Supermetrics brings all your marketing data into Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift, Azure
Category | Field | Code | Description |
PERFORMANCE | Reach | reach | The number of people who saw your ads at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people |
Frequency | frequency | The average number of times each person saw your ad | |
Impressions | impressions | The number of times your ads were on screen | |
Social reach (deprecated) | socialreach | The number of people who saw your ad when displayed with social information, which shows other Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad | |
Social impressions (deprecated) | socialimpressions | The number of times your ads were viewed when displayed with social information, which shows Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad | |
Actions | actions | ||
Social spend | socialspend | ||
Action rate % | actionrate_perc | ||
Total action value | action_value | ||
Return on ad spend (ROAS) % | ROAS_perc | ||
Return on ad spend (ROAS) | ROAS | ||
Quality ranking | quality_score_organic | Ad's perceived quality compared with ads competing for the same audience | |
Engagement Rate Ranking | quality_score_ectr | Ad's expected engagement rate compared with ads competing for the same audience | |
Conversion Rate Ranking | quality_score_ecvr | Ad's expected conversion rate compared with ads that had the same optimisation goal and competed for the same audience | |
COST | Amount spent | cost | |
Amount spent (EUR) | cost_eur | Advertising cost converted to euros | |
Amount spent (GBP) | cost_gbp | Advertising cost in your account currency | |
Amount spent (USD) | cost_usd | Advertising cost converted to US dollars | |
Amount spent (SEK) | cost_sek | Advertising cost converted to Swedish krona | |
Cost per 1000 people reached | CPP | ||
CPM | CPM | The average cost for 1,000 impressions | |
Cost per any action | CPA | ||
CLICKS | Link clicks | link_clicks | |
Unique link clicks | unique_action_link_click | ||
Outbound clicks | outbound_clicks | The number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties | |
Unique outbound clicks | unique_outbound_clicks | The number of people who performed an outbound click | |
CTR (link click-through rate) | link_CTR_perc | ||
Unique CTR (link click-through rate) | unique_link_CTR_perc | The percentage of unique people who saw your ad and performed a link click. The metric is calculated as unique link clicks divided by reach | |
Outbound CTR | outbound_CTR_perc | ||
Unique outbound CTR | unique_outbound_CTR_perc | ||
Clicks (all) | clicks | ||
Unique clicks (all) | uniqueclicks | ||
CTR (all) | CTR_perc | ||
Unique CTR (all) | UCTR_perc | ||
CLICKS COST | CPC (link) | CPLC | |
Cost per unique link click | UCPLC | ||
Cost per outbound click | CPOC | ||
Cost per unique outbound click | UCPOC | ||
CPC (all) | CPC | ||
Cost per unique click (all) | UCPC | ||
PAGE POST ENGAGEMENT | Page engagements | page_engagement | |
Page likes | like | ||
Page subscribes | action_subscribe | Page subscribe actions | |
Post comments | comment | ||
Post engagements | post_engagement | ||
Post reactions | post_like | ||
Post saves | post_save | ||
Post shares | post | ||
Photo views | photo_view | ||
Event responses | rsvp | ||
Check-ins | checkin | ||
PAGE POST ENGAGEMENT COST | Cost per page engagement | cost_per_page_engagement | |
Cost per page like | cost_per_page_like | ||
Cost per post comment | cost_per_post_comment | ||
Cost per post engagement | cost_per_post_engagement | ||
Cost per post reaction | cost_per_post_reaction | ||
Cost per post share | cost_per_post_share | ||
Cost per photo view | cost_per_photo_view | ||
Cost per event response | cost_per_event_response | ||
Cost per check-in | cost_per_checkin | ||
MESSAGING | New messaging contacts | new_messaging_conversations | The number of accounts that messaged your business for the first time, attributed to your ads. This doesn't include new messaging contacts from ads delivered to or from Europe or Japan |
Messaging conversations started | new_messaging_conversations_7d | The number of accounts that messaged your business for the first time, attributed to your ads. This doesn't include new messaging contacts from ads delivered to or from Europe or Japan | |
Blocked messaging conversations | blocked_message_conversations | The number of times people blocked messages from your business on messaging apps (such as Facebook Messenger), attributed to your ads. Also called "Blocks" | |
Messaging subscription | onsite_conversion_messaging_user_subscribed | The number of times an account has subscribed to receive marketing messages from your business, attributed to your ad. If an account has subscribed to multiple topics, it will be counted again for each topic | |
MESSAGING COST | Cost per new messaging contact | cost_per_new_messaging_conversation | The average cost for each new messaging contact. Calculated by: Amount spent / New messaging contacts |
Cost per messaging conversations started | cost_per_messaging_conversation_started | The average cost for each messaging conversation started. Calculated by: Amount spent / Messaging conversations started | |
CALLS | Estimated call confirmation clicks | click_to_call_call_confirm | The estimated number of times the call button is clicked on a call confirmation dialogue after an ad with a call destination is clicked |
Messenger calls placed | click_to_call_native_call_placed | The number of times a Messenger call was made to your business, attributed to your ad. This metric excludes ads that were delivered from Europe and Japan | |
20-second Messenger calls | click_to_call_native_20s_call_connect | The number of times Messenger calls resulted in successful connections lasting at least 20 seconds, attributed to your ad. This metric excludes ads that were delivered from Europe and Japan, and only is available in select countries | |
60-second Messenger calls | click_to_call_native_60s_call_connect | The number of times Messenger calls resulted in successful connections lasting at least 60 seconds, attributed to your ad. This metric excludes ads that were delivered from Europe and Japan, and only is available in select countries | |
MEDIA | Three-second video views | video_view | |
15-second video views (Deprecated) | video_15_sec_watched_actions | ||
30-second video views | video_30_sec_watched_actions | The number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 30 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first | |
Video watches at 25% | video_p25_watched_actions | The number of times your video was watched at 25% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point | |
Video watches at 50% | video_p50_watched_actions | The number of times your video was watched at 50% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point | |
Video watches at 75% | video_p75_watched_actions | The number of times your video was watched at 75% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point | |
Video watches at 95% | video_p95_watched_actions | The number of times your video was watched at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point | |
Video watches at 100% | video_p100_watched_actions | The number of times your video was watched at 100% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point | |
Video average watch time | video_average_watch_time | The average time a video was played in seconds, including any time spent replaying the video for a single impression. As this contains replays, the watch time may be longer than the actual video length | |
Clicks to play video | video_play | ||
Video play actions | video_play_actions | The number of times your video starts to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays | |
