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Field list for Criteo

69 metrics and 49 dimensions available

TIMEYearyeardimYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearOfWeekdimYear of week for US weeks, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearOfWeekIsodimYear of week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017
Year & monthyearMonthdimYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
MonthmonthdimMonth, e.g. 6
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearWeekdimYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearWeekIsodimYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdimUS week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun)weekIsodimISO week number, e.g. 51
Day of monthdayOfMonthdimDay of month, e.g. 2
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNamedimDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsodimDay of week name for ISO weeks, e.g. 1 Sunday
DatedatedimDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
ADVERTISERAdvertiser nameadvertiser_namedimName of the advertiser
Advertiser IDadvertiser_iddimId of the advertiser
AD SETAd set nameadset_namedimThe Ad set name, set by the advertiser
Ad set IDadset_iddimID of the ad set
Ad set statusadset_statusdimSet by the advertiser, this represents the intent to deliver ads
Currencyaccount_currencydimAd set bid currency code
BIDDINGAd set bid typeadset_bid_strategydimThe intended optimization for the Ad Set
DEVICESDevicesdevicesdimDevices of the ad set
OSosdimOS of the ad set
CAMPAIGNCampaigncampaign_namedimName of the campaign
Campaign IDcampaign_iddimID of the campaign
BUDGETBudget strategybudget_strategydimType of budget, e.g. Daily, Monthly, Capped
Budget renewalbudget_renewaldimThe cadence of budget reneweal. Can be daily, monthly, lifetime, or undefined
Budget delivery smoothingbudget_delivery_smoothingdimThe pace at which budget can be spent. Can be accelerated or standard
Budget delivery weekbudget_delivery_weekdimThe seven day period for budget delivery. Can be mondayToSunday, tuesdayToMonday, wednesdayToTuesday, thursdayToWednesday, fridayToThursday, saturdayToFriday, or sundayToSaturday
TARGETINGTargeted environmentstargeting_environmentsdimList of display environments that the Ad Set should target. Can contain inApp and web
Targeted devicestargeting_devicesdimList of device types that the Ad Set should target. Can contain desktop, tablet, mobile and other
Targeted operating systemstargeting_operating_systemsdimList of operating systems that the Ad Set should target. Can contain android, ios, and other
Targeted countriestargeting_countriesdimList of countries that the Ad Set should target
Targeted subdivisionstargeting_subdivisionsdimList of subdivisions that the Ad Set should target
Targeted zip codestargeting_zip_codesdimList of zip codes that the Ad Set should target
Frequencytargeting_frequencydimThe period by which the maximum impression limit is calculated. Can be hourly, daily, lifetime, or advanced (for custom set-ups configured by Criteo)
CATEGORYCategorycategory_namedimName of the category from catalog feed
Category IDcategory_iddimID of the category
DEPRECATEDCampaign bid typecampaign_bid_strategydimType of the bid. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Audience descriptionaudience_descriptiondimDescription of the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16
Audience nameaudience_namedimName of the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16
Audience update dateaudience_updateddimDate of the audience last update. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16
Audience creation dateaudience_createddimDate of the audience creation. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16
Budget IDbudget_iddimID of the budget the campaign is using. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Budgetbudget_namedimName of the budget the campaign is using. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Budget typebudget_typedimType of budget, e.g. Daily, Monthly, Capped. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Budget remaining updatedbudget_remaining_updateddimTime at which remainingBudget was computed. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Campaign remaining days (deprecated)campaign_remaining_daysdimNumber of days this campaign can run with the existing budget. This value is estimated on the current spending trend. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-27
Campaign statuscampaign_statusdimStatus of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Audience IDaudience_iddimID of the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16
AD SETAd set bid valueadset_bid_cpcmetValue of the cost per click
TARGETINGMaximum impressionstargeting_maximum_impressionsmetThe maximum impressions allowed for the specified Frequency
PERFORMANCEImpressionsimpressionsmetNumber of times the Ad is displayed to a user on publishers' websites
ClicksclicksmetNumber of times that your Criteo ads have been clicked
CTRctrmetNumber of times the Ads are clicked, divided by number of displays
Conversion rateconversion_ratemetPercentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred
CPO (cost per order)cost_per_ordermetThe price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders
CostcostmetTotal cost of the campaigns
SalessalesmetThe total number of purchases completed via the same device your Criteo ads were clicked, or a different one
COS (Cost of sale)cost_of_salemetAdvertising cost per conversion or sale
RevenuerevenuemetThe amount of money generated by online sales
Exposed usersexposed_usersmetNumber of distinct cookies that have seen at least one Criteo display
AudienceaudiencemetNumber of distinct cookies to which Criteo had the opportunity to make a display
ReachreachmetShare of the audience exposed to at least one Criteo display ad
Overall competition winoverall_competition_winmetPercentage of impressions/ad placements won, out of all impressions/ad placements that were bid on
Effective cost per mille (eCPM)ecpmmetEffective cost per mille is the cost of your campaign for 1,000 impressions
Revenue CPCrevcpcmetThe amount of revenue for each individual click on Ads
Average cartaverage_cartmetAverage revenue generated by a campaign's sales
Return on advertising spending (ROAS)return_on_spendmetThe ratio between the sales amount the campaign generated and the total cost of the campaign (ROAS = 1/COS)
Advertiser valueadvertiser_valuemetThe total value generated by the campaign
Cost of advertiser valuecost_of_advertiser_valuemetThe ratio between the total cost of the campaign and the Advertiser Value of the campaign
Viewed displaysviewable_displaysmetThe number of ads that have been viewed. A display is considered viewed if at least 50% of the ad appears on the screen for at least one second
