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Field list for Apple Search Ads

15 metrics and 106 dimensions available

TIMEYearyeardimYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearOfWeekdimYear of week for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearOfWeekIsodimYear of week for ISO standard Monday-Sunday weeks, e.g. 2017
Year & monthyearMonthdimYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
MonthmonthdimMonth, e.g. 6
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearWeekdimYear and week for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearWeekIsodimYear and week for ISO standard Monday-Sunday weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdimUS week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun)weekIsodimISO week number, e.g. 51
Day of monthdayOfMonthdimDay of month, e.g. 2
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNamedimDay of week number & name for US-style Sunday-Saturday weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsodimDay of week number & name for ISO standard Monday to Sunday weeks, e.g. 1 Sunday
DatedatedimDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
HourhourdimHour in a 24-hour clock, e.g. 18
ACCOUNTAccount nameprofile_namedimName of the Apple Search Ads account
Account IDprofile_iddimName of the Apple Search Ads account
CurrencycurrencydimThe campaign currency
CAMPAIGNCampaign namecampaign_namedim
Campaign IDcampaign_iddim
Campaign statuscampaign_statusdim
Campaign serving statusserving_statusdimWhether the campaign/ad group is actually serving or not
Campaign serving status reasonsserving_state_reasonsdimWhen a campaign is not running, a list of reasons will be returned
Campaign display statusdisplay_statusdimWhether campaign is RUNNING, ON_HOLD, PAUSED or DELETED
Campaign countries or regionscountries_or_regionsdimList of all App Store countries or regions in which you want to promote your app
Campaign countries or regions serving status reasonscountries_or_regions_serving_state_reasonsdimWhen a campaign is not running, a list of reasons will be returned
Ad channel typead_channel_typedimThe channel type of ads used in a campaign
Campaign supply sourcessupply_sourcesdimThe supply source of ads used in a campaign
Campaign modification datemodification_datedim
Campaign modification timemodification_timedim
Campaign total budgettotal_budgetdimTotal budget of the campaign in the account currency
Campaign daily budgetdaily_budgetdimDaily budget of the campaign in the account currency, if set
ADAd IDad_iddimUnique identifier representing the assignment relationship between an Ad Group and a Creative
Ad languagead_languagedimThe language used in the ad text
Creative IDcreative_iddimUnique identifier for a creative
Ad namead_namedimA unique name of the ad assigned to an ad group
Creative typecreative_typedimThe type of creative. Values are CUSTOM_PRODUCT_PAGE, CREATIVE_SET
Ad statusad_statusdimThe status of the ad
Ad display statusad_display_statusdimThe indicator of the status of an ad assignment with an ad group
Ad display state reasonsad_serving_state_reasonsdimReasons provided when an ad isn’t running
Is ad deletedad_is_deleteddimIndicates whether the ad has been deleted or not. Values are TRUE, FALSE
Ad creation datead_creation_datedimThe date the ad was created
Ad creation timead_creation_timedimThe date and time the ad was created
Ad modification datead_modification_datedimThe date of the most recent modification of the ad
Ad modification timead_modification_timedimThe date and time of the most recent modification of the ad
AD GROUPAd group namead_group_namedim
Ad group IDad_group_iddim
Ad group statusad_group_statusdim
Ad group serving statusad_group_serving_statusdim
Ad group serving state reasonsad_group_serving_state_reasonsdim
Automated keywords opt-inautomated_keywords_opt_indim
Keyword IDkeyword_iddim
Keyword statuskeyword_statusdim
Keyword display statuskeyword_display_statusdim
SEARCH TERMSearch termsearch_termdim
Search term sourcesearch_term_sourcedim
Match typematch_typedim
CREATIVE SETCreative set namecreative_set_namedim
Creative set IDcreative_set_iddim
Creative set display statuscreative_set_display_statusdim
Creative set statuscreative_set_statusdim
Creative set language display namecreative_set_language_display_namedim
Ad formatad_formatdim
DEVICEDevice typedevice_classdimThe type of devices that the promoted application supports
Age rangeage_rangedim
GEOApp Store countrycountry_or_regiondimThe App Store country or region where you are promoting your app
User countrycountry_codedimCountry where the campaign ads are served in
Admin areaadmin_areadimThe adminArea dimension is a group of States or the equivalent according to its associated country
LocalitylocalitydimThe locality dimension is the city or the equivalent according to its associated admin area
