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Field list for Celtra

93 metrics and 44 dimensions available

Year of week (Sun-Sat)campaign_performance_year_of_weekdim
Year of week (Mon-Sun)campaign_performance_year_of_week_isodim
Year & monthcampaign_performance_year_monthdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)campaign_performance_year_weekdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)campaign_performance_year_week_isodim
Week (Sun-Sat)campaign_performance_weekdim
Week (Mon-Sun)campaign_performance_week_isodim
Day of monthcampaign_performance_day_of_monthdim
Day of week (Sun-Sat)campaign_performance_day_of_week_namedim
Day of week (Mon-Sun)campaign_performance_day_of_week_name_isodim
AccountAccount namecampaign_performance_account_namedimName of the account.
Account IDcampaign_performance_account_iddimID of the account.
BrandBrand namecampaign_performance_brand_namedimThe name of the brand/advertiser.
Brand IDcampaign_performance_brand_iddimThe ID of the brand/advertiser.
CampaignCampaign namecampaign_performance_campaign_namedimName of the campaign.
Campaign IDcampaign_performance_campaign_iddimID of the campaign.
CreativeCreative namecampaign_performance_creative_namedimThe name of the creative.
Creative IDcampaign_performance_creative_iddimThe ID of the creative.
PlacementPlacement namecampaign_performance_placement_namedimThe name of the placement in which the creative was trafficked.
Placement IDcampaign_performance_placement_iddimThe ID of the placement in which the creative was trafficked.
TimeDate (UTC)campaign_performance_date_utcdimThe date in UTC timezone presented in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
TargetingPlatformcampaign_performance_platformdimThe platform on which the creative was loaded.
Device typecampaign_performance_device_typedimThe device type that was recorded in an impression.
Countrycampaign_performance_countrydimThe country name associated to countryCode.
State/provincecampaign_performance_statedimThe state or province name associated to principalSubdivisionCode.
FacebookFacebook account namecampaign_performance_facebook_account_namedimName of the Facebook ad account.
Facebook account IDcampaign_performance_facebook_account_iddimThe unique ID of the Facebook account.
Facebook campaign namecampaign_performance_facebook_campaign_namedimName of the Facebook campaign.
Facebook campaign IDcampaign_performance_facebook_campaign_iddimThe unique ID of the Facebook campaign.
Facebook ad set namecampaign_performance_facebook_ad_set_namedimName of the Facebook ad set.
Facebook ad set IDcampaign_performance_facebook_ad_set_iddimThe unique ID of the Facebook ad set.
Facebook ad namecampaign_performance_facebook_ad_namedimName of the Facebook ad.
Facebook ad IDcampaign_performance_facebook_ad_iddimThe unique ID of the Facebook ad.
TwitterTwitter account IDcampaign_performance_twitter_account_iddimTwitter account ID.
Twitter ad group IDcampaign_performance_twitter_ad_group_iddimTwitter ad group ID.
Twitter ad IDcampaign_performance_twitter_ad_iddimTwitter ad ID.
SnapchatSnapchat account namecampaign_performance_snapchat_account_namedimThe name of the Snapchat account.
Snapchat ad namecampaign_performance_snapchat_ad_namedimThe name of the Snapchat ad.
Snapchat ad IDcampaign_performance_snapchat_ad_iddimThe id of the Snapchat ad.
Snapchat creative IDcampaign_performance_snapchat_creative_iddimThe id of the Snapchat creative.
Requested impressionscampaign_performance_requested_impressionsmetThe number of ad requests received by Celtra.
Loaded impressionscampaign_performance_loaded_impressionsmetThe number of times where the creative was loaded to the point where it could be displayed. The Base and first page of the banner unit have loaded and the SDK must have initialized.
Rendered impressionscampaign_performance_rendered_impressionsmetThe number of `Loaded impressions` in which the creative content appeared (best-effort, optimistic) and started playing (if animated or video).
Creative load attemptscampaign_performance_creative_load_attemptsmetThe number of ad requests received by Celtra with potential to be loaded.
Load ratecampaign_performance_loaded_ratemet The ratio of `Loaded impressions` to `Creative load attempts`.
Render ratecampaign_performance_render_ratemet The ratio of `Rendered impressions` to `Loaded impressions`.
Exposure timecampaign_performance_exposure_timemetThe aggregate time (in seconds) in which some portion of the creative is displayed, as detectable in the current environment.
Impressions with exposure timecampaign_performance_impression_with_exposure_timemetThe number of impressions where `Exposure time` is greater than zero.
Avg. exposure timecampaign_performance_avg_exposure_timemetThe ratio of `Exposure time` to `Impressions with exposure time`.
Ad engagementscampaign_performance_ad_engagementsmetThe number of impressions where the user interacted with the creative. For any ad format that can be closed or dismissed, doing so is not considered an interaction. This metric may be lower than expansions if the creative was configured to expand automatically.
Ad engagements ratecampaign_performance_ad_engagements_ratemetThe ratio of `Ad engagements` to `Rendered impressions`.
Website openscampaign_performance_website_opensmetThe sum of `Website opens on screen` and `Video website opens`.
