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Field list for Facebook Ads

530 metrics and 228 dimensions available

TIMEYearYeardimYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)YearOfISOweekdim
Year of week (Sun-Sat)Yearofweekdim
Year & monthYearmonthdimYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
Year & week (Mon-Sun)YearweekISOdimYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Sun-Sat)YearweekdimYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
QuarterQuarterdimQuarter, e.g. 1
MonthMonthdimMonth, e.g. 6
Week (Mon-Sun)WeekISOdimISO week number, e.g. 51
Week (Sun-Sat)WeekdimUS week number, e.g. 51
Day of weekDayOfWeekdim
DateDatedimDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
Hour (advert account time zone)hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zonedim
Hour (viewer's time zone)hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zonedim
ACCOUNT STRUCTUREAccount nameaccount_namedimThe name of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity
Account IDaccount_iddimThe ID number of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity
Campaign namecampaign_group_namedimThe name of the advertising campaign that you're viewing in reporting
Campaign IDcampaign_group_iddimThe unique ID number of the advertising campaign that you're viewing in reporting
Ad set namecampaign_namedimThe name of the ad set that you're viewing in reporting
Ad set IDcampaign_iddimThe unique ID of the ad set you're viewing in reports
Ad nameadgroup_namedimThe name of the ad that you're viewing in the report
Ad IDadgroup_iddimThe unique ID of the ad that you're viewing in reporting
ATTRIBUTIONAttribution settingattribution_settingdimThe default attribution window to be used when the attribution result is calculated. Each ad set has its own attribution setting value. The attribution setting for a campaign or an account is calculated based on existing ad sets. Returns mixed, indicating multiple attribution settings, skan, indicating SKAdNetwork attribution of iOS 14 app install campaigns, and na, indicating no ad set in a campaign or account
IMPRESSIONImpression deviceimpression_devicedim
Place page IDplace_page_iddim
Publisher platformpublisher_platformdimDistinguishes between platforms like Facebook and Instagram
Platform positionplatform_positiondim
Device platformdevice_platformdim
Country codecountrydim
DMAdmadimDesignated Market Area
Audience typeuser_segment_keydimThe audience type for Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns. Values may be 'prospecting', 'existing', 'unknown' or 'uncategorized'. This breakdown only works with Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns
PRODUCTProduct IDproduct_iddim
ACTION/CONVERSIONAction typeActionTypeWithCustomLabelsdimThe kind of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it. Action types include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. Custom conversion types will be listed by their label
Action type (with custom conv. IDs)ActionTypedimThe kind of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it. Action types include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. Custom conversion types will be listed by their ID number
Action target IDActionTargetIDdim
Action deviceActionDevicedim
Canvas component nameActionCanvasComponentNamedim
ACCOUNT DETAILSBusiness namebusiness_namedim
Business countrybusiness_country_codedim
Business citybusiness_citydim
Account statusaccount_statusdim
Account edit linkaccount_edit_linkdimLink to edit the Facebook Ads account
Account currencycurrencydim
Account timezonetimezone_namedim
Account timezone IDtimezone_iddim
Account timezone offset from UTCtimezone_offset_hours_utcdim
Account usersusersdim
Account spend capspend_capdim
Account amount spentamount_spentdim
Account balancebalancedim
Account funding sourcefunding_sourcedim
CAMPAIGN DETAILSCampaign objectivecampaignobjectivedimThe objective you selected for your campaign. Your objective reflects the goal you want to achieve with your advertising
Campaign status (effective status)campaignstatusdim
Campaign tagscampaign_tagsdimList of tags assigned to your campaign
Campaign edit linkcampaign_edit_linkdimLink to edit the campaign in Facebook Ads
Campaign configured statuscampaignconfigured_statusdim
Campaign buying typecampaignbuyingtypedimThe method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding, or reach and frequency buying
Campaign spending limitcampaignspend_capdim
Campaign start datecampaign_start_datedim
Campaign end datecampaign_end_datedim
Campaign start date & timecampaign_start_timedim
Campaign end date & timecampaign_end_timedim
Campaign daily budgetcampaign_daily_budgetdim
Campaign lifetime budgetcampaign_lifetime_budgetdim
Is Campaign using SKAdNetworkcampaign_is_skadnetwork_attributiondimFlag to indicate that the campaign will be using SKAdNetwork, which also means that it will only be targeting iOS 14.x and above
Campaign budget remainingcampaign_budget_remainingdim
AD SET DETAILSAd set status (effective status)adsetstatusdim
Ad set tagsadset_tagsdimList of tags assigned to your ad set
Ad set edit linkad_group_edit_linkdimLink to edit the ad set in Facebook Ads
Ad set configured statusadsetconfigured_statusdim
Bid typebidtypedim
Bid amountbidamountdim
Ad set bid infobidinfodim
Start dateadsetstart_timedim
End dateadsetend_timedim
Start date & timeadsetstart_time_exactdim
End date & timeadsetend_time_exactdim
Daily budgetadsetdaily_budgetdim
Lifetime budgetadsetlifetime_budgetdim
Lifetime minimum spend targetlifetime_min_spend_targetdimLifetime minimum spend target for an ad set defined in your account currency. You must specify the lifetime budget at the ad campaign level
Lifetime spend caplifetime_spend_capdimDaily spend cap of the ad set defined in your account currency. You must specify the daily budget in the campaign
Budget remainingadsetbudget_remainingdim
Targeting maximum ageadsettargeting_age_maxdimMaximum of age range defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting minimum ageadsettargeting_age_mindimMinimum of age range defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting country locationadsettargeting_geo_location_countriesdimCountries defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting country groupsadsettargeting_geo_location_country_groupsdimCountry groups defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Targeting location typeadsettargeting_geo_location_typedimLocation types defined by user for ad set targeting. A breakdown of the data in the "Targeting" dimension
Promoted objectadsetpromoted_objectdim
Ad set optimization goaloptimization_goaldimThe optimization goal you selected for your ad or ad set. Your optimization goal reflects what you want to optimize for the ads
AD DETAILSAd status (effective status)adstatusdim
Ad tagsad_tagsdimList of tags assigned to your ad
Ad preview URL: desktop feeddesktop_feed_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the desktop feed standard placement
Ad preview URL: Facebook storyfacebook_story_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the Facebook story mobile placement
Ad preview URL: right columnright_column_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the right column standard placement
Ad preview URL: mobile feedmobile_feed_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile feed standard placement
Ad preview URL: Instagraminstagram_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the Instagram standard placement
Ad preview URL: Instagram storyinstagram_story_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the Instagram Story placement
Ad preview URL: mobile bannermobile_banner_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile banner placement
Ad preview URL: mobile interstitialmobile_interstitial_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the mobile interstitial placement
Ad configured statusadconfigured_statusdim
Ad bid infoadbid_infodim
Ad creative IDcreative_iddim
Ad creative namecreative_namedim
Ad titlecreative_titledim
Ad bodycreative_bodydim
Object typecreative_object_typedim
Call-to-action typecreative_call_to_action_typedim
Ad creative thumbnail URLcreative_thumbnail_urldim
Ad creative image URLcreative_image_urldim
Ad creative imagecreative_imagedim
Destination URLdestinationURLdim
Internal destination URLcreative_link_urldim
External destination URLcreative_object_urldim
URL tagscreative_url_tagsdim
Tracking template URLcreative_template_urldim
Tracking specsadtracking_specsdim
Conversion specsadconversion_specsdim
Review feedbackadreview_feedbackdim
Source (utm)utm_sourcedimValue of the utm_source parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Medium (utm)utm_mediumdimValue of the utm_medium parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Campaign (utm)utm_campaigndimValue of the utm_campaign parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Content (utm)utm_contentdimValue of the utm_content parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Term (utm)utm_termdimValue of the utm_term parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
PROMOTED POSTPost IDpromoted_post_iddim
Post Instagram IDpromoted_post_id_igdim
Post typepromoted_post_typedim
Post sourcepromoted_post_sourcedim
Post namepromoted_post_namedim
Post captionpromoted_post_captiondim
Post messagepromoted_post_messagedim
Post storypromoted_post_storydim
Post descriptionpromoted_post_descriptiondim
Promoted post destination URLpromoted_post_destination_urldim
Existing post destination URLpromoted_destination_urldim
Post privacypromoted_post_privacydim
Post privacy descriptionpromoted_post_privacy_descriptiondim
Post iconpromoted_post_icondim