APPApp nameapp_namedimName of the app promoted by the campaign
App IDapp_iddimID of the app promoted by the campaign
Link to appapp_linkdimLink to the App Store listing of the app promoted by the campaign
Link to app creatorapp_creator_linkdimLink to the App Store listing of the creator of the app promoted by the campaign
Primary categoryapp_primary_categorydimPrimary category of the app promoted by the campaign
Categoriesapp_categoriesdimAll categories of the app promoted by the campaign
Descriptionapp_descriptiondimDescription of the app promoted by the campaign
App priceapp_formatted_pricedimPrice of the app promoted by the campaign
App price currencyapp_currencydimCurrency of the app price
Supported devicesapp_supported_devicesdimList of devices that app supports
Age ratingapp_content_advisory_ratingdimApp age rating
Advisoriesapp_advisoriesdimApp advisories
Language codesapp_language_codesdimLanguages supported by the app
Minimum OS versionapp_minimum_os_versiondimMinimum operating system version required by the app promoted by the campaign
File size (mb)app_file_size_mbdimApp file size in megabytes
Is Game Center enabledapp_is_game_center_enableddim
Average user ratingapp_average_ratingdimAverage rating given by users for the app
User rating countapp_rating_countdimNumber of ratings given by users for the app
Average user rating (current version)app_average_rating_current_versiondimAverage rating given by users for the current version of the app
User rating count (current version)app_rating_count_current_versiondimNumber of ratings given by users for the current version the app
Release dateapp_release_datedimApp release date
Current version release dateapp_current_version_release_datedimRelease date of the latest version of the app
Release notesapp_release_notesdimRelease notes of the latest version of the app promoted by the campaign
Current versionapp_versiondimCurrent version of the app promoted by the campaign
APP IMAGESApp logo 60px URLapp_artwork_60_urldimURL of the 60 pixel logo of the app
App logo 60pxapp_artwork_60_imagedimThe 60 pixel logo of the app
App logo 512px URLapp_artwork_512_urldimURL of the 512 pixel logo of the app
App logo 512pxapp_artwork_512_imagedimThe 512 pixel logo of the app
Screenshot #1 URLapp_screenshot_1_urldimURL of the 1st screenshot image of the app in the App Store
Screenshot #1app_screenshot_1_imagedim1st screenshot image of the app in the App Store
Screenshot #2 URLapp_screenshot_2_urldimURL of the 2nd screenshot image of the app in the App Store
Screenshot #2app_screenshot_2_imagedim2nd screenshot image of the app in the App Store
Screenshot #3 URLapp_screenshot_3_urldimURL of the 3rd screenshot image of the app in the App Store
Screenshot #3app_screenshot_3_imagedim3rd screenshot image of the app in the App Store
Screenshot #4 URLapp_screenshot_4_urldimURL of the 4th screenshot image of the app in the App Store
Screenshot #4app_screenshot_4_imagedim4th screenshot image of the app in the App Store
BASICImpressionsimpressionsmetThe number of times your ad appeared in App Store search results within the reporting time period
TapstapsmetThe number of times your ad was tapped by users within the reporting time period
InstallsinstallsmetThe total number of newDownloads or redownloads resulting from an ad within the reporting period. Search Ads installs are attributed within a 30‑day tap-through window
CostcostmetThe total spend of a campaign in the currency used in the campaign
Cost (EUR)cost_eurmetThe total spend of a campaign converted to euros
Cost (USD)cost_usdmetThe total spend of a campaign converted to US dollars
Cost (GBP)cost_gbpmetThe total spend of a campaign converted to British pounds
Tap-through ratettrmetThe tap-through rate (TTR) is the number of times your ad was tapped by users divided by the total impressions your ad received
Conversion rateconversion_ratemetThe total number of conversions received within a period, divided by total number of taps within the same period
Cost per tapcpcmetThe CPT (Cost per tap) is treated by the API the same as CPC (Cost per click). The ratio is spend over taps
Cost per acquisitioncpametThe average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is the total spend divided by the number of installs received within a period
INSTALL TYPENew downloadsnewDownloadsmetThe enumerated app downloads from new users who have never before installed your app
Re-downloadsredownloadsmetThe enumerated re-installs from users who have previously installed your app
Limit Ad Tracking installslatOnInstallsmetThe installs from users who have enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device
Non-Limit Ad Tracking installslatOffInstallsmetThe installs from users who have not enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device