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Dimension list for Facebook Ads

228 dimensions available

TIMEYearYearYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)YearOfISOweek
Year of week (Sun-Sat)Yearofweek
Year & monthYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
Year & week (Mon-Sun)YearweekISOYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Sun-Sat)YearweekYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
QuarterQuarterQuarter, e.g. 1
MonthMonthMonth, e.g. 6
Week (Mon-Sun)WeekISOISO week number, e.g. 51
Week (Sun-Sat)WeekUS week number, e.g. 51
Day of weekDayOfWeek
DateDateDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
Hour (advert account time zone)hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone
Hour (viewer's time zone)hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone
ACCOUNT STRUCTUREAccount nameaccount_nameThe name of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity
Account IDaccount_idThe ID number of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity
Campaign namecampaign_group_nameThe name of the advertising campaign that you're viewing in reporting
Campaign IDcampaign_group_idThe unique ID number of the advertising campaign that you're viewing in reporting
Ad set namecampaign_nameThe name of the ad set that you're viewing in reporting
Ad set IDcampaign_idThe unique ID of the ad set you're viewing in reports
Ad nameadgroup_nameThe name of the ad that you're viewing in the report
Ad IDadgroup_idThe unique ID of the ad that you're viewing in reporting
ATTRIBUTIONAttribution settingattribution_settingThe default attribution window to be used when the attribution result is calculated. Each ad set has its own attribution setting value. The attribution setting for a campaign or an account is calculated based on existing ad sets. Returns mixed, indicating multiple attribution settings, skan, indicating SKAdNetwork attribution of iOS 14 app install campaigns, and na, indicating no ad set in a campaign or account
IMPRESSIONImpression deviceimpression_device
Place page IDplace_page_id
Publisher platformpublisher_platformDistinguishes between platforms like Facebook and Instagram
Platform positionplatform_position
Device platformdevice_platform
Country codecountry
DMAdmaDesignated Market Area
Audience typeuser_segment_keyThe audience type for Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns. Values may be 'prospecting', 'existing', 'unknown' or 'uncategorized'. This breakdown only works with Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns
PRODUCTProduct IDproduct_id
ACTION/CONVERSIONAction typeActionTypeWithCustomLabelsThe kind of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it. Action types include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. Custom conversion types will be listed by their label
Action type (with custom conv. IDs)ActionTypeThe kind of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it. Action types include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. Custom conversion types will be listed by their ID number
Action target IDActionTargetID
Action deviceActionDevice
Canvas component nameActionCanvasComponentName
ACCOUNT DETAILSBusiness namebusiness_name
Business countrybusiness_country_code
Business citybusiness_city
Account statusaccount_status
Account edit linkaccount_edit_linkLink to edit the Facebook Ads account
Account currencycurrency
Account timezonetimezone_name
Account timezone IDtimezone_id
Account timezone offset from UTCtimezone_offset_hours_utc
Account usersusers
Account spend capspend_cap
Account amount spentamount_spent
Account balancebalance
Account funding sourcefunding_source
CAMPAIGN DETAILSCampaign objectivecampaignobjectiveThe objective you selected for your campaign. Your objective reflects the goal you want to achieve with your advertising
Campaign status (effective status)campaignstatus
Campaign tagscampaign_tagsList of tags assigned to your campaign
Campaign edit linkcampaign_edit_linkLink to edit the campaign in Facebook Ads
Campaign configured statuscampaignconfigured_status
Campaign buying typecampaignbuyingtypeThe method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding, or reach and frequency buying
Campaign spending limitcampaignspend_cap
Campaign start datecampaign_start_date
Campaign end datecampaign_end_date
Campaign start date & timecampaign_start_time
Campaign end date & timecampaign_end_time
Campaign daily budgetcampaign_daily_budget
Campaign lifetime budgetcampaign_lifetime_budget
Is Campaign using SKAdNetworkcampaign_is_skadnetwork_attributionFlag to indicate that the campaign will be using SKAdNetwork, which also means that it will only be targeting iOS 14.x and above
Campaign budget remainingcampaign_budget_remaining
AD SET DETAILSAd set status (effective status)adsetstatus
Ad set tagsadset_tagsList of tags assigned to your ad set
Ad set edit linkad_group_edit_linkLink to edit the ad set in Facebook Ads
