Supermetrics brings all your marketing data into Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, Excel, BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift, Azure
Category | Field | Code | Type | Description |
TIME | Year | year | dim | Year, e.g. 2017 |
Year of week (Sun-Sat) | yearOfWeek | dim | Year of week for US weeks, e.g. 2017 | |
Year of week (Mon-Sun) | yearOfWeekIso | dim | Year of week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017 | |
Year & month | yearMonth | dim | Year and month, e.g. 2017|06 | |
Month | month | dim | Month, e.g. 6 | |
Year & week (Sun-Sat) | yearWeek | dim | Year and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08 | |
Year & week (Mon-Sun) | yearWeekIso | dim | Year and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08 | |
Week (Sun-Sat) | week | dim | US week number, e.g. 51 | |
Week (Mon-Sun) | weekIso | dim | ISO week number, e.g. 51 | |
Day of month | dayOfMonth | dim | Day of month, e.g. 2 | |
Day of week (Sun-Sat) | dayOfWeekName | dim | Day of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday | |
Day of week (Mon-Sun) | dayOfWeekNameIso | dim | Day of week name for ISO weeks, e.g. 1 Sunday | |
Date | date | dim | Date, e.g. 2017-01-31 | |
ADVERTISER | Advertiser name | advertiser_name | dim | Name of the advertiser |
Advertiser ID | advertiser_id | dim | Id of the advertiser | |
AD SET | Ad set name | adset_name | dim | The Ad set name, set by the advertiser |
Ad set ID | adset_id | dim | ID of the ad set | |
Ad set status | adset_status | dim | Set by the advertiser, this represents the intent to deliver ads | |
Currency | account_currency | dim | Ad set bid currency code | |
BIDDING | Ad set bid type | adset_bid_strategy | dim | The intended optimization for the Ad Set |
DEVICES | Devices | devices | dim | Devices of the ad set |
OS | os | dim | OS of the ad set | |
CAMPAIGN | Campaign | campaign_name | dim | Name of the campaign |
Campaign ID | campaign_id | dim | ID of the campaign | |
BUDGET | Budget strategy | budget_strategy | dim | Type of budget, e.g. Daily, Monthly, Capped |
Budget renewal | budget_renewal | dim | The cadence of budget reneweal. Can be daily, monthly, lifetime, or undefined | |
Budget delivery smoothing | budget_delivery_smoothing | dim | The pace at which budget can be spent. Can be accelerated or standard | |
Budget delivery week | budget_delivery_week | dim | The seven day period for budget delivery. Can be mondayToSunday, tuesdayToMonday, wednesdayToTuesday, thursdayToWednesday, fridayToThursday, saturdayToFriday, or sundayToSaturday | |
TARGETING | Targeted environments | targeting_environments | dim | List of display environments that the Ad Set should target. Can contain inApp and web |
Targeted devices | targeting_devices | dim | List of device types that the Ad Set should target. Can contain desktop, tablet, mobile and other | |
Targeted operating systems | targeting_operating_systems | dim | List of operating systems that the Ad Set should target. Can contain android, ios, and other | |
Targeted countries | targeting_countries | dim | List of countries that the Ad Set should target | |
Targeted subdivisions | targeting_subdivisions | dim | List of subdivisions that the Ad Set should target | |
Targeted zip codes | targeting_zip_codes | dim | List of zip codes that the Ad Set should target | |
Frequency | targeting_frequency | dim | The period by which the maximum impression limit is calculated. Can be hourly, daily, lifetime, or advanced (for custom set-ups configured by Criteo) | |
CATEGORY | Category | category_name | dim | Name of the category from catalog feed |
Category ID | category_id | dim | ID of the category | |
DEPRECATED | Campaign bid type | campaign_bid_strategy | dim | Type of the bid. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 |
Audience description | audience_description | dim | Description of the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 | |
Audience name | audience_name | dim | Name of the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 | |
Audience update date | audience_updated | dim | Date of the audience last update. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 | |
Audience creation date | audience_created | dim | Date of the audience creation. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 | |
Budget ID | budget_id | dim | ID of the budget the campaign is using. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Budget | budget_name | dim | Name of the budget the campaign is using. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Budget type | budget_type | dim | Type of budget, e.g. Daily, Monthly, Capped. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Budget remaining updated | budget_remaining_updated | dim | Time at which remainingBudget was computed. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Campaign remaining days (deprecated) | campaign_remaining_days | dim | Number of days this campaign can run with the existing budget. This value is estimated on the current spending trend. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-27 | |
