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Dimension list for Google Ads

608 dimensions available

Year & monthYearmonth
Year & week (Mon-Sun)Yearweek
Year & week (Sun-Sat)Yearweeksunsat
Month nameMonthname
Week (Mon-Sun)Week
Week (Sun-Sat)weekSunSat
Week (Mon-Sun, dates)yearweekiso_daterange
Day of monthdayOfMonth
Day of weekDayofweekWithNum
ACCOUNTAccount nameAccountname
Account IDprofileid
Account edit linkaccount_edit_linkLink to edit the Google Ads account
Company nameClientcompanyname
Currency codeCurrencycode
Time zoneTimezone
Network (with search partners)Networkwithsearchpartners
CAMPAIGNCampaign nameCampaignname
Campaign IDCampaignIDThe ID of the Campaign
Campaign statusCampaignstatus
Campaign primary statusCampaignPrimaryStatusThe primary status of the campaign
Campaign primary status reasonsCampaignPrimaryStatusReasonsThe primary status reasons of the campaign
Campaign excluded parent asset set typesCampaignExcludedParentAssetSetTypesThe asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign
Campaign edit linkcampaign_edit_linkLink to edit the campaign in Google Ads
Serving statusCampaignServingStatus
Bid strategy statusCampaignBidStrategyStatusThe system status of the campaign's bidding strategy
Advertising channel typeAdvertisingChannelType
Advertising channel sub-typeAdvertisingChannelSubType
Start dateStartDate
End dateEndDate
Bidding strategyBiddingstrategy
Bidding strategy IDBiddingstrategyIDThe ID of the BiddingStrategyConfiguration
Bidding strategy typeBiddingstrategyType
Bid modifierBidModifierThe bid modifier. To filter by this field, use values greater than 0.1 and less than or equal to 10
Desktop bid modifierCampaignDesktopBidModifierDesktop bid modifier override at the campaign level
Mobile bid modifierCampaignMobileBidModifierMobile bid modifier of the campaign. To filter by this field, use values greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1
Tablet bid modifierCampaignTabletBidModifier
Enhanced CPC enabledEnhancedCPCenabled
Final URL suffixFinalUrlSuffixURL template for appending params to final URL
Optimization score (%)OptimizationScoreEstimate of how well a campaign is set to perform. It ranges from 0% to 100%, with 100% indicating that the campaign is performing at full potential. This field is null for unscored campaigns
APP CAMPAIGNApp campaign app IDcampaignAppIdThe ID of the app
App campaign app storecampaignAppStoreThe store name of the app
App campaign bidding strategy goal typecampaignAppBiddingStrategyGoalTypeThe bidding strategy goal type of the app
LOCAL CAMPAIGNLocation source typelocationSourceTypeThe location source type for this local campaign
BUDGETBudget nameBudgetName
Budget IDBudgetIDThe ID of the Budget
Configured budget amountConfiguredBudgetThe configured daily budget amount
Budget statusBudgetStatus
Budget periodBudgetPeriodPeriod over which to spend the budget
Budget delivery methodBudgetDeliveryMethodBudget delivery method. Determines the rate at which the budget is spent
Is shared budgetIsBudgetExplicitlyShared
Number of associated campaignsBudgetReferenceCount
Aligned bidding strategy IDAlignedBiddingStrategyIdID of the portfolio bidding strategy that this shared campaign budget is aligned with
Budget-campaign association statusBudgetCampaignAssociationStatus
Bidding strategy aligned campaign budget IDBiddingStrategyAlignedCampaignBudgetIdID of the campaign budget that this portfolio bidding strategy is aligned with
RESPONSIVE SEARCHResponsive search ad headline 1ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline1First text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 2ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline2Second text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 3ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline3Third text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 4ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline4Fourth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 5ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline5Fifth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 6ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline6Sixth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 7ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline7Seventh text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 8ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline8Eighth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 9ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline9Ninth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 10ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline10Tenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 11ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline11Eleventh text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 12ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline12Twelfth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 13ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline13Thirteenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 14ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline14Fourteenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad headline 15ResponsiveSearchAdHeadline15Fifteenth text asset for used for the ad headline
Responsive search ad description 1ResponsiveSearchAdDescription1First text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 2ResponsiveSearchAdDescription2Second text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 3ResponsiveSearchAdDescription3Third text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 4ResponsiveSearchAdDescription4Fourth text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad description 5ResponsiveSearchAdDescription5Fifth text asset for used for the ad description