Unviewed displaysnon_viewable_displaysmetThe number of ads that have not been viewed. A display that doesn`t meet the viewed display`s criteria is considered unviewed
Untracked displaysuntrackable_displaysmetThis is the number of untracked displays. Some displays cannot be tracked because of the display environment (for instance, native banner)
Qualified visitsqualified_visitsmetThe number of users on the target website or app for which at least two events or one sale event occurred within the hour following a click
VisitsvisitsmetThe number of users on the target website or app for which at least one event occurred within the hour following a click
Cost per visitcost_per_visitmetThe amount of money spent per visit to your website or app
Bounce ratebounce_ratemetThe proportion of website visitors leaving after only viewing one page
Potential displayspotential_displaysmetThe number of display opportunities, or the number of bid requests received
Post-install salespost_install_salesmetThe number of your completed events after an app install
App installsapp_installsmetThe number of installations of your app
Post-install conversion ratepost_install_conversion_ratemetPercentage of post-install sales compared to the clicks that occurred
Post-install cost of salepost_install_cost_of_salemetThe cost of sale for app install campaigns
Post-install order valuepost_install_order_valuemetThe amount of money generated by sales after an app install
Cost per installcost_per_installmetThe cost of sale for app install campaigns
Install rateinstall_ratemetThe percentage of completed app installs compared to the number of clicks
Post-install cost per orderpost_install_cost_per_ordermetThe cost per order for sales after an app install
Post-install ROASpost_install_roasmetThe return on ad spend for sales after an app install
Omnichannel revenueomnichannel_revenuemetThe revenue generated by online and offline sales
Omnichannel salesomnichannel_salesmetThe number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads
Store ROASstore_roasmetThe number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads
Store salesstore_salesmetThe number of completed in-store transactions or purchases
Store revenuestore_revenuemetThe number of completed in-store transactions or purchases
BUDGET METRICSBudget remainingbudget_remainingmetA decimal value showing the remaining budget value for Ad Sets with Capped budget strategies. For uncapped budgets, the value will be null
DEPRECATEDEffective cost of post-view salese_cos_pvmetThe ratio between the total cost of the campaign & the post-view sales amount that the campaign generated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Effective cost of post-click + post-view salese_cos_pc_pvmetThe ratio between the total cost of the campaign and the post-click and post-view sales amount that the campaign generated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Total budgetbudget_totalmetTotal amount added to this budget. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Audience email linesnb_lines_emailmetThe total number of email lines in the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16
Non-deduplicated post-view revenue generatedrevenue_generated_pv_ndmetTotal revenue of your campaigns generated from post-view sales non-deduplicated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Category product amountcategory_productsmetNumber of products tagged with this category. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Post-click salessales_pcmetNumber of purchases made on the website by users who clicked an Ad. Sales are tracked within 30 days after a user clicked the Ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Revenue generated post-click + post-viewrevenue_generated_pc_pvmetPost-click + post-view revenue is the total revenue of your campaigns generated from post-click and post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Cost per order post-click + post-viewcost_per_order_pc_pvmetCost per order post-click + post-view is the amount of money (cost) spent to generate post-click and post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Impression win (deprecated)impression_winmetDeprecated field. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-27
Cost per post-view ordercost_per_order_pvmetAmount of money (cost) spent to generate post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Post-view conversion rateconv_rate_post_viewmetNumber of post-view sales generated by users who viewed on the Ad divided by impressions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Audience email matchesnb_matches_emailmetThe number of email matches in the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16
Post-click revenue generatedrevenue_generated_pcmetTotal revenue of your campaigns generated from post-click sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Bid valuecampaign_bid_cpcmetValue of the cost per click. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Post-view revenue generatedrevenue_generated_pvmetTotal revenue of your campaigns generated from post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Non-deduplicated post-click salessales_pc_ndmetPost-click sales that are non-deduplicated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Non-deduplicated post-click revenue generatedrevenue_generated_pc_ndmetTotal revenue of your campaigns generated from post-click sales non-deduplicated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Post-view salessales_pvmetAll sales that occurred on your website within 24 hours after a user sees a Criteo ad of your campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Effective cost per click (eCPC)ecpcmetThe price you pay each time a user clicks your Criteo ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Non-deduplicated post-view salessales_pv_ndmetAll non-deduplicated post-view sales that occurred on your website within 24 hours after a user sees a Criteo ad of your campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Category average pricecategory_avg_pricemetAverage price of the products of this category. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Post-view salessales_pc_pvmetThe total amount of sales generated both post-click and post-view. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Same device post-click salessame_sales_pcmetThe total number of purchases completed via the same device your Criteo ads were clicked. Sales are attributed within 30 days after a user clicks on your Criteo ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27
Audience linesnb_linesmetThe total number of lines in the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16