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Field list for Google Ad Manager

306 metrics and 215 dimensions available

TIMEYearYeardimYear, e.g. 2017
MonthmonthdimMonth, e.g. 6
Year|MonthYearmonthdimYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
Week (Sun-Sat)yearweekdimYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Mon-Sun)yearweekisodimYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Mon-Sun, dates)yearweekiso_daterangedim
Day of week (numeric)DayofweekdimDay of week name for ISO weeks, e.g. 1 Sunday
Day of week (name)DayofweekNamedimDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of monthdayOfMonthdimDay of month, e.g. 2
DateDatedimDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
HourHourdimBreaks down reporting data by hour of the day in the network time zone
Account IDAccountIddim
Activity groupactivityGroupNamedimBreaks down reporting data by activity group
Activity group IDactivityGroupIDdimCorresponds to 'Activity group' in the Ad Manager UI
ActivityactivityNamedimBreaks down reporting data by activity
Activity IDactivityIDdimCorresponds to 'Activity' in the Ad Manager UI
AdvertiseradvertiserNamedimBreaks down reporting data by advertising company
Advertiser IDadvertiserIDdimBreaks down reporting data by advertising company id
Ad networkadNetworkNamedimThe name of the network
Ad network IDadNetworkIDdimThe network that provided the ad for SDK ad mediation
Requested ad size(s)REQUESTED_AD_SIZESdimBreaks down reporting data by requested ad size(s)
ORDEROrderorderNamedimBreaks down reporting data by order
Order IDorderIDdimBreaks down reporting data by order ID
Order start dateORDER_START_DATEdimRepresents the start date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) for an order
Order start date timezoneORDER_START_DATE_TIMEZONEdim
Order end dateORDER_END_DATEdimRepresents the end date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) for an order
Order end date timezoneORDER_END_DATE_TIMEZONEdim
Order statusORDER_STATUSdimDelivery status of the order
Programmatic orderORDER_IS_PROGRAMMATICdimWhether order is programmatic or not
Order is archived?ORDER_IS_ARCHIVEDdim
Trafficker IDORDER_TRAFFICKER_IDdimRepresents the Trafficker ID for an Order
TraffickerORDER_TRAFFICKERdimThe name and email address in the form of name(email) of the trafficker for an Order
LINE ITEMSLine itemLINE_ITEM_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by line item
Line item IDlineItemIDdimBreaks down reporting data by line item
Line item typelineItemTypedimBreaks down reporting data by line item
Start dateLINE_ITEM_START_DATEdimRepresents the start date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) for a line item
End dateLINE_ITEM_END_DATEdimRepresents the end date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) for a line item
Is archived?LINE_ITEM_IS_ARCHIVEDdimRepresents archival status for a line item
PriorityLINE_ITEM_PRIORITYdimRepresents LineItem.priority for a line item
Contracted quantityLINE_ITEM_CONTRACTED_QUANTITYdimContracted units bought for a line item
Goal quantityLINE_ITEM_GOAL_QUANTITYdimThe total number of impressions, clicks or days that is reserved for a line item
Line item cost typeLINE_ITEM_COST_TYPEdimCost type of line item
Line item cost per unitLINE_ITEM_COST_PER_UNITdimCost per unit of a line item
Line item delivery indicatorLINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_INDICATORdimIndicates the progress made for the delivery of the line item
Line item monthly last reconciliation dateLINE_ITEM_LAST_RECONCILIATION_DATE_TIMEdimRepresents the monthly last reconciliation date time of the line item
Line item monthly reconciliation statusLINE_ITEM_RECONCILIATION_STATUSdimRepresents the monthly reconciliation status of the line item
Line item deal infoLINE_ITEM_DEAL_INFOdimThe deal information associated with this line item, if it is programmatic
Proposal line item monthly last reconciliation datePROPOSAL_LINE_ITEM_LAST_RECONCILIATION_DATE_TIMEdimRepresents the monthly last reconciliation date time of the proposal line item
Proposal line item monthly reconciliation statusPROPOSAL_LINE_ITEM_RECONCILIATION_STATUSdimRepresents the monthly reconciliation status of the proposal line item
Line item labelsLINE_ITEM_LABELSdimList of labels for a given line item
Line item label IDsLINE_ITEM_LABEL_IDSdimList of label IDs for a given line item
Line item optimizableLINE_ITEM_OPTIMIZABLEdimInformation about whether a line item is eligible for optimization or not. The result will be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE', and can be used for filtering
Line item delivery pacingLINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_PACINGdimThe strategy for delivering ads over the course of the line item's duration
Line item frequency capLINE_ITEM_FREQUENCY_CAPdimNumber of times a user can be served a line item within a time period
CREATIVESCreativecreativeNamedimBreaks down reporting data by creative
Creative IDcreativeIDdimBreaks down reporting data by creative ID or creative set ID (master's creative ID) if the creative is part of a creative set
Creative image URLcreativeImageURLdimA URL where the creative asset can be previewed at
Creative imagecreativeImagedimPreview image of creative asset
Creative typecreativeTypedimBreaks down reporting data by creative type
Creative sizecreativeSizedimBreaks down reporting data by creative size
Creative billing typecreativeBillingTypedimBreaks down reporting data by creative billing type
Creative size for the adCREATIVE_SIZE_DELIVEREDdimBreaks down reporting data by the creative size the ad was delivered to
Master and companion creative IDMASTER_COMPANION_CREATIVE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by creative ID. This includes regular creatives, and master and companions in case of creative sets
Master and companion creativeMASTER_COMPANION_CREATIVE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by creative. This includes regular creatives, and master and companions in case of creative sets
DEMAND CHANNELDemand channel IDDEMAND_CHANNEL_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by demand channels
Demand channelDEMAND_CHANNEL_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by demand channel name
GEOGRAPHYCountrycountryNamedimBreaks down reporting data by country name
Country IDcountryIDdimBreaks down reporting data by country criteria ID
RegionregionNamedimBreaks down reporting data by region name
Region IDregionIDdimBreaks down reporting data by region criteria ID
MetrometroNamedimBreaks down reporting data by metro name
Metro IDmetroIDdimBreaks down reporting data by metro criteria ID
CitycityNamedimBreaks down reporting data by city name
City IDcityIDdimBreaks down reporting data by city criteria ID
Postal codepostCodedimBreaks down reporting data by postal code
Postal code IDpostCodeIDdimBreaks down reporting data by postal code criteria ID
Country codeCOUNTRY_CODEdimBreaks down reporting data by country code
INVENTORYAd unit IDadUnitIDdimBreaks down reporting data by ad unit ID
Ad unitadUnitNamedimBreaks down reporting data by ad unit
Top level ad unit IDTOP_LEVEL_AD_UNIT_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by ad unit ID
Top level ad unitTOP_LEVEL_AD_UNIT_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by ad unit
Customised criteria IDcustomTargetingIDdimBreaks down reporting data by customised criteria ID
Customised criteriacustomCriteriadimBreaks down reporting data by customised criteria ID
Placement IDplacementIDdimBreaks down reporting data by placement ID
PlacementplacementNamedimBreaks down reporting data by placement
First look pricing rule IDFIRST_LOOK_PRICING_RULE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by first price pricing rule id
First look pricing rule nameFIRST_LOOK_PRICING_RULE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by first price pricing rule name
Dynamic allocation IDDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by Dynamic allocation ID
Dynamic allocationDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by Dynamic allocation
ChannelCHANNEL_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by channels
Ad Exchange product codeAD_EXCHANGE_PRODUCT_CODEdimBreaks down reporting data by Ad Exchange product code
Ad Exchange productAD_EXCHANGE_PRODUCT_NAMEdimBreaks down linked Ad Exchange web property data by Ad Exchange products
SiteSITE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by site
URL IDURL_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by URL ID
URLURL_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by URL name