Responsive search ad path 1ResponsiveSearchAdPath1First part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad
Responsive search ad path 2ResponsiveSearchAdPath2Second part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad
AD GROUPAd group nameAdgroupnameThe name of the AdGroup
Ad group IDAdgroupIDThe ID of the AdGroup
Ad group typeAdGroupType
Ad group statusAdgroupstatus
Ad group excluded parent asset set typesAdGroupExcludedParentAssetSetTypesThe asset set types that should be excluded from the ad group
Ad group edit linkad_group_edit_linkLink to edit the ad group in Google Ads
Max CPA (1-per-click)MaxCPA1perclick
Max CPC (micro)MaxCPC
Max CPC (currency)MaxCPCCurrency
Desktop bid modifierAdGroupDesktopBidModifierDesktop bid modifier override at the ad group level
Mobile bid modifierAdGroupMobileBidModifierMobile bid modifier override at ad group level
Tablet bid modifierAdGroupTabletBidModifier
Headline 1 (Multi asset)AdHeadline1First headline text asset of the ad
Headline 2 (Multi asset)AdHeadline2Second headline text asset of the ad
Headline 3 (Multi asset)AdHeadline3Third headline text asset of the ad
Headline 4 (Multi asset)AdHeadline4Fourth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 5 (Multi asset)AdHeadline5Fifth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 6 (Multi asset)AdHeadline6Sixth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 7 (Multi asset)AdHeadline7Seventh headline text asset of the ad
Headline 8 (Multi asset)AdHeadline8Eighth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 9 (Multi asset)AdHeadline9Ninth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 10 (Multi asset)AdHeadline10Tenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 11 (Multi asset)AdHeadline11Eleventh headline text asset of the ad
Headline 12 (Multi asset)AdHeadline12Twelfth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 13 (Multi asset)AdHeadline13Thirteenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 14 (Multi asset)AdHeadline14Fourteenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline 15 (Multi asset)AdHeadline15Fifteenth headline text asset of the ad
Headline part 1HeadlinePart1The first part of an expanded text ad headline
Headline part 2HeadlinePart2The second part of an expanded text ad headline
Headline part 3HeadlinePart3The third part of an expanded text ad headline
Long headlineLongHeadlineThe long format of the headline in a responsive display ad
Short headlineShortHeadlineThe short format of the headline in a responsive display ad
Path 1Path1The text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for an expanded text ad
Path 2Path2In addition to "Path1", more text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for an expanded text ad
DescriptionDescriptionThe descriptive text of an expanded text ad or responsive display ad
Description 1Description1Line 1 description of the Ad
Description 2Description2Line 2 description of the Ad
Expanded text ad description 1TextAdDescription1The description 1 of the expanded text ad
Expanded text ad description 2TextAdDescription2The description 2 of the expanded text ad
Business nameAdBusinessNameBusiness/advertiser/brand name in the ad
Call to action textAdCallToActionTextThe call-to-action text for the ad
Ad IDAdIDThe ID of the Ad. This field may contain IDs of ads that are not supported in the report request's API version
Ad typeAdtype
Ad statusAdstatus
Ad strengthad_strengthOverall ad strength of this ad or asset group
Ad approval statusAdapprovalstatus
System serving statusSystemServingStatusServing status of the criterion, either ELIGIBLE or RARELY_SERVED
Effective final URLeffectiveFinalURLEffective final URL of the impressions. Uses Expanded landing page view data
Unexpanded effective final URLUnexpandedEffectiveFinalUrlUnexpanded effective final URL of the impressions. Uses Landing page view data
Effective tracking URL templateeffectiveTrackingURLTemplateThe URL template used for constructing the tracking URL
Final URLfinalURLFinal URL of the impressions
Display URLDisplayURL
Final mobile URLFinalMobileUrlsList of final mobile URLs of the main object of this row
Tracking URL templateTrackingUrlTemplateTracking template of the main object of this row
Custom URL parametersCustomUrlParameters
Image ad nameImageadname
Image ad URLImageadURL
Image heightImageCreativeImageHeightThe height of the image ad. For other ad types, this will have no values
Image widthImageCreativeImageWidthThe width of the image ad. For other ad types, this will have no values
Device preferenceDevicePreference
AutomatedAutomatedIndicates if this ad is automatically created by Google Ads
Description 1 (Multi asset)AdDescription1First descriptive text of the ad
Description 2 (Multi asset)AdDescription2Second descriptive text of the ad
Description 3 (Multi asset)AdDescription3Third descriptive text of the ad
Description 4 (Multi asset)AdDescription4Fourth descriptive text of the ad
Description 5 (Multi asset)AdDescription5Fifth descriptive text of the ad
Source (utm)utm_sourceValue of the utm_source parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Medium (utm)utm_mediumValue of the utm_medium parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Campaign (utm)utm_campaignValue of the utm_campaign parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Term (utm)utm_termValue of the utm_term parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