Post thumbnail URLpromoted_post_picturedim
Promoted post thumbnailpromoted_post_picture_imagedim
Post image URLpromoted_post_full_picturedim
Post created datepromoted_post_created_timedim
Link to postpromoted_post_permalink_urldim
Link to Instagram postpromoted_post_permalink_url_igdim
LEAD ADSLead form IDlead_form_iddim
Lead form namelead_form_namedim
Lead form statuslead_form_statusdim
Lead createdlead_created_timedim
Lead IDlead_iddim
Lead infolead_infodim
Lead info (JSON)lead_info_jsondim
Lead emaillead_emaildim
Lead phone numberlead_phone_numberdim
Lead full namelead_full_namedim
Lead company namelead_company_namedim
Lead countrylead_countrydim
Lead statelead_statedim
Lead field 1 namelead_name_f1dim
Lead field 2 namelead_name_f2dim
Lead field 3 namelead_name_f3dim
Lead field 4 namelead_name_f4dim
Lead field 5 namelead_name_f5dim
Lead field 6 namelead_name_f6dim
Lead field 1 valuelead_value_f1dim
Lead field 2 valuelead_value_f2dim
Lead field 3 valuelead_value_f3dim
Lead field 4 valuelead_value_f4dim
Lead field 5 valuelead_value_f5dim
Lead field 6 valuelead_value_f6dim
CAROUSEL CARDCarousel card IDActionCarouselCardIddim
Carousel card nameActionCarouselCardNamedim
Carousel card descriptioncarousel_card_descriptiondimDescription of carousel card
Carousel card call to action typecarousel_card_call_to_action_typedimCall to action type of carousel card
Carousel card target URLcarousel_card_target_urldimTarget URL of carousel card
Carousel card image URLcarousel_card_image_urldimThe image URL of the carousel card
Carousel card imagecarousel_card_imagedimThe image of the carousel card
REACH ESTIMATESReach estimate: usersreach_estimate_usersdim
Reach estimate: daily active usersreach_estimate_daily_active_usersdim
Reach estimate: min bid amountreach_estimate_bid_amount_mindim
Reach estimate: median bid amountreach_estimate_bid_amount_mediandim
Reach estimate: max bid amountreach_estimate_bid_amount_maxdim
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve JSONreach_estimate_bid_curve_jsondim
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for spendreach_estimate_bid_curve_spenddim
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for reachreach_estimate_bid_curve_reachdim
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for impressionsreach_estimate_bid_curve_impressionsdim
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for actionsreach_estimate_bid_curve_actionsdim
PERFORMANCEQuality ranking (text)quality_score_organic_textdimAd's perceived quality compared with ads competing for the same audience
Engagement Rate Ranking (text)quality_score_ectr_textdimAd's expected engagement rate compared with ads competing for the same audience
Conversion Rate Ranking (text)quality_score_ecvr_textdimAd's expected conversion rate compared with ads that had the same optimisation goal and competed for the same audience
DYNAMIC CREATIVE ADSBody asset IDbody_asset_iddimBody asset ID
Body asset textbody_asset_textdimBody asset text
Description asset IDdescription_asset_iddimDescription asset ID
Description asset textdescription_asset_textdimDescription asset text
Image asset IDimage_asset_iddimID for an image asset
Image asset nameimage_asset_namedimName for an image asset
Image asset hashimage_asset_hashdimHash for an image asset
Image asset URLimage_asset_urldimURL for an image asset
Title asset IDtitle_asset_iddimTitle asset ID
Title asset texttitle_asset_textdimTitle asset text
Call to action asset IDcall_to_action_asset_iddimCall to action asset asset ID
Call to action asset namecall_to_action_asset_namedimCall to action asset name
Link asset IDlink_url_asset_iddimLink asset ID
Link asset website URLlink_url_asset_website_urldimWebsite URL for a link URL asset
Link URL asset display URLlink_url_asset_display_urldimLink URL asset display URL
Video asset namevideo_asset_video_namedimVideo asset name
Video asset IDvideo_asset_iddimVideo asset ID
Video asset video IDvideo_asset_video_iddimVideo asset video ID
Video asset URLvideo_asset_urldimVideo asset URL
Video asset thumbnail URLvideo_asset_thumbnail_urldimVideo asset thumbnail URL
Video asset thumbnail imagevideo_asset_thumbnail_imagedimVideo asset thumbnail image
DEPRECATEDReach estimate: bid estimate curve JSONOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_jsondimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for reachOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_reachdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: max bid amountOLD_reach_estimate_bid_amount_maxdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: median bid amountOLD_reach_estimate_bid_amount_mediandimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: usersOLD_reach_estimate_usersdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: min bid amountOLD_reach_estimate_bid_amount_mindimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for impressionsOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_impressionsdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for actionsOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_actionsdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Relevance score positive feedback (deprecated)relevance_positive_feedbackdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Relevance score negative feedback (deprecated)relevance_negative_feedbackdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Relevance score statusrelevance_statusdimRelevance score status. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25
Ad preview URL: instant articleinstant_article_preview_urldimURL to a preview of the ad, as seen in the instant article standard placement. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-12-12
Reach estimate: bid estimate curve for spendOLD_reach_estimate_bid_curve_spenddimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
PERFORMANCEReachreachmetThe number of people who saw your ads at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people
FrequencyfrequencymetThe average number of times each person saw your ad
ImpressionsimpressionsmetThe number of times your ads were on screen
Social reach (deprecated)socialreachmetThe number of people who saw your ad when displayed with social information, which shows other Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad
Social impressions (deprecated)socialimpressionsmetThe number of times your ads were viewed when displayed with social information, which shows Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad
Social spendsocialspendmet
Action rate %actionrate_percmet
Total action valueaction_valuemet
Return on ad spend (ROAS) %ROAS_percmet
Return on ad spend (ROAS)ROASmet
Quality rankingquality_score_organicmetAd's perceived quality compared with ads competing for the same audience
Engagement Rate Rankingquality_score_ectrmetAd's expected engagement rate compared with ads competing for the same audience
Conversion Rate Rankingquality_score_ecvrmetAd's expected conversion rate compared with ads that had the same optimisation goal and competed for the same audience
COSTAmount spentcostmet
Amount spent (EUR)cost_eurmetAdvertising cost converted to euros
Amount spent (GBP)cost_gbpmetAdvertising cost in your account currency
Amount spent (USD)cost_usdmetAdvertising cost converted to US dollars
Amount spent (SEK)cost_sekmetAdvertising cost converted to Swedish krona
Cost per 1000 people reachedCPPmet
CPMCPMmetThe average cost for 1,000 impressions
Cost per any actionCPAmet
CLICKSLink clickslink_clicksmet
Unique link clicksunique_action_link_clickmet
Outbound clicksoutbound_clicksmetThe number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties
Unique outbound clicksunique_outbound_clicksmetThe number of people who performed an outbound click
CTR (link click-through rate)link_CTR_percmet
Unique CTR (link click-through rate)unique_link_CTR_percmetThe percentage of unique people who saw your ad and performed a link click. The metric is calculated as unique link clicks divided by reach
Outbound CTRoutbound_CTR_percmet
Unique outbound CTRunique_outbound_CTR_percmet
Clicks (all)clicksmet
Unique clicks (all)uniqueclicksmet
CTR (all)CTR_percmet
Unique CTR (all)UCTR_percmet
Cost per unique link clickUCPLCmet
Cost per outbound clickCPOCmet
Cost per unique outbound clickUCPOCmet
CPC (all)CPCmet
Cost per unique click (all)UCPCmet
PAGE POST ENGAGEMENTPage engagementspage_engagementmet
Page likeslikemet
Page subscribesaction_subscribemetPage subscribe actions
Post commentscommentmet
Post engagementspost_engagementmet
Post reactionspost_likemet
Post savespost_savemet
Post sharespostmet
Photo viewsphoto_viewmet
Event responsesrsvpmet
PAGE POST ENGAGEMENT COSTCost per page engagementcost_per_page_engagementmet
Cost per page likecost_per_page_likemet
Cost per post commentcost_per_post_commentmet
Cost per post engagementcost_per_post_engagementmet
Cost per post reactioncost_per_post_reactionmet
Cost per post sharecost_per_post_sharemet
Cost per photo viewcost_per_photo_viewmet
Cost per event responsecost_per_event_responsemet
Cost per check-incost_per_checkinmet
MESSAGINGNew messaging contactsnew_messaging_conversationsmetThe number of accounts that messaged your business for the first time, attributed to your ads. This doesn't include new messaging contacts from ads delivered to or from Europe or Japan
Messaging conversations startednew_messaging_conversations_7dmetThe number of accounts that messaged your business for the first time, attributed to your ads. This doesn't include new messaging contacts from ads delivered to or from Europe or Japan
Blocked messaging conversationsblocked_message_conversationsmetThe number of times people blocked messages from your business on messaging apps (such as Facebook Messenger), attributed to your ads. Also called "Blocks"