Video play curve actions second: 0 | video_play_curve_actions_s0 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 0 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 1 | video_play_curve_actions_s1 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 1 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 2 | video_play_curve_actions_s2 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 2 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 3 | video_play_curve_actions_s3 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 3 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 4 | video_play_curve_actions_s4 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 4 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 5 | video_play_curve_actions_s5 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 5 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 6 | video_play_curve_actions_s6 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 6 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 7 | video_play_curve_actions_s7 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 7 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 8 | video_play_curve_actions_s8 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 8 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 9 | video_play_curve_actions_s9 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 9 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 10 | video_play_curve_actions_s10 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 10 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 11 | video_play_curve_actions_s11 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 11 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 12 | video_play_curve_actions_s12 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 12 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 13 | video_play_curve_actions_s13 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 13 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 14 | video_play_curve_actions_s14 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 14 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 15-20 | video_play_curve_actions_s15_s20 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 15-20 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 20-25 | video_play_curve_actions_s20_s25 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 20-25 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 25-30 | video_play_curve_actions_s25_s30 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 25-30 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 30-40 | video_play_curve_actions_s30_s40 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 30-40 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 40-50 | video_play_curve_actions_s40_s50 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 40-50 second | |
Video play curve actions second: 50-60 | video_play_curve_actions_s50_s60 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 50-60 second | |
Video play curve actions second 60 and more | video_play_curve_actions_s60 | A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 60 seconds and more | |
ThruPlay actions | video_thruplay_watched_actions | The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds | |
Avg. canvas view time | canvas_avg_view_time | The average total time, in seconds, that people spent viewing a Facebook Canvas. Canvas is a screen that opens on mobile after a person clicks the Canvas link in your ad. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images, product catalogs and more | |
Avg. canvas view percentage | canvas_avg_view_percent_perc | The average percentage of the Facebook Canvas that people saw. Canvas is a screen that opens on mobile after a person clicks the Canvas link in your ad. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images, product catalogs and more | |
MEDIA COST | Cost per three-second video view | cost_per_3s_video_view | |
Cost per ThruPlay | cost_per_thruplay | The average cost for each ThruPlay | |
AWARENESS | Estimated ad recall lift (people) | estimated_ad_recallers | An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand Awareness Objective |
Estimated ad recall lift rate (%) | estimated_ad_recall_rate_perc | The rate at which an estimated number of additional people, when asked, would remember seeing your ads within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand Awareness Objective | |
AWARENESS COST | Cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) | cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers | The average cost for each estimated ad recall lift. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand Awareness Objective |
WEBSITE (FACEBOOK PIXEL) | Website conversions | offsite_conversion | |
Website conversion rate | offsite_conversion_rate_perc | ||
Website adds of payment info | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | ||
Website adds to wishlist | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | ||
Website registrations completed | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_complete_registration | ||
Website custom conversions | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_custom | ||
Website checkouts initiated | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | ||
Website leads | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_lead | ||
Website purchases | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_purchase | ||
Website searches | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_search | ||
Website content views | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_view_content | ||
Website adds to cart | offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | ||
Landing page views | landing_page_views | ||
WEBSITE (FACEBOOK PIXEL) COST | Cost per website conversion | cost_per_website_conversion | |
Cost per website add of payment info | cost_per_website_add_payment_info | ||
Cost per website add to cart | cost_per_website_add_to_cart | ||
Cost per website add to wishlist | cost_per_website_add_to_wishlist | ||
Cost per website registration completed | cost_per_website_complete_registration | ||
Cost per website custom conversion | cost_per_website_custom_conversion | ||
Cost per website checkout initiated | cost_per_offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | Cost per website checkout initiated | |
Cost per website lead | cost_per_website_lead | ||
Cost per website purchase | cost_per_website_purchase | ||
Cost per website search | cost_per_website_search | ||
Cost per website content views | cost_per_website_view_content | ||
Cost per landing page view | cost_per_landing_page_view | ||
WEBSITE CONVERSION VALUE (FACEBOOK PIXEL) | Website conversion value | offsite_conversion_value | |
Website purchase ROAS % | website_purchase_roas_perc | ||
Website purchase ROAS | website_purchase_roas | ||
Website adds of payment info conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_add_payment_info | ||
Website adds to cart conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | ||
Website adds to wishlist conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlist | ||
Website registrations completed conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_complete_registration | ||
Website custom conversions value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_custom | ||
Website checkouts initiated conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_initiate_checkout | ||
Website leads conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_lead | ||
Website purchases conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_purchase | ||
Website searches conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_search | ||
Website content views conversion value | offsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_view_content | ||
STANDARD EVENTS | Ad click (mobile app) | conversions_ad_click_mobile_app | The number of in-app ad click events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK |
Ad impression (mobile app) | conversions_ad_impression_mobile_app | The number of in-app ad impression events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Contact (total) | conversions_contact_total | The number of contact events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Contact (website) | conversions_contact_website | The number of contact events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Contact (mobile app) | conversions_contact_mobile_app | The number of contact events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Contact (offline) | conversions_contact_offline | The number of contact events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