Ad set configured statusadsetconfigured_status
Bid typebidtype
Bid amountbidamount
Ad set bid infobidinfo
Start dateadsetstart_time
End dateadsetend_time
Start date & timeadsetstart_time_exact
End date & timeadsetend_time_exact
Daily budgetadsetdaily_budget
Lifetime budgetadsetlifetime_budget
Lifetime minimum spend targetlifetime_min_spend_targetLifetime minimum spend target for an ad set defined in your account currency. You must specify the lifetime budget at the ad campaign level
Lifetime spend caplifetime_spend_capDaily spend cap of the ad set defined in your account currency. You must specify the daily budget in the campaign
Budget remainingadsetbudget_remaining
Targeting maximum ageadsettargeting_age_maxMaximum of age range defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting minimum ageadsettargeting_age_minMinimum of age range defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting country locationadsettargeting_geo_location_countriesCountries defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting country groupsadsettargeting_geo_location_country_groupsCountry groups defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting location typeadsettargeting_geo_location_typeLocation types defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Promoted objectadsetpromoted_object
Ad set optimization goaloptimization_goalThe optimization goal you selected for your ad or ad set. Your optimization goal reflects what you want to optimize for the ads
AD DETAILSAd status (effective status)adstatus
Ad tagsad_tagsList of tags assigned to your ad
Ad preview URL: desktop feeddesktop_feed_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the desktop feed standard placement
Ad preview URL: Facebook storyfacebook_story_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the Facebook story mobile placement
Ad preview URL: right columnright_column_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the right column standard placement
Ad preview URL: mobile feedmobile_feed_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile feed standard placement
Ad preview URL: Instagraminstagram_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the Instagram standard placement
Ad preview URL: Instagram storyinstagram_story_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the Instagram Story placement
Ad preview URL: mobile bannermobile_banner_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile banner placement
Ad preview URL: mobile interstitialmobile_interstitial_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile interstitial placement
Ad configured statusadconfigured_status
Ad bid infoadbid_info
Ad creative IDcreative_id
Ad creative namecreative_name
Ad titlecreative_title
Ad bodycreative_body
Object typecreative_object_type
Call-to-action typecreative_call_to_action_type
Ad creative thumbnail URLcreative_thumbnail_url
Ad creative image URLcreative_image_url
Ad creative imagecreative_image
Destination URLdestinationURL
Internal destination URLcreative_link_url
External destination URLcreative_object_url
URL tagscreative_url_tags
Tracking template URLcreative_template_url
Tracking specsadtracking_specs
Conversion specsadconversion_specs
Review feedbackadreview_feedback
Source (utm)utm_sourceValue of the utm_source parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Medium (utm)utm_mediumValue of the utm_medium parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Campaign (utm)utm_campaignValue of the utm_campaign parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Content (utm)utm_contentValue of the utm_content parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Term (utm)utm_termValue of the utm_term parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
PROMOTED POSTPost IDpromoted_post_id
Post Instagram IDpromoted_post_id_ig
Post typepromoted_post_type
Post sourcepromoted_post_source
Post namepromoted_post_name
Post captionpromoted_post_caption
Post messagepromoted_post_message
Post storypromoted_post_story
Post descriptionpromoted_post_description
Promoted post destination URLpromoted_post_destination_url
Existing post destination URLpromoted_destination_url
Post privacypromoted_post_privacy
Post privacy descriptionpromoted_post_privacy_description
Post iconpromoted_post_icon
Post thumbnail URLpromoted_post_picture
Promoted post thumbnailpromoted_post_picture_image
Post image URLpromoted_post_full_picture
Post created datepromoted_post_created_time
Link to postpromoted_post_permalink_url
Link to Instagram postpromoted_post_permalink_url_ig
LEAD ADSLead form IDlead_form_id
Lead form namelead_form_name
Lead form statuslead_form_status
Lead createdlead_created_time
Lead IDlead_id
Lead infolead_info
Lead info (JSON)lead_info_json
Lead emaillead_email
Lead phone numberlead_phone_number
Lead full namelead_full_name
Lead company namelead_company_name
Lead countrylead_country
Lead statelead_state
Lead field 1 namelead_name_f1
Lead field 2 namelead_name_f2
Lead field 3 namelead_name_f3
