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Field list for Criteo Retail Media

73 metrics and 216 dimensions available

AccountAccount namecampaign_a_accountdimThe name of the account.
Account IDcampaign_a_account_iddimThe ID of the account.
Account currencycampaign_a_campaign__account_currencydimThe currency of the account.
CampaignCampaign namecampaign_a_campaign_namedimThe name of the campaign.
Campaign IDcampaign_a_campaign_iddimA unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign typecampaign_a_campaign_typedimThe type of campaign (e.g., search, display, sponsored products).
Campaign statuscampaign_a_statusdimThe current status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused, ended).
Promoted brands IDscampaign_a_promoted_brands_idsdimA list of the brand IDs that are being promoted in the campaign.
Click attribution windowcampaign_a_click_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that clicks are attributed to the campaign.
View attribution windowcampaign_a_view_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that views are attributed to the campaign.
Budgetcampaign_a_budgetdimThe total budget for the campaign.
Budget spentcampaign_a_budget_spentdimThe amount of budget that has been spent so far on the campaign.
Budget remainingcampaign_a_budget_remainingdimThe amount of budget that is still available for the campaign.
Created at datetimecampaign_a_created_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was created.
Updated at datetimecampaign_a_updated_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was last updated.
Created at datecampaign_a_created_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was created.
Updated at datecampaign_a_updated_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was last updated.
Start datecampaign_a_start_datedimThe date when the campaign will start running.
End datecampaign_a_end_datedimThe date when the campaign will stop running.
Year of week (Sun-Sat)campaign_a_campaign__year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)campaign_a_campaign__year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthcampaign_a_campaign__year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)campaign_a_campaign__year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)campaign_a_campaign__year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)campaign_a_campaign__weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)campaign_a_campaign__week_isodim
Day of monthcampaign_a_campaign__day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)campaign_a_campaign__day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)campaign_a_campaign__day_of_week_name_isodim
DateImpressionscampaign_a_campaign__impressionsmetThe number of times your ads were displayed.
Clickscampaign_a_campaign__clicksmetThe number of clicks on your ads.
CTRcampaign_a_campaign__ctrmetClick-through rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.
Costcampaign_a_campaign__spendmetTotal spend including any platform fees.
Cost (USD)campaign_a_campaign__spend_usdmetSpend converted to USD.
Cost (EUR)campaign_a_campaign__spend_eurmetSpend converted to EUR.
Cost (GBP)campaign_a_campaign__spend_gbpmetSpend converted to GBP.
CPMcampaign_a_campaign__cpmmetCost per mille.
CPCcampaign_a_campaign__cpcmetThe average cost-per-click coming from Open Auction (CPC pricing model) campaign types. It is calculated by dividing the total click ad spend by the total number of clicks.
Unique visitorscampaign_a_campaign__unique_visitorsmetThe number of distinct shoppers who have been exposed to an ad in the reporting time period. Each shopper is counted only once, even if a shopper viewed an ad multiple times. Note about aggregation: It's possible that the sum of unique visitors across multiple rows does not equal the total row. E.g., the same shopper may see your ad on Monday and Wednesday. At the week level the shopper is counted as one unique visitor. But, at the day level they are counted once on Monday and once again on Wednesday. This is expected, because identifying a shopper as unique depends on the dimension level.
Frequencycampaign_a_campaign__frequencymetThe average number of times an ad is displayed to the same shopper. Calculated by dividing the total number of impressions by unique visitors.
Orderscampaign_a_campaign__attributed_ordersmetAttributed orders.
Unitscampaign_a_campaign__attributed_unitsmetThe number of units sold that can be attributed to your ads.
Salescampaign_a_campaign__attributed_salesmetThe revenue that can be attributed to your ads.
ROAScampaign_a_campaign__roasmetReturn on ad spend (ROAS) is calculated by dividing the number of Attributed sales by the total Ad spend.
AccountAccount nameline_item_a_accountdimThe name of the account.
Account IDline_item_a_account_iddimThe ID of the account.
Account currencyline_item_a_line_item__account_currencydimThe currency of the account.
Line itemLine item nameline_item_a_line_item_namedimThe name of the line item.