Campaign status | campaign_status | dim | Status of the campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Audience ID | audience_id | dim | ID of the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 | |
AD SET | Ad set bid value | adset_bid_cpc | met | Value of the cost per click |
TARGETING | Maximum impressions | targeting_maximum_impressions | met | The maximum impressions allowed for the specified Frequency |
PERFORMANCE | Impressions | impressions | met | Number of times the Ad is displayed to a user on publishers' websites |
Clicks | clicks | met | Number of times that your Criteo ads have been clicked | |
CTR | ctr | met | Number of times the Ads are clicked, divided by number of displays | |
Conversion rate | conversion_rate | met | Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred | |
CPO (cost per order) | cost_per_order | met | The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders | |
Cost | cost | met | Total cost of the campaigns | |
Sales | sales | met | The total number of purchases completed via the same device your Criteo ads were clicked, or a different one | |
COS (Cost of sale) | cost_of_sale | met | Advertising cost per conversion or sale | |
Revenue | revenue | met | The amount of money generated by online sales | |
Exposed users | exposed_users | met | Number of distinct cookies that have seen at least one Criteo display | |
Audience | audience | met | Number of distinct cookies to which Criteo had the opportunity to make a display | |
Reach | reach | met | Share of the audience exposed to at least one Criteo display ad | |
Overall competition win | overall_competition_win | met | Percentage of impressions/ad placements won, out of all impressions/ad placements that were bid on | |
Effective cost per mille (eCPM) | ecpm | met | Effective cost per mille is the cost of your campaign for 1,000 impressions | |
Revenue CPC | revcpc | met | The amount of revenue for each individual click on Ads | |
Average cart | average_cart | met | Average revenue generated by a campaign's sales | |
Return on advertising spending (ROAS) | return_on_spend | met | The ratio between the sales amount the campaign generated and the total cost of the campaign (ROAS = 1/COS) | |
Advertiser value | advertiser_value | met | The total value generated by the campaign | |
Cost of advertiser value | cost_of_advertiser_value | met | The ratio between the total cost of the campaign and the Advertiser Value of the campaign | |
Viewed displays | viewable_displays | met | The number of ads that have been viewed. A display is considered viewed if at least 50% of the ad appears on the screen for at least one second | |
Unviewed displays | non_viewable_displays | met | The number of ads that have not been viewed. A display that doesn`t meet the viewed display`s criteria is considered unviewed | |
Untracked displays | untrackable_displays | met | This is the number of untracked displays. Some displays cannot be tracked because of the display environment (for instance, native banner) | |
Qualified visits | qualified_visits | met | The number of users on the target website or app for which at least two events or one sale event occurred within the hour following a click | |
Visits | visits | met | The number of users on the target website or app for which at least one event occurred within the hour following a click | |
Cost per visit | cost_per_visit | met | The amount of money spent per visit to your website or app | |
Bounce rate | bounce_rate | met | The proportion of website visitors leaving after only viewing one page | |
Potential displays | potential_displays | met | The number of display opportunities, or the number of bid requests received | |
Post-install sales | post_install_sales | met | The number of your completed events after an app install | |
App installs | app_installs | met | The number of installations of your app | |
Post-install conversion rate | post_install_conversion_rate | met | Percentage of post-install sales compared to the clicks that occurred | |
Post-install cost of sale | post_install_cost_of_sale | met | The cost of sale for app install campaigns | |
Post-install order value | post_install_order_value | met | The amount of money generated by sales after an app install | |
Cost per install | cost_per_install | met | The cost of sale for app install campaigns | |
Install rate | install_rate | met | The percentage of completed app installs compared to the number of clicks | |
Post-install cost per order | post_install_cost_per_order | met | The cost per order for sales after an app install | |
Post-install ROAS | post_install_roas | met | The return on ad spend for sales after an app install | |
Omnichannel revenue | omnichannel_revenue | met | The revenue generated by online and offline sales | |
Omnichannel sales | omnichannel_sales | met | The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads | |
Store ROAS | store_roas | met | The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads | |
Store sales | store_sales | met | The number of completed in-store transactions or purchases | |
Store revenue | store_revenue | met | The number of completed in-store transactions or purchases | |
BUDGET METRICS | Budget remaining | budget_remaining | met | A decimal value showing the remaining budget value for Ad Sets with Capped budget strategies. For uncapped budgets, the value will be null |
DEPRECATED | Effective cost of post-view sales | e_cos_pv | met | The ratio between the total cost of the campaign & the post-view sales amount that the campaign generated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 |
Effective cost of post-click + post-view sales | e_cos_pc_pv | met | The ratio between the total cost of the campaign and the post-click and post-view sales amount that the campaign generated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Total budget | budget_total | met | Total amount added to this budget. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Audience email lines | nb_lines_email | met | The total number of email lines in the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 | |
Non-deduplicated post-view revenue generated | revenue_generated_pv_nd | met | Total revenue of your campaigns generated from post-view sales non-deduplicated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Category product amount | category_products | met | Number of products tagged with this category. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Post-click sales | sales_pc | met | Number of purchases made on the website by users who clicked an Ad. Sales are tracked within 30 days after a user clicked the Ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Revenue generated post-click + post-view | revenue_generated_pc_pv | met | Post-click + post-view revenue is the total revenue of your campaigns generated from post-click and post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Cost per order post-click + post-view | cost_per_order_pc_pv | met | Cost per order post-click + post-view is the amount of money (cost) spent to generate post-click and post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Impression win (deprecated) | impression_win | met | Deprecated field. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-27 | |
Cost per post-view order | cost_per_order_pv | met | Amount of money (cost) spent to generate post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Post-view conversion rate | conv_rate_post_view | met | Number of post-view sales generated by users who viewed on the Ad divided by impressions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Audience email matches | nb_matches_email | met | The number of email matches in the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 | |
Post-click revenue generated | revenue_generated_pc | met | Total revenue of your campaigns generated from post-click sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Bid value | campaign_bid_cpc | met | Value of the cost per click. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Post-view revenue generated | revenue_generated_pv | met | Total revenue of your campaigns generated from post-view sales. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Non-deduplicated post-click sales | sales_pc_nd | met | Post-click sales that are non-deduplicated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Non-deduplicated post-click revenue generated | revenue_generated_pc_nd | met | Total revenue of your campaigns generated from post-click sales non-deduplicated. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Post-view sales | sales_pv | met | All sales that occurred on your website within 24 hours after a user sees a Criteo ad of your campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Effective cost per click (eCPC) | ecpc | met | The price you pay each time a user clicks your Criteo ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Non-deduplicated post-view sales | sales_pv_nd | met | All non-deduplicated post-view sales that occurred on your website within 24 hours after a user sees a Criteo ad of your campaign. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Category average price | category_avg_price | met | Average price of the products of this category. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Post-view sales | sales_pc_pv | met | The total amount of sales generated both post-click and post-view. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Same device post-click sales | same_sales_pc | met | The total number of purchases completed via the same device your Criteo ads were clicked. Sales are attributed within 30 days after a user clicks on your Criteo ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-02-27 | |
Audience lines | nb_lines | met | The total number of lines in the audience. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-07-16 |