Customize product (total) | conversions_customize_product_total | The number of customize product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Customize product (website) | conversions_customize_product_website | The number of customize product events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Customize product (mobile app) | conversions_customize_product_mobile_app | The number of customize product events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Customize product (offline) | conversions_customize_product_offline | The number of customize product events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
Donate (total) | conversions_donate_total | The number of donate events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Donate (website) | conversions_donate_website | The number of donate events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Donate (on facebook) | conversions_donate_on_facebook | The number of donate events that occurred within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and are attributed to your ads | |
Donate (mobile app) | conversions_donate_mobile_app | The number of donate events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Donate (offline) | conversions_donate_offline | The number of donate events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
Find location (total) | conversions_find_location_total | The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Find location (website) | conversions_find_location_website | The number of find location events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Find location (mobile app) | conversions_find_location_mobile_app | The number of find location events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Find location (offline) | conversions_find_location_offline | The number of find location events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
Schedule (total) | conversions_schedule_total | The number of schedule events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Schedule (website) | conversions_schedule_website | The number of schedule events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Schedule (mobile app) | conversions_schedule_mobile_app | The number of schedule events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Schedule (offline) | conversions_schedule_offline | The number of schedule events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
Start trial (total) | conversions_start_trial_total | The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Start trial (website) | conversions_start_trial_website | The number of start trial events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Start trial (mobile app) | conversions_start_trial_mobile_app | The number of start trial events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Start trial (offline) | conversions_start_trial_offline | The number of start trial events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
Submit application (total) | conversions_submit_application_total | The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Submit application (website) | conversions_submit_application_website | The number of submit application events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Submit application (mobile app) | conversions_submit_application_mobile_app | The number of submit application events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Submit application (offline) | conversions_submit_application_offline | The number of submit application events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
Subscribe (total) | conversions_subscribe_total | The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Subscribe (website) | conversions_subscribe_website | The number of subscribe events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel | |
Subscribe (mobile app) | conversions_subscribe_mobile_app | The number of subscribe events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK | |
Subscribe (offline) | conversions_subscribe_offline | The number of subscribe events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set | |
STANDARD EVENT VALUE | Contact value (total) | conversion_values_contact_total | The total value of contact conversions |
Contact value (website) | conversion_values_contact_website | The total value of contact conversions that occurred on your website | |
Contact value (mobile app) | conversion_values_contact_mobile_app | The total value of contact conversions that occurred on your mobile app | |
Contact value (offline) | conversion_values_contact_offline | The total value of contact conversions that occurred offline | |
Customize product value (total) | conversion_values_customize_product_total | The total value of customize product conversions | |
Customize product value (website) | conversion_values_customize_product_website | The total value of customize product conversions that occurred on your website | |
Customize product value (mobile app) | conversion_values_customize_product_mobile_app | The total value of customize product conversions that occurred on your mobile app | |
Customize product value (offline) | conversion_values_customize_product_offline | The total value of customize product conversions that occurred offline | |
Donate value (total) | conversion_values_donate_total | The total value of donate conversions | |
Donate value (website) | conversion_values_donate_website | The total value of donate conversions that occurred on your website | |
Donate value (on facebook) | conversion_values_donate_on_facebook | The total value of on-Facebook donations that occurred within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) | |
Donate value (mobile app) | conversion_values_donate_mobile_app | The total value of donate conversions that occurred on your mobile app | |
Donate value (offline) | conversion_values_donate_offline | The total value of donate conversions that occurred offline | |
Find location value (total) | conversion_values_find_location_total | The total value of find location conversions | |
Find location value (website) | conversion_values_find_location_website | The total value of find location conversions that occurred on your website | |
Find location value (mobile app) | conversion_values_find_location_mobile_app | The total value of find location conversions that occurred on your mobile app | |
Find location value (offline) | conversion_values_find_location_offline | The total value of find location conversions that occurred offline | |
Schedule value (total) | conversion_values_schedule_total | The total value of schedule conversions | |
Schedule value (website) | conversion_values_schedule_website | The total value of schedule conversions that occurred on your website | |
Schedule value (mobile app) | conversion_values_schedule_mobile_app | The total value of schedule conversions that occurred on your mobile app | |
Schedule value (offline) | conversion_values_schedule_offline | The total value of schedule conversions that occurred offline | |
Start trial value (total) | conversion_values_start_trial_total | The total value of start trial conversions | |
Start trial value (website) | conversion_values_start_trial_website | The total value of start trial conversions that occurred on your website | |
Start trial value (mobile app) | conversion_values_start_trial_mobile_app | The total value of start trial conversions that occurred on your mobile app | |
Start trial value (offline) | conversion_values_start_trial_offline | The total value of start trial conversions that occurred offline | |
Submit application value (total) | conversion_values_submit_application_total | The total value of applications submitted tracked with the conversions objective | |
Submit application value (website) | conversion_values_submit_application_website | The total value of submit application conversions that occurred on your website | |
