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Field list for Google Ads

150 metrics and 608 dimensions available

Year & monthYearmonthdim
Year & week (Mon-Sun)Yearweekdim
Year & week (Sun-Sat)Yearweeksunsatdim
Month nameMonthnamedim
Week (Mon-Sun)Weekdim
Week (Sun-Sat)weekSunSatdim
Week (Mon-Sun, dates)yearweekiso_daterangedim
Day of monthdayOfMonthdim
Day of weekDayofweekWithNumdim
ACCOUNTAccount nameAccountnamedim
Account IDprofileiddim
Account edit linkaccount_edit_linkdimLink to edit the Google Ads account
Company nameClientcompanynamedim
Currency codeCurrencycodedim
Time zoneTimezonedim
Network (with search partners)Networkwithsearchpartnersdim
CAMPAIGNCampaign nameCampaignnamedim
Campaign IDCampaignIDdimThe ID of the Campaign
Campaign statusCampaignstatusdim
Campaign primary statusCampaignPrimaryStatusdimThe primary status of the campaign
Campaign primary status reasonsCampaignPrimaryStatusReasonsdimThe primary status reasons of the campaign
Campaign excluded parent asset set typesCampaignExcludedParentAssetSetTypesdimThe asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign
Campaign edit linkcampaign_edit_linkdimLink to edit the campaign in Google Ads
Serving statusCampaignServingStatusdim
Bid strategy statusCampaignBidStrategyStatusdimThe system status of the campaign's bidding strategy
Advertising channel typeAdvertisingChannelTypedim
Advertising channel sub-typeAdvertisingChannelSubTypedim
Start dateStartDatedim
End dateEndDatedim
Bidding strategyBiddingstrategydim
Bidding strategy IDBiddingstrategyIDdimThe ID of the BiddingStrategyConfiguration
Bidding strategy typeBiddingstrategyTypedim
Bid modifierBidModifierdimThe bid modifier. To filter by this field, use values greater than 0.1 and less than or equal to 10
Desktop bid modifierCampaignDesktopBidModifierdimDesktop bid modifier override at the campaign level
Mobile bid modifierCampaignMobileBidModifierdimMobile bid modifier of the campaign. To filter by this field, use values greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1
Tablet bid modifierCampaignTabletBidModifierdim
Enhanced CPC enabledEnhancedCPCenableddim
Final URL suffixFinalUrlSuffixdimURL template for appending params to final URL
Optimization score (%)OptimizationScoredimEstimate of how well a campaign is set to perform. It ranges from 0% to 100%, with 100% indicating that the campaign is performing at full potential. This field is null for unscored campaigns
APP CAMPAIGNApp campaign app IDcampaignAppIddimThe ID of the app
App campaign app storecampaignAppStoredimThe store name of the app
App campaign bidding strategy goal typecampaignAppBiddingStrategyGoalTypedimThe bidding strategy goal type of the app
LOCAL CAMPAIGNLocation source typelocationSourceTypedimThe location source type for this local campaign
BUDGETBudget nameBudgetNamedim
Budget IDBudgetIDdimThe ID of the Budget
Configured budget amountConfiguredBudgetdimThe configured daily budget amount
Budget statusBudgetStatusdim
Budget periodBudgetPerioddimPeriod over which to spend the budget
Budget delivery methodBudgetDeliveryMethoddimBudget delivery method. Determines the rate at which the budget is spent
Is shared budgetIsBudgetExplicitlyShareddim
Number of associated campaignsBudgetReferenceCountdim
Aligned bidding strategy IDAlignedBiddingStrategyIddimID of the portfolio bidding strategy that this shared campaign budget is aligned with
Budget-campaign association statusBudgetCampaignAssociationStatusdim
Bidding strategy aligned campaign budget IDBiddingStrategyAlignedCampaignBudgetIddimID of the campaign budget that this portfolio bidding strategy is aligned with
RESPONSIVE SEARCHResponsive search ad headline 1ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline1dimFirst text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 2ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline2dimSecond text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 3ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline3dimThird text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 4ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline4dimFourth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 5ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline5dimFifth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 6ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline6dimSixth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 7ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline7dimSeventh text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 8ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline8dimEighth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 9ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline9dimNinth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 10ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline10dimTenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 11ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline11dimEleventh text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 12ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline12dimTwelfth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 13ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline13dimThirteenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 14ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline14dimFourteenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 15ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline15dimFifteenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad description 1ResponsiveSearchAdDescription1dimFirst text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 2ResponsiveSearchAdDescription2dimSecond text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 3ResponsiveSearchAdDescription3dimThird text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 4ResponsiveSearchAdDescription4dimFourth text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 5ResponsiveSearchAdDescription5dimFifth text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad path 1ResponsiveSearchAdPath1dimFirst part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad
Responsive search ad path 2ResponsiveSearchAdPath2dimSecond part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad
AD GROUPAd group nameAdgroupnamedimThe name of the AdGroup
Ad group IDAdgroupIDdimThe ID of the AdGroup
Ad group typeAdGroupTypedim
Ad group statusAdgroupstatusdim
Ad group excluded parent asset set typesAdGroupExcludedParentAssetSetTypesdimThe asset set types that should be excluded from the ad group
Ad group edit linkad_group_edit_linkdimLink to edit the ad group in Google Ads
Max CPA (1-per-click)MaxCPA1perclickdim
Max CPC (micro)MaxCPCdim
Max CPC (currency)MaxCPCCurrencydim
Max CPMMaxCPMdim
Desktop bid modifierAdGroupDesktopBidModifierdimDesktop bid modifier override at the ad group level
Mobile bid modifierAdGroupMobileBidModifierdimMobile bid modifier override at ad group level
Tablet bid modifierAdGroupTabletBidModifierdim
Headline 1 (Multi asset)AdHeadline1dimFirst headline text asset of the ad
Headline 2 (Multi asset)AdHeadline2dimSecond headline text asset of the ad
Headline 3 (Multi asset)AdHeadline3dimThird headline text asset of the ad
Headline 4 (Multi asset)AdHeadline4dimFourth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 5 (Multi asset)AdHeadline5dimFifth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 6 (Multi asset)AdHeadline6dimSixth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 7 (Multi asset)AdHeadline7dimSeventh headline text asset of the ad
Headline 8 (Multi asset)AdHeadline8dimEighth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 9 (Multi asset)AdHeadline9dimNinth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 10 (Multi asset)AdHeadline10dimTenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 11 (Multi asset)AdHeadline11dimEleventh headline text asset of the ad
Headline 12 (Multi asset)AdHeadline12dimTwelfth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 13 (Multi asset)AdHeadline13dimThirteenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 14 (Multi asset)AdHeadline14dimFourteenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 15 (Multi asset)AdHeadline15dimFifteenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline part 1HeadlinePart1dimThe first part of an expanded text ad headline
Headline part 2HeadlinePart2dimThe second part of an expanded text ad headline
Headline part 3HeadlinePart3dimThe third part of an expanded text ad headline
Long headlineLongHeadlinedimThe long format of the headline in a responsive display ad
Short headlineShortHeadlinedimThe short format of the headline in a responsive display ad
Path 1Path1dimThe text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for an expanded text ad
Path 2Path2dimIn addition to "Path1", more text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for an expanded text ad
DescriptionDescriptiondimThe descriptive text of an expanded text ad or responsive display ad
Description 1Description1dimLine 1 description of the Ad
Description 2Description2dimLine 2 description of the Ad
Expanded text ad description 1TextAdDescription1dimThe description 1 of the expanded text ad