Ad type IDAD_TYPE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by ad type ID
Ad typeAD_TYPE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by ad type
MEDIATIONMediation typemediationTypedimBreaks down reporting data by mediation type. A mediation type can be web, mobile app or video
TARGETINGAudience segment IDAUDIENCE_SEGMENT_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by billable audience segment ID
Audience segmentAUDIENCE_SEGMENT_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by billable audience segment name
Audience segment data provider nameAUDIENCE_SEGMENT_DATA_PROVIDER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by audience segment data provider name
Custom event IDcustomEventIDdimBreaks down reporting data by custom event ID
Custom eventcustomEventNamedimBreaks down reporting data by custom event name
Custom event typecustomEventTypedimBreaks down reporting data by custom event type
Device category IDdeviceIDdimThe ID of the device category to which an ad is being targeted
Device categorydeviceNamedimThe category of device (smartphone, feature phone, tablet, or desktop) to which an ad is being targeted
Branding type codeBRANDING_TYPE_CODEdimBreaks down reporting data by branding type code
Branding typeBRANDING_TYPE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by branding type
Targeting type codeTARGETING_TYPE_CODEdimBreaks down reporting data by targeting type code
Targeting typeTARGETING_TYPE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by targeting type
Ad location IDAD_LOCATION_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by ad location ID
Ad locationAD_LOCATION_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by ad location
SALESPERSONSalesperson IDsalespersonIDdimBreaks down reporting data by salesperson user ID
Salesperson namesalespersonNamedimBreaks down reporting data by salesperson
Programmatic buyer IDPROGRAMMATIC_BUYER_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by programmatic buyer ID
Programmatic buyerPROGRAMMATIC_BUYER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by programmatic buyer name
Programmatic channel IDPROGRAMMATIC_CHANNEL_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by the channel ID of the transaction that occurred in Ad Exchange
Programmatic channelPROGRAMMATIC_CHANNEL_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by the channel of the transaction that occurred in Ad Exchange
MOBILE & VIDEOMobile appMOBILE_APP_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by mobile app name
Mobile deviceMOBILE_DEVICE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by device name
Mobile inventory typeMOBILE_INVENTORY_TYPEdimBreaks down reporting data by inventory type
Fallback positionVIDEO_FALLBACK_POSITIONdimBreaks down reporting data by the fallback position of the video ad, i.e., NON_FALLBACK, FALLBACK_POSITION_1, FALLBACK_POSITION_2, etc
Video metadata key IDVIDEO_METADATA_KEY_IDdim
Video metadata key nameVIDEO_METADATA_KEY_NAMEdim
Video redirect third partyVIDEO_REDIRECT_THIRD_PARTYdim
Video vast versionVIDEO_VAST_VERSIONdim
Video break typeVIDEO_BREAK_TYPEdimThe filter to break down reporting data by video break type
Video break type nameVIDEO_BREAK_TYPE_NAMEdimThe filter to break down reporting data by video break type. May provide the following values: "Unknown", "Single ad video request", "Optimized pod video request"
Video ad request duration IDVIDEO_AD_REQUEST_DURATION_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by video request duration bucket
Video ad request durationVIDEO_AD_REQUEST_DURATIONdimBreaks down reporting data by video request duration bucket name
Position of podPOSITION_OF_PODdimBreaks down reporting data by the position of the video ad within the video stream, i.e. ,UNKNOWN_POSITION, PREROLL, POSTROLL, UNKNOWN_MIDROLL, MIDROLL_1, MIDROLL_2, etc. UNKNOWN_MIDROLL represents a midroll, but which specific midroll is unknown
Operating system IDOPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by OS version id
Operating systemOPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by OS version name
Carrier IDCARRIER_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by carrier ID
CarrierCARRIER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by carrier name
BandwidthBANDWIDTH_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by bandwidth name
Video ad durationVIDEO_AD_DURATIONdimBreaks down reporting data by video ad duration
Video ad type IDVIDEO_AD_TYPE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by video ad type ID
Video ad typeVIDEO_AD_TYPE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by video ad type
BUYERSProgrammatic deal IDPROGRAMMATIC_DEAL_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by programmatic deal ID
Programmatic deal namePROGRAMMATIC_DEAL_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by programmatic deal name
Buying agencyBUYING_AGENCY_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by agency
Buyer networkBUYER_NETWORK_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by buyer network name
BidderBIDDER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by Bidder name
Advertiser domainADVERTISER_DOMAIN_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by advertiser domain
Advertiser verticalADVERTISER_VERTICAL_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by advertiser vertical
OTHERUnified pricing rule IDUNIFIED_PRICING_RULE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by unified pricing rule id
Unified pricing rule nameUNIFIED_PRICING_RULE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by unified pricing rule name
Web property codeWEB_PROPERTY_CODEdimBreaks down data by web property code
AD EXCHANGEExchange bidding deal IDEXCHANGE_BIDDING_DEAL_IDdimThe ID of an exchange bidding deal
Exchange bidding deal typeEXCHANGE_BIDDING_DEAL_TYPEdimThe type of an exchange bidding deal
AD CONNECTORAd connector country criteria IDDP_COUNTRY_CRITERIA_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by country criteria ID. Can be used to filter by country criteria ID
Ad connector countryDP_COUNTRY_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by country name. Can be used to filter by country name using the US English name
Ad connector inventory typeDP_INVENTORY_TYPEdimBreaks down reporting data by inventory type
Ad connector creative sizeDP_CREATIVE_SIZEdimBreaks down reporting data by the creative size the ad was delivered to
Ad connector brand nameDP_BRAND_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by the brand name that bids on ads
Ad connector advertiserDP_ADVERTISER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by the advertiser name that bid on ads
Ad connector buyer networkDP_ADX_BUYER_NETWORK_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by Ad Exchange ad network name. Example: Google Adwords
Ad connector deviceDP_MOBILE_DEVICE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by device name
Ad connector device categoryDP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by the category of device (smartphone, feature phone, tablet, or desktop)
Ad connector tag IDDP_TAG_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by the tag id provided by the publisher in the ad request
Ad connector deal IDDP_DEAL_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by the deal id provided by the publisher in the ad request
Ad connector app IDDP_APP_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by mobile app ID
Classified advertiser IDCLASSIFIED_ADVERTISER_IDdimThe ID of a classified advertiser
Classified advertiser nameCLASSIFIED_ADVERTISER_NAMEdimThe name of a classified advertiser. Corresponds to "Advertiser (classified)" in the Ad Manager UI
Classified brand IDCLASSIFIED_BRAND_IDdimThe ID of a classified brand
Classified brand nameCLASSIFIED_BRAND_NAMEdimThe name of a classified brand. Corresponds to "Brand (classified)" in the Ad Manager UI
Ad Exchange optimization typeAD_EXCHANGE_OPTIMIZATION_TYPEdimBreaks down reporting data by optimization type. Corresponds to "Optimization type" in the Ad Manager UI
TEMPLATENative style IDNATIVE_STYLE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by native style ID
Native styleNATIVE_STYLE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by native style name
Native template IDNATIVE_TEMPLATE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by native template (also known as creative template) ID
Native templateNATIVE_TEMPLATE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by native template (also known as creative template) name
PARTNER MANAGEMENTPartnerPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by partner
Partner IDPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by partner company ID
Partner labelPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_LABEL_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by partner label
Partner label IDPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_LABEL_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by partner label ID
Partner assignmentPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_ASSIGNMENT_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by partner assignment name
Partner assignment IDPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_ASSIGNMENT_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by partner assignment ID
Child partner nameCHILD_PARTNER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by child partner name in MCM "Manage Inventory"
REQUESTRequest typeREQUEST_TYPEdimBreaks down reporting data by request type
YIELDYield group IDYIELD_GROUP_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by yield group ID
Yield groupYIELD_GROUP_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by yield group name
Yield partnerYIELD_PARTNERdimBreaks down reporting data by yield partner
Yield partner tagYIELD_PARTNER_TAGdimBreaks down reporting data by the tag of a yield partner in a yield group
SERVING RESTRICTIONServing restriction idSERVING_RESTRICTION_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by serving restriction id
Serving restriction nameSERVING_RESTRICTION_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by serving restriction name
DEPRECATEDAd Exchange dealAD_EXCHANGE_DEAL_NAMEdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Inventory ownershipINVENTORY_OWNERSHIP_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by inventory ownership. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-10-31
Rate cardRATE_CARD_NAMEdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
Ad Exchange deal IDAD_EXCHANGE_DEAL_IDdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Rate card IDRATE_CARD_IDdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
All salespeopleALL_SALESPEOPLE_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by salesperson name, including both salesperson and secondary salespeople. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
All salespeople IDALL_SALESPEOPLE_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by salesperson user ID, including both salesperson and secondary salespeople. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
Ad Exchange deal typeAD_EXCHANGE_DEAL_TYPEdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange pricing rule IDADXpricingRuleIDdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange advertiserAD_EXCHANGE_ADVERTISER_NAMEdimBreaks down mapped Ad Exchange web property data by the Ad Exchange advertiser name that bids on ads. Corresponds to 'Advertisers' in the Ad Manager UI. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange pricing ruleADXpricingRuledimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange transaction typeAD_EXCHANGE_TRANSACTION_TYPE_NAMEdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
BuyerBUYER_NAMEdimThe name of the ad network that is associated with the company that the ad is served for. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Buyer IDBUYER_IDdimThe unique identifier used for an ad network that is associated with the company that the ad is served for. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Mediation network tag (deprecated)mediationNetworkTagdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-26
Mediation network (deprecated)mediationNetworkdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-26
Mediation group ID (deprecated)mediationGroupIDdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-26
Mediation group (deprecated)mediationGroupNamedimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-26
Inventory ownership codeINVENTORY_OWNERSHIP_CODEdimBreaks down reporting data by inventory ownership code. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-10-31
Ad request size (deprecated)AD_REQUEST_SIZEdimBreaks down reporting data by the ad unit sizes specified in ad requests. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-27
Network partner nameNETWORK_PARTNER_NAMEdimBreaks down reporting data by network partner name. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-10-31
Network partner IDNETWORK_PARTNER_IDdimBreaks down reporting data by network partner ID. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-10-31
TOTALCode served countcodeServedCountmetThe total number of times that the code for an ad is served by the ad server including inventory-level dynamic allocation
Total impressionsimpressionsmetThe total number of impressions delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation
Targeted impressionstargetedimpressionsmetThe total number of impressions delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting
Unfilled impressionsunfilledImpressionsmetThe total number of missed impressions due to the ad servers' inability to find ads to serve, including inventory-level dynamic allocation
ClicksclicksmetThe total number of clicks delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation
Targeted clickstargetedClicksmetThe total number of clicks delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting
CTR (%)CTR_percmetThe ratio of clicks an AdSense reservation ad delivered to the number of impressions it delivered, including line item-level dynamic allocation
Revenue (excluding CPD)revenueExcludingCPDmetThe total CPM and CPC revenue generated by the ad servers including line item-level dynamic allocation
RevenuerevenuemetThe total CPM, CPC and CPD revenue generated by the ad servers including line item-level dynamic allocation. Can correspond to any of the following in the Ad Manager UI: Total CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenue, Total CPM, CPC and CPD revenue
eCPM (without CPD)eCPMwithoutCPDmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the CPM and CPC ads delivered by the ad server
eCPM (with CPD)eCPMwithCPDmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the CPM, CPC and CPD ads delivered by the ad server
SDK mediation creative impressionsSDK_MEDIATION_CREATIVE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions for a particular SDK mediation creative
SDK mediation creative clicksSDK_MEDIATION_CREATIVE_CLICKSmetThe number of clicks for a particular SDK mediation creative
Total ad requestsTOTAL_AD_REQUESTSmetThe total number of times that an ad request is sent to the ad server including dynamic allocation
Total responses servedTOTAL_RESPONSES_SERVEDmetThe total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server including dynamic allocation
Total unmatched ad requestsTOTAL_UNMATCHED_AD_REQUESTSmetThe total number of times that an ad is not returned by the ad server
Total fill rateTOTAL_FILL_RATEmetThe fill rate indicating how often an ad request is filled by the ad server including dynamic allocation
Ad server responses servedAD_SERVER_RESPONSES_SERVEDmetThe total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server
AdSense responses servedADSENSE_RESPONSES_SERVEDmetThe total number of times that an AdSense ad is delivered
Ad Exchange responses servedAD_EXCHANGE_RESPONSES_SERVEDmetThe total number of times that an Ad Exchange ad is delivered
Drop-off rateDROPOFF_RATEmetThe drop-off rate
AD SERVERAd server impressionsadServerImpressionsmetThe number of impressions delivered by the ad server
Ad server targeted impressionsadServerTargetedImpressionsmetThe number of impressions delivered by the ad server by explicit custom criteria targeting
Ad server clicksadServerClicksmetThe number of clicks delivered by the ad server
Ad server targeted clicksadServerTargetedClicksmetThe number of clicks delivered by the ad server by explicit custom criteria targeting
Ad server CTR (%)adServerCTR_percmetThe CTR for an ad delivered by the ad server
Ad server CPM and CPC revenueadServerCPMCPCrevenuemetThe CPM and CPC revenue earned, calculated in publisher currency, for the ads delivered by the ad server
Ad server CPD revenueadServerCPDrevenuemetThe CPD revenue earned, calculated in publisher currency, for the ads delivered by the ad server
Ad server CPA revenueadServerCPArevenuemetThe CPA revenue earned, calculated in publisher currency, for the ads delivered by the ad server