Submit application value (mobile app) | conversion_values_submit_application_mobile_app | The total value of submit application conversions that occurred on your mobile app | |
Submit application value (offline) | conversion_values_submit_application_offline | The total value of submit application conversions that occurred offline | |
Subscribe value (total) | conversion_values_subscribe_total | The total value of subscribe conversions | |
Subscribe value (website) | conversion_values_subscribe_website | The total value of subscribe conversions that occurred on your website | |
Subscribe value (mobile app) | conversion_values_subscribe_mobile_app | The total value of subscribe conversions on your mobile app | |
Subscribe value (offline) | conversion_values_subscribe_offline | The total value of subscribe conversions that occurred offline | |
STANDARD EVENT COST | Cost per Ad click (mobile app) | cost_per_conversion_ad_click_mobile_app | The average cost for an in-app ad click from your Facebook ads |
Cost per Ad impression (mobile app) | cost_per_conversion_ad_impression_mobile_app | The average cost for 1,000 in-app ad impressions | |
Cost per Submit application | cost_per_conversion_submit_application_total | The average cost of each submit application | |
Cost per Contact | cost_per_conversion_contact_total | The average cost of each contact | |
Cost per Donate | cost_per_conversion_donate_total | The average cost of each donate | |
Cost per Find location | cost_per_conversion_find_location_total | The average cost of each find location | |
Cost per Customize product | cost_per_conversion_customize_product_total | The average cost of each customize product | |
Cost per Schedule | cost_per_conversion_schedule_total | The average cost of each schedule | |
Cost per Start trial | cost_per_conversion_start_trial_total | The average cost of each start trial | |
Cost per Subscribe | cost_per_conversion_subscribe_total | The average cost of each subscription | |
MOBILE APP CONVERSION VALUE | Mobile app adds to cart conversion value | app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cart | The conversion value of cart adds made on mobile platforms |
APP ACTIONS | Game plays | games.plays | |
Desktop app engagements | app_engagement | ||
Desktop app installs | app_install | ||
Desktop app story engagements | app_story | ||
Desktop app uses | app_use | ||
Credit spends | credit_spent | ||
Mobile app achievements unlocked | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_achievement_unlocked | ||
Mobile app adds of payment info | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_payment_info | ||
Mobile app adds to cart | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cart | ||
Mobile app adds to wishlist | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist | ||
Mobile app registrations completed | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_complete_registration | ||
Mobile app checkouts initiated | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | ||
Mobile app content views | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_view | ||
Mobile app credits spent | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_credits | ||
Mobile app installs | mobile_app_install | ||
Mobile app levels completed | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_level_achieved | ||
Mobile app purchases | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchase | ||
Mobile app ratings submitted | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_rate | ||
Mobile app searches | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_search | ||
Mobile app sessions | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_app | ||
Mobile app tutorials completed | app_custom_event.fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | ||
Omni app installs | action_omni_app_install | The estimated number of completed app installs across all channels | |
Omni purchases | action_omni_purchase | The number of purchase events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni adds to cart | action_omni_add_to_cart | The number of add to cart events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni completed registrations | action_omni_complete_registration | The number of complete registration events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni content views | action_omni_view_content | The number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni searches | action_omni_search | The number of search events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni initiated checkouts | action_omni_initiated_checkout | The number of initiate checkout events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni achievement unlocks | action_omni_achievement_unlocked | The number of unlock achievement events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni app activations | action_omni_activate_app | The number of times your app was activated attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni level completed | action_omni_level_achieved | The estimated number of completed level across all channels | |
Omni rates | action_omni_rate | The number of achieve level events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni credit spends | action_omni_spend_credits | The number of spend credits events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools. This does not refer to the total value of credits spent | |
Omni completed tutorials | action_omni_tutorial_completion | The number of completed tutorial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni custom actions | action_omni_custom | The number of custom events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Other mobile app actions | app_custom_event.other | ||
APP ACTIONS COST | Cost per app install | cost_per_app_install | |
Cost per game play | cost_per_game_play | ||
Cost per desktop app engagement | cost_per_desktop_app_engagement | ||
Cost per desktop app install | cost_per_desktop_app_install | ||
Cost per desktop app story engagement | cost_per_desktop_app_story_engagement | ||
Cost per desktop app use | cost_per_desktop_app_use | ||
Cost per credit spend action | cost_per_credit_spend_action | ||
Cost per mobile app achievement unlocked | cost_per_mobile_app_achievement_unlocked | ||
Cost per mobile app add to basket | cost_per_mobile_app_add_to_basket | ||
Cost per mobile app add to wishlist | cost_per_mobile_app_add_to_wishlist | ||
Cost per mobile app checkout initiated | cost_per_mobile_app_checkout_initiated | ||
Cost per mobile app content view | cost_per_mobile_app_content_view | ||
Cost per mobile app credit spent | cost_per_mobile_app_credit_spent | ||
Cost per mobile app install | cost_per_mobile_app_install | ||
Cost per mobile app level completed | cost_per_mobile_app_level_completed | ||
Cost per mobile app payment info add | cost_per_mobile_app_payment_info_add | ||
Cost per mobile app purchase | cost_per_mobile_app_purchase | ||
Cost per mobile app rating submitted | cost_per_mobile_app_rating_submitted | ||
Cost per mobile app registration completed | cost_per_mobile_app_registration_completed | ||
Cost per mobile app search | cost_per_mobile_app_search | ||
Cost per mobile app session | cost_per_mobile_app_session | ||
Cost per mobile app tutorial completed | cost_per_mobile_app_tutorial_completed | ||
Cost per other mobile app action | cost_per_other_mobile_app_action | ||
APP CONVERSION VALUE | Mobile app credits spent conversion value | action_value_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_credits | |
Mobile app purchases conversion value | action_value_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchase | ||
Mobile app checkouts conversion value | action_value_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | ||
Credits spent conversion value | action_value.credit_spent | ||
CONVERSIONS BY CONVERSION WINDOW | Conversions within 1 day of view | actions_1d_view | |
Conversions within 7 days of view | actions_7d_view | ||
Conversions within 28 days of view | actions_28d_view | ||