Line item IDline_item_a_line_item_iddimA unique identifier for the line item.
Line item typeline_item_a_line_item_typedimThe type of line item (e.g., search, display, sponsored products).
Line item statusline_item_a_statusdimThe current status of the line item (e.g., active, paused, ended).
Target retailer IDline_item_a_target_retailer_iddimThe ID of the retailer that the line item is targeting.
Budgetline_item_a_budgetdimThe total budget for the line item.
Budget spentline_item_a_budget_spentdimThe amount of budget that has been spent so far on the line item.
Budget remainingline_item_a_budget_remainingdimThe amount of budget that is still available for the line item.
Created atline_item_a_created_atdimThe date and time when the line item was created.
Updated atline_item_a_updated_atdimThe date and time when the line item was last updated.
Created at dateline_item_a_created_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was created.
Updated at dateline_item_a_updated_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was last updated.
Start dateline_item_a_start_datedimThe date when the line item will start running.
End dateline_item_a_end_datedimThe date when the line item will stop running.
Year of week (Sun-Sat)line_item_a_line_item__year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)line_item_a_line_item__year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthline_item_a_line_item__year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)line_item_a_line_item__year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)line_item_a_line_item__year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)line_item_a_line_item__weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)line_item_a_line_item__week_isodim
Day of monthline_item_a_line_item__day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)line_item_a_line_item__day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)line_item_a_line_item__day_of_week_name_isodim
CampaignCampaign nameline_item_a_line_item__campaign_namedimCampaign name of the requested report.
Campaign IDline_item_a_line_item__campaign_iddimCampaign ID of the requested report.
RetailerRetailer nameline_item_a_line_item__retailer_namedimRetailer name of the requested report.
Retailer IDline_item_a_line_item__retailer_iddimRetailer ID of the requested report.
Impressionsline_item_a_line_item__impressionsmetThe number of times your ads were displayed.
Clicksline_item_a_line_item__clicksmetThe number of clicks on your ads.
CTRline_item_a_line_item__ctrmetClick-through rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.
Costline_item_a_line_item__spendmetTotal spend including any platform fees.
Cost (USD)line_item_a_line_item__spend_usdmetSpend converted to USD.
Cost (EUR)line_item_a_line_item__spend_eurmetSpend converted to EUR.
Cost (GBP)line_item_a_line_item__spend_gbpmetSpend converted to GBP.
CPMline_item_a_line_item__cpmmetCost per mille.
CPCline_item_a_line_item__cpcmetThe average cost-per-click coming from Open Auction (CPC pricing model) campaign types. It is calculated by dividing the total click ad spend by the total number of clicks.
Unique visitorsline_item_a_line_item__unique_visitorsmetThe number of distinct shoppers who have been exposed to an ad in the reporting time period. Each shopper is counted only once, even if a shopper viewed an ad multiple times. Note about aggregation: It's possible that the sum of unique visitors across multiple rows does not equal the total row. E.g., the same shopper may see your ad on Monday and Wednesday. At the week level the shopper is counted as one unique visitor. But, at the day level they are counted once on Monday and once again on Wednesday. This is expected, because identifying a shopper as unique depends on the dimension level.
Frequencyline_item_a_line_item__frequencymetThe average number of times an ad is displayed to the same shopper. Calculated by dividing the total number of impressions by unique visitors.
Ordersline_item_a_line_item__attributed_ordersmetAttributed orders.
Unitsline_item_a_line_item__attributed_unitsmetThe number of units sold that can be attributed to your ads.
Salesline_item_a_line_item__attributed_salesmetThe revenue that can be attributed to your ads.
ROASline_item_a_line_item__roasmetReturn on ad spend (ROAS) is calculated by dividing the number of Attributed sales by the total Ad spend.
Assisted salesline_item_a_line_item__assisted_salesmetAssisted sales.
Assisted unitsline_item_a_line_item__assisted_unitsmetAssisted units.
AccountAccount nameproduct_a_accountdimThe name of the account.
Account IDproduct_a_account_iddimThe ID of the account.
Account currencyproduct_a_product__account_currencydimThe currency of the account.
CampaignCampaign nameproduct_a_campaign_namedimThe name of the campaign.
