B
Forward opens Aforwards_opens_aOpens from forwards for Campaign A
Forward opens Bforwards_opens_bOpens from forwards for Campaign B
Abuse reports Aabuse_reports_aAbuse reports for Campaign A
Abuse reports Babuse_reports_bAbuse reports for Campaign B
Unsubscriptions Aunsubs_aUnsubscribes for Campaign A
Unsubscriptions Bunsubs_bUnsubscribes for Campaign B
Recipient clicks Arecipients_click_aRecipient Clicks for Campaign A
Recipient clicks Brecipients_click_bRecipient Clicks for Campaign B
LIST ALL-TIME TOTALSCampaign countcampaign_countThe number of campaigns in the folder
Member countmember_countThe number of active members in the list
Member count since last sendmember_count_since_sendThe number of active members in the list since the last campaign was sent
Cleaned countcleaned_countThe number of members cleaned from the list
Cleaned count since last sendcleaned_count_since_sendThe number of members cleaned from the list since the last campaign was sent
List unsubscribe countlist_unsubscribe_countThe number of members who have unsubscribed from the list
List unsubscribe count since last sendunsubscribe_count_since_sendThe number of members who have unsubscribed since the last campaign was sent
List open rate (%)list_open_rate_percThe average open rate per campaign for the list
List click rate (%)list_click_rate_percThe average click rate per campaign for the list
List subscription rate (%)list_avg_sub_rate_percThe average number of subscriptions per month for the list
List unsubscription rate (%)list_avg_unsub_rate_percThe average number of unsubscriptions per month for the list
Target subscription rate (%)list_target_sub_rate_percThe target number of subscriptions per month for the list to keep it growing
LIST METRICS BY TIMEOpt-in membersoptinsNewly opted-in members on the list for a specific month
Imported membersimportsImported members on the list for a specific month
Removed membersremoves
Subscribed memberssubscribedNewly subscribed members on the list for a specific month
Unsubscribed membersunsubscribedNewly unsubscribed members on the list for a specific month
Reconfirmed membersreconfirmedNewly reconfirmed members on the list for a specific month
Cleaned memberscleanedNewly cleaned (hard-bounced) members on the list for a specific month
Pending memberspendingPending members on the list for a specific month
Deleted membersdeletedNewly deleted members on the list for a specific month
Transactional subscriberstransactionalSubscribers that have been sent transactional emails via Mandrill
LIST MEMBERSMember avg. open rate (%)member_avg_open_rate_percA subscriber's average open rate
Member avg. click rate (%)member_avg_click_rate_percA subscriber's average clickthrough rate
LIST LOCATIONSSubscriber percent in countrylist_location_subspercentThe percent of subscribers in the country
Total subscribers in countrylist_location_substotalThe total number of subscribers in the country
AUTOMATION ALL-TIME TOTALSAutomation open rate (%)automation_open_rate_percThe number of unique opens divided by the total number of successful deliveries
Automation click rate (%)automation_click_rate_percThe number of unique clicks, divided by the total number of successful deliveries
INDUSTRYIndustry open rate (%)industry_open_rate_percThe industry open rate
Industry click rate (%)industry_click_rate_percThe industry click rate
Industry bounce rate (%)industry_bounce_rate_percThe industry bounce rate
Industry unopen rate (%)industry_unopen_rate_percThe industry unopened rate
Industry unsubscription rate (%)industry_unsub_rate_percThe industry unsubscribe rate
Industry abuse report rate (%)industry_abuse_rate_percThe industry abuse rate
DEPRECATEDExisting membersexistingExisting members on the list for a specific month. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-24