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Dimension list for X Ads (Twitter)

122 dimensions available

TIMEYearyearYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearofweekYear of week for US weeks, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearofweekisoYear of week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017
Year & monthyearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
QuarterquarterQuarter, e.g. 1
MonthmonthMonth, e.g. 6
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearweekYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearweekisoYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Sun-Sat)weekUS week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun)weekisoISO week number, e.g. 51
Day of week (Sun-Sat)dayOfWeekNameDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsoDay of week name for ISO weeks, e.g. 1 Monday
Day of monthdayOfMonthDay of month, e.g. 2
DatedateDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
ACCOUNTAccountaccountThe ad account name
Account IDaccount_idThe unique ID for the ad account
Campaign IDcampaign_idThe unique ID for each campaign
Campaign creation datecampaign_created_at
Campaign start datecampaign_start_timeThe date your campaign is scheduled to launch. This field is deprecated by Twitter, please use Ad group start date instead
Campaign end datecampaign_end_timeThe date when the campaign ends. This field is deprecated by Twitter, please use Ad group end date instead
Campaign servablecampaign_servable
Campaign statuscampaign_statusThe campaign status, with possible values ACTIVE, DRAFT, or PAUSED
Campaign deletedcampaign_deleted
Campaign currencycampaign_currencyThe currency used for all spend-related metrics and billing
Campaign standard deliverycampaign_standard_delivery
Campaign total budgetcampaign_total_budget_amountThe maximum amount you're willing to spend on each campaign for the duration of the campaign
Campaign daily budgetcampaign_daily_budget_amountThe maximum amount you're willing to spend on each campaign on average per day
Campaign budget optimizationcampaign_budget_optimizationType of the campaign budget optimization. Possible values - CAMPAIGN and LINE_ITEM
FUNDING INSTRUMENTSFunding instrument IDfunding_instrument_idA reference to the funding instrument
Funding instrument descriptionfunding_instrument_descriptionFunding instrument description
Funding instrument typefunding_instrument_typeFunding instrument type
Funding instrument statusfunding_instrument_statusFunding instrument status
Funding instrument currencyfunding_instrument_currencyFunding instrument currency
Funding instrument start datefunding_instrument_start_dateThe date for the funding instrument to become active and usable
Funding instrument end datefunding_instrument_end_dateThe date for the funding instrument to become inactive
Funding instrument credit limitfunding_instrument_credit_limitThe total credit available against funding instrument
Funding instrument funded amountfunding_instrument_funded_amountThe total budget amount allocated to funding instrument
Funding instrument credit remainingfunding_instrument_credit_remainingThe total credit remaining to funding instrument
Reasons funding instrument was not able to fundfunding_instrument_reasons_not_able_to_fundReasons funding instrument was not able to fund
Insertion order header IDfunding_instrument_io_headerID for the associated insertion order. Note that a single ID may be associated with multiple funding instruments
AD GROUPAd groupline_item_nameFormerly called line item
Ad group IDline_item_idFormerly called line item id
Goalline_item_goalThe optimization setting used for this ad group
Product typeline_item_product_type
Charge byline_item_charge_by
Bid typeline_item_bid_type
Bid amountline_item_bid_amount
Ad group total budgetline_item_total_budget_amountThe maximum amount you are willing to spend on the ad group, for the duration of the ad group flight length. Formerly called line item total budget
Advertiser domainline_item_advertiser_domain
Primary web event tagline_item_primary_web_event_tag
Ad group creation dateline_item_created_atFormerly called line item creation date
Ad group start dateline_item_start_dateThe date when the ad group began serving
Ad group end dateline_item_end_dateThe date when the ad group stopped serving
Ad group statusline_item_statusThe ad group status, with possible values ACTIVE, DRAFT, or PAUSED
Ad group deletedline_item_deletedFormerly called line item deleted
Include sentimentline_item_include_sentiment
PROMOTED TWEETTweet IDpromoted_tweet_idUnique numeric ID of the original tweet being used in the promoted tweet ad
Tweet ad IDpromoted_tweet_ad_idUnique alphanumeric ID for the promoted tweet ad
Tweet creation datepromoted_tweet_created_at
Ad namead_nameAd name as displayed in X user interface. Derived from promoted tweet name, or card name if tweet name is not set
Tweet namepromoted_tweet_nameName of the promoted tweet. Note that this can be empty for older Tweets or ones created without a name
Tweet textpromoted_tweet_text
Tweet sourcepromoted_tweet_sourceSource client of the tweet, e.g. or Twitter for Android
Tweet scheduled statuspromoted_tweet_scheduled_statusWhether the tweet is scheduled for later or not
Tweet scheduled atpromoted_tweet_scheduled_atTweet scheduled to publish at
Tweet typepromoted_tweet_typeTweet type, e.g. PUBLISHED
Tweet languagepromoted_tweet_languageLanguage of the tweet (automatically identified)
Tweet hashtagspromoted_tweet_hashtagsHashtags included in the tweet
Tweet symbolspromoted_tweet_symbolsSymbols included in the tweet
Tweet mentionspromoted_tweet_user_mentionsUsers mentioned in the tweet
Link to tweettweet_url
Tweet first URLpromoted_tweet_first_url
Tweet card titlepromoted_tweet_card_title
Tweet card namepromoted_tweet_card_name
Tweet card typepromoted_tweet_card_type
Tweet card destination URLpromoted_tweet_card_destination_url
Tweet card image URLpromoted_tweet_card_image_url
Tweet card imagepromoted_tweet_card_image
Tweet card URIpromoted_tweet_card_uriThe unique identifier of the card. Replaces Tweet card ID
Tweet destination URLpromoted_tweet_destination_url
Tweet media typepromoted_tweet_media_typeType of tweet media
Source (utm)utm_sourceValue of the utm_source parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Medium (utm)utm_mediumValue of the utm_medium parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Content (utm)utm_contentValue of the utm_content parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Term (utm)utm_termValue of the utm_term parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Campaign (utm)utm_campaignValue of the utm_campaign parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
MEDIA CREATIVEMedia creative IDmedia_creative_idID of the media creative
Media creative creation datemedia_creative_created_atCreation date of the media creative
Media creative typemedia_creative_typeType of the media creative
Media namemedia_nameName of the media object
Media urlmedia_urlURL to the media object
App store categoryAPP_STORE_CATEGORY
Country codecountryCodeTwo-letter county code
DEPRECATEDTweet card display URLpromoted_tweet_card_display_urlPlease note this field will be removed on 2021-08-24
Audience categoryaudienceCategoryName of audience category, e.g. White collar worker. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Optimizationline_item_optimizationPlease note this field will be removed on 2021-08-24
Audience nameaudienceNameName of audience, e.g. Occupation. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Source of audience dataaudienceSourceThe providing party of audience data. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Audience typeaudienceTypeType of an audience, e.g. ALL_ON_TWITTER. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Interaction typeinteractionTypeType of interaction; applicable to some audience types. Please note this field will be removed on 2020-01-30
Tracking tagsline_item_tracking_tagsPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-02-15
Ad group pausedline_item_pausedFormerly called line item paused. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-11-30
Automatically select bidline_item_automatically_select_bidPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-02-15
Campaign pausedcampaign_pausedPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-11-30
Tweet card IDpromoted_tweet_card_idPlease note this field will be removed on 2021-08-24