Lead field 4 namelead_name_f4
Lead field 5 namelead_name_f5
Lead field 6 namelead_name_f6
Lead field 1 valuelead_value_f1
Lead field 2 valuelead_value_f2
Lead field 3 valuelead_value_f3
Lead field 4 valuelead_value_f4
Lead field 5 valuelead_value_f5
Lead field 6 valuelead_value_f6
CAROUSEL CARDCarousel card IDActionCarouselCardId
Carousel card nameActionCarouselCardName
Carousel card descriptioncarousel_card_descriptionDescription of carousel card
Carousel card call to action typecarousel_card_call_to_action_typeCall to action type of carousel card
Carousel card target URLcarousel_card_target_urlTarget URL of carousel card
Carousel card image URLcarousel_card_image_urlThe image URL of the carousel card
Carousel card imagecarousel_card_imageThe image of the carousel card
REACH ESTIMATESReach estimate: usersreach_estimate_users
Reach estimate: daily active usersreach_estimate_daily_active_users
Reach estimate: min bid amountreach_estimate_bid_amount_min
Reach estimate: median bid amountreach_estimate_bid_amount_median
Reach estimate: max bid amountreach_estimate_bid_amount_max
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve JSONreach_estimate_bid_curve_json
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for spendreach_estimate_bid_curve_spend
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for reachreach_estimate_bid_curve_reach
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for impressionsreach_estimate_bid_curve_impressions
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for actionsreach_estimate_bid_curve_actions
PERFORMANCEQuality ranking (text)quality_score_organic_textAd's perceived quality compared with ads competing for the same audience
Engagement Rate Ranking (text)quality_score_ectr_textAd's expected engagement rate compared with ads competing for the same audience
Conversion Rate Ranking (text)quality_score_ecvr_textAd's expected conversion rate compared with ads that had the same optimisation goal and competed for the same audience
DYNAMIC CREATIVE ADSBody asset IDbody_asset_idBody asset ID
Body asset textbody_asset_textBody asset text
Description asset IDdescription_asset_idDescription asset ID
Description asset textdescription_asset_textDescription asset text
Image asset IDimage_asset_idID for an image asset
Image asset nameimage_asset_nameName for an image asset
Image asset hashimage_asset_hashHash for an image asset
Image asset URLimage_asset_urlURL for an image asset
Title asset IDtitle_asset_idTitle asset ID
Title asset texttitle_asset_textTitle asset text
Call to action asset IDcall_to_action_asset_idCall to action asset asset ID
Call to action asset namecall_to_action_asset_nameCall to action asset name
Link asset IDlink_url_asset_idLink asset ID
Link asset website URLlink_url_asset_website_urlWebsite URL for a link URL asset
Link URL asset display URLlink_url_asset_display_urlLink URL asset display URL
Video asset namevideo_asset_video_nameVideo asset name
Video asset IDvideo_asset_idVideo asset ID
Video asset video IDvideo_asset_video_idVideo asset video ID
Video asset URLvideo_asset_urlVideo asset URL
Video asset thumbnail URLvideo_asset_thumbnail_urlVideo asset thumbnail URL
Video asset thumbnail imagevideo_asset_thumbnail_imageVideo asset thumbnail image
DEPRECATEDReach estimate: bid estimate curve JSONOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_jsonPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for reachOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_reachPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: max bid amountOLD_reach_estimate_bid_amount_maxPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: median bid amountOLD_reach_estimate_bid_amount_medianPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: usersOLD_reach_estimate_usersPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: min bid amountOLD_reach_estimate_bid_amount_minPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for impressionsOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_impressionsPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for actionsOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_actionsPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Relevance score positive feedback (deprecated)relevance_positive_feedbackPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Relevance score negative feedback (deprecated)relevance_negative_feedbackPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Relevance score statusrelevance_statusRelevance score status. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25
Ad preview URL: instant articleinstant_article_preview_urlURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the instant article standard placement. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-12-12
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for spendOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_spendPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20