Ad server revenueadServerRevenuemetThe CPM, CPC and CPD revenue earned, calculated in publisher currency, for the ads delivered by the ad server
Ad server eCPM (without CPD)adServereCPMwithoutCPDmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the CPM and CPC ads delivered by the ad server
Ad server eCPM (with CPD)adServereCPMwithCPDmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the CPM, CPC and CPD ads delivered by the ad server
Ad server impressions %adServerImpressionsPercmetThe ratio of the number of impressions delivered to the total impressions delivered by the ad server for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad server clicks %adServerClicksPercmetThe ratio of the number of clicks delivered to the total clicks delivered by the ad server for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad server revenue % (without CPD)adServerRevenueWithoutCPDmetThe ratio of revenue generated by ad server to the total CPM and CPC revenue earned by the ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad server revenue % (with CPD)adServerRevenueWithCPDmetThe ratio of revenue generated by ad server to the total CPM, CPC and CPD revenue earned by the ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad server delivery indicatoradServerDeliveryIndicatormetIndicates how well the line item has been performing
Ad server download impressionsAD_SERVER_DOWNLOADED_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of downloaded impressions delivered by the ad server
Ad server unfiltered impressionsAD_SERVER_UNFILTERED_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of downloaded impressions delivered by the ad server including impressions recognized as spam
Ad server unfiltered clicksAD_SERVER_UNFILTERED_CLICKSmetThe number of clicks delivered by the ad server including clicks recognized as spam
Ad server begin to render impressionsAD_SERVER_BEGIN_TO_RENDER_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of begin-to-render impressions delivered by the ad server
Ad server unfiltered begin to render impressionsAD_SERVER_UNFILTERED_BEGIN_TO_RENDER_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of begin to render impressions delivered by the ad server including impressions recognized as spam
ADSENSEAdSense impressionsadsenseImpressionsmetThe number of impressions an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense targeted impressionsadsenseTargetedImpressionsmetThe number of impressions an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting
AdSense clicksadsenseClicksmetThe number of clicks an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense targeted clicksadsenseTargetedClicksmetThe number of clicks an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting
AdSense CTRadsenseCTRmetThe ratio of clicks an AdSense reservation ad delivered to the number of impressions it delivered, including line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense revenueadsenseRevenuemetRevenue generated from AdSense ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense average eCPMadsenseCPMmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by AdSense for line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense impressions (%)adsenseImpressionsPercmetThe ratio of the number of impressions delivered by Adsense reservation ads to the total impressions delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense clicks (%)adsenseClicksPercmetThe ratio of the number of clicks delivered by Adsense reservation ads to the total clicks delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense revenue without CPD (%)adsenseRevenuePercWithoutCPDmetThe ratio of revenue to the total revenue earned from the CPM and CPC ads delivered by AdSense for line item-level dynamic allocation
AdSense revenue with CPD (%)adsenseRevenuePercWithCPDmetThe ratio of revenue to the total revenue earned from the CPM, CPC and CPD ads delivered by AdSense for line item-level dynamic allocation
VISITOR REACHTotal unique visitorsUNIQUE_REACHmetThe total unique audiences that were reached by the ad and exposed to different advertisers, orders, line items, or ad units in your network
Total reach impressionsUNIQUE_REACH_IMPRESSIONSmetThe total impressions for the unique audiences reached by the ad
Average impressions per unique visitorUNIQUE_REACH_FREQUENCYmetThe total number of impressions attributed to each unique visitor your network reached. Represents how frequently an ad was viewed by the audience. Available only when the "Country" dimension is included in a report
AD EXCHANGEAd exchange impressionsADXimpressionsmetThe number of impressions an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad exchange targeted impressionsADXtargetedImpressionsmetThe number of impressions an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting
Ad Exchange clicksADXclicksmetThe number of clicks an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange targeted clicksADXtargetedClicksmetThe number of clicks an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting
Ad Exchange CTRADXCTRmetThe ratio of clicks an Ad Exchange ad delivered to the number of impressions it delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange impressions %ADXimpressionsPercmetThe ratio of the number of impressions delivered to the total impressions delivered by Ad Exchange for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange clicks %ADXclicksPercmetThe ratio of the number of clicks delivered to the total clicks delivered by Ad Exchange for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange revenueADXrevenuemetRevenue generated from Ad Exchange ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange revenue % without CPDADXrevenuePercWithoutCPDmetThe ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange to the total revenue earned by CPM and CPC ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange revenue % with CPDADXrevenuePercWithCPDmetThe ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange to the total revenue earned by CPM, CPC and CPD ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad exchange eCPMADXCPMmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the delivery of Ad Exchange ads for line item-level dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange CPCAD_EXCHANGE_COST_PER_CLICKmetThe amount earned per click on Ad Exchange
Ad Exchange liftAD_EXCHANGE_LIFT_EARNINGSmetThe increase in Ad Exchange revenue gained for won impressions over the applicable minimum CPM or the best price specified during dynamic allocation
Ad Exchange matched request eCPMAD_EXCHANGE_MATCHED_REQUEST_ECPMmetThe amount earned per thousand Ad Exchange matched requests
AD REQUESTSAd Exchange match rateAD_EXCHANGE_MATCH_RATEmetThe fraction of Ad Exchange queries that result in a matched query
Ad request eCPMAD_REQUESTS_RPMmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-ad requests earned by mapped Ad Exchange properties
Matched requestsMATCHED_AD_REQUESTSmetNumber of requests where a buyer was matched with the Ad request, for mapped Ad Exchange properties
Matched CTRMATCHED_AD_REQUESTS_CTRmetThe matched queries click-through rate delivered by mapped Ad Exchange properties
Matched eRPMMATCHED_AD_REQUESTS_RPMmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions generated by mapped Ad Exchange properties
Ad Exchange ad request CTRAD_EXCHANGE_TOTAL_REQUEST_CTRmetThe fraction of Ad Exchange requests that result in a click
Ad Exchange ad request eCPMAD_EXCHANGE_TOTAL_REQUEST_ECPMmetThe amount earned per thousand Ad Exchange requests
Ad Exchange ad requestsAD_EXCHANGE_TOTAL_REQUESTSmetThe total number of queries sent to Ad Exchange
ACTIVE VIEWTotal active view viewable impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe total number of impressions viewed on the user's screen
Total active view measurable impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe total number of impressions that were sampled and measured by active view
Total active view % viewable impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of total impressions viewed on the user's screen (out of the total impressions measurable by active view)
Total active view eligible impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability
Total active view % measurable impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of total impressions that were measurable by active view (out of all the total impressions sampled for active view)
Total active view avg (sec)TOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEmetActive View total average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable
Total active view revenueTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_REVENUEmetActive View total revenue
AdSense active view eligible impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were eligible to measure viewability
AdSense active view viewable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen
AdSense active view % viewable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen (out of AdSense impressions measurable by active view)
AdSense active view measurable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were sampled, and measurable by active view
AdSense active view % measurable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense that were measurable by active view ( out of all AdSense impressions sampled for active view)
AdSense active view avg (sec)ADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEmetActive View AdSense average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable
AdSense active view revenueADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_REVENUEmetActive View AdSense revenue
Ad server active view eligible impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were eligible to measure viewability
Ad server active view viewable impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen
Ad server active view % viewable impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen (out of the ad server impressions measurable by active view)
Ad server active view measurable impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were sampled, and measurable by active view
Ad server active view % measurable impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server that were measurable by active view ( out of all the ad server impressions sampled for active view)
Ad server active view avg (sec)AD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEmetActive View ad server average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable
Ad server active view revenueAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_REVENUEmetActive View ad server revenue
Ad Exchange active view eligible impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were eligible to measure viewability
Ad Exchange active view viewable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen,
Ad Exchange active view % viewable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen (out of Ad Exchange impressions measurable by active view)
Ad Exchange active view measurable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were sampled, and measurable by active view
Ad Exchange active view % measurable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were measurable by active view ( out of all Ad Exchange impressions sampled for active view)
AdExchange active view avg (sec)AD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEmetActive View AdExchange average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable
AdExchange active view revenueAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_REVENUEmetActive View AdExchange revenue
TRUE VIEWTrueView skip rateVIDEO_TRUEVIEW_SKIP_RATEmetPercentage of times a user clicked Skip
TrueView viewsVIDEO_TRUEVIEW_VIEWSmetNumber of times a video ad has been viewed to completion or watched to 30 seconds, whichever happens first
TrueView VTRVIDEO_TRUEVIEW_VTRmetTrueView views divided by TrueView impressions
AD CONNECTORAd connector impressionsDP_IMPRESSIONSmetNumber of impressions delivered
Ad connector clicksDP_CLICKSmetNumber of clicks delivered
Ad connector CTRDP_CTRmetThe ratio of clicks delivered to the number of impressions delivered
Ad connector queriesDP_QUERIESmetNumber of requests
Ad connector matched queriesDP_MATCHED_QUERIESmetNumber of requests where a buyer was matched with the Ad request
Ad connector costDP_COSTmetThe revenue earned, calculated in publisher currency, for the ads delivered
Total Active View eligible impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were eligible to measure viewability
Total Active View measurable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered that were sampled and measurable by active view
Total Active View viewable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions delivered that were viewed on the user's screen
Total Active View % measurable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered that were measurable by active view (out of all the impressions sampled for active view)
Total Active View % viewable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEmetThe percentage of impressions delivered thar were viewed on the user's screen (out of the impressions measurable by active view)
INVOICED IMPRESSIONSInvoiced impressionsINVOICED_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of invoiced impressions
Invoiced unfilled impressionsINVOICED_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of invoiced unfilled impressions
DYNAMIC ALLOCATIONImpressions competingDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_IMPRESSIONS_COMPETING_TOTALmetThe number of impressions sent to Ad Exchange / AdSense, regardless of whether they won or lost (total number of dynamic allocation impressions)
Eligible impressionsDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONS_TOTALmetThe number of Ad Exchange / AdSense and Ad Manager impressions
Impressions not competingDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_IMPRESSIONS_NOT_COMPETING_TOTALmetThe difference between eligible impressions and competing impressions in dynamic allocation
Impressions not competing (%)DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_IMPRESSIONS_NOT_COMPETING_TOTALPERCENTmetThe percentage of eligible impressions that are not competing in dynamic allocation
Dynamic allocation saturation rateDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_SATURATION_RATE_TOTALmetThe percent of eligible impressions participating in dynamic allocation
Dynamic allocation match rateDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_MATCH_RATE_TOTALmetThe percent of total dynamic allocation queries that won
Unfilled competing impressionsDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONS_COMPETINGmetThe number of unfilled queries that attempted dynamic allocation by Ad Exchange / AdSense
RICH MEDIABackup images displayedRICH_MEDIA_BACKUP_IMAGESmetThe total number of times a backup image is served in place of a rich media ad
Total display timeRICH_MEDIA_DISPLAY_TIMEmetThe amount of time (seconds) that each rich media ad is displayed to users
Average display timeRICH_MEDIA_AVERAGE_DISPLAY_TIMEmetThe average amount of time (seconds) that each rich media ad is displayed to users
Total expansionsRICH_MEDIA_EXPANSIONSmetThe number of times an expanding ad was expanded
Average expanding timeRICH_MEDIA_EXPANDING_TIMEmetThe average amount of time (seconds) that an expanding ad is viewed in an expanded state
Total interactionsRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_COUNTmetThe number of times that a user interacts with a rich media ad
Interaction timeRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_TIMEmetThe average amount of time (seconds) that a user interacts with a rich media ad
Interaction rateRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_RATEmetThe ratio of rich media ad interactions to the number of times the ad was displayed
Average interaction timeRICH_MEDIA_AVERAGE_INTERACTION_TIMEmetThe average amount of time (seconds) that a user interacts with a rich media ad
Interactive impressionsRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions where a user interacted with a rich media ad
Manual closesRICH_MEDIA_MANUAL_CLOSESmetThe number of times that a user manually closes a floating, expanding, in-page with overlay, or in-page with floating ad
Full-screen impressionsRICH_MEDIA_FULL_SCREEN_IMPRESSIONSmetA metric that measures an impression only once when a user opens an ad in full screen mode
Video interactionsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_INTERACTIONSmetThe number of times a user clicked on the graphical controls of a video player
Video interaction rateRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_INTERACTION_RATEmetThe ratio of video interactions to video plays
Video mutesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_MUTESmetThe number of times a rich media video was muted
Video pausesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_PAUSESmetThe number of times a rich media video was paused
Video playsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_PLAYESmetThe number of times a rich media video was played