Expanded text ad description 2TextAdDescription2dimThe description 2 of the expanded text ad
Business nameAdBusinessNamedimBusiness/advertiser/brand name in the ad
Call to action textAdCallToActionTextdimThe call-to-action text for the ad
Ad IDAdIDdimThe ID of the Ad. This field may contain IDs of ads that are not supported in the report request's API version
Ad typeAdtypedim
Ad statusAdstatusdim
Ad strengthad_strengthdimOverall ad strength of this ad or asset group
Ad approval statusAdapprovalstatusdim
System serving statusSystemServingStatusdimServing status of the criterion, either ELIGIBLE or RARELY_SERVED
Effective final URLeffectiveFinalURLdimEffective final URL of the impressions. Uses Expanded landing page view data
Unexpanded effective final URLUnexpandedEffectiveFinalUrldimUnexpanded effective final URL of the impressions. Uses Landing page view data
Effective tracking URL templateeffectiveTrackingURLTemplatedimThe URL template used for constructing the tracking URL
Final URLfinalURLdimFinal URL of the impressions
Display URLDisplayURLdim
Final mobile URLFinalMobileUrlsdimList of final mobile URLs of the main object of this row
Tracking URL templateTrackingUrlTemplatedimTracking template of the main object of this row
Custom URL parametersCustomUrlParametersdim
Image ad nameImageadnamedim
Image ad URLImageadURLdim
Image heightImageCreativeImageHeightdimThe height of the image ad. For other ad types, this will have no values
Image widthImageCreativeImageWidthdimThe width of the image ad. For other ad types, this will have no values
Device preferenceDevicePreferencedim
AutomatedAutomateddimIndicates if this ad is automatically created by Google Ads
Description 1 (Multi asset)AdDescription1dimFirst descriptive text of the ad
Description 2 (Multi asset)AdDescription2dimSecond descriptive text of the ad
Description 3 (Multi asset)AdDescription3dimThird descriptive text of the ad
Description 4 (Multi asset)AdDescription4dimFourth descriptive text of the ad
Description 5 (Multi asset)AdDescription5dimFifth descriptive text of the ad
Source (utm)utm_sourcedimValue of the utm_source parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Medium (utm)utm_mediumdimValue of the utm_medium parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Campaign (utm)utm_campaigndimValue of the utm_campaign parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Term (utm)utm_termdimValue of the utm_term parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Content (utm)utm_contentdimValue of the utm_content parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
AD EXTENSIONExtension typePlaceholderTypedimPlaceholder type indicating the type of extension
Attribute valuesAttributeValuesdimThe FeedItem's attribute values
Action targetisSelfActiondim
Extension statusItemStatusdim
Feed IDFeedIDdimThe Feed ID
Feed item IDFeedItemIDdimThe FeedItem ID
KEYWORDKeyword textKeyworddimKeyword that matched the query and triggered the ad
All networks keywordsKeywordsAllNetworksdimDescriptive string for the keyword criterion. What exactly it represents will depend on the report used, for example, it may be a keyword, negative keyword, keyword placement, and others
Match typeMatchtypedim
Keyword IDKeywordIDdimThe ID of the Keyword that triggered the ad
Keyword statusKeywordstatusdim
Quality scoreQualityscoredim
Creative quality scoreCreativeQualityScoredim
Post-click quality scorePostClickQualityScoredim
Search predicted CTRSearchPredictedCtrdim
First page CPCFirstpageCPCdimEstimate of the CPC bid required in order to show your ad on the first page of search results
Top of page CPCTopOfPageCpcdimEstimate of the CPC bid required in order to show your ad on the top of the first page of search results
First position CPCFirstPositionCpcdimEstimate of the amount you might need to pay for your ad to be displayed in the first position at the top of the first page of Google search results
Estimated added clicks per week at first position CPCEstimatedAddClicksAtFirstPositionCpcdim
Estimated added cost per week at first position CPCEstimatedAddCostAtFirstPositionCpcdim
Is negativeIsnegativedim
Matched search termSearchtermdim
Branded vs. non-branded search queriesbranded_vs_nonbrandeddimCategorises search queries into branded or non-branded. You can specify your own brand terms in the settings
Query targeting statusQueryTargetingStatusdimIndicates whether the search term is currently one of your targeted or excluded keywords
QUALITY SCOREHistorical search predicted CTR (text)HistoricalSearchPredictedCtrdim
Historical landing page quality score (text)HistoricalLandingPageQualityScoredim
Historical creative quality score (text)HistoricalCreativeQualityScoredim
ORGANICSearch result typeSerpTypedim
PLACEMENTPlacement URLPlacementURLdimThe URL name for websites, YouTube video name for YouTube videos, and translated mobile app name for mobile apps
Group placement URLGroupPlacementURLdimDomain name for websites and YouTube channel name for YouTube channels. Uses group_placement_view report
DomainDomaindimThe domain of the URL (placement) where the impression was shown
Placement statusPlacementstatusdim
LABELSCampaign labelscampaignlabelsdim
Ad group labelsadgrouplabelsdim
Ad labelsadlabelsdim
Keyword labelskeywordlabelsdim
Labels (level determined automatically)LabelsdimList of label names for the main object of this row
CLICKClick typeClicktypedim
Google Click ID (GCLID)GclIddim
Google results page #pagedimPage number in search results where the ad was shown
CONVERSIONSConversion categoryConversionCategorydimA category that describes the action the user will take to complete a conversion. Prevents zero-conversion rows from being returned
Conversion typeConversionTypeNamedimThe name of the conversion type. Prevents zero-conversion rows from being returned
Conversion tracker IDConversionTrackerIDdimID of the conversion tracker
External conversion sourceExternalConversionSourcedim
Primary for goalPrimaryForGoaldimIf a conversion action's 'Primary for goal' bit is FALSE, the conversion action is non-biddable for all campaigns regardless of their customer conversion goal or campaign conversion goal. However, custom conversion goals do not respect primary_for_goal
VIDEOVideo titleVideoTitledimThe video title
Link to videoVideoURLdim
Video IDVideoIDdimThe video ID
Link to channelVideoChannelURLdim
Channel IDVideoChannelIDdimThe video channel ID
Video durationVideoDurationdimThe duration of the video in milliseconds
CALLSCall statusCallStatusdim
Call sourceCallSourcedim
Call typeCallTypedim
Call durationCallDurationdim
Caller country codeCallerCountryCallingCodedimCountry code of the caller
Caller area codeCallerNationalDesignatedCodedimArea code of the caller
Call start timeCallStartTimedimThe start date and time of the call
Call end timeCallEndTimedimThe end date and time of the call
Audience IDAudienceIDdim
Audience statusAudienceStatusdim
SHOPPING CAMPAIGNSBrandBranddimThe ProductBrand value of the product
Store IDStoreIddimStore ID of the product
Offer IDOfferIddimOffer/item ID of the product
Merchant IDMerchantIddimID of the Google Merchant Center account associated with the products being advertised
Feed labelFeedLabeldimFeed label of products included in the campaign. Only one of Feed label or Sales country can be set. If used instead of Sales country, the Feed label field returns country codes in the same format for example: 'XX'. Otherwise can be any string used for feed label in Google Merchant Center
Campaign priorityCampaignPrioritydimPriority of the campaign. Campaigns with numerically higher priorities take precedence over those with lower priorities
Enable localEnableLocaldimWhether local products is included
Vehicle inventoryVehicleInventorydimWhether Vehicle Listing inventory is targeted
Category (1st level)CategoryL1dim
Category (2nd level)CategoryL2dim
Category (3rd level)CategoryL3dim
Category (4th level)CategoryL4dim
Category (5th level)CategoryL5dim
Product titleProductTitledim
Product type (1st level)ProductTypeL1dim
Product type (2nd level)ProductTypeL2dim
Product type (3rd level)ProductTypeL3dim
Product type (4th level)ProductTypeL4dim
Product type (5th level)ProductTypeL5dim
Product conditionProductConditiondim
Custom label 0CustomAttribute0dimThe ProductCustomAttribute level 0 value of the product
Custom label 1CustomAttribute1dimThe ProductCustomAttribute level 1 value of the product
Custom label 2CustomAttribute2dimThe ProductCustomAttribute level 2 value of the product
Custom label 3CustomAttribute3dimThe ProductCustomAttribute level 3 value of the product
Custom label 4CustomAttribute4dimThe ProductCustomAttribute level 4 value of the product
LOCATIONLocation typeLocationTypedim
Is targeting locationIsTargetingLocationdim
Metro areaMetroareadim
Country codeCountryCodedimTwo-letter country code
Target locationLocationdimGeo target. E.g. country, city, postal code, municipality, district etc
Postal codePostalCodedimPostal code of target location
LANDING PAGEMobile speed scoreSpeedScoredim
MULTI ASSET RESPONSIVE DISPLAYHeadline 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline1dim
Headline 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline2dim