Messaging subscriptiononsite_conversion_messaging_user_subscribedmetThe number of times an account has subscribed to receive marketing messages from your business, attributed to your ad. If an account has subscribed to multiple topics, it will be counted again for each topic
MESSAGING COSTCost per new messaging contactcost_per_new_messaging_conversationmetThe average cost for each new messaging contact. Calculated by: Amount spent / New messaging contacts
Cost per messaging conversations startedcost_per_messaging_conversation_startedmetThe average cost for each messaging conversation started. Calculated by: Amount spent / Messaging conversations started
CALLSEstimated call confirmation clicksclick_to_call_call_confirmmetThe estimated number of times the call button is clicked on a call confirmation dialogue after an ad with a call destination is clicked
Messenger calls placedclick_to_call_native_call_placedmetThe number of times a Messenger call was made to your business, attributed to your ad. This metric excludes ads that were delivered from Europe and Japan
20-second Messenger callsclick_to_call_native_20s_call_connectmetThe number of times Messenger calls resulted in successful connections lasting at least 20 seconds, attributed to your ad. This metric excludes ads that were delivered from Europe and Japan, and only is available in select countries
60-second Messenger callsclick_to_call_native_60s_call_connectmetThe number of times Messenger calls resulted in successful connections lasting at least 60 seconds, attributed to your ad. This metric excludes ads that were delivered from Europe and Japan, and only is available in select countries
MEDIAThree-second video viewsvideo_viewmet
15-second video views (Deprecated)video_15_sec_watched_actionsmet
30-second video viewsvideo_30_sec_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 30 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first
Video watches at 25%video_p25_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was watched at 25% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point
Video watches at 50%video_p50_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was watched at 50% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point
Video watches at 75%video_p75_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was watched at 75% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point
Video watches at 95%video_p95_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was watched at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point
Video watches at 100%video_p100_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was watched at 100% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point
Video average watch timevideo_average_watch_timemet
Clicks to play videovideo_playmet
Video play actionsvideo_play_actionsmetThe number of times your video starts to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays
Video play curve actions second: 0video_play_curve_actions_s0metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 0 second
Video play curve actions second: 1video_play_curve_actions_s1metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 1 second
Video play curve actions second: 2video_play_curve_actions_s2metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 2 second
Video play curve actions second: 3video_play_curve_actions_s3metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 3 second
Video play curve actions second: 4video_play_curve_actions_s4metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 4 second
Video play curve actions second: 5video_play_curve_actions_s5metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 5 second
Video play curve actions second: 6video_play_curve_actions_s6metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 6 second
Video play curve actions second: 7video_play_curve_actions_s7metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 7 second
Video play curve actions second: 8video_play_curve_actions_s8metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 8 second
Video play curve actions second: 9video_play_curve_actions_s9metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 9 second
Video play curve actions second: 10video_play_curve_actions_s10metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 10 second
Video play curve actions second: 11video_play_curve_actions_s11metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 11 second
Video play curve actions second: 12video_play_curve_actions_s12metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 12 second
Video play curve actions second: 13video_play_curve_actions_s13metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 13 second
Video play curve actions second: 14video_play_curve_actions_s14metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 14 second
Video play curve actions second: 15-20video_play_curve_actions_s15_s20metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 15-20 second
Video play curve actions second: 20-25video_play_curve_actions_s20_s25metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 20-25 second
Video play curve actions second: 25-30video_play_curve_actions_s25_s30metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 25-30 second
Video play curve actions second: 30-40video_play_curve_actions_s30_s40metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 30-40 second
Video play curve actions second: 40-50video_play_curve_actions_s40_s50metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 40-50 second
Video play curve actions second: 50-60video_play_curve_actions_s50_s60metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 50-60 second
Video play curve actions second 60 and morevideo_play_curve_actions_s60metA video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached 60 seconds and more
ThruPlay actionsvideo_thruplay_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds
Avg. canvas view timecanvas_avg_view_timemetThe average total time, in seconds, that people spent viewing a Facebook Canvas. Canvas is a screen that opens on mobile after a person clicks the Canvas link in your ad. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images, product catalogs and more
Avg. canvas view percentagecanvas_avg_view_percent_percmetThe average percentage of the Facebook Canvas that people saw. Canvas is a screen that opens on mobile after a person clicks the Canvas link in your ad. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images, product catalogs and more
MEDIA COSTCost per three-second video viewcost_per_3s_video_viewmet
Cost per ThruPlaycost_per_thruplaymetThe average cost for each ThruPlay
AWARENESSEstimated ad recall lift (people)estimated_ad_recallersmetAn estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand Awareness Objective
Estimated ad recall lift rate (%)estimated_ad_recall_rate_percmetThe rate at which an estimated number of additional people, when asked, would remember seeing your ads within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand Awareness Objective
AWARENESS COSTCost per estimated ad recall lift (people)cost_per_estimated_ad_recallersmetThe average cost for each estimated ad recall lift. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand Awareness Objective
WEBSITE (FACEBOOK PIXEL)Website conversionsoffsite_conversionmet
Website conversion rateoffsite_conversion_rate_percmet
Website adds of payment infooffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_add_payment_infomet
Website adds to wishlistoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistmet
Website registrations completedoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_complete_registrationmet
Website custom conversionsoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_custommet
Website checkouts initiatedoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutmet
Website leadsoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_leadmet
Website purchasesoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_purchasemet
Website searchesoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_searchmet
Website content viewsoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_view_contentmet
Website adds to cartoffsite_conversions_fb_pixel_add_to_cartmet
Landing page viewslanding_page_viewsmet
WEBSITE (FACEBOOK PIXEL) COSTCost per website conversioncost_per_website_conversionmet
Cost per website add of payment infocost_per_website_add_payment_infomet
Cost per website add to cartcost_per_website_add_to_cartmet
Cost per website add to wishlistcost_per_website_add_to_wishlistmet
Cost per website registration completedcost_per_website_complete_registrationmet
Cost per website custom conversioncost_per_website_custom_conversionmet
Cost per website checkout initiatedcost_per_offsite_conversions_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutmetCost per website checkout initiated
Cost per website leadcost_per_website_leadmet
Cost per website purchasecost_per_website_purchasemet
Cost per website searchcost_per_website_searchmet
Cost per website content viewscost_per_website_view_contentmet
Cost per landing page viewcost_per_landing_page_viewmet
WEBSITE CONVERSION VALUE (FACEBOOK PIXEL)Website conversion valueoffsite_conversion_valuemet
Website purchase ROAS %website_purchase_roas_percmet
Website purchase ROASwebsite_purchase_roasmet
Website adds of payment info conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_add_payment_infomet
Website adds to cart conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_add_to_cartmet