Video midpointsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_MIDPOINTSmetThe number of times a rich media video was played upto midpoint
Video completesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_COMPLETESmetThe number of times a rich media video was fully played
Video replaysRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_REPLAYSmetThe number of times a rich media video was restarted
Video stopsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_STOPSmetThe number of times a rich media video was stopped
Video unmutesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_UNMUTESmetThe number of times a rich media video was unmuted
Video average view timeRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_VIEW_TIMEmetThe average amount of time (seconds) that a rich media video was viewed per view
Video view rateRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_VIEW_RATEmetThe percentage of a video watched by a user
Custom event - timeRICH_MEDIA_CUSTOM_EVENT_TIMEmetThe amount of time (seconds) that a user interacts with a rich media ad
Custom event - countRICH_MEDIA_CUSTOM_EVENT_COUNTmetThe number of times a user views and interacts with a specified part of a rich media ad
VIDEO VIEWERSHIPVideo ad startsVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_STARTmetThe number of impressions where the video was played
Video ad 1st quartile completesVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_FIRST_QUARTILEmetThe number of times the video played to 25% of its length
Number of control startsVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_STARTSmetThe number of control starts
Number of optimized startsVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_STARTSmetThe number of optimized starts
Video ad mid-point completesVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_MIDPOINTmetThe number of times the video reached its midpoint during play
Video ad 3rd quartile completesVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_THIRD_QUARTILEmetThe number of times the video played to 75% of its length
Video ad completesVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_COMPLETEmetThe number of times the video played to completion
Video ad average viewing rateVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AVERAGE_VIEW_RATEmetAverage percentage of the video watched by users
Video ad average viewing timeVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AVERAGE_VIEW_TIMEmetAverage time (seconds) users watched the video
Video ad completion rateVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_COMPLETION_RATEmetPercentage of times the video played to the end
Video ad error rateVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNTmetThe number of times an error occurred, such as a VAST redirect error, a video playback error, or an invalid response error
Video ad lengthVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_VIDEO_LENGTHmetDuration of the video creative
Video ad auto-playsVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AUTO_PLAYSmetNumber of times that the publisher specified a video ad played automatically
Video ad click-to-playsVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_CLICK_TO_PLAYSmetNumber of times that the publisher specified a video ad was clicked to play
VIDEO ERRORSTotal errorsVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_TOTAL_ERROR_RATEmetError rate is the percentage of video error count from (error count + total impressions)
VAST3 error 100 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_100_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 100 (XML parsing error)
VAST3 error 101 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_101_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 101 (schema validation error)
VAST3 error 102 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_102_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 102 (response version not supported)
VAST3 error 200 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_200_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 200 (video player expected different ad type)
VAST3 error 201 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_201_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 201 (video player expected different linearity)
VAST3 error 202 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_202_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 202 (video player expected different duration)
VAST3 error 203 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_203_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 203 (video player expected different size)
VAST3 error 300 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_300_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 300 (wrapper error)
VAST3 error 301 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_301_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 301 (VAST redirect timeout reached)
VAST3 error 302 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_302_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 302 (wrapper limit reached)
VAST3 error 303 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_303_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 303 (empty VAST response returned)
VAST3 error 400 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_400_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 400 (general linear error)
VAST3 error 401 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_401_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 401 (MediaFile not found)
VAST3 error 402 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_402_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 402 (unable to download or timeout of MediaFile URI)
VAST3 error 403 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_403_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 403 (VAST response declared unsupported MIME types for all MediaFiles)
VAST3 error 405 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_405_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 405 (MediaFile display error)
VAST3 error 500 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_500_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 500 (general NonLinearAds error)
VAST3 error 501 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_501_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 501 (non-linear ad creative dimensions do not align with the creative display area)
VAST3 error 502 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_502_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 502 (unable to fetch NonLinearAds/NonLinear resource)
VAST3 error 503 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_503_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 503 (could not find NonLinear resource with supported type)
VAST3 error 600 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_600_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 600 (general CompanionAds error)
VAST3 error 601 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_601_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 601 (companion creative dimensions did not align with companion display area)
VAST3 error 602 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_602_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 602 (unable to display required companion)
VAST3 error 603 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_603_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 603 (unable to fetch CompanionAds/Companion resource)
VAST3 error 604 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_604_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 604 (could not find Companion resource with supported type)
VAST3 error 900 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_900_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 900 (undefined VAST 2 error)
VAST3 error 901 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_901_COUNTmetNumber of VAST video errors of type 901 (general VPAID error)
VIDEO REALTIMEVideo realtime total impressionsVIDEO_IMPRESSIONS_REAL_TIMEmetThe number of impressions for video realtime reporting
Video realtime total responses servedVIDEO_MATCHED_QUERIES_REAL_TIMEmetThe number of matched queries for video realtime reporting
Video realtime total unmatched ad requestsVIDEO_UNMATCHED_QUERIES_REAL_TIMEmetThe number of unmatched queries for video realtime reporting
Video realtime total ad requestsVIDEO_TOTAL_QUERIES_REAL_TIMEmetThe number of total queries for video realtime reporting