App store openscampaign_performance_app_store_opensmetThe number of times the user was led to the app store.
Requested video impressionscampaign_performance_requested_video_impressionsmetThe number of ad requests for video creatives received by Celtra.
Video startscampaign_performance_video_startsmetThe number of times a video was loaded and playback began.
Video clickscampaign_performance_video_clicksmetThe number of `Video starts` in which a click occurred.
Avg. video play timecampaign_performance_avg_video_play_timemetThe ratio of `Video play time` to `Video starts`. The average amount of time (in seconds) a video has played through.
Video play timecampaign_performance_video_play_timemetThe aggregate non-overlapping time (in seconds) a video has played through.
Video consumable secondscampaign_performance_video_consumable_secondsmetThe product of `Video starts` and `Video length`.
Video consumption ratecampaign_performance_video_consumption_ratemetThe ratio of `Video play time` to `Video consumable seconds`. The average percent of video consumed.
1st quartile video completescampaign_performance_first_quartile_video_completesmetThe number of `Video starts` in which the video played for at least 25% of the duration.
2nd quartile video completescampaign_performance_mid_quartile_video_completesmetThe number of `Video starts` in which the video played for at least 50% of the duration.
3rd quartile video completescampaign_performance_third_quartile_video_completesmetThe number of `Video starts` in which the video played for at least 75% of the duration.
Video completescampaign_performance_video_completesmetThe number of `Video starts` in which the video was fully played.
Video completion ratecampaign_performance_video_completion_ratemetThe ratio of `Video completes` to `Video starts`. The percentage of Video starts in which the video was fully played.
End card engagementscampaign_performance_end_card_engagementsmetThe number of impressions where the user interacted with the end card of the Video format.
Video website openscampaign_performance_website_opens_on_videometThe number of times the user was led to an external website, for Video.
Video CTRcampaign_performance_video_clicks_ratemetThe ratio of `Video clicks` to `Video starts`.
End card clickthroughscampaign_performance_end_card_clickthroughsmetThe number of `Video completes` in which a clickthrough occurred on the end card.
End card CTRcampaign_performance_end_card_ctrmetThe ratio of `End card clickthroughs` to `Video completes`.
Inline video first quarter viewscampaign_performance_inline_video_firstmetThe number of `Inline video starts` in which the inline video played through the first `Quarter marker` of the video.
Inline video second quarter viewscampaign_performance_inline_video_secondmetThe number of times inline video played through a specific 'second marker' of the video, unique per Video play. Break down by the `Second marker` dimension to display per-second video attention.
Inline video third quarter viewscampaign_performance_inline_video_thirdmetThe number of `Inline video starts` in which the inline video played through the third `Quarter marker` of the video.
Inline video fourth quarter viewscampaign_performance_inline_video_fourthmetThe number of `Inline video starts` in which the video played through the fourth `Quarter marker` of the video.
Facebook page likescampaign_performance_facebook_likesmetThe number of page likes attributed to your ads.
Facebook impressionscampaign_performance_facebook_impressionsmetThe number of times ad seen on screen.
Facebook clickscampaign_performance_facebook_clicksmetThe number of clicks on your ads.
Facebook post engagementscampaign_performance_facebook_post_engagementsmetThe number of comments, clicks, shares, views etc.
Facebook post reactionscampaign_performance_facebook_post_reactionsmetThe number of reactions people had to your ads.
Facebook page engagementscampaign_performance_facebook_page_engagementsmetThe number of interactions with the page and its posts.
Facebook link clickscampaign_performance_facebook_link_clicksmetThe number of clicks on any area of the ad.
Facebook video fifteen seconds playedcampaign_performance_facebook_video_fifteen_seconds_playedmetThe number of times video was played for an aggregate of at least 15 seconds, or for nearly its length, whichever happened first.
Facebook 1st quartile video viewscampaign_performance_facebook_first_quartile_video_viewsmetThe number of times video was played at 25% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Facebook 2nd quartile video viewscampaign_performance_facebook_midpoint_quartile_video_viewsmetThe number of times video was played at 50% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Facebook 3rd quartile video viewscampaign_performance_facebook_third_quartile_video_viewsmetThe number of times video was played at 75% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Facebook completionscampaign_performance_facebook_completionsmetThe number of times video was played at 100% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Facebook desktop app installscampaign_performance_facebook_desktop_app_installsmetThe number of desktop app installs.
Facebook app installscampaign_performance_facebook_omni_app_installsmetThe number of omni app installs.
Facebook desktop app usescampaign_performance_facebook_desktop_app_usesmetThe number of desktop app uses.
Facebook post commentscampaign_performance_facebook_post_commentsmetThe number of post comments.
Facebook landing page viewscampaign_performance_facebook_landing_page_viewsmetThe number of landing page views.
Facebook mobile app installscampaign_performance_facebook_mobile_app_installsmetThe number of mobile app installs.
Facebook outbound clickscampaign_performance_facebook_outbound_clicksmetThe number of facebook outbound clicks.
Facebook post sharescampaign_performance_facebook_post_sharesmetThe number of facebook post shares.