Website adds to wishlist conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistmet
Website registrations completed conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_complete_registrationmet
Website custom conversions valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_custommet
Website checkouts initiated conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutmet
Website leads conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_leadmet
Website purchases conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_purchasemet
Website searches conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_searchmet
Website content views conversion valueoffsite_conversion_value_fb_pixel_view_contentmet
STANDARD EVENTSAd click (mobile app)conversions_ad_click_mobile_appmetThe number of in-app ad click events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Ad impression (mobile app)conversions_ad_impression_mobile_appmetThe number of in-app ad impression events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Contact (total)conversions_contact_totalmetThe number of contact events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Contact (website)conversions_contact_websitemetThe number of contact events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Contact (mobile app)conversions_contact_mobile_appmetThe number of contact events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Contact (offline)conversions_contact_offlinemetThe number of contact events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
Customize product (total)conversions_customize_product_totalmetThe number of customize product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Customize product (website)conversions_customize_product_websitemetThe number of customize product events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Customize product (mobile app)conversions_customize_product_mobile_appmetThe number of customize product events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Customize product (offline)conversions_customize_product_offlinemetThe number of customize product events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
Donate (total)conversions_donate_totalmetThe number of donate events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Donate (website)conversions_donate_websitemetThe number of donate events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Donate (on facebook)conversions_donate_on_facebookmetThe number of donate events that occurred within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and are attributed to your ads
Donate (mobile app)conversions_donate_mobile_appmetThe number of donate events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Donate (offline)conversions_donate_offlinemetThe number of donate events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
Find location (total)conversions_find_location_totalmetThe number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Find location (website)conversions_find_location_websitemetThe number of find location events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Find location (mobile app)conversions_find_location_mobile_appmetThe number of find location events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Find location (offline)conversions_find_location_offlinemetThe number of find location events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
Schedule (total)conversions_schedule_totalmetThe number of schedule events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Schedule (website)conversions_schedule_websitemetThe number of schedule events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Schedule (mobile app)conversions_schedule_mobile_appmetThe number of schedule events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Schedule (offline)conversions_schedule_offlinemetThe number of schedule events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
Start trial (total)conversions_start_trial_totalmetThe number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Start trial (website)conversions_start_trial_websitemetThe number of start trial events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Start trial (mobile app)conversions_start_trial_mobile_appmetThe number of start trial events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Start trial (offline)conversions_start_trial_offlinemetThe number of start trial events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
Submit application (total)conversions_submit_application_totalmetThe number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Submit application (website)conversions_submit_application_websitemetThe number of submit application events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Submit application (mobile app)conversions_submit_application_mobile_appmetThe number of submit application events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Submit application (offline)conversions_submit_application_offlinemetThe number of submit application events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
Subscribe (total)conversions_subscribe_totalmetThe number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Subscribe (website)conversions_subscribe_websitemetThe number of subscribe events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook pixel
Subscribe (mobile app)conversions_subscribe_mobile_appmetThe number of subscribe events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK
Subscribe (offline)conversions_subscribe_offlinemetThe number of subscribe events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set
STANDARD EVENT VALUEContact value (total)conversion_values_contact_totalmetThe total value of contact conversions
Contact value (website)conversion_values_contact_websitemetThe total value of contact conversions that occurred on your website
Contact value (mobile app)conversion_values_contact_mobile_appmetThe total value of contact conversions that occurred on your mobile app
Contact value (offline)conversion_values_contact_offlinemetThe total value of contact conversions that occurred offline
Customize product value (total)conversion_values_customize_product_totalmetThe total value of customize product conversions
Customize product value (website)conversion_values_customize_product_websitemetThe total value of customize product conversions that occurred on your website
Customize product value (mobile app)conversion_values_customize_product_mobile_appmetThe total value of customize product conversions that occurred on your mobile app
Customize product value (offline)conversion_values_customize_product_offlinemetThe total value of customize product conversions that occurred offline
Donate value (total)conversion_values_donate_totalmetThe total value of donate conversions
Donate value (website)conversion_values_donate_websitemetThe total value of donate conversions that occurred on your website
Donate value (on facebook)conversion_values_donate_on_facebookmetThe total value of on-Facebook donations that occurred within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger)
Donate value (mobile app)conversion_values_donate_mobile_appmetThe total value of donate conversions that occurred on your mobile app
Donate value (offline)conversion_values_donate_offlinemetThe total value of donate conversions that occurred offline
Find location value (total)conversion_values_find_location_totalmetThe total value of find location conversions
Find location value (website)conversion_values_find_location_websitemetThe total value of find location conversions that occurred on your website
Find location value (mobile app)conversion_values_find_location_mobile_appmetThe total value of find location conversions that occurred on your mobile app
Find location value (offline)conversion_values_find_location_offlinemetThe total value of find location conversions that occurred offline
Schedule value (total)conversion_values_schedule_totalmetThe total value of schedule conversions
Schedule value (website)conversion_values_schedule_websitemetThe total value of schedule conversions that occurred on your website
Schedule value (mobile app)conversion_values_schedule_mobile_appmetThe total value of schedule conversions that occurred on your mobile app
Schedule value (offline)conversion_values_schedule_offlinemetThe total value of schedule conversions that occurred offline
Start trial value (total)conversion_values_start_trial_totalmetThe total value of start trial conversions
Start trial value (website)conversion_values_start_trial_websitemetThe total value of start trial conversions that occurred on your website
Start trial value (mobile app)conversion_values_start_trial_mobile_appmetThe total value of start trial conversions that occurred on your mobile app
Start trial value (offline)conversion_values_start_trial_offlinemetThe total value of start trial conversions that occurred offline
Submit application value (total)conversion_values_submit_application_totalmetThe total value of applications submitted tracked with the conversions objective
Submit application value (website)conversion_values_submit_application_websitemetThe total value of submit application conversions that occurred on your website
Submit application value (mobile app)conversion_values_submit_application_mobile_appmetThe total value of submit application conversions that occurred on your mobile app
Submit application value (offline)conversion_values_submit_application_offlinemetThe total value of submit application conversions that occurred offline
Subscribe value (total)conversion_values_subscribe_totalmetThe total value of subscribe conversions