Video realtime total creative servesVIDEO_CREATIVE_SERVE_REAL_TIMEmetThe number of queries on creative level for video realtime reporting
Video realtime total error countVIDEO_VAST_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT_REAL_TIMEmetNumber of total VAST video errors for video realtime reporting
PARTNER SALESPartner-sold ad requestsPARTNER_SALES_FILLED_QUERIESmetThe number of ad requests for the YouTube partner ad inventory that were filled with at least 1 ad
Partner-sold impressionsPARTNER_SALES_PARTNER_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of partner-sold impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory
Partner-sold code served countPARTNER_SALES_PARTNER_CODE_SERVEDmetThe number of times the ad server responded to a request for the YouTube partner ad inventory
Google-sold impressionsPARTNER_SALES_GOOGLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of Google-sold impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory
Google-sold reservation impressionsPARTNER_SALES_GOOGLE_RESERVATION_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of Google-sold reservation impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory
Google-sold auction impressionsPARTNER_SALES_GOOGLE_AUCTION_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of Google-sold auction impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory
Partner sales total ad requestsPARTNER_SALES_QUERIESmetThe total number of ad requests that were eligible to serve to the YouTube partner ad inventory
Partner sales fill ratePARTNER_SALES_SELL_THROUGH_RATEmetThe fill rate percentage of filled requests to total ad requests
CONVERSIONSView-through conversionsVIEW_THROUGH_CONVERSIONSmetNumber of view-through conversions
Conversions per thousand impressionsCONVERSIONS_PER_THOUSAND_IMPRESSIONSmetNumber of view-through conversions per thousand impressions
Click-through conversionsCLICK_THROUGH_CONVERSIONSmetNumber of click-through conversions
Conversions per clickCONVERSIONS_PER_CLICKmetNumber of click-through conversions per click
View-through conversions revenueVIEW_THROUGH_REVENUEmetRevenue for view-through conversions
Click-through conversions revenueCLICK_THROUGH_REVENUEmetRevenue for click-through conversions
Total conversionsTOTAL_CONVERSIONSmetTotal number of conversions
Total conversions revenueTOTAL_CONVERSION_REVENUEmetTotal revenue for conversions
PARTNER MANAGEMENTHost impressionsPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_HOST_IMPRESSIONSmetThe host impressions in the partner management
Host clicksPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_HOST_CLICKSmetThe host clicks in the partner management
Host CTRPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_HOST_CTRmetThe host CTR in the partner management
Unfilled impressionsPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONSmetThe unfilled impressions in the partner management
Partner impressionsPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_IMPRESSIONSmetThe partner impressions in the partner management
Partner clicksPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_CLICKSmetThe partner clicks in the partner management
Partner CTRPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_CTRmetThe partner CTR in the partner management
Gross revenuePARTNER_MANAGEMENT_GROSS_REVENUEmetThe gross revenue in the partner management
Host impressions (partner finance)PARTNER_FINANCE_HOST_IMPRESSIONSmetMonthly host impressions for partner finance reports
Host revenue (partner finance)PARTNER_FINANCE_HOST_REVENUEmetMonthly host revenue for partner finance reports
Host eCPM (partner finance)PARTNER_FINANCE_HOST_ECPMmetMonthly host eCPM for partner finance reports
Revenue (partner finance)PARTNER_FINANCE_PARTNER_REVENUEmetMonthly partner revenue for partner finance reports
eCPM (partner finance)PARTNER_FINANCE_PARTNER_ECPMmetMonthly partner eCPM for partner finance reports
Gross revenue (partner finance)PARTNER_FINANCE_GROSS_REVENUEmetMonthly gross revenue for partner finance reports
BIDBid countBID_COUNTmetThe number of bids associated with the selected dimensions
Bid average CPMBID_AVERAGE_CPMmetThe average CPM associated with these bids
YIELDYield group calloutsYIELD_GROUP_CALLOUTSmetNumber of times a yield partner is asked to return bid to fill a yield group request
Yield group successful responsesYIELD_GROUP_SUCCESSFUL_RESPONSESmetNumber of times a yield group buyer successfully returned a bid in response to a yield group callout, even if that response is "no bids"
Yield group bidsYIELD_GROUP_BIDSmetNumber of bids received from Open Bidding buyers, regardless of whether the returned bid competes in an auction
Yield group bids in auctionYIELD_GROUP_BIDS_IN_AUCTIONmetNumber of bids received from Open Bidding buyers that competed in the auction
Yield group auctions wonYIELD_GROUP_AUCTIONS_WONmetNumber of winning bids received from Open Bidding buyers, even when the winning bid is placed at the end of a mediation for mobile apps chain
Yield group impressionsYIELD_GROUP_IMPRESSIONSmetNumber of matched yield group requests where a yield partner delivered their ad to publisher inventory
Yield group estimated revenueYIELD_GROUP_ESTIMATED_REVENUEmetTotal net revenue earned by a yield group, based upon the yield group estimated CPM and yield group impressions recorded
Yield group estimated CPMYIELD_GROUP_ESTIMATED_CPMmetThe estimated net rate for yield groups or individual yield group partners
Mediation fill rateYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_FILL_RATEmetYield group Mediation fill rate indicating how often a network fills an ad request
Mediation passbacksYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_PASSBACKSmetPassbacks are counted when an ad network is given a chance to serve but does not deliver an impression, and Ad Manager Mediation moves on to the next ad network in the mediation chain
Mediation third-party eCPMYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_THIRD_PARTY_ECPMmetRevenue per thousand impressions based on data collected by Ad Manager from third-party ad network reports
Mediation chains servedYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_CHAINS_SERVEDmetTotal requests where a Mediation chain was served, even if none of the ad networks delivered an impression
DEALSDeals bid requestsDEALS_BID_REQUESTSmetNumber of bid requests sent for each deal
Deal bidsDEALS_BIDSmetNumber of bids placed on each deal
Deal bid rateDEALS_BID_RATEmetBid rate for each deal
Deals winning bidsDEALS_WINNING_BIDSmetNumber of winning bids for each deal
Deals win rateDEALS_WIN_RATEmetWin rate for each deal
PROGRAMMATICProgrammatic responses servedPROGRAMMATIC_RESPONSES_SERVEDmetTotal number of ad responses served from programmatic demand sources
Programmatic match ratePROGRAMMATIC_MATCH_RATEmetThe number of programmatic responses served divided by the number of requests eligible for programmatic. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals
Programmatic eligible ad requestsTOTAL_PROGRAMMATIC_ELIGIBLE_AD_REQUESTSmetThe total number of ad requests eligible for programmatic inventory, including Programmatic Guaranteed, Preferred Deals, backfill, and open auction
DEPRECATEDDynamic allocation clicksdynamicAllocationClicksmetThe number of clicks a dynamic allocation ad delivered when no LineItem reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Mediation Estimated Revenue (deprecated)mediationEstimatedRevenuemetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-26
Dynamic allocation clicks %dynamicAllocationCLicksPercmetThe number of clicks a dynamic allocation ad delivered when no line item reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Mediation eCPM (deprecated)mediationCPMmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-26
Ad server code served count (deprecated)adServerCodeServedmetThe total number of times that the code for an ad is served by the ad server including inventory-level dynamic allocation. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-05-27
Ad request CTRAD_REQUESTS_CTRmetThe click-through rate of ad requests issued by mapped Ad Exchange properties. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-06-24