Campaign IDproduct_a_campaign_iddimA unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign typeproduct_a_campaign_typedimThe type of campaign (e.g., search, display, sponsored products).
Campaign statusproduct_a_statusdimThe current status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused, ended).
Promoted brands IDsproduct_a_promoted_brands_idsdimA list of the brand IDs that are being promoted in the campaign.
Click attribution windowproduct_a_click_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that clicks are attributed to the campaign.
View attribution windowproduct_a_view_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that views are attributed to the campaign.
Budgetproduct_a_budgetdimThe total budget for the campaign.
Budget spentproduct_a_budget_spentdimThe amount of budget that has been spent so far on the campaign.
Budget remainingproduct_a_budget_remainingdimThe amount of budget that is still available for the campaign.
Created at datetimeproduct_a_created_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was created.
Updated at datetimeproduct_a_updated_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was last updated.
Created at dateproduct_a_created_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was created.
Updated at dateproduct_a_updated_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was last updated.
Start dateproduct_a_start_datedimThe date when the campaign will start running.
End dateproduct_a_end_datedimThe date when the campaign will stop running.
Year of week (Sun-Sat)product_a_product__year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)product_a_product__year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthproduct_a_product__year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)product_a_product__year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)product_a_product__year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)product_a_product__weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)product_a_product__week_isodim
Day of monthproduct_a_product__day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)product_a_product__day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)product_a_product__day_of_week_name_isodim
Brand & ProductBrand IDproduct_a_product__brand_iddimAdvertised product brand ID.
Brand nameproduct_a_product__brand_namedimAdvertised product brand name; names are standardized across retailers.
Advertised product IDproduct_a_product__adv_product_iddimAdvertised product ID; this references the same ID used in Catalogs.
Advertised product nameproduct_a_product__adv_product_namedimAdvertised product name.
Advertised product categoryproduct_a_product__adv_product_categorydimCategory of product advertised; categories are standardized across brands and retailers, which may differ from retailer-specific categories.
Impressionsproduct_a_product__impressionsmetThe number of times your ads were displayed.
Clicksproduct_a_product__clicksmetThe number of clicks on your ads.
CTRproduct_a_product__ctrmetClick-through rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.
Costproduct_a_product__spendmetTotal spend including any platform fees.
Cost (USD)product_a_product__spend_usdmetSpend converted to USD.
Cost (EUR)product_a_product__spend_eurmetSpend converted to EUR.
Cost (GBP)product_a_product__spend_gbpmetSpend converted to GBP.
CPMproduct_a_product__cpmmetCost per mille.
CPCproduct_a_product__cpcmetThe average cost-per-click coming from Open Auction (CPC pricing model) campaign types. It is calculated by dividing the total click ad spend by the total number of clicks.
Ordersproduct_a_product__attributed_ordersmetAttributed orders.
Unitsproduct_a_product__attributed_unitsmetThe number of units sold that can be attributed to your ads.
Salesproduct_a_product__attributed_salesmetThe revenue that can be attributed to your ads.
ROASproduct_a_product__roasmetReturn on ad spend (ROAS) is calculated by dividing the number of Attributed sales by the total Ad spend.
AccountAccount namepage_type_a_accountdimThe name of the account.
Account IDpage_type_a_account_iddimThe ID of the account.
Account currencypage_type_a_page_type__account_currencydimThe currency of the account.
CampaignCampaign namepage_type_a_campaign_namedimThe name of the campaign.
Campaign IDpage_type_a_campaign_iddimA unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign typepage_type_a_campaign_typedimThe type of campaign (e.g., search, display, sponsored products).
Campaign statuspage_type_a_statusdimThe current status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused, ended).
Promoted brands IDspage_type_a_promoted_brands_idsdimA list of the brand IDs that are being promoted in the campaign.
Click attribution windowpage_type_a_click_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that clicks are attributed to the campaign.
View attribution windowpage_type_a_view_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that views are attributed to the campaign.
Budgetpage_type_a_budgetdimThe total budget for the campaign.
Budget spentpage_type_a_budget_spentdimThe amount of budget that has been spent so far on the campaign.
Budget remainingpage_type_a_budget_remainingdimThe amount of budget that is still available for the campaign.