Headline 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline3dim
Headline 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline4dim
Headline 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline5dim
Long headline (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLongHeadlinedim
Description 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription1dim
Description 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription2dim
Description 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription3dim
Description 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription4dim
Description 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription5dim
Business name (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdBusinessNamedim
Call to action text (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdCallToActionTextdim
Promotion text (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDynamicSettingsPromoTextdim
Ad format preference (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdFormatSettingdim
Main color (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMainColordim
Accent color (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAccentColordim
Allow flexible color (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAllowFlexibleColordim
Logo URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage1dim
Logo URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage2dim
Logo URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage3dim
Logo URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage4dim
Logo URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage5dim
Landscape logo URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage1dim
Landscape logo URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage2dim
Landscape logo URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage3dim
Landscape logo URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage4dim
Landscape logo URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage5dim
Image URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage1dim
Image URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage2dim
Image URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage3dim
Image URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage4dim
Image URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage5dim
Image URL 6 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage6dim
Image URL 7 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage7dim
Image URL 8 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage8dim
Image URL 9 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage9dim
Image URL 10 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage10dim
Image URL 11 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage11dim
Image URL 12 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage12dim
Image URL 13 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage13dim
Image URL 14 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage14dim
Image URL 15 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage15dim
Square image URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage1dim
Square image URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage2dim
Square image URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage3dim
Square image URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage4dim
Square image URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage5dim
Square image URL 6 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage6dim
Square image URL 7 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage7dim
Square image URL 8 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage8dim
Square image URL 9 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage9dim
Square image URL 10 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage10dim
Square image URL 11 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage11dim
Square image URL 12 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage12dim
Square image URL 13 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage13dim
Square image URL 14 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage14dim
Square image URL 15 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage15dim
YouTube video URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo1dim
YouTube video URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo2dim
YouTube video URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo3dim
YouTube video URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo4dim
YouTube video URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo5dim
BID GOAL PERFORMANCEExternal customer IDExternalCustomerIddimThe unique identifier of the customer
Bidding strategy statusBiddingStrategyStatusdimThe status of the bidding strategy
Target CPATargetCPAdimThe current target CPA set on the Target CPA bidding strategy
Target CPA max CPC bid ceilingTargetCpaMaxCpcBidCeilingdimThe maximum CPC bid limit for the target CPA bidding strategy
Target CPA max CPC bid floorTargetCpaMaxCpcBidFloordimThe minimum CPC bid limit for the target CPA bidding strategy
Target ROASTargetROASdimThe desired revenue per unit of spend
Target ROAS (Maximize Conversion Value)MaximizeConversionValueTargetRoasdimThe target ROAS that was set for maximizing revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend
Target ROAS bid ceilingTargetRoasBidCeilingdimMaximum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the target ROAS bidding strategy configuration
Target ROAS bid floorTargetRoasBidFloordimMinimum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the target ROAS bidding strategy configuration
Target spend bid ceilingTargetSpendBidCeilingdimThe largest max CPC bid that can be set by the target spend bidding strategy configuration
Target spend spend targetTargetSpendSpendTargetdimThe spend target under which to maximize clicks
Target impression share (location)targetImpressionShareLocationdimThe targeted location on the search results page
Target impression share % (location)targetImpressionShareFractionLocationdimThe desired fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. E.g. 1% equals 10,000
Campaign countCampaignCountdimThe count of Campaign objects using the bidding strategy
Non-removed campaign countNonRemovedCampaignCountdimThe count of non-removed campaigns using the bidding strategy
CHANGE HISTORY (EARLY ACCESS)Change datechange_datedimDate when the change was applied
Change datetimechange_date_timedimDate and time when the change was applied
Change descriptionchange_descriptiondimDescription of the changes that were applied, including a list of changes done to item properties
Short change descriptionchange_description_shortdimDescription of the changes that were applied
Changed fields descriptionchange_description_fieldsdimList of changes done to item properties
Change typechange_resource_change_operationdimWhether the change was a creation, update or removal
Changed fields listchange_changed_fieldsdimList of item properties that were changed
Changed campaign namechange_campaign_namedimThe name of the campaign that was changed
Changed campaign IDchange_campaign_iddimThe ID of the campaign that was changed
Changed ad group namechange_ad_group_namedimThe name of the ad group that was changed
Changed ad group IDchange_ad_group_iddimThe ID of the ad group that was changed
User emailchange_user_emaildimGoogle Ads login email of the user who did the change
Client typechange_client_typedimWhich interface was used to make the change (such as the Google Ads API or the web UI)
Changed item IDchange_item_iddimID of the item that was changed, eg. of campaign or ad group
Changed item typechange_resource_typedimType of the item that was changed, eg. campaign or ad group
Change event IDchange_event_iddimID for the change event
ASSETSAsset field typeassetFieldTypedimRole that the asset takes in the ad
Asset statusassetStatusdimStatus of the asset
Asset primary statusassetPrimaryStatusdimPrimary status of the asset. This takes into account other signals, such as policy and quality approvals, to come up with a more comprehensive status
Asset primary status reasonsassetPrimaryStatusReasonsdimList of reasons for why an asset is not serving or not serving at full capacity
Book on Google AssetassetBookOnGoogledimA book on google asset
Asset IDassetIddimThe ID of the asset
Approval statusassetPolicySummaryApprovaldimThe overall approval status of this asset, calculated based on the status of its individual policy topic entries
Policy topic entriesassetPolicySummaryTopicsdimThe list of policy findings for this asset
Review statusassetPolicySummaryReviewdimWhere in the review process this asset is
Asset typeassetTypedimType of the asset
Final mobile URL (Assets)assetFinalMobileUrldimThe first final mobile URL after all cross domain redirects
Final URL suffix (Assets)assetFinalUrlSuffixdimURL template for appending params to landing page URLs served with parallel tracking
Final URL (Assets)assetFinalUrldimThe first possible final URL after all cross domain redirects
Asset nameassetNamedimOptional name of the asset
Resource name (Assets)assetResourceNamedimThe resource name of the asset