Conversions within 1 day of click | actions_1d_click | ||
Conversions within 7 days of click | actions_7d_click | ||
Conversions within 28 days of click | actions_28d_click | ||
Conversion value within 1 day of view | action_values_1d_view | ||
Conversion value within 7 days of view | action_values_7d_view | ||
Conversion value within 28 days of view | action_values_28d_view | ||
Conversion value within 1 day of click | action_values_1d_click | ||
Conversion value within 7 days of click | action_values_7d_click | ||
Conversion value within 28 days of click | action_values_28d_click | ||
ON FACEBOOK | On-Facebook purchases | on_facebook_purchases | |
On-Facebook workflow completion | on_facebook_workflow_completion | ||
On-Facebook leads | onsite_conversion.lead_grouped | ||
On-Facebook view content | on_facebook_view_content | The number of product views within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads | |
Phone number clicks | on_facebook_click_to_call | The number of times that your phone number or Call Now button was clicked on your on-Facebook listing (such as a Marketplace listing), attributed to your ads | |
Get directions clicks | on_facebook_find_location | The number of times that your address or the Get Directions button was clicked on your on-Facebook listing (such as a Marketplace listing), attributed to your ads | |
ON FACEBOOK COST | Cost per on-Facebook purchase | cost_per_on_facebook_purchase | |
Cost per workflow completion on Facebook | cost_per_on_facebook_workflow_completion | ||
Cost per on-Facebook lead | cost_per_on_facebook_lead | ||
Cost per on-Facebook view content | cost_per_on_facebook_view_content | ||
Cost per on-Facebook phone number click | cost_per_on_facebook_click_to_call | ||
Cost per on-Facebook get directions click | cost_per_on_facebook_find_location | ||
ON FACEBOOK CONVERSION VALUE | Conversion value of purchase on Facebook | on_facebook_purchase_conversion_value | |
Conversion value of workflow completion on Facebook | on_facebook_workflow_completion_conversion_value | ||
OTHER | Inline link clicks | inline_link_clicks | The number of clicks on links to select destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties. Inline link clicks use a fixed 1-day-click attribution window |
Unique inline link clicks | unique_inline_link_clicks | The number of people who performed an inline link click | |
Inline post engagement | inline_post_engagement | The total number of actions that people take involving your ads. Inline post engagements use a fixed 1-day-click attribution window | |
OFFLINE | Offline leads | offline_conversions_leads | |
Offline purchases | offline_conversion_purchase | ||
Offline other conversions | offline_other_conversion | ||
Offline adds of payment info | offline_conversion_add_payment_info | ||
Offline adds to cart | offline_conversion_add_to_cart | ||
Offline adds to wishlist | offline_conversion_add_to_wishlist | ||
Offline registrations completed | offline_conversion_complete_registration | ||
Offline checkouts initiated | offline_conversion_initiate_checkout | ||
Offline searches | offline_conversion_search | ||
Offline content views | offline_conversion_view_content | ||
OFFLINE CONVERSION VALUE | Offline adds of payment info conversion value | offline_conversion_add_payment_info_action_value | |
Offline adds to cart conversion value | offline_conversion_add_to_cart_action_value | ||
Offline adds to wishlist conversion value | offline_conversion_add_to_wishlist_action_value | ||
Offline registrations completed conversion value | offline_conversion_complete_registration_action_value | ||
Offline checkouts initiated conversion value | offline_conversion_initiate_checkout_action_value | ||
Offline leads conversion value | offline_conversion_lead_action_value | ||
Offline other conversion value | offline_conversion_other_action_value | ||
Offline purchases conversion value | offline_conversion_purchase_action_value | ||
Offline searches conversion value | offline_conversion_search_action_value | ||
Offline content views conversion value | offline_conversion_view_content_action_value | ||
OMNI CONVERSION VALUE | Purchase conversion value | purchase_conversion_value | |
COLLABORATIVE ADS | Omni adds to cart (shared item) | omni_add_to_cart_shared_item | The number of add to cart events that contain at least one shared item attributed to your ads based on information from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools |
Mobile app adds to cart (shared item) | catalog_segment_action_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cart | The number of times at least one shared item was added to a shopping cart in your partner's mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads | |
Website adds to cart (shared item) | catalog_segment_action_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | The number of add to cart events that contain at least one shared item tracked by the pixel on your partner's website and attributed to your ads | |
Omni content view (shared item) | omni_content_view_shared_item | The number of view content events that contain at least one shared item, attributed to your ads, based on information from one or more of this partner's connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Mobile apps content view (shared item) | catalog_segment_action_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_view | The number of content views in your partner's mobile app that contain at least one shared item that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads | |
Website content view (shared item) | catalog_segment_action_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_content | The number of view content events that contain at least one shared item, tracked by the pixel on your partner's website and attributed to your ads | |
Omni purchase (shared item) | omni_purchase_shared_item | The number of purchase events that contain at least one shared item, based on information received from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Mobile apps purchase (shared item) | catalog_segment_action_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchase | The number of purchases made in your partner's mobile app that contain at least one shared item that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads | |
Website purchase (shared item) | catalog_segment_action_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | The number of purchase events that contain at least one shared item, tracked by the pixel on your partner's website and attributed to your ads | |
On-Facebook purchase (shared item) | catalog_segment_action_onsite_conversion_purchase | The number of purchases made within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) that contain at least one shared item attributed to your ads based on information from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Omni adds to cart conversion value (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_omni_add_to_card_value | The total value of the shared items contained in add to cart events with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog | |
Mobile apps adds to cart conversion value (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cart | The total value of the shared items contained in mobile app adds to cart with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment | |
Website adds to cart conversion value (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cart | The total value of the shared items contained in website adds to cart with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment | |
Omni purchase conversion value (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_omni_purchase_value | The total value of the shared items contained in purchases with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment | |
Mobile apps purchase conversion value (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchase | The total value of the shared items contained in mobile app purchases with shared items conversion, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment | |
Website purchase conversion value (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchase | The total value of the shared items contained in website purchases with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment | |
Omni purchase ROAS (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_omni_purchase_roas | The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from the purchases that contained at least one shared item, based on information received from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools | |
Website purchase ROAS (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_website_purchase_roas | The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from the shared items contained in website purchases with shared items | |
Mobile app purchase ROAS (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_mobile_purchase_roas | The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from the shared items contained in mobile app purchases with shared items | |
Omni content view conversion value (shared item) | catalog_segment_value_omni_view_content | The total value of the shared items contained in content views with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment | |
DEPRECATED | Cost per other unique mobile app action | cost_per_other_unique_mobile_app_action | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 |
Call-to-action clicks (deprecated) | call_to_action_clicks | The number of times people clicked the call-to-action button on your ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique leads (form) | unique_action_leadgen.other | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25 | |
Messaging replies | messaging_replies | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Cost per website add to cart (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | cost_per_offsite_conversion.add_to_cart | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique Omni completed tutorials | unique_action_omni_tutorial_completion | The estimated number of people who completed tutorials across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique web app purchases | unique_action_onsite_web_app_purchase | The estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Page tab views (deprecated) | tab_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Offer claims | receive_offer | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique social clicks (all) (deprecated) | uniquesocialclicks | The number of people who performed a click (all) on your ad when it was displayed with social information, which shows other Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Page mentions (deprecated) | mention | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Social clicks (all) (deprecated) | socialclicks | The number of clicks (all) when your ad was displayed with social information, which shows other Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
People taking action rate % | uniqueactionrate_perc | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Relevance score | relevance_score_number | A rating from 1 to 10 that estimates how well your target audience is responding to your ad. This score is shown after your ad receives more than 500 impressions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25 | |
Cost per unique mobile app level completed | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_level_completed | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per page mention (deprecated) | cost_per_page_mention | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique credit spend action | cost_per_unique_credit_spend_action | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per page tab view (deprecated) | cost_per_page_tab_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni content views | unique_action_omni_view_content | The estimated number of people who viewed content across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per offer claim | cost_per_offer_claim | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app sessions | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_app | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique page engagements | unique_action_page_engagement | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per other website conversion (deprecated) | cost_per_offsite_conversion.other | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique page likes | unique_action_like | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Website key page views (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | offsite_conversion.key_page_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique page mentions (deprecated) | unique_action_mention | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Store visits high estimate | store_visits_high_estimate | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique page tab views (deprecated) | unique_action_tab_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique conversions within 1 day of click | unique_actions_1d_click | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique post comments | unique_action_comment | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app registration completed | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_registration_completed | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique post engagements | unique_action_post_engagement | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app checkout initiated | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_checkout_initiated | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique post reactions | unique_action_post_reaction | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique desktop app engagement | cost_per_unique_desktop_app_engagement | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique post shares | unique_action_post | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni app activations | unique_action_omni_activate_app | The estimated number of people who activated app across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique photo views | unique_action_photo_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni app installs | unique_action_omni_app_install | The estimated number of people who completed app installs across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique event responses | unique_action_rsvp | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Other unique mobile app actions | unique_action_app_custom_event.other | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique offer claims | unique_action_receive_offer | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
People taking action | unique_actions | The number of people who took an action that was attributed to your ads. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique check-ins | unique_action_checkin | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per website checkout initiated (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | cost_per_offsite_conversion.checkout | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique landing page views | unique_landing_page_view | The number of unique people who landed on your ad's landing page after clicking a link in your ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per website key page view (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | cost_per_offsite_conversion.key_page_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Cost per unique page engagement | cost_per_unique_action_page_engagement | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Other website conversions (deprecated) | offsite_conversion.other | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Cost per unique video view | cost_per_unique_video_view | The average cost for each unique video view. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Website adds to cart (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | offsite_conversion.add_to_cart | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Cost per unique link click | cost_per_unique_link_click | The average cost for each unique click to link. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Deeplink clicks | deeplink_clicks | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Cost per unique page like | cost_per_unique_page_like | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per store visit | cost_per_store_visit | This field is still being developed by Facebook and as such it might not return any data. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-05-01 | |