Facebook app custom eventscampaign_performance_facebook_app_custom_eventsmetThe number of facebook app custom events.
Twitter impressionscampaign_performance_twitter_impressionsmetThe number of Twitter ad impressions.
Twitter engagementscampaign_performance_twitter_engagementsmetThe number of Twitter ad engagements.
Twitter clickscampaign_performance_twitter_clicksmetThe number of Twitter ad clicks.
Twitter retweetscampaign_performance_twitter_retweetsmetThe number of Twitter ad retweets.
Twitter repliescampaign_performance_twitter_repliesmetThe number of Twitter ad replies.
Twitter followscampaign_performance_twitter_followsmetThe number of Twitter follows.
Twitter likescampaign_performance_twitter_likesmetThe number of Twitter ad likes.
Twitter app clickscampaign_performance_twitter_app_clicksmetThe number of Twitter app clicks.
Twitter video viewscampaign_performance_twitter_video_viewsmetThe number of Twitter ad video views.
Twitter video startscampaign_performance_twitter_video_startsmetThe number of Twitter ad video starts.
Twitter 1st quartile viewscampaign_performance_twitter_first_quartile_viewsmetThe number of Twitter ad video first quartile views.
Twitter 2nd quartile viewscampaign_performance_twitter_midpoint_quartile_viewsmetThe number of Twitter ad video midpoint quartile views.
Twitter 3r quartile viewscampaign_performance_twitter_third_quartile_viewsmetThe number of Twitter ad video first quartile views.
Twitter video completionscampaign_performance_twitter_video_completionsmetThe number of Twitter ad video completions.
Snapchat impressionscampaign_performance_snapchat_impressionsmetThe number of Snapchat impressions.
Snapchat video viewscampaign_performance_snapchat_video_viewsmetThe number of Snapchat impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap.
Snapchat video view ratecampaign_performance_snapchat_video_view_ratemetThe ratio of `Snapchat video views` to `Snapchat impressions`.
Snapchat swipe upscampaign_performance_snapchat_swipe_upsmetThe number of Snapchat swipe ups.
Snapchat swipe up ratecampaign_performance_snapchat_swipe_up_ratemetThe ratio of `Snapchat swipe ups` to `Snapchat impressions`.
Snapchat screen timecampaign_performance_snapchat_screen_timemetThe time spent on Top Snap ad (in milliseconds).
Snapchat avg. screen timecampaign_performance_snapchat_avg_screen_timemetThe ratio of `Snapchat screen time` to `Snapchat impressions`. The average time spent on Top Snap ad (in milliseconds).
Snapchat 25% quartilecampaign_performance_snapchat_first_quartile_viewsmetThe number of `Snapchat video views` to 25%.
Snapchat 50% quartilecampaign_performance_snapchat_midpoint_quartile_viewsmetThe number of `Snapchat video views` to 50%.
Snapchat 75% quartilecampaign_performance_snapchat_third_quartile_viewsmetThe number of `Snapchat video views` to 75%.
Snapchat completionscampaign_performance_snapchat_completionsmetThe number of `Snapchat video views` to completion.
Snapchat 25% quartile ratecampaign_performance_snapchat_first_quartile_ratemetThe ratio of `Snapchat 25% quartile` to `Snapchat impressions`.
Snapchat 50% quartile ratecampaign_performance_snapchat_midpoint_quartile_ratemetThe ratio of `Snapchat 50% quartile` to `Snapchat impressions`.
Snapchat 75% quartile ratecampaign_performance_snapchat_third_quartile_ratemetThe ratio of `Snapchat 75% quartile` to `Snapchat impressions`.
Snapchat video completion ratecampaign_performance_snapchat_video_completion_ratemetThe ratio of `Snapchat completions` to `Snapchat impressions`.
Snapchat spendcampaign_performance_snapchat_spendmetThe amount spent on Snapchat (in micro-currency).
Snapchat uniquescampaign_performance_snapchat_uniquesmetThe number of unique impressions. Can only be provided in combination with `Snapchat ad ID` dimension.
Snapchat attachment uniquescampaign_performance_snapchat_attachment_uniquesmetThe number of unique attachment impressions. Can only be provided in combination with `Snapchat ad ID` dimension. Available for any ad type with attachment.
Snapchat installscampaign_performance_snapchat_installsmetThe number of app installs. Available only for ads with APP_INSTALL attachment.
Snapchat IOS installscampaign_performance_snapchat_ios_installsmetThe number of iOS app installs. Available only for ads with APP_INSTALL attachment.
Snapchat 25% attachment quartilecampaign_performance_snapchat_attachment_first_quartile_viewsmetThe number of long form video views to 25%. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment.
Snapchat 50% attachment quartilecampaign_performance_snapchat_attachment_midpoint_quartile_viewsmetThe number of long form video views to 50%. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment.
Snapchat 75% attachment quartilecampaign_performance_snapchat_attachment_third_quartile_viewsmetThe number of long form video views to 75%. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment.
Snapchat attachment completionscampaign_performance_snapchat_attachment_completionsmetThe number of long form video views to completion. Available only for ads with LONGFORM_VIDEO attachment.