Asset sourceassetSourcedimSource of the asset
Tracking URL template (Assets)assetTrackingUrlTemplatedimURL template for constructing a tracking URL
URL custom parametersassetUrlCustomParametersdimA list of mappings to be used for substituting URL custom parameter tags in the tracking_url_template, final_urls, and/or final_mobile_urls
Asset performanceassetPerformanceLabeldimThe performance of this asset
Interaction target asset resourceassetInteractionTargetAssetRawdimResource name of the interaction target asset
ASSET GROUPAsset group IDassetGroupIddimID of the asset group
Asset group nameassetGroupNamedimName of the asset group
Asset group statusassetGroupStatusdimStatus of the asset group
CALL ASSETSAd schedule targets (Call assets)assetCallAdScheduleTargetsdimList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total
Call conversion actionassetCallCallConversionActiondimThis field only has effect if the Call conversion reporting state is set to Use resource level call conversion action
Call conversion reporting stateassetCallConversionReportingStatedimIndicates whether this CallAsset should use its own call conversion setting, follow the account level setting, or disable call conversion
Phone number's country codeassetCallCountryCodedimTwo-letter country code of the phone number. Examples: 'US', 'us'
Phone numberassetCallPhoneNumberdimThe advertiser's raw phone number Examples: '1234567890', '(123)456-7890'
CALL TO ACTION ASSETSCall to actionassetCallToActiondimCall to action
CALLOUT ASSETSAd schedule targets (Callout assets)assetCalloutAdScheduleTargetsdimList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve
Callout textassetCalloutTextdimThe callout text
End date (Callout assets)assetCalloutEndDatedimLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Start date (Callout assets)assetCalloutStartDatedimStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
DEMAND GEN CAROUSEL CARD ASSETSCall to action text (Demand gen carousel card assets)assetDiscoveryCarouselCallToActiondimCall to action text
Carousel card headlineassetDiscoveryCarouselHeadlinedimHeadline of the carousel card
Marketing image assetassetDiscoveryCarouselImageAssetdimAsset resource name of the associated 1.91:1 marketing image
Portrait marketing image assetassetDiscoveryCarouselPortraitImageAssetdimAsset resource name of the associated 4:5 portrait marketing image
Square marketing image assetassetDiscoveryCarouselSquareImageAssetdimAsset resource name of the associated square marketing image
DYNAMIC CUSTOM ASSETSAndroid deep link (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Contextual keywords (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomContextualKeywordsdimContextual keywords, for example, Sedans, 4 door sedans
Formatted price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomFormattedPricedimFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $20,000.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomFormattedSalePricedimFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $15,000.00
Dynamic custom asset IDassetCustomIddimUnique ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag, for example, sedan
Dynamic custom asset ID2assetCustomId2dimID2 which can be any sequence of letters and digits, for example, red
Image URL (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomImageUrldimImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Item addressassetCustomItemAddressdimItem address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Item categoryassetCustomItemCategorydimItem category, for example, Sedans
Item descriptionassetCustomItemDescriptiondimItem description, for example, Best selling mid-size car
Item subtitleassetCustomItemSubtitledimItem subtitle, for example, At your Mountain View dealership
Item titleassetCustomItemTitledimItem title, for example, Mid-size sedan
Price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomPricedimPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 20,000.00 USD
Sale price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomSalePricedimSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 15,000.00 USD
Similar IDsassetCustomSimilarIdsdimSimilar IDs
DYNAMIC EDUCATION ASSETSSchool addressassetEducationAddressdimSchool address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Android deep link (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Contextual keywords (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationContextualKeywordsdimContextual keywords, for example, Nursing certification, Health, Mountain View
Image URL (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationImageUrldimImage url, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Location ID (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationLocationIddimUnique location ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits
Program descriptionassetEducationProgramDescriptiondimProgram description, for example, Nursing Certification
Program IDassetEducationProgramIddimUnique program ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Program nameassetEducationProgramNamedimProgram name, for example, Nursing
School nameassetEducationSchoolNamedimSchool name, for example, Mountain View School of Nursing
Similar program IDsassetEducationSimilarProgramIdsdimSimilar program IDs
SubjectassetEducationSubjectdimSubject of study, for example, Health
Thumbnail image URL (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationThumbnailImageUrldimThumbnail image url, for example,
DYNAMIC FLIGHTS ASSETSAndroid deep link (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Custom mappingassetFlightsCustomMappingdimA custom field which can be multiple key to values mapping. For example, wifi: most | aircraft: 320, 77W | flights: 42 | legroom: 32
Destination ID (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsDestinationIddimUnique destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Destination name (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsDestinationNamedimDestination name, for example, Paris
Flight descriptionassetFlightsDescriptiondimFlight description, for example, Book your ticket
Flight priceassetFlightsPricedimFlight price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Flight sale priceassetFlightsSalePricedimFlight sale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD
Formatted price (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsFormattedPricedimFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsFormattedSalePricedimFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsImageUrldimImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Origin ID (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsOriginIddimOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique
Origin name (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsOriginNamedimOrigin name, for example, London
Similar destination IDs (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsSimilarDestinationIdsdimSimilar destination IDs, for example, PAR,LON
DYNAMIC HOTELS AND RENTALS ASSETSAddress (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsAddressdimAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Android deep link (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Category (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsCategorydimCategory, for example, Hotel suite
Contextual keywords (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsContextualKeywordsdimContextual keywords, for example, Mountain View "Hotels", South Bay hotels
Description (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsDescriptiondimDescription, for example, Close to SJC Airport
Destination name (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsDestinationNamedimDestination name, for example, Downtown Mountain View
Formatted price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsFormattedPricedimFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsFormattedSalePricedimFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsImageUrldimImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsPricedimPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Property IDassetHotelsPropertyIddimUnique property ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Property nameassetHotelsPropertyNamedimProperty name, for example, Mountain View Hotel
Sale price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsSalePricedimISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD
Similar property IDsassetHotelsSimilarPropertyIdsdimSimilar property IDs
Star ratingassetHotelsStarRatingdimStar rating. A number between 1 to 5
DYNAMIC JOBS ASSETSAddress (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsAddressdimAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Android deep link (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Contextual keywords (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsContextualKeywordsdimContextual keywords, for example, Software engineering job
Description (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsDescriptiondimDescription, for example, Apply your technical skills