Created at datetimepage_type_a_created_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was created.
Updated at datetimepage_type_a_updated_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was last updated.
Created at datepage_type_a_created_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was created.
Updated at datepage_type_a_updated_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was last updated.
Start datepage_type_a_start_datedimThe date when the campaign will start running.
End datepage_type_a_end_datedimThe date when the campaign will stop running.
Year of week (Sun-Sat)page_type_a_page_type__year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)page_type_a_page_type__year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthpage_type_a_page_type__year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)page_type_a_page_type__year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)page_type_a_page_type__year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)page_type_a_page_type__weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)page_type_a_page_type__week_isodim
Day of monthpage_type_a_page_type__day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)page_type_a_page_type__day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)page_type_a_page_type__day_of_week_name_isodim
Page typePage typepage_type_a_page_type__page_type_namedimType of retailer web page an ad creative rendered on, such as home page, browse pages, search pages, product detail pages, checkout pages etc..
Impressionspage_type_a_page_type__impressionsmetThe number of times your ads were displayed.
Clickspage_type_a_page_type__clicksmetThe number of clicks on your ads.
CTRpage_type_a_page_type__ctrmetClick-through rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.
Costpage_type_a_page_type__spendmetTotal spend including any platform fees.
Cost (USD)page_type_a_page_type__spend_usdmetSpend converted to USD.
Cost (EUR)page_type_a_page_type__spend_eurmetSpend converted to EUR.
Cost (GBP)page_type_a_page_type__spend_gbpmetSpend converted to GBP.
CPMpage_type_a_page_type__cpmmetCost per mille.
CPCpage_type_a_page_type__cpcmetThe average cost-per-click coming from Open Auction (CPC pricing model) campaign types. It is calculated by dividing the total click ad spend by the total number of clicks.
Orderspage_type_a_page_type__attributed_ordersmetAttributed orders.
Unitspage_type_a_page_type__attributed_unitsmetThe number of units sold that can be attributed to your ads.
Salespage_type_a_page_type__attributed_salesmetThe revenue that can be attributed to your ads.
ROASpage_type_a_page_type__roasmetReturn on ad spend (ROAS) is calculated by dividing the number of Attributed sales by the total Ad spend.
AccountAccount namekeyword_a_accountdimThe name of the account.
Account IDkeyword_a_account_iddimThe ID of the account.
Account currencykeyword_a_keyword__account_currencydimThe currency of the account.
CampaignCampaign namekeyword_a_campaign_namedimThe name of the campaign.
Campaign IDkeyword_a_campaign_iddimA unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign typekeyword_a_campaign_typedimThe type of campaign (e.g., search, display, sponsored products).
Campaign statuskeyword_a_statusdimThe current status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused, ended).
Promoted brands IDskeyword_a_promoted_brands_idsdimA list of the brand IDs that are being promoted in the campaign.
Click attribution windowkeyword_a_click_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that clicks are attributed to the campaign.
View attribution windowkeyword_a_view_attribution_windowdimThe length of time that views are attributed to the campaign.
Budgetkeyword_a_budgetdimThe total budget for the campaign.
Budget spentkeyword_a_budget_spentdimThe amount of budget that has been spent so far on the campaign.
Budget remainingkeyword_a_budget_remainingdimThe amount of budget that is still available for the campaign.
Created at datetimekeyword_a_created_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was created.
Updated at datetimekeyword_a_updated_atdimThe date and time when the campaign was last updated.
Created at datekeyword_a_created_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was created.
Updated at datekeyword_a_updated_at_datedimThe date when the campaign was last updated.
Start datekeyword_a_start_datedimThe date when the campaign will start running.
End datekeyword_a_end_datedimThe date when the campaign will stop running.
Year of week (Sun-Sat)keyword_a_keyword__year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)keyword_a_keyword__year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthkeyword_a_keyword__year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)keyword_a_keyword__year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)keyword_a_keyword__year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)keyword_a_keyword__weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)keyword_a_keyword__week_isodim
Day of monthkeyword_a_keyword__day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)keyword_a_keyword__day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)keyword_a_keyword__day_of_week_name_isodim
Impressionskeyword_a_keyword__impressionsmetThe number of times your ads were displayed.