Cost per unique page mention (deprecated) | cost_per_unique_page_mention | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique conversions within 28 days of click | unique_actions_28d_click | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique page tab view (deprecated) | cost_per_unique_page_tab_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique conversions within 7 days of view | unique_actions_7d_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique post comment | cost_per_unique_post_comment | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app session | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_session | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique post engagement | cost_per_unique_post_engagement | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app purchase | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_purchase | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique post reaction | cost_per_unique_post_reaction | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app credit spent | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_credit_spent | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique post share | cost_per_unique_post_share | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app add to basket | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_add_to_basket | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique photo view | cost_per_unique_photo_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique desktop app story engagement | cost_per_unique_desktop_app_story_engagement | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique event response | cost_per_unique_event_response | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique game play | cost_per_unique_game_play | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique offer claim | cost_per_unique_offer_claim | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni rates | unique_action_omni_rate | The estimated number of people who rated across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique check-in | cost_per_unique_checkin | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni initiated checkouts | unique_action_omni_initiated_checkout | The estimated number of people who initiated checkout across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Messaging conversations started (deprecated) | messaging_conversations_started | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-08-08 | |
Unique Omni adds to cart | unique_action_omni_add_to_cart | The estimated number of people who added items to their cart across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Messaging reply rate | messaging_reply_rate | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique web content views | unique_action_onsite_web_view_content | The estimated number of people who viewed content on web. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per messaging reply | cost_per_messaging_reply | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique web app adds to cart | unique_action_onsite_web_app_add_to_cart | The estimated number of people who added items to their cart on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique three-second video views | unique_action_video_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app retentions | unique_action_mobile_app_retention | The estimated number of people who performed mobile app retention. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique clicks to play video | unique_action_video_play | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app registrations completed | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_complete_registration | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Estimated ad recall lift (lower bound) | estimated_ad_recallers_lower_bound | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-03-25 | |
Ten-second video views | video_10_sec_watched_actions | The number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-29. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Estimated ad recall lift (upper bound) | estimated_ad_recallers_upper_bound | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-03-25 | |
Cost per mobile app action (deprecated) | cost_per_mobile_app_action | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique page stories engagements | unique_action_page_story | The estimated number of people who engaged with page stories. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per website registration (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | cost_per_offsite_conversion.registration | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique post stories engagements | unique_action_post_story | The estimated number of people who engaged with post stories. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per website lead (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | cost_per_offsite_conversion.lead | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique instagram profile engagements | unique_action_instagram_profile_engagement | The estimated number of people who engaged with instagram profile. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Website checkouts initiated (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | offsite_conversion.checkout | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique conversions | unique_action_onsite_conversion | The estimated number of people with onsite conversions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Website registrations (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | offsite_conversion.registration | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique adds to cart | unique_action_add_to_cart | The estimated number of people who added items to their cart. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Website leads (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated) | offsite_conversion.lead | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique store visits with dwell | unique_action_store_visit_with_dwell | The estimated number of people visited your stores, attributed to your ads with `Dwell time`. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Mobile app actions (deprecated) | app_custom_event | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique completed registrations | unique_action_complete_registration | The estimated number of people who registered. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Card views | card_views | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique purchases | unique_action_purchase | The estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
App store clicks | app_store_clicks | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique searches | unique_action_search | The estimated number of people who searched. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Store visits low estimate | store_visits_low_estimate | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique content views | unique_action_view_content | The estimated number of people who viewed content. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Store visits point estimate | store_visits_point_estimate | This field is still being developed by Facebook and as such it might not return any data. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-05-01 | |
Unique initiated checkouts | unique_action_initiate_checkout | The estimated number of people who initiated checkouts. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per lead (form) | cost_per_lead_form | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25 | |