Subscribe value (website)conversion_values_subscribe_websitemetThe total value of subscribe conversions that occurred on your website
Subscribe value (mobile app)conversion_values_subscribe_mobile_appmetThe total value of subscribe conversions on your mobile app
Subscribe value (offline)conversion_values_subscribe_offlinemetThe total value of subscribe conversions that occurred offline
STANDARD EVENT COSTCost per Ad click (mobile app)cost_per_conversion_ad_click_mobile_appmetThe average cost for an in-app ad click from your Facebook ads
Cost per Ad impression (mobile app)cost_per_conversion_ad_impression_mobile_appmetThe average cost for 1,000 in-app ad impressions
Cost per Submit applicationcost_per_conversion_submit_application_totalmetThe average cost of each submit application
Cost per Contactcost_per_conversion_contact_totalmetThe average cost of each contact
Cost per Donatecost_per_conversion_donate_totalmetThe average cost of each donate
Cost per Find locationcost_per_conversion_find_location_totalmetThe average cost of each find location
Cost per Customize productcost_per_conversion_customize_product_totalmetThe average cost of each customize product
Cost per Schedulecost_per_conversion_schedule_totalmetThe average cost of each schedule
Cost per Start trialcost_per_conversion_start_trial_totalmetThe average cost of each start trial
Cost per Subscribecost_per_conversion_subscribe_totalmetThe average cost of each subscription
MOBILE APP CONVERSION VALUEMobile app adds to cart conversion valueapp_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartmetThe conversion value of cart adds made on mobile platforms
APP ACTIONSGame playsgames.playsmet
Desktop app engagementsapp_engagementmet
Desktop app installsapp_installmet
Desktop app story engagementsapp_storymet
Desktop app usesapp_usemet
Credit spendscredit_spentmet
Mobile app achievements unlockedapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_achievement_unlockedmet
Mobile app adds of payment infoapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_payment_infomet
Mobile app adds to cartapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cartmet
Mobile app adds to wishlistapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistmet
Mobile app registrations completedapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_complete_registrationmet
Mobile app checkouts initiatedapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutmet
Mobile app content viewsapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_viewmet
Mobile app credits spentapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_creditsmet
Mobile app installsmobile_app_installmet
Mobile app levels completedapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_level_achievedmet
Mobile app purchasesapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchasemet
Mobile app ratings submittedapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_ratemet
Mobile app searchesapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_searchmet
Mobile app sessionsapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_appmet
Mobile app tutorials completedapp_custom_event.fb_mobile_tutorial_completionmet
Omni app installsaction_omni_app_installmetThe estimated number of completed app installs across all channels
Omni purchasesaction_omni_purchasemetThe number of purchase events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni adds to cartaction_omni_add_to_cartmetThe number of add to cart events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni completed registrationsaction_omni_complete_registrationmetThe number of complete registration events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni content viewsaction_omni_view_contentmetThe number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni searchesaction_omni_searchmetThe number of search events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni initiated checkoutsaction_omni_initiated_checkoutmetThe number of initiate checkout events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni achievement unlocksaction_omni_achievement_unlockedmetThe number of unlock achievement events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni app activationsaction_omni_activate_appmetThe number of times your app was activated attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni level completedaction_omni_level_achievedmetThe estimated number of completed level across all channels
Omni ratesaction_omni_ratemetThe number of achieve level events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni credit spendsaction_omni_spend_creditsmetThe number of spend credits events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools. This does not refer to the total value of credits spent
Omni completed tutorialsaction_omni_tutorial_completionmetThe number of completed tutorial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni custom actionsaction_omni_custommetThe number of custom events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools
Other mobile app actionsapp_custom_event.othermet
APP ACTIONS COSTCost per app installcost_per_app_installmet
Cost per game playcost_per_game_playmet
Cost per desktop app engagementcost_per_desktop_app_engagementmet
Cost per desktop app installcost_per_desktop_app_installmet
Cost per desktop app story engagementcost_per_desktop_app_story_engagementmet
Cost per desktop app usecost_per_desktop_app_usemet
Cost per credit spend actioncost_per_credit_spend_actionmet
Cost per mobile app achievement unlockedcost_per_mobile_app_achievement_unlockedmet
Cost per mobile app add to basketcost_per_mobile_app_add_to_basketmet
Cost per mobile app add to wishlistcost_per_mobile_app_add_to_wishlistmet
Cost per mobile app checkout initiatedcost_per_mobile_app_checkout_initiatedmet
Cost per mobile app content viewcost_per_mobile_app_content_viewmet
Cost per mobile app credit spentcost_per_mobile_app_credit_spentmet
Cost per mobile app installcost_per_mobile_app_installmet
Cost per mobile app level completedcost_per_mobile_app_level_completedmet
Cost per mobile app payment info addcost_per_mobile_app_payment_info_addmet
Cost per mobile app purchasecost_per_mobile_app_purchasemet
Cost per mobile app rating submittedcost_per_mobile_app_rating_submittedmet
Cost per mobile app registration completedcost_per_mobile_app_registration_completedmet
Cost per mobile app searchcost_per_mobile_app_searchmet
Cost per mobile app sessioncost_per_mobile_app_sessionmet
Cost per mobile app tutorial completedcost_per_mobile_app_tutorial_completedmet
Cost per other mobile app actioncost_per_other_mobile_app_actionmet
APP CONVERSION VALUEMobile app credits spent conversion valueaction_value_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_creditsmet
Mobile app purchases conversion valueaction_value_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchasemet
Mobile app checkouts conversion valueaction_value_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutmet
Credits spent conversion valueaction_value.credit_spentmet
CONVERSIONS BY CONVERSION WINDOWConversions within 1 day of viewactions_1d_viewmet
Conversions within 7 days of viewactions_7d_viewmet
Conversions within 28 days of viewactions_28d_viewmet
Conversions within 1 day of clickactions_1d_clickmet
Conversions within 7 days of clickactions_7d_clickmet
Conversions within 28 days of clickactions_28d_clickmet
Conversion value within 1 day of viewaction_values_1d_viewmet
Conversion value within 7 days of viewaction_values_7d_viewmet
Conversion value within 28 days of viewaction_values_28d_viewmet
Conversion value within 1 day of clickaction_values_1d_clickmet
Conversion value within 7 days of clickaction_values_7d_clickmet
Conversion value within 28 days of clickaction_values_28d_clickmet
ON FACEBOOKOn-Facebook purchaseson_facebook_purchasesmet
On-Facebook workflow completionon_facebook_workflow_completionmet
On-Facebook leadsonsite_conversion.lead_groupedmet
On-Facebook view contenton_facebook_view_contentmetThe number of product views within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads
Phone number clickson_facebook_click_to_callmetThe number of times that your phone number or Call Now button was clicked on your on-Facebook listing (such as a Marketplace listing), attributed to your ads
Get directions clickson_facebook_find_locationmetThe number of times that your address or the Get Directions button was clicked on your on-Facebook listing (such as a Marketplace listing), attributed to your ads
ON FACEBOOK COSTCost per on-Facebook purchasecost_per_on_facebook_purchasemet
Cost per workflow completion on Facebookcost_per_on_facebook_workflow_completionmet
Cost per on-Facebook leadcost_per_on_facebook_leadmet
Cost per on-Facebook view contentcost_per_on_facebook_view_contentmet
Cost per on-Facebook phone number clickcost_per_on_facebook_click_to_callmet
Cost per on-Facebook get directions clickcost_per_on_facebook_find_locationmet
ON FACEBOOK CONVERSION VALUEConversion value of purchase on Facebookon_facebook_purchase_conversion_valuemet
Conversion value of workflow completion on Facebookon_facebook_workflow_completion_conversion_valuemet
OTHERInline link clicksinline_link_clicksmetThe number of clicks on links to select destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties. Inline link clicks use a fixed 1-day-click attribution window
Unique inline link clicksunique_inline_link_clicksmetThe number of people who performed an inline link click
Inline post engagementinline_post_engagementmetThe total number of actions that people take involving your ads. Inline post engagements use a fixed 1-day-click attribution window
OFFLINEOffline leadsoffline_conversions_leadsmet