Dynamic allocation eCPMdynamicAllocationCPMmetThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from dynamic allocation ads delivered when no line item reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Dynamic allocation CTRdynamicAllocationCTRmetThe ratio of clicks a dynamic allocation ad delivered to the number of impressions it delivered when no line item reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Dynamic allocation impressions %dynamicAllocationImpressionsPercmetThe number of impressions a dynamic allocation ad delivered when no line item reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Dynamic allocation impressionsdynamicAllocationImpressionsmetThe number of impressions sent to Ad Exchange / AdSense, regardless of whether they won or lost (total number of dynamic allocation impressions). Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Dynamic allocation revenuedynamicAllocationRevenuemetRevenue generated from ads delivered for dynamic allocation when no line item reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Total dynamic allocation revenue %dynamicAllocationRevenuePercmetThe ratio of revenue to the total revenue earned from the dynamic allocation CPM, CPC and CPD ads delivered when no line item reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Total dynamic allocation revenue % (without CPD)dynamicAllocationRevenuePercWithoutCPDmetThe ratio of revenue to the total revenue earned from the dynamic allocation CPM and CPC ads delivered when no line item reservation could be found by the ad server for inventory-level dynamic allocation. For Ad Manager 360 networks, this includes line item-level dynamic allocation as well. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-11-25
Ad requestsAD_REQUESTSmetThe number of ad requests issued by mapped Ad Exchange properties. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-06-24
Unreconciled volume of the ProposalLineItemUNIFIED_REVENUE_UNRECONCILED_VOLUMEmetThe unreconciled volume of the ProposalLineItem for each cycle. Volume represents impressions for rate type CPM, clicks for CPC and days for CPD. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
Forecasted volume of the ProposalLineItemUNIFIED_REVENUE_FORECASTED_VOLUMEmetThe forecasted volume of the ProposalLineItem for each cycle. Volume represents impressions for rate type CPM, clicks for CPC and days for CPD. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
Unified volume of the ProposalLineItemUNIFIED_REVENUE_UNIFIED_VOLUMEmetThe unified volume of the ProposalLineItem for each cycle. Volume represents impressions for rate type CPM, clicks for CPC and days for CPD. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
Unique visitorsREACHmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-29
Average revenue per visitorREACH_AVERAGE_REVENUEmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-22
Average impressions per visitorREACH_FREQUENCYmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-07-29
CoverageAD_REQUESTS_COVERAGEmetThe coverage reported by mapped Ad Exchange properties. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Deals ad requestsDEALS_AD_REQUESTSmetTotal ad requests associated with a given Deal, for mapped Ad Exchange properties. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange estimated % of impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLEmetThe estimated percentage of impressions generated by mapped Ad Exchange properties that are eligible for Active View measurement. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange % of viewable impressions for measurable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLEmetThe percentage of viewable impressions out of all measurable impressions generated by mapped Ad Exchange properties. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange total number of impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_ENABLED_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of impressions generated by mapped Ad Exchange properties that were eligible to measure viewability. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange eligible impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURED_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of eligible impressions generated by mapped Ad Exchange properties that were measurable by Active View. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Ad Exchange total number of active view measurable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWED_IMPRESSIONSmetTotal number of Active View measurable impressions generated by mapped Ad Exchange properties that were viewable. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
AdExchange avg time (sec) for an ad impressionAD_EXCHANGE_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEmetThe average time (in seconds) that an individual ad impression generated by mapped Ad Exchange properties was viewable. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-02-14
Control impressionscontrolImpressionsmetThe number of control (unoptimized) impressions delivered for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Control clickscontrolClicksmetNumber of clicks resulting from the delivery of control (unoptimized) impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Control CTR (%)controlCTRmetThe CTR for control (unoptimized) impressions for an order for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Optimized impressionsoptimizedImpressionsmetNumber of optimized impressions delivered for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Optimized clicksoptimizedClicksmetNumber of clicks resulting from the delivery of optimized impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Non-optimized impressionsnonOptimizedImpressionsmetNumber of non-optimized impressions delivered for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Non-optimized clicksnonOptimizedClicksmetNumber of clicks resulting from the delivery of non-optimized impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Extra clicksextraClicksmetNumber of extra clicks resulting from the delivery of optimized impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Mediation Impressions (deprecated)mediationImpressionsmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-26
Optimized CTR (%)optimizedCTRmetThe CTR for optimized impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
LiftoptimizedLiftmetThe percentage by which optimized CTRs are greater than the unoptimized CTRs. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Percent optimizedoptimizedCoveragemetThe line item coverage measures how often the traffic was sent for optimization. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Impressions behind scheduleOPTIMIZATION_BEHIND_SCHEDULE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions that were behind schedule at the time of their delivery. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Impressions with no clicks recordedOPTIMIZATION_NO_CLICKS_RECORDED_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions that did not have any clicks recorded in the recent past. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Sponsorship impressionsOPTIMIZATION_SPONSORSHIP_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions that were delivered as sponsorship items. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Impressions serving as fast as possibleOPTIMIZATION_AS_FAST_AS_POSSIBLE_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions that were set to deliver as fast as possible. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Impressions with no lifetime goalOPTIMIZATION_NO_ABSOLUTE_LIFETIME_GOAL_IMPRESSIONSmetThe number of impressions that have no absolute lifetime delivery goals. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Control revenueOPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_REVENUEmetTotal revenue resulting from the delivery of control (unoptimized) impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Optimized revenueOPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_REVENUEmetTotal revenue resulting from the delivery of optimized impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Control eCPMOPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_ECPMmetEstimated cost-per-thousand-impressions (eCPM) of control (unoptimized) impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Optimized eCPMOPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_ECPMmetEstimated cost-per-thousand-impressions (eCPM) of optimized impressions for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Freed-up impressionsOPTIMIZATION_FREED_UP_IMPRESSIONSmetFreed-up impressions as a result of optimization. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21
Optimization eCPM liftOPTIMIZATION_ECPM_LIFTmetRelative change in eCPM as a result of optimization. Please note that this field will be removed on 2023-04-21