Image URL (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsImageUrldimImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Job categoryassetJobsCategorydimJob category, for example, Technical
Job IDassetJobsJobIddimUnique job ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Job subtitleassetJobsJobSubtitledimJob subtitle, for example, Level II
Job titleassetJobsJobTitledimJob title, for example, Software engineer
Location ID (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsLocationIddimUnique location ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits
SalaryassetJobsSalarydimSalary, for example, $100,000
Similar job IDsassetJobsSimilarJobIdsdimSimilar job IDs, for example, 1275
DYNAMIC LOCAL ASSETSAddress (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalAddressdimAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Android deep link (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Category (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalCategorydimCategory, for example, Food
Contextual keywords (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalContextualKeywordsdimContextual keywords, for example, Save groceries coupons
Deal IDassetLocalDealIddimUnique deal ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Deal nameassetLocalDealNamedimDeal name, for example, 50% off at Mountain View Grocers
Description (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalDescriptiondimDescription, for example, Save on your weekly bill
Formatted price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalFormattedPricedimFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalFormattedSalePricedimFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalImageUrldimImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalPricedimPrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Sale price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalSalePricedimSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field
Similar deal IDsassetLocalSimilarDealIdsdimSimilar deal IDs, for example, 1275
Subtitle (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalSubtitledimSubtitle, for example, Groceries
DYNAMIC REAL ESTATE ASSETSAddress (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateAddressdimAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Android deep link (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
City nameassetRealEstateCityNamedimCity name, for example, Mountain View, California
Contextual keywords (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateContextualKeywordsdimContextual keywords, for example, For sale; Houses for sale
Description (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateDescriptiondimDescription, for example, 3 beds, 2 baths, 1568 sq. ft
Formatted price (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateFormattedPricedimFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $200,000.00
Image URL (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateImageUrldimImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Listing IDassetRealEstateListingIddimUnique listing ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Listing nameassetRealEstateListingNamedimListing name, for example, Boulevard Bungalow
Listing typeassetRealEstateListingTypedimListing type, for example, For sale
Price (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstatePricedimPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 200,000.00 USD
Property typeassetRealEstatePropertyTypedimProperty type, for example, House
Similar listing IDsassetRealEstateSimilarListingIdsdimSimilar listing IDs
DYNAMIC TRAVEL ASSETSAndroid deep link (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelAndroidAppLinkdimAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Category (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelCategorydimCategory, for example, Express
Contextual keywords (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelContextualKeywordsdimContextual keywords, for example, Paris trains
Destination addressassetTravelDestinationAddressdimDestination address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Destination ID (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelDestinationIddimUnique destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Destination nameassetTravelDestinationNamedimDestination name, for example, Paris
Formatted price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelFormattedPricedimFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelFormattedSalePricedimFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelImageUrldimImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelIosAppLinkdimiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelIosAppStoreIddimiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Origin ID (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelOriginIddimOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique
Origin name (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelOriginNamedimOrigin name, for example, London
Price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelPricedimPrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Sale price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelSalePricedimSale price which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field
Similar destination IDs (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelSimilarDestinationIdsdimSimilar destination IDs, for example, NYC
Title (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelTitledimTitle, for example, Book your train ticket
HOTEL CALLOUT ASSETSLanguage code (Hotel callout assets)assetHotelCalloutLanguageCodedimThe language of the hotel callout. Represented as BCP 47 language tag
Text (Hotel callout assets)assetHotelCalloutTextdimThe text of the hotel callout asset
IMAGE ASSETSFile sizeassetImageFileSizedimFile size of the image asset in bytes
Image height (Image assets)assetImageFullSizeHeightPixelsdimHeight of the image in pixels
Full size image URLassetImageFullSizeUrldimA URL that returns the full size image
Image width (Image assets)assetImageFullSizeWidthPixelsdimWidth of the image in pixels
MIME typeassetImageMimeTypedimMIME type of the image asset
LEAD FORM ASSETSBackground image assetassetLeadFormAssetBackgroundImagedimAsset resource name of the background image
Lead form asset business nameassetLeadFormBusinessNamedimThe name of the business being advertised
Call to action descriptionassetLeadFormCallToActionDescriptiondimText giving a clear value proposition of what users expect once they expand the form
Call to action typeassetLeadFormCallToActionTypedimPre-defined display text that encourages user to expand the form
Custom disclosureassetLeadFormCustomDisclosuredimCustom disclosure shown along with Google disclaimer on the lead form. Accessible to allowed customers only
Custom question fieldsassetLeadFormCustomQuestionFieldsdimOrdered list of custom question fields
Delivery methodsassetLeadFormDeliveryMethodsdimConfigured methods for collected lead data to be delivered to advertiser
Description (Lead form assets)assetLeadFormDescriptiondimDetailed description of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating
Desired intentassetLeadFormDesiredIntentdimChosen intent for the lead form, for example, more volume or more qualified
FieldsassetLeadFormFieldsdimOrdered list of input fields
Headline (Lead form assets)assetLeadFormHeadlinedimHeadline of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating
Post submit call to action typeassetLeadFormPostSubmitCallToActionTypedimPre-defined display text that encourages user action after the form is submitted
Post submit descriptionassetLeadFormPostSubmitDescriptiondimDetailed description shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user
Post submit headlineassetLeadFormPostSubmitHeadlinedimHeadline of text shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user
Privacy policy URLassetLeadFormPrivacyPolicyUrldimLink to a page describing the policy on how the collected data is handled by the advertiser/business
LOCATION ASSETSAsset location ownership typeAssetLocationOwnershipTypedimThe type of location ownership
Asset place IDAssetPlaceIddimPlace IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps
Enable customer level location asset setEnableCustomerLevelLocationAssetSetdimDenotes that the latest customer level asset set is used for targeting
MOBILE APP ASSETSApp ID (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppAppIddimA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application. It should just contain the platform native id, like "" for Android or "12345689" for iOS
App store (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppAppStoredimThe application store that distributes this specific app
End date (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppEndDatedimLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Link text (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppLinkTextdimThe visible text displayed when the link is rendered in an ad
Start date (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppStartDatedimStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