Offline purchasesoffline_conversion_purchasemet
Offline other conversionsoffline_other_conversionmet
Offline adds of payment infooffline_conversion_add_payment_infomet
Offline adds to cartoffline_conversion_add_to_cartmet
Offline adds to wishlistoffline_conversion_add_to_wishlistmet
Offline registrations completedoffline_conversion_complete_registrationmet
Offline checkouts initiatedoffline_conversion_initiate_checkoutmet
Offline searchesoffline_conversion_searchmet
Offline content viewsoffline_conversion_view_contentmet
OFFLINE CONVERSION VALUEOffline adds of payment info conversion valueoffline_conversion_add_payment_info_action_valuemet
Offline adds to cart conversion valueoffline_conversion_add_to_cart_action_valuemet
Offline adds to wishlist conversion valueoffline_conversion_add_to_wishlist_action_valuemet
Offline registrations completed conversion valueoffline_conversion_complete_registration_action_valuemet
Offline checkouts initiated conversion valueoffline_conversion_initiate_checkout_action_valuemet
Offline leads conversion valueoffline_conversion_lead_action_valuemet
Offline other conversion valueoffline_conversion_other_action_valuemet
Offline purchases conversion valueoffline_conversion_purchase_action_valuemet
Offline searches conversion valueoffline_conversion_search_action_valuemet
Offline content views conversion valueoffline_conversion_view_content_action_valuemet
OMNI CONVERSION VALUEPurchase conversion valuepurchase_conversion_valuemet
COLLABORATIVE ADSOmni adds to cart (shared item)omni_add_to_cart_shared_itemmetThe number of add to cart events that contain at least one shared item attributed to your ads based on information from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools
Mobile app adds to cart (shared item)catalog_segment_action_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartmetThe number of times at least one shared item was added to a shopping cart in your partner's mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads
Website adds to cart (shared item)catalog_segment_action_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartmetThe number of add to cart events that contain at least one shared item tracked by the pixel on your partner's website and attributed to your ads
Omni content view (shared item)omni_content_view_shared_itemmetThe number of view content events that contain at least one shared item, attributed to your ads, based on information from one or more of this partner's connected Facebook Business Tools
Mobile apps content view (shared item)catalog_segment_action_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewmetThe number of content views in your partner's mobile app that contain at least one shared item that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads
Website content view (shared item)catalog_segment_action_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentmetThe number of view content events that contain at least one shared item, tracked by the pixel on your partner's website and attributed to your ads
Omni purchase (shared item)omni_purchase_shared_itemmetThe number of purchase events that contain at least one shared item, based on information received from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools
Mobile apps purchase (shared item)catalog_segment_action_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchasemetThe number of purchases made in your partner's mobile app that contain at least one shared item that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads
Website purchase (shared item)catalog_segment_action_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchasemetThe number of purchase events that contain at least one shared item, tracked by the pixel on your partner's website and attributed to your ads
On-Facebook purchase (shared item)catalog_segment_action_onsite_conversion_purchasemetThe number of purchases made within a Facebook-owned property (such as Pages or Messenger) that contain at least one shared item attributed to your ads based on information from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools
Omni adds to cart conversion value (shared item)catalog_segment_value_omni_add_to_card_valuemetThe total value of the shared items contained in add to cart events with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog
Mobile apps adds to cart conversion value (shared item)catalog_segment_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartmetThe total value of the shared items contained in mobile app adds to cart with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment
Website adds to cart conversion value (shared item)catalog_segment_value_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartmetThe total value of the shared items contained in website adds to cart with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment
Omni purchase conversion value (shared item)catalog_segment_value_omni_purchase_valuemetThe total value of the shared items contained in purchases with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment
Mobile apps purchase conversion value (shared item)catalog_segment_value_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchasemetThe total value of the shared items contained in mobile app purchases with shared items conversion, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment
Website purchase conversion value (shared item)catalog_segment_value_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchasemetThe total value of the shared items contained in website purchases with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment
Omni purchase ROAS (shared item)catalog_segment_value_omni_purchase_roasmetThe total return on ad spend (ROAS) from the purchases that contained at least one shared item, based on information received from one or more of your partner's connected Facebook Business Tools
Website purchase ROAS (shared item)catalog_segment_value_website_purchase_roasmetThe total return on ad spend (ROAS) from the shared items contained in website purchases with shared items
Mobile app purchase ROAS (shared item)catalog_segment_value_mobile_purchase_roasmetThe total return on ad spend (ROAS) from the shared items contained in mobile app purchases with shared items
Omni content view conversion value (shared item)catalog_segment_value_omni_view_contentmetThe total value of the shared items contained in content views with shared items conversions, calculated from the sum of item price in the catalog multiplied by quantity of the items that are part of the event and belong to the promoted catalog segment
DEPRECATEDCost per unique mobile app searchcost_per_unique_mobile_app_searchmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Store visits low estimatestore_visits_low_estimatemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique conversions within 7 days of clickunique_actions_7d_clickmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per website registration (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)cost_per_offsite_conversion.registrationmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Website leads (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)offsite_conversion.leadmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique Omni level completedunique_action_omni_level_achievedmetThe estimated number of people who completed level across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique web app eventsunique_action_onsite_web_app_eventmetThe estimated number of people who engaged on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Page tab views (deprecated)tab_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Offer claimsreceive_offermetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique social clicks (all) (deprecated)uniquesocialclicksmetThe number of people who performed a click (all) on your ad when it was displayed with social information, which shows other Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Page mentions (deprecated)mentionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Social clicks (all) (deprecated)socialclicksmetThe number of clicks (all) when your ad was displayed with social information, which shows other Facebook friends who engaged with your Facebook Page or ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
People taking action rate %uniqueactionrate_percmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Relevance scorerelevance_score_numbermetA rating from 1 to 10 that estimates how well your target audience is responding to your ad. This score is shown after your ad receives more than 500 impressions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25
Cost per unique mobile app content viewcost_per_unique_mobile_app_content_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per page mention (deprecated)cost_per_page_mentionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique desktop app installcost_per_unique_desktop_app_installmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per page tab view (deprecated)cost_per_page_tab_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni purchasesunique_action_omni_purchasemetThe estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per offer claimcost_per_offer_claimmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app ratings submittedunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_ratemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique page engagementsunique_action_page_engagementmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Website checkouts initiated (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)offsite_conversion.checkoutmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique page likesunique_action_likemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Card viewscard_viewsmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique page mentions (deprecated)unique_action_mentionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per lead (form)cost_per_lead_formmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25
