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Metric list for X Ads (Twitter)

158 metrics available

GENERAL METRICSImpressionsimpressionsThe number of times your ad is shown to users, including earned
Cost (EUR)cost_eur
Cost (USD)cost_usd
Cost (GBP)cost_gbp
Media viewsmediaViewsTotal views (autoplay and click) of your media across videos, Vines, GIFs, and images. This includes views you are not billed for
Media view ratemediaViewRateTotal media views divided by number of impressions
Media engagementsmedia_engagementsTotal number of clicks of media across videos, Vines, GIFs, and images
Conversion rate (%)conversionsRate_perc
REACHTotal audience reachtotal_audience_reachThe total number of people who have been reached by the campaign
Average frequencyaverage_frequencyThe average number of times a person saw ads related to this campaign
OBJECTIVE WEBSITE CLICKS OR CONVERSIONSClicksclicksTotal clicks on links, hashtags, a Website Card, and other Tweet details in your ad, combined with likes and profile clicks
URL clicksurl_clicksTotal clicks on the link or Website Card in your ad, including earned. This includes clicks you're not billed for
CTRCTR_percTotal clicks on a link or a Website Card divided by total impressions, including earned
CPCCPCTotal clicks on a link or a Website Card divided by total clicks, including earned
Cost per acquisitionCPA
Site visitsconversion_site_visits
Sign-upsconversion_sign_upsTotal number of sign ups. This is the same as the sum of post views, post engagements and assisted sign ups. This is also the sum of website and mobile app sign ups
Purchasesconversion_purchasesTotal number of purchases. The sum of post view, post engagement, and assisted purchases for both your website and mobile app
Order quantityconversion_order_quantityThe order quantity of the purchase, e.g. 1 unit
Sale amountconversion_sale_amountThe total sale amount of the purchase
Custom conversionsconversion_custom
OBJECTIVE TWEET ENGAGEMENTSEngagementsengagementsAll clicks on your Tweet, including Retweets, replies, likes, poll votes, and hashtag clicks. This includes earned clicks that you're not billed for
Engagements (billed)billed_engagements
Cost per engagement (CPE)CPETotal spend divided by the number of Tweet engagements, including earned. You only pay the first time someone engages with your ad (e.g. Retweets, replies, likes, or other clicks)
Engagements rate (%)engagementsRate_percTweet engagements divided by impressions. This helps you understand the rate of engagements with your ad
Likes (paid)likesThe number of people who liked your ad by clicking the heart button
RetweetsretweetsThe number of people that Retweeted your ad by clicking the Retweet button
RepliesrepliesThe number of people that responded to your Tweet by clicking the reply button
FollowsfollowsTotal number of followers generated from your Tweet, including earned. If you're running a followers campaign, this number also reflects follows from other locations, including Who to follow. You only pay the first time someone follows you
Card engagementscard_engagementsTotal number of card engagements
Qualified impressionsqualified_impressions
OBJECTIVE APP INSTALLSApp installsapp_installsBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
App clicksapp_clicksTotal number of clicks to install or open your app. This includes earned clicks that you're not billed for
App click rate (%)app_click_rate_percTotal number of app clicks divided by impressions
App install rate (%)app_install_rate_perc
Cost per app click (CPAC)cpacTotal spend divided by the number of app clicks, including earned. You only pay the first time someone clicks to install or open your app
Cost per install (CPI)cpi
OBJECTIVE FOLLOWERSFollowersfollowersTotal number of followers generated from your Tweet, including earned. If you're running a followers campaign, this number also reflects follows from other locations, including Who to follow. You only pay the first time someone follows you
Followers rate (%)followersRate_percTotal followers divided by total impressions. This helps you understand how well your ad is attracting new followers
Cost per follower (CPF)CPFTotal spend divided by the number of followers, including earned. You only pay when someone follows you
OBJECTIVE LEAD GENERATIONLeadsleadsThe number of leads you acquired as a result of a user submitting their contact information on Twitter through the Lead Generation Card
Lead rate (%)lead_rate_percTotal leads divided by the number of impressions, including earned. You only pay the first time a user submits a Lead Generation Card
Cost per leadCPLTotal spend divided by the number of leads, including earned. You only pay for leads generated by your ad
OBJECTIVE VIDEO VIEWSVideo viewspromoted_video_total_viewsVideo views only count when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when a user clicks to expand/unmute your video. This includes views you are not billed for
Video view rate (%)video_view_rate_percTotal video views divided by impressions. Regardless of your bid type, this is always calculated using video ad views
Cost per video viewCPVTotal spend divided by the number of views, including earned. You only pay the first time someone watches your video
Video CTA clickspromoted_video_cta_clicksTotal clicks on the call to action in the video player. This includes clicks you are not billed for
3s/100% video viewsvideo_3s100pct_viewsTotal number of views where at least 3 seconds were played while 100% in view
6s video viewsvideo_6s_viewsTotal number of views where at least 6 seconds of the video was viewed
15s video viewsvideo_15s_viewsTotal number of views where at least 15 seconds of the video or for 95% of the total duration was viewed
Video startspromoted_video_startsThe number of people who started the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (25% complete)promoted_video_views_25The number of people who watched 25% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (50% complete)promoted_video_views_50The number of people who watched 50% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (75% complete)promoted_video_views_75The number of people who watched 75% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
Video views (completed)promoted_video_views_100The number of people who watched 100% of the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view. You're not billed for these
PROMOTEDACCOUNT METRICSFollows (promoted act)promoted_account_follows
Follow rate (promoted act)promoted_account_follow_rate
Impressions (promoted act)promoted_account_impressions
Profile visits (promoted act)promoted_account_profile_visits
PROMOTED TWEETSTweet retweetspromoted_tweet_retweetsThe number of people that Retweeted your ad by clicking the Retweet button
Likes (paid+organic)promoted_tweet_likesThe number of people who liked your ad by clicking the heart button
PROMOTED TWEETS (PROFILE)Impressions (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_impressions
Qualified impressions (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_qualified_impressions
Clicks (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_clicks
Engagements (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_engagements
Favorites (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_favorites
Follows (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_follows
Replies (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_replies
Retweets (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_retweets
URL clicks (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_url_clicks
Card engagements (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_card_engagements
Media views (profile) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_profile_media_views
PROMOTED TWEETS (SEARCH)Impressions (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_impressions
Qualified impressions (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_qualified_impressions