PAGE FEED ASSETSLabelsassetPageFeedLabelsdimLabels used to group the page urls
Page URLassetPageFeedPageUrldimThe webpage that advertisers want to target
PRICE ASSETSLanguage code (Price assets)assetPriceLanguageCodedimThe language of the price asset. Represented as BCP 47 language tag
Price offeringsassetPricePriceOfferingsdimThe price offerings of the price asset
Price qualifierassetPricePriceQualifierdimThe price qualifier of the price asset
Price asset typeassetPriceTypedimThe type of the price asset
PROMOTION ASSETSAd schedule targets (Promotion assets)assetPromotionAdScheduleTargetsdimList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve
Discount modifierassetPromotionDiscountModifierdimA modifier for qualification of the discount
End date (Promotion assets)assetPromotionEndDatedimLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Language code (Promotion assets)assetPromotionLanguageCodedimThe language of the promotion. Represented as BCP 47 language tag
Amount (Money amount off)assetPromotionMoneyAmountOffAmountdimAmount off discount in the promotion
Currency code (Money amount off)assetPromotionMoneyAmountOffCurrencyCodedimThree-character ISO 4217 currency code
OccasionassetPromotionOccasiondimThe occasion the promotion was intended for
Amount (Orders over amount)assetPromotionOrdersOverAmountAmountMicrosdimAmount over which the promotion is available
Currency code (Orders over amount)assetPromotionOrdersOverAmountCurrencyCodedimThree-character ISO 4217 currency code
Percent offassetPromotionPercentOffdimPercentage off discount in the promotion
Promotion codeassetPromotionPromotionCodedimA code the user used in order to be eligible for the promotion
Promotion targetassetPromotionPromotionTargetdimA freeform description of what the promotion is targeting
Redemption end dateassetPromotionRedemptionEndDatedimLast date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed
Redemption start dateassetPromotionRedemptionStartDatedimStart date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed
Start date (Promotion assets)assetPromotionStartDatedimStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
SITELINK ASSETSAd schedule targets (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkAdScheduleTargetsdimList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve
Description 1 (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkDescription1dimFirst line of the description for the sitelink
Description 2 (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkDescription2dimSecond line of the description for the sitelink
End date (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkEndDatedimLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Link text (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkLinkTextdimURL display text for the sitelink
Start date (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkStartDatedimStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
STRUCTURED SNIPPET ASSETSSnippet headerassetStructuredSnippetHeaderdimThe header of the snippet
Snippet valuesassetStructuredSnippetValuesdimThe values in the snippet
TEXT ASSETSText (Text assets)assetTextTextdimText content of the text asset
YOUTUBE VIDEO ASSETSYouTube video IDassetYoutubeVideoIddimYouTube video id. This is the 11 character string value used in the YouTube video URL
YouTube video URL (YouTube video assets)assetYoutubeVideoUrldimYouTube video URL
YouTube video titleassetYoutubeVideoTitledimYouTube video title
RESPONSIVE SEARCH COMBINATIONSAsset combination enabledassetCombinationEnableddimThe status between the asset combination and the latest version of the ad. If true, the asset combination is linked to the latest version of the ad. If false, it means the link once existed but has been removed and is no longer present in the latest version of the ad
Combination headline 1assetCombinationServedAssetsHeadline1dimHeadline 1 served for that combination
Combination headline 2assetCombinationServedAssetsHeadline2dimHeadline 2 served for that combination
Combination headline 3assetCombinationServedAssetsHeadline3dimHeadline 3 served for that combination
Combination description 1assetCombinationServedAssetsDescription1dimDescription 1 served for that combination
Combination description 2assetCombinationServedAssetsDescription2dimDescription 2 served for that combination
LISTING GROUP FILTERListing group filter IDlistingGroupFilterIddimThe ID of a listing group filter
Listing group filter typelistingGroupFilterTypedimType of a listing group filter node
Listing group filter listing sourcelistingGroupFilterListingSourcedimThe source of listings filtered by this listing group filter
DEPRECATEDPage one promoted strategy goalPageOnePromotedStrategyGoaldimStrategy goal of where impressions will show on search result pages. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Bidding strategy sourceBiddingstrategySourcedimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Changed ad IDchange_ad_iddimThe ID of the ad that was changed. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-07-22
Target outrank share competitor domainTargetOutrankShareCompetitorDomaindimThe competitor's visible domain URL for the target ROAS strategy. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Target outrank share raise bid when quality score is lowTargetOutrankShareRaiseBidWhenLowQualityScoredimWhether the target ROAS strategy is allowed to raise bids on keywords with lower-range quality scores. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
ExclusionExclusiondimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-21
Placement destination URLPlacementdestinationURLdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-10-29
Preferred positionPreferredpositiondimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Lowest positionLowestpositiondimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Keyword destination URLKeyworddestinationURLdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-10-29
Destination URLDestinationURLdimDestination URL of the ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-10-29
Max CPAMaxCPAdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2021-10-04
Target outrank shareTargetOutrankSharedimTarget fraction of auctions where the advertiser should outrank the competitor. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Sales CountrySalesCountrydimSales country of products included in the campaign. Only one of Feed label or Sales country can be set. Please note that this field will be removed on 2024-05-01
Target outrank share bid changes for raises onlyTargetOutrankShareBidChangesForRaisesOnlydimWhether the target ROAS strategy always follows bid estimate changes (false), or only increases (true). Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted bid ceilingPageOnePromotedBidCeilingdimMaximum bid limit for the page one promoted bidding scheme. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Target outrank share max cpc bid ceilingTargetOutrankShareMaxCpcBidCeilingdimThe target ROAS strategy's ceiling on max CPC bids. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted bid changes for raises onlyPageOnePromotedBidChangesForRaisesOnlydimWhether the page one promoted strategy always follows bid estimate changes (false), or only increases (true). Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted bid modifierPageOnePromotedBidModifierdimBid multiplier defined on the page one promoted bidding scheme. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted raise bid when budget constrainedPageOnePromotedRaiseBidWhenBudgetConstraineddimWhether the page one promoted strategy is allowed to raise bids if the campaign is `Limited by budget`. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted raise bid when quality score is lowPageOnePromotedRaiseBidWhenLowQualityScoredimWhether the page one promoted strategy is allowed to raise bids on keywords with lower-range quality scores. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
BASICImpressionsImpressionsmetCount of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network
CostCostmetThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period
Cost (EUR)Cost_eurmetThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period, converted to euros
Cost (GBP)Cost_gbpmetThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period, converted to British pounds
Cost (USD)Cost_usdmetThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period, converted to US dollars
CTRCTR_percmetThe number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions)
Bounce rate (%)BounceRate_percmetPercentage of clicks where the user only visited a single page on your site. Imported from Google Analytics
Average pageviewsAveragePageviewsmetAverage number of pages viewed per session. Imported from Google Analytics
Average time on site (sec)AverageTimeOnSitemetTotal duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions. Imported from Google Analytics
CPCCPCmetThe total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks received
BudgetBudgetmetThe calculated total budget for the days with at least one impression
Daily budgetDailyBudgetmet
Percent of budget usedbudgetUsedPortion_percmet