Unique page tab views (deprecated)unique_action_tab_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique conversions within 1 day of viewunique_actions_1d_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique post commentsunique_action_commentmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app payment info addcost_per_unique_mobile_app_payment_info_addmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique post engagementsunique_action_post_engagementmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app achievement unlockedcost_per_unique_mobile_app_achievement_unlockedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique post reactionsunique_action_post_reactionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni custom actionsunique_action_omni_custommetThe estimated number of people who performed custom actions across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique post sharesunique_action_postmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni searchesunique_action_omni_searchmetThe estimated number of people who searched across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique photo viewsunique_action_photo_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique web adds to cartunique_action_onsite_web_add_to_cartmetThe estimated number of people who added items to their cart on web. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique event responsesunique_action_rsvpmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app tutorials completedunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_tutorial_completionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique offer claimsunique_action_receive_offermetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
People taking actionunique_actionsmetThe number of people who took an action that was attributed to your ads. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique check-insunique_action_checkinmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per website lead (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)cost_per_offsite_conversion.leadmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique landing page viewsunique_landing_page_viewmetThe number of unique people who landed on your ad's landing page after clicking a link in your ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Website registrations (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)offsite_conversion.registrationmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Cost per unique page engagementcost_per_unique_action_page_engagementmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Mobile app actions (deprecated)app_custom_eventmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Cost per unique video viewcost_per_unique_video_viewmetThe average cost for each unique video view. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
App store clicksapp_store_clicksmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Cost per unique link clickcost_per_unique_link_clickmetThe average cost for each unique click to link. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Store visits point estimatestore_visits_point_estimatemetThis field is still being developed by Facebook and as such it might not return any data. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-05-01
Cost per unique page likecost_per_unique_page_likemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Leads (form)action_leadgen.othermetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25
Cost per unique page mention (deprecated)cost_per_unique_page_mentionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique conversions within 28 days of viewunique_actions_28d_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique page tab view (deprecated)cost_per_unique_page_tab_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app tutorial completedcost_per_unique_mobile_app_tutorial_completedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique post commentcost_per_unique_post_commentmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app rating submittedcost_per_unique_mobile_app_rating_submittedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique post engagementcost_per_unique_post_engagementmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app installcost_per_unique_mobile_app_installmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique post reactioncost_per_unique_post_reactionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app add to wishlistcost_per_unique_mobile_app_add_to_wishlistmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique post sharecost_per_unique_post_sharemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique desktop app usecost_per_unique_desktop_app_usemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique photo viewcost_per_unique_photo_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app actioncost_per_unique_mobile_app_actionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique event responsecost_per_unique_event_responsemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni credit spendsunique_action_omni_spend_creditsmetThe estimated number of people who spent credits across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique offer claimcost_per_unique_offer_claimmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni achievement unlocksunique_action_omni_achievement_unlockedmetThe estimated number of people who unlocked achievement across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique check-incost_per_unique_checkinmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni completed registrationsunique_action_omni_complete_registrationmetThe estimated number of people who completed registration across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Messaging conversations started (deprecated)messaging_conversations_startedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-08-08
Unique web purchasesunique_action_onsite_web_purchasemetThe estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase on web. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Messaging reply ratemessaging_reply_ratemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique web app content viewsunique_action_onsite_web_app_view_contentmetThe estimated number of people who viewed content on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per messaging replycost_per_messaging_replymetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app ROASunique_action_mobile_app_roasmetThe estimated number of people who generated mobile app purchase ROAS. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique three-second video viewsunique_action_video_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app searchesunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_searchmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique clicks to play videounique_action_video_playmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app levels completedunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_level_achievedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Estimated ad recall lift (lower bound)estimated_ad_recallers_lower_boundmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-03-25
Cost per website checkout initiated (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)cost_per_offsite_conversion.checkoutmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Estimated ad recall lift (upper bound)estimated_ad_recallers_upper_boundmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-03-25
Cost per other website conversion (deprecated)cost_per_offsite_conversion.othermetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique page stories engagementsunique_action_page_storymetThe estimated number of people who engaged with page stories. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per website key page view (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)cost_per_offsite_conversion.key_page_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique post stories engagementsunique_action_post_storymetThe estimated number of people who engaged with post stories. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per website add to cart (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)cost_per_offsite_conversion.add_to_cartmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique instagram profile engagementsunique_action_instagram_profile_engagementmetThe estimated number of people who engaged with instagram profile. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Other website conversions (deprecated)offsite_conversion.othermetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique conversionsunique_action_onsite_conversionmetThe estimated number of people with onsite conversions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Website key page views (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)offsite_conversion.key_page_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique adds to cartunique_action_add_to_cartmetThe estimated number of people who added items to their cart. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Website adds to cart (conversion tracking pixel) (deprecated)offsite_conversion.add_to_cartmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique store visits with dwellunique_action_store_visit_with_dwellmetThe estimated number of people visited your stores, attributed to your ads with `Dwell time`. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Call-to-action clicks (deprecated)call_to_action_clicksmetThe number of times people clicked the call-to-action button on your ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique completed registrationsunique_action_complete_registrationmetThe estimated number of people who registered. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Deeplink clicksdeeplink_clicksmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique purchasesunique_action_purchasemetThe estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Store visits high estimatestore_visits_high_estimatemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique searchesunique_action_searchmetThe estimated number of people who searched. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per store visitcost_per_store_visitmetThis field is still being developed by Facebook and as such it might not return any data. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-05-01