Clicks (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_clicks
Engagements (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_engagements
Engagement rate (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_engagement_rate
favorites (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_favorites
Follows (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_follows
Replies (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_replies
Retweets (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_retweets
URL clicks (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_url_clicks
Card engagements (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_card_engagements
Media views (search) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_search_media_views
PROMOTED TWEETS (TIMELINE)Impressions (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_impressions
Qualified impressions (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_qualified_impressions
Clicks (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_clicks
Engagements (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_engagements
Engagement rate (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_engagement_rate
Favorites (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_favorites
Follows (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_follows
Replies (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_replies
Retweets (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_retweets
URL clicks (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_url_clicks
Media views (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_media_views
Card engagements (timeline) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_timeline_card_engagements
PROMOTED TWEETS (TWITTER PUBLISHER NETWORK)Media views (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_media_views
Qualified impressions (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_qualified_impressions
Card engagements (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_card_engagements
Engagement rate (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_engagement_rate
Engagements (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_engagements
Clicks (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_clicks
Favorites (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_favorites
Follows (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_follows
Impressions (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_impressions
Replies (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_replies
Retweets (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_retweets
URL clicks (TPN) (deprecated)promoted_tweet_tpn_url_clicks
MOBILE CONVERSION METRICSMobile conversion achievements unlockedmobile_conversion_achievement_unlockedBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to cartmobile_conversion_add_to_cartBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion added payment infosmobile_conversion_added_payment_infosBreakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to wishlistmobile_conversion_add_to_wishlistBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion checkout initiatedmobile_conversion_checkout_initiatedBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion content viewsmobile_conversion_content_viewsBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CONTENT_VIEW by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion installsmobile_conversion_installsBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion installs post viewmobile_conversion_installs_post_view
Mobile conversion installs post engagementmobile_conversion_installs_post_engagement
Mobile conversion invitesmobile_conversion_invitesBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion level achievedmobile_conversion_level_achievedBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED
Mobile conversion loginsmobile_conversion_loginsBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion purchasesmobile_conversion_purchases
Mobile conversion re-engagesmobile_conversion_re_engagesBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion sign upsmobile_conversion_sign_upsBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP
Mobile conversion ratedmobile_conversion_rated
Mobile conversion reservationsmobile_conversion_reservationsBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion searchesmobile_conversion_searchesBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SEARCH by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion sharesmobile_conversion_sharesBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion spent creditsmobile_conversion_spent_creditsBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT
Mobile conversion tutorial completesmobile_conversion_tutorial_completesBreakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion updatesmobile_conversion_updatesBreakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion achievement unlocked breakdownmobile_conversion_achievement_unlocked_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to cart breakdownmobile_conversion_add_to_cart_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion add to wishlist breakdownmobile_conversion_add_to_wishlist_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST
Mobile conversion added payment infos breakdownmobile_conversion_added_payment_infos_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion checkout initiated breakdownmobile_conversion_checkout_initiated_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion content views breakdownmobile_conversion_content_views_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type CONTENT_VIEW by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion installs breakdownmobile_conversion_installs_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion invites breakdownmobile_conversion_invites_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion level achieved breakdownmobile_conversion_level_achieved_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion logins breakdownmobile_conversion_logins_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion order quantitymobile_conversion_order_quantity
Mobile conversion purchases breakdownmobile_conversion_purchases_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type PURCHASE
Mobile conversion rated breakdownmobile_conversion_rated_breakdown
Mobile conversion re-engages breakdownmobile_conversion_re_engages_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion reservations breakdownmobile_conversion_reservations_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION
Mobile conversion sale amountmobile_conversion_sale_amount_local_micro
Mobile conversion searches breakdownmobile_conversion_searches_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SEARCH by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion shares breakdownmobile_conversion_shares_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion mobile conversion sign ups breakdownmobile_conversion_sign_ups_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP
Mobile conversion spent credits breakdownmobile_conversion_spent_credits_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT
Mobile conversion tutorial completes breakdownmobile_conversion_tutorial_completes_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
Mobile conversion updates breakdownmobile_conversion_updates_breakdownBreakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE by post_view, post_engagement, assisted, order_quantity, and sale_amount
DEPRECATEDMatch ratematchRate90 day active Twitter users divided by number of users provided by the source of audience data. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
PercentagepercentageRepresentation of a category within an audience. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30