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Field list for LiveIntent

17 metrics and 47 dimensions available

Year of week (Sun-Sat)advertiser_year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)advertiser_year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthadvertiser_year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)advertiser_year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)advertiser_year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)advertiser_weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)advertiser_week_isodim
Day of monthadvertiser_day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)advertiser_day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)advertiser_day_of_week_name_isodim
AdvertiserAdvertiser IDadvertiser_advertiser_iddimThe ID of the advertiser
Advertiser nameadvertiser_advertiser_namedimThe name of the advertiser
CampaignCampaign IDadvertiser_campaign_iddimThe ID of the campaign
Campaign nameadvertiser_campaign_namedimThe name of the campaign
Campaign budgetadvertiser_campaign_budgetdimThe budget set for the campaign
Campaign start dateadvertiser_campaign_start_datedimThe start date of the campaign
Campaign end dateadvertiser_campaign_end_datedimThe end date of the campaign
Campaign bid amountadvertiser_campaign_bid_amountdimThe bid amount of the campaign
Budget typeadvertiser_budget_typedimThe budget type
Line itemLine item IDadvertiser_line_item_iddimThe ID of the line item
Line item nameadvertiser_line_item_namedimThe name of the line item
Line item start dateadvertiser_line_item_start_datedimThe start date of the line item
Line item end dateadvertiser_line_item_end_datedimThe end date of the line item
Line item bid amountadvertiser_line_item_bid_amountdimThe bid amount of the line item
Line item budgetadvertiser_line_item_budgetdimThe budget set for the line item
CreativeCreative IDadvertiser_creative_iddimThe ID of the creative
Creative nameadvertiser_creative_namedimThe name of the creative
Creative sizeadvertiser_creative_sizedimThe size of the creative
Creative URLadvertiser_creative_urldimThe URL address of the creative
GeoMetro (DMA)advertiser_metrodim
Age and genderAgeadvertiser_agedim
DeviceDevice typeadvertiser_device_typedimThe type of the device
Operating systemadvertiser_operating_systemdimThe operating system
Browseradvertiser_browserdimThe browser that was used
OtherPublisher IDadvertiser_publisher_iddimThe ID of the publisher
Demand typeadvertiser_demand_typedimThe type of the demand
ClickThrough URLadvertiser_clickthough_urldimThe URL of the click-through.
Impressionsadvertiser_impressionsmetThe number of impressions
Clicksadvertiser_clicksmetThe number of clicks
CTRadvertiser_ctrmetThe percentage of ads that were clicked. Clicks / Impressions
Advertiser spent (USD)advertiser_advertiser_spentmetThe amount spent on advertising.
Advertiser spent (EUR)advertiser_advertiser_spent_usd_to_eurmetThe amount spent converted to EUR.
Advertiser spent (GBP)advertiser_advertiser_spent_usd_to_gbpmetThe amount spent converted to GBP.
eCPMadvertiser_cpmmetCost per 1000 impressions
eCPCadvertiser_cost_per_clickmetThe cost per click. Advertiser spent / Clicks
Conversions (PCC)advertiser_conversions_pccmetPost click conversions. The number of conversions that occurred after a user clicked a LiveIntent ad within the post click attribution window selected
Conversions (PVC)advertiser_conversions_pvcmetPost view conversions. The number of conversions that occurred after a user was delivered an impressions but did not click on a LiveIntent Ad within the post view attribution window selected
Total conversionsadvertiser_total_conversionsmetThe sum of post click conversions (PCC) and post view conversions (PVC). It is calculated as Conversions (PCC) + Conversions (PVC)
Conversion rateadvertiser_conversion_ratemetThe percentage of users who completed a desired action (conversion). Total conversions / Impressions
CCRadvertiser_ccrmetClick-to-Conversion Rate. Conversions (PCC) / Clicks.
ROASadvertiser_roasmetReturn of ad spend. User purchase amount (Total) / Advertiser spent.
User purchase amount (PCC)advertiser_upa_pccmetThe amount spent on a product or a service
User purchase amount (PVC)advertiser_upa_pvcmetThe amount spent on a product or a service
User purchase amount (Total)advertiser_upa_totalmetThe total amount spent on a product or a service