Unique payment info adds | unique_action_add_payment_info | The estimated number of people who submitted payment info. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Leads (form) | action_leadgen.other | Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25 | |
Unique adds to wishlist | unique_action_add_to_wishlist | The estimated number of people who added items to their wishlist. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique conversions within 7 days of click | unique_actions_7d_click | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique leads | unique_action_lead | The estimated number of people with lead events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique conversions within 28 days of view | unique_actions_28d_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique subscribes | unique_action_subscribe | The estimated number of people with subscribe events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique conversions within 1 day of view | unique_actions_1d_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique credit spends | unique_action_credit_spent | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app tutorial completed | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_tutorial_completed | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique game plays | unique_action_games.plays | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app search | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_search | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique desktop app engagements | unique_action_app_engagement | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app rating submitted | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_rating_submitted | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique desktop app installs | unique_action_app_install | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app payment info add | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_payment_info_add | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique desktop app story engagements | unique_action_app_story | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app install | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_install | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique desktop app uses | unique_action_app_use | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app content view | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_content_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique desktop adds to cart | unique_action_onsite_app_add_to_cart | The estimated number of people who added items to their cart on desktop app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app add to wishlist | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_add_to_wishlist | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique desktop content views | unique_action_onsite_app_view_content | The estimated number of people who viewed content on desktop app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app achievement unlocked | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_achievement_unlocked | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique desktop purchases | unique_action_onsite_app_purchase | The estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase on desktop app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique desktop app use | cost_per_unique_desktop_app_use | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique website conversions | unique_action_offsite_conversion | The estimated number of people with offsite conversions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique desktop app install | cost_per_unique_desktop_app_install | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique website engagements | unique_action_offsite_engagement | The estimated number of people with offsite engagements. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per unique mobile app action | cost_per_unique_mobile_app_action | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app achievements unlocked | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_achievement_unlocked | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni custom actions | unique_action_omni_custom | The estimated number of people who performed custom actions across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app actions | unique_action_app_custom_event | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni credit spends | unique_action_omni_spend_credits | The estimated number of people who spent credits across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app adds of payment info | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_payment_info | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni level completed | unique_action_omni_level_achieved | The estimated number of people who completed level across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app adds to cart | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cart | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni achievement unlocks | unique_action_omni_achievement_unlocked | The estimated number of people who unlocked achievement across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app adds to wishlist | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni searches | unique_action_omni_search | The estimated number of people who searched across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app checkouts initiated | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkout | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni completed registrations | unique_action_omni_complete_registration | The estimated number of people who completed registration across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app content views | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique Omni purchases | unique_action_omni_purchase | The estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app credits spent | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_credits | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique web purchases | unique_action_onsite_web_purchase | The estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase on web. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app installs | unique_action_mobile_app_install | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique web adds to cart | unique_action_onsite_web_add_to_cart | The estimated number of people who added items to their cart on web. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app levels completed | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_level_achieved | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique web app content views | unique_action_onsite_web_app_view_content | The estimated number of people who viewed content on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique web app events | unique_action_onsite_web_app_event | The estimated number of people who engaged on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app ROAS | unique_action_mobile_app_roas | The estimated number of people who generated mobile app purchase ROAS. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app tutorials completed | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_tutorial_completion | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Video average percentage watched | video_average_watched | The average percentage of your video that people watched. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique mobile app searches | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_search | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Cost per ten-second video view | cost_per_10s_video_view | Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-29. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20 | |
Unique mobile app purchases | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchase | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 | |
Unique mobile app ratings submitted | unique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_rate | Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30 |