Total budgetTotalAmountmetThe total budget amount, if you set a campaign's total budget in the Google Ads UI
InteractionsInteractionsmetThe number of interactions. An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format--clicks for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on
Interaction rateInteractionRate_percmetHow often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them. This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown
Cost per interactionCostPerInteractionmet
EngagementsEngagementsmetThe number of engagements. An engagement occurs when a viewer expands your Lightbox ad. Also, in the future, other ad types may support engagement metrics
Engagement rateEngagementRate_percmetHow often people engage with your ad after it's shown to them. This is the number of ad expansions divided by the number of times your ad is shown
QUALITY SCOREHistorical quality scoreHistoricalQualityScoremet
Historical search predicted CTRHistoricalSearchPredictedCtr_metricmetNumerical value corresponding the textual values. Above average (2), Average (1), Below average (-1), Unknown (0)
Historical landing page quality scoreHistoricalLandingPageQualityScore_metricmetNumerical value corresponding the textual values. Above average (2), Average (1), Below average (-1), Unknown (0)
Historical creative quality scoreHistoricalCreativeQualityScore_metricmetNumerical value corresponding the textual values. Above average (2), Average (1), Below average (-1), Unknown (0)
ACTIVE VIEWViewable impressionsActiveViewImpressionsmetHow often your ad has become viewable on a Display Network site
Viewable CTRviewableCTR_percmetHow often people clicked your ad after it became viewable
Viewable CPMviewableCPMmetAverage cost of viewable impressions (ActiveViewImpressions)
Measurable rateActiveViewMeasurabilitymetThe ratio of impressions that could be measured by Active View over the number of served impressions
Measurable costActiveViewMeasurableCostmetThe cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active View
Measurable impressionsActiveViewMeasurableImpressionsmetThe number of times your ads are appearing on placements in positions where they can be seen
Viewable rateActiveViewViewabilitymetThe percentage of time when your ad appeared on an Active View enabled site (measurable impressions) and was viewable (viewable impressions)
CONVERSIONSConversions from click-to-callClickToCallConversionsmetThe number of times people clicked the "Call" button to call a store during or after clicking an ad. This number doesn't include whether or not calls were connected, or the duration of any calls. This metric applies to feed items only
Conversions from directionsDirectionsConversionsmetThe number of times people clicked a "Get directions" button to navigate to a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only
Conversions from menuMenuConversionsmetThe number of times people clicked a link to view a store's menu after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only
Conversions from orderOrderConversionsmetThe number of times people placed an order at a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only
Conversions from other engagementOtherEngagementConversionsmetThe number of other conversions (for example, posting a review or saving a location for a store) that occurred after people clicked an ad. This metric applies to feed items only
Conversions from store visitStoreVisitConversionsmetEstimated number of times people visited a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only
Conversions from store websiteStoreWebsiteConversionsmetThe number of times that people were taken to a store's URL after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only
Conversions (by conv. time)conversionsByConversionDatemetThe number of conversions. When this field is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date
Conversions value (by conv. time)conversionsValueByConversionDatemetThe value of conversions. When this field is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date
Value / Conversions (by conv. time)valueByConversionsByConversionDatemetThe value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. When this field is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date
All conversions (by conv. time)allConversionsByConversionDatemetThe total number of conversions. When this field is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date
All conversions value (by conv. time)allConversionsValueByConversionDatemetThe value of all conversions. When this field is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date
Value / all conversions (by conv. time)valueByAllConversionsByConversionDatemetThe value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. When this field is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date
All conversions from location asset click to callAllConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCallmetNumber of call button clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression)
All conversions from location asset directionsAllConversionsFromLocationAssetDirectionsmetNumber of driving directions clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression)
All conversions from location asset menuAllConversionsFromLocationAssetMenumetNumber of menu link clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression)
All conversions from location asset orderAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOrdermetNumber of order clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression)
All conversions from location asset other engagementAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagementmetNumber of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression)
All conversions from location asset store visitsAllConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisitsmetEstimated number of visits to the store after a chargeable ad event (click or impression)
All conversions from location asset websitesAllConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsitemetNumber of website URL clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression)
View through conversions from location asset click to callViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCallmetNumber of call button clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location
View through conversions from location asset directionsViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirectionsmetNumber of driving directions clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location
View through conversions from location asset menuViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenumetNumber of menu link clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location
View through conversions from location asset orderViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrdermetNumber of order clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location
View through conversions from location asset other engagementViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagementmetNumber of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location
View through conversions from location asset store visitsViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisitsmetEstimated number of visits to the store after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location
View through conversions from location asset websiteViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsitemetNumber of website URL clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location
ConversionsConversionsmanyperclickmetThe number of conversions for all conversion actions that you have opted into optimization
Conversion rate %ConversionRateManyPerClick_percmetThe number of conversions divided by total clicks that can be tracked to conversions
Conversions per impressionCPImet
Cost per conversionCostPerConversionManyPerClickmetThe Cost attributable to conversion-tracked clicks divided by the number of conversions
Cost per estimated total conversionsCostPerAllConversionmetTotal cost divided by all estimated conversions
Cost per engagementCostPerEngagementmetThe average amount that you have been charged for an ad engagement
Cost per video viewCostPerVideoViewmetThe average amount you pay each time someone views your ad
Value per conversionValuePerConvManyPerClickmet
Estimated value per all conversionsValuePerAllConversionmetThe value, on average, of all conversions
Conversion valueTotalconversionvaluemetThe sum of conversion values for all conversions
Return on ad spend (ROAS)ROASmet
View-through conversionsViewthroughconversionsmetThe total number of view-through conversions. These happen when a customer sees a Display network ad, then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (e.g. clicking on) another ad
All conversionsEstimatedTotalConversionsmetBest estimate of the total number of conversions that Google Ads drives. Includes website, cross-device, and phone call conversions
All conversion valueEstimatedTotalConversionValuemetThe total value of all of your conversions, including those that are estimated