Unique content viewsunique_action_view_contentmetThe estimated number of people who viewed content. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique leads (form)unique_action_leadgen.othermetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-03-25
Unique initiated checkoutsunique_action_initiate_checkoutmetThe estimated number of people who initiated checkouts. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique conversions within 28 days of clickunique_actions_28d_clickmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique payment info addsunique_action_add_payment_infometThe estimated number of people who submitted payment info. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique conversions within 1 day of clickunique_actions_1d_clickmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique adds to wishlistunique_action_add_to_wishlistmetThe estimated number of people who added items to their wishlist. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique conversions within 7 days of viewunique_actions_7d_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique leadsunique_action_leadmetThe estimated number of people with lead events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per other unique mobile app actioncost_per_other_unique_mobile_app_actionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique subscribesunique_action_subscribemetThe estimated number of people with subscribe events. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app sessioncost_per_unique_mobile_app_sessionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique credit spendsunique_action_credit_spentmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app registration completedcost_per_unique_mobile_app_registration_completedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique game playsunique_action_games.playsmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app purchasecost_per_unique_mobile_app_purchasemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique desktop app engagementsunique_action_app_engagementmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app level completedcost_per_unique_mobile_app_level_completedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique desktop app installsunique_action_app_installmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app credit spentcost_per_unique_mobile_app_credit_spentmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique desktop app story engagementsunique_action_app_storymetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app checkout initiatedcost_per_unique_mobile_app_checkout_initiatedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique desktop app usesunique_action_app_usemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique mobile app add to basketcost_per_unique_mobile_app_add_to_basketmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique desktop adds to cartunique_action_onsite_app_add_to_cartmetThe estimated number of people who added items to their cart on desktop app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique credit spend actioncost_per_unique_credit_spend_actionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique desktop content viewsunique_action_onsite_app_view_contentmetThe estimated number of people who viewed content on desktop app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique desktop app story engagementcost_per_unique_desktop_app_story_engagementmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique desktop purchasesunique_action_onsite_app_purchasemetThe estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase on desktop app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique desktop app engagementcost_per_unique_desktop_app_engagementmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique website conversionsunique_action_offsite_conversionmetThe estimated number of people with offsite conversions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per unique game playcost_per_unique_game_playmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique website engagementsunique_action_offsite_engagementmetThe estimated number of people with offsite engagements. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni completed tutorialsunique_action_omni_tutorial_completionmetThe estimated number of people who completed tutorials across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app achievements unlockedunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_achievement_unlockedmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni ratesunique_action_omni_ratemetThe estimated number of people who rated across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app actionsunique_action_app_custom_eventmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni app activationsunique_action_omni_activate_appmetThe estimated number of people who activated app across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app adds of payment infounique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_payment_infometPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni initiated checkoutsunique_action_omni_initiated_checkoutmetThe estimated number of people who initiated checkout across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app adds to cartunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_cartmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni content viewsunique_action_omni_view_contentmetThe estimated number of people who viewed content across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app adds to wishlistunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni adds to cartunique_action_omni_add_to_cartmetThe estimated number of people who added items to their cart across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app checkouts initiatedunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique Omni app installsunique_action_omni_app_installmetThe estimated number of people who completed app installs across all channels. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app content viewsunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_content_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique web content viewsunique_action_onsite_web_view_contentmetThe estimated number of people who viewed content on web. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique web app purchasesunique_action_onsite_web_app_purchasemetThe estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique web app adds to cartunique_action_onsite_web_app_add_to_cartmetThe estimated number of people who added items to their cart on web app. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Other unique mobile app actionsunique_action_app_custom_event.othermetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Video average percentage watchedvideo_average_watchedmetThe average percentage of your video that people watched. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique mobile app retentionsunique_action_mobile_app_retentionmetThe estimated number of people who performed mobile app retention. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per ten-second video viewcost_per_10s_video_viewmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-29. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique mobile app sessionsunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_activate_appmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Ten-second video viewsvideo_10_sec_watched_actionsmetThe number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-10-29. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique mobile app registrations completedunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_complete_registrationmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Messaging repliesmessaging_repliesmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique mobile app purchasesunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_purchasemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Cost per mobile app action (deprecated)cost_per_mobile_app_actionmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-13. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-20
Unique mobile app credits spentunique_action_app_custom_event.fb_mobile_spent_creditsmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30
Unique mobile app installsunique_action_mobile_app_installmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2024-10-30