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Field list for Google Search Console

13 metrics and 59 dimensions available

TIMEYearYeardimYear, e.g. 2017
MonthYearmonthdimYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
Week (Sun-Sat)YearweekdimYear and week for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Mon-Sun)YearweekisodimYear and week for ISO standard Monday-Sunday weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year of week (Mon-Sun)YearOfISOweekdimYear of week for ISO standard Monday-Sunday weeks, e.g. 2017
Week (Mon-Sun)weekisodimISO week number, e.g. 51
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdimUS week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun, dates)yearweekiso_daterangedim
MonthMonthdimMonth, e.g. 6
Day of monthdayOfMonthdimDay of month, e.g. 2
Day of weekdayOfWeekWithNamedimDay of week number & name for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
DateDatedimDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
SEARCH QUERYSearch queryquerydimThe search query that resulted in a search impression
Branded vs. non-branded search queriesbranded_vs_nonbrandeddimCategorises search queries into branded or non-branded. You can set your own brand terms, or if you don't, we use your domain name as the brand term
# of words in search querywords_in_querydimCounts the number of words in a search query
Search typesearchTypedimSeparates web, image and mobile search
Search appearancesearchAppearancedim
SERP position (rounded avg.)position_dimdimOrganic position in Google search results. We take the average position per keyword and round it to the closest integer
SERP position (rounded avg., paged)position_dim_pagedimOrganic position in Google search results. We take the average position per keyword and round it to the closest integer for positions 1-10, and group by ten for further positions
LANDING PAGEFull URLpagedimThe landing page on your site
ProtocolprotocoldimTransfer protocol extracted from the landing page URL. Either http or https
HostnamehostnamedimHostname extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return ''
PathpagepathdimPage path extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return '/products/googlesheets/index.html'
Directory level 1pathlevel1dimTop-level directory extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return 'products'
Directory level 2pathlevel2dimDirectory path until the 2nd level extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return 'products/googlesheets'
Directory level 3pathlevel3dimDirectory path until the 3rd level extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return 'products/googlesheets'
Directory level 4pathlevel4dimDirectory path until the 4th level extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return 'products/googlesheets'
Query parametersqueryparamsdimQuery parameters extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return 'utm_campaign=test'
AnchoranchordimThe anchor extracted from the landing page URL. If the full URL is '', this dimension would return 'pricing'
LANDING PAGE ANALYSISLanding page title tagpage_title_tagdimExtracts the title tag from the landing page
Landing page H1 tagpage_h1_tagdimExtracts the first H1 tag from the landing page
Landing page meta description tagpage_tag_meta_descriptiondimExtracts the meta description tag from the landing page
Landing page canonical tagpage_tag_canonicaldimExtracts the the canonical URL tag from the landing page
Landing page meta viewport tagpage_tag_meta_viewportdimExtracts the meta viewport tag from the landing page
Landing page meta content type tagpage_tag_meta_content_typedimExtracts the meta content type tag from the landing page
Landing page meta robots tagpage_tag_meta_robotsdimExtracts the meta robots tag from the landing page
Landing page Google Tag Manager IDpage_tag_gtm_iddimExtracts all Google Tag Manager (GTM) IDs from the landing page
Landing page Google Analytics UA IDpage_tag_ga_ua_iddimExtracts all Google Analytics Universal Analytics (UA) IDs from the landing page
Landing page contains search termpage_contains_search_termdimChecks whether the landing page contains the search keyword anywhere in the html
Landing page title tag contains search termpage_title_tag_contains_search_termdimChecks whether the landing page contains the search keyword in the title tag
Landing page meta description contains search termpage_meta_description_contains_search_termdimChecks whether the landing page contains the search keyword in the meta description tag
SITEMAPSLast downloadedlastDownloadeddim
Last submittedlastSubmitteddim
Is sitemaps indexisSitemapsIndexdim
Country codecountrydim3-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
DEPRECATEDGooglebot user agenterrorcounts_platformdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Error categoryerrorcounts_errorCategorydimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Error categoryerrorCategorydimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Containing sitemapscontainingSitemapsdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Response coderesponseCodedimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Last crawledlast_crawleddimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Page URLpageUrldimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
First detectedfirst_detecteddimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Crawl dateerrorcounts_datedimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
Linked from URLslinkedFromUrlsdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31
SITEMAPSSubmitted URLssubmittedmetThe number of URLs in the sitemap
Indexed URLsindexedmetThe number of URLs from the sitemap that were indexed
WarningswarningsmetThe number of warnings for the sitemap. These are generally non-critical issues with URLs in the sitemaps
ErrorserrorsmetThe number of errors in the sitemap. These are issues with the sitemap itself that need to be fixed before it can be processed correctly
SEARCH QUERIESImpressionsimpressionsmet
CTR (%)ctr_percmetClick Through Rate (clicks divided by impressions)
Average positionpositionmetAverage organic position in Google search results
Positionposition_roundedmetThe average SERP position rounded to the nearest integer
Positionposition_rounded_pagemetThe average SERP position rounded to the nearest integer and grouped by results page number
# of words in search querywords_in_query_metmetCounts the number of words in a search query
DEPRECATEDError counterrorcounts_errorCountmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-12-31