All conversion rate %EstimatedTotalConversionRate_percmetThe number of all conversions divided by total clicks that can be tracked to conversions
Cross-device conversionsEstimatedCrossDeviceConversionsmetConversions from when a customer clicks on an Google Ads ad on one device, then converts on a different device or browser. Cross-device conversions are already included in your AllConversions column
Average cost per million viewsAverageCpvmetAverage cost per million views
App install conversionsBiddableAppInstallConversionsmetNumber of app installs
App post install conversionsBiddableAppPostInstallConversionsmetNumber of in-app actions
ORGANICOrganic clicksOrganicClicksmetNumber of times someone clicked your site's listing in the unpaid results for a particular query
Organic clicks per queryOrganicClicksPerQuerymetNumber of clicks you've received on your organic search listings divided by the total number of searches that returned pages from your site
Organic impressionsOrganicImpressionsmetNumber of organic search listing impressions
Organic impressions per queryOrganicImpressionsPerQuerymetAverage number of times a page from your site was listed per query
Organic queriesOrganicQueriesmetTotal number of searches that returned organic search results for your site over the given period
AD & ORGANIC COMBINEDCombined clicksCombinedAdsOrganicClicksmet
Combined queriesCombinedAdsOrganicQueriesmetTotal number of searches that returned pages from your site in the organic search results or triggered one of your ads
Combined clicks per queryCombinedAdsOrganicClicksPerQuerymet
VIDEOVideo impressionsVideoImpressionsmet
Video viewsVideoViewsmetThe number of times your video ads were viewed
Video watch rate (%)VideoViewRate_percmetThe number of views your TrueView video ad receives divided by its number of impressions, including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display ads
Watch 25% rateVideoQuartile25Rate_percmetPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video
Watch 50% rateVideoQuartile50Rate_percmetPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video
Watch 75% rateVideoQuartile75Rate_percmetPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video
Watch 100% rateVideoQuartile100Rate_percmetPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched all of your video
Watch 25% viewsVideoQuartile25Viewsmet
Watch 50% viewsVideoQuartile50Viewsmet
Watch 75% viewsVideoQuartile75Viewsmet
Watch 100% viewsVideoQuartile100Viewsmet
CALLSCall impressionsOfflineInteractionImpressionsmetNumber of offline phone impressions
CallsCallsmetNumber of offline phone calls
Call rate (%)CallRate_percmet
GMAILGmail forwardsGmailForwardsmetThe number of times your ad was forwarded to someone else as a message
Gmail savesGmailSavesmetThe number of times someone has saved your Gmail ad to their inbox as a message
Gmail secondary clicksGmailSecondaryClicksmetThe number of clicks to your landing page on the expanded state of Gmail ads
CLICK SHARESearch click shareSearchClickSharemetThe number of clicks you have received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of clicks you were eligible to receive
Eligible search clicksEligibleSearchClicksmetThe number of clicks you have could have received
Lost search clicksLostSearchClicksmetThe number of clicks you lost
IMPRESSION SHAREImpression shareImpressionSharemetThe impressions you've received divided by the total Available Impressions
Search impression shareSearchImpressionSharemetThe impressions you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive
Search impression share (raw)SearchImpressionShareRawmetThe impressions you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive
Search exact match impression shareSearchExactMatchImpressionSharemetThe impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword), regardless of your keyword match types
Lost search IS due to budgetSearchBudgetLostImpressionSharemetThe estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low
Lost search IS due to rankSearchRankLostImpressionSharemetThe estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank
Content impression shareContentImpressionSharemetThe impressions you've received on the Display Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive
Lost content IS due to budgetContentBudgetLostImpressionSharemetThe estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low
Lost content IS due to rankContentRankLostImpressionSharemetThe estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank
Available impressionsAvailableImpressionsmetThis is a complex calculation but in most basic for is Impressions + Lost Impressions = Available impressions
Lost impressionsLostImpressionsmet
Lost impressions due to budgetLostImpressionsDueToBudgetmet
Lost impressions due to rankLostImpressionsDueToRankmet
LANDING PAGEMobile-friendly click ratePercentageMobileFriendlyClicksmetThe percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page
Valid AMP click ratePercentageValidAMPClicksmetThe percentage of ad clicks to AMP (accelerated mobile pages) landing pages that reach a valid AMP page
PUBLISHERPublisher purchased clicksPublisherPurchasedClicksmetClicks from properties not owned by the publisher for which the traffic the publisher has paid for or acquired through incentivized activity
Publisher organic clicksPublisherOrganicClicksmetClicks from properties for which the traffic the publisher has not paid for or acquired through incentivized activity
Publisher unknown clicksPublisherUnknownClicksmetClicks from traffic which is not identified as "Publisher Purchased" or "Publisher Organic"
OTHERInvalid clicksInvalidclicksmetNumber of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn't charge you for
Top impression percentageTopImpressionPercentagemet
Eligible impressions from location asset store reachEligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReachmetNumber of impressions in which the store location was shown or the location was used for targeting
Absolute top impression percentageAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentagemet
Search absolute top impression shareSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionSharemet
Search top impression shareSearchTopImpressionSharemet
Search rank lost top impression shareSearchRankLostTopImpressionSharemet
Search rank lost absolute top impression shareSearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionSharemet
Search budget lost absolute top impression shareSearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionSharemet
Search budget lost top impression shareSearchBudgetLostTopImpressionSharemet
BID GOAL PERFORMANCEEstimated total conversion rateAllConversionRatemetAll estimated conversions divided by clicks
CHANGE HISTORY (EARLY ACCESS)Number of changesnumber_of_changesmetHow many account changes were done. Note that this metric can only be used together with dimensions from the CHANGE HISTORY (EARLY ACCESS) group
DEPRECATEDNon-removed ad group countNonRemovedAdGroupCountmetThe count of non-removed ad groups using the bidding strategy. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Non-removed ad group criteria countNonRemovedAdGroupCriteriaCountmetThe count of non-removed ad group criteria using the bidding strategy. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Ad group countAdGroupCountmetThe count of ad groups using the bidding strategy. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Ad group criteria countAdGroupCriteriaCountmetThe count of ad group criterion using the bidding strategy or label. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Average positionAveragepositionmetYour ad's position relative to those of other advertisers. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-09-30
Free click rate %FreeClickRate_percmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Impression assisted conversionsImpressionAssistedConversionsmetTotal number of conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions prior to the last click. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-09-30
Click assisted conversionsClickAssistedConversionsmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2019-09-30
Click assisted conversion valueClickAssistedConversionValuemetThe total value of all conversions for which this keyword, ad, ad group, or campaign triggered assisted clicks. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-09-30
Organic average positionOrganicAveragePositionmetAverage top position of your organic listing (or multiple listings) for each query. Please note that this field will be removed on 2021-01-01
Impression assisted conversion valueImpressionAssistedConversionValuemetTotal value of all conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-09-30
Free clicksFreeclicksmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Average frequencyAverageFrequencymetAverage number of times a unique cookie was exposed to your ad over a given time period. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-29
Unique cookiesImpressionReachmetNumber of unique cookies that were exposed to your ad over a given time period, or the special value "< 100" if the number of cookies is less than 100. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-01-29