Clickskeyword_a_keyword__clicksmetThe number of clicks on your ads.
CTRkeyword_a_keyword__ctrmetClick-through rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.
Costkeyword_a_keyword__spendmetTotal spend including any platform fees.
Cost (USD)keyword_a_keyword__spend_usdmetSpend converted to USD.
Cost (EUR)keyword_a_keyword__spend_eurmetSpend converted to EUR.
Cost (GBP)keyword_a_keyword__spend_gbpmetSpend converted to GBP.
CPMkeyword_a_keyword__cpmmetCost per mille.
CPCkeyword_a_keyword__cpcmetThe average cost-per-click coming from Open Auction (CPC pricing model) campaign types. It is calculated by dividing the total click ad spend by the total number of clicks.
Orderskeyword_a_keyword__attributed_ordersmetAttributed orders.
Unitskeyword_a_keyword__attributed_unitsmetThe number of units sold that can be attributed to your ads.
Saleskeyword_a_keyword__attributed_salesmetThe revenue that can be attributed to your ads.
ROASkeyword_a_keyword__roasmetReturn on ad spend (ROAS) is calculated by dividing the number of Attributed sales by the total Ad spend.
AccountAccount nameattributed_transaction_a_accountdimThe name of the account.
Account IDattributed_transaction_a_account_iddimThe ID of the account.
CampaignCampaign nameattributed_transaction_a_campaign_namedimThe name of the campaign.
Campaign IDattributed_transaction_a_campaign_iddimA unique identifier for the campaign.
Year of week (Sun-Sat)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__week_isodim
Day of monthattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)attributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__day_of_week_name_isodim
Advertisement dateattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_datedimDate of advertisement.
Advertised hourattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_hourdimHour of advertisement.
Purchased dateattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__purchased_datedimDate of the attributed product purchase.
Purchased hourattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__purchased_hourdimHour of the attributed product purchase.
Days differenceattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__days_differencedimDays between advertisement and purchase.
Ad deliveryLine item nameattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__line_item_namedimLine item name of the requested report.
Line item IDattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__line_item_iddimLine item ID of the requested report.
Retailer nameattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__retailer_namedimRetailer name of the retailer the line item served on.
Page typeattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__page_type_namedimType of retailer web page an ad creative rendered on, such as home page, browse pages, search pages, product detail pages, checkout pages etc..
Keywordattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__keyworddimKeyword or phrase used to land on the search page where an ad creative rendered.
AttributionAdvertisement engagementattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_engagementdimType of ad engagement the purchase was attributed to.
Advertisement to purchased product relationshipattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_to_purchased_product_relationshipdimAttribution rule used to match the impression or click to a sale.
Sales channelattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__sales_channeldimSales channel the attributed purchase was made through.
Attribution windowattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__attribution_windowdimClick and view attribution window of the requested report.
ProductAdvertised product nameattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_product_namedimAdvertised product name.
Advertised product IDattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_product_iddimAdvertised product ID; this references the same ID used in Catalogs.
Advertised product categoryattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_product_categorydimCategory of product advertised; categories are standardized across brands and retailers, which may differ from retailer-specific categories.
Advertised product GTINattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_product_gtindimAdvertised product Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), if available; also known as European Article Number (EAN) or Universal Product Code (UPC).
Advertised product MPNattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__adv_product_mpndimAdvertised product Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), if available.
Purchased product nameattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__purchased_product_namedimPurchased product name.
Purchased product IDattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__purchased_product_iddimPurchased product ID; this references the same ID used in Catalogs.
Purchased product categoryattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__purchased_product_categorydimCategory of product purchased; categories are standardized across brands and retailers, which may differ from retailer-specific categories.
Purchased product GTINattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__purchased_product_gtindimPurchased product Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), if available; also known as European Article Number (EAN) or Universal Product Code (UPC).
Purchased product MPNattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__purchased_product_mpndimPurchased product Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), if available.
Attributed salesattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__attributed_salesmetSales revenue attributed to a click or impression.
Attributed unitsattributed_transaction_a_attributed_transaction__attributed_unitsmetUnits sold attributed to a click or impression.