Content (utm)utm_contentValue of the utm_content parameter extracted from the ad destination URL
AD EXTENSIONExtension typePlaceholderTypePlaceholder type indicating the type of extension
Attribute valuesAttributeValuesThe FeedItem's attribute values
Action targetisSelfAction
Extension statusItemStatus
Feed IDFeedIDThe Feed ID
Feed item IDFeedItemIDThe FeedItem ID
KEYWORDKeyword textKeywordKeyword that matched the query and triggered the ad
All networks keywordsKeywordsAllNetworksDescriptive string for the keyword criterion. What exactly it represents will depend on the report used, for example, it may be a keyword, negative keyword, keyword placement, and others
Match typeMatchtype
Keyword IDKeywordIDThe ID of the Keyword that triggered the ad
Keyword statusKeywordstatus
Quality scoreQualityscore
Creative quality scoreCreativeQualityScore
Post-click quality scorePostClickQualityScore
Search predicted CTRSearchPredictedCtr
First page CPCFirstpageCPCEstimate of the CPC bid required in order to show your ad on the first page of search results
Top of page CPCTopOfPageCpcEstimate of the CPC bid required in order to show your ad on the top of the first page of search results
First position CPCFirstPositionCpcEstimate of the amount you might need to pay for your ad to be displayed in the first position at the top of the first page of Google search results
Estimated added clicks per week at first position CPCEstimatedAddClicksAtFirstPositionCpc
Estimated added cost per week at first position CPCEstimatedAddCostAtFirstPositionCpc
Is negativeIsnegative
Matched search termSearchterm
Branded vs. non-branded search queriesbranded_vs_nonbrandedCategorises search queries into branded or non-branded. You can specify your own brand terms in the settings
Query targeting statusQueryTargetingStatusIndicates whether the search term is currently one of your targeted or excluded keywords
QUALITY SCOREHistorical search predicted CTR (text)HistoricalSearchPredictedCtr
Historical landing page quality score (text)HistoricalLandingPageQualityScore
Historical creative quality score (text)HistoricalCreativeQualityScore
ORGANICSearch result typeSerpType
PLACEMENTPlacement URLPlacementURLThe URL name for websites, YouTube video name for YouTube videos, and translated mobile app name for mobile apps
Group placement URLGroupPlacementURLDomain name for websites and YouTube channel name for YouTube channels. Uses group_placement_view report
DomainDomainThe domain of the URL (placement) where the impression was shown
Placement statusPlacementstatus
LABELSCampaign labelscampaignlabels
Ad group labelsadgrouplabels
Ad labelsadlabels
Keyword labelskeywordlabels
Labels (level determined automatically)LabelsList of label names for the main object of this row
CLICKClick typeClicktype
Google Click ID (GCLID)GclId
Google results page #pagePage number in search results where the ad was shown
CONVERSIONSConversion categoryConversionCategoryA category that describes the action the user will take to complete a conversion. Prevents zero-conversion rows from being returned
Conversion typeConversionTypeNameThe name of the conversion type. Prevents zero-conversion rows from being returned
Conversion tracker IDConversionTrackerIDID of the conversion tracker
External conversion sourceExternalConversionSource
Primary for goalPrimaryForGoalIf a conversion action's 'Primary for goal' bit is FALSE, the conversion action is non-biddable for all campaigns regardless of their customer conversion goal or campaign conversion goal. However, custom conversion goals do not respect primary_for_goal
VIDEOVideo titleVideoTitleThe video title
Link to videoVideoURL
Video IDVideoIDThe video ID
Link to channelVideoChannelURL
Channel IDVideoChannelIDThe video channel ID
Video durationVideoDurationThe duration of the video in milliseconds
CALLSCall statusCallStatus
Call sourceCallSource
Call typeCallType
Call durationCallDuration
Caller country codeCallerCountryCallingCodeCountry code of the caller
Caller area codeCallerNationalDesignatedCodeArea code of the caller
Call start timeCallStartTimeThe start date and time of the call
Call end timeCallEndTimeThe end date and time of the call
Audience IDAudienceID
Audience statusAudienceStatus
SHOPPING CAMPAIGNSBrandBrandThe ProductBrand value of the product
Store IDStoreIdStore ID of the product
Offer IDOfferIdOffer/item ID of the product
Merchant IDMerchantIdID of the Google Merchant Center account associated with the products being advertised
Feed labelFeedLabelFeed label of products included in the campaign. Only one of Feed label or Sales country can be set. If used instead of Sales country, the Feed label field returns country codes in the same format for example: 'XX'. Otherwise can be any string used for feed label in Google Merchant Center
Campaign priorityCampaignPriorityPriority of the campaign. Campaigns with numerically higher priorities take precedence over those with lower priorities
Enable localEnableLocalWhether local products is included
Sales CountrySalesCountrySales country of products included in the campaign. Only one of Feed label or Sales country can be set
Vehicle inventoryVehicleInventoryWhether Vehicle Listing inventory is targeted
Category (1st level)CategoryL1
Category (2nd level)CategoryL2
Category (3rd level)CategoryL3
Category (4th level)CategoryL4
Category (5th level)CategoryL5
Product titleProductTitle
Product type (1st level)ProductTypeL1
Product type (2nd level)ProductTypeL2
Product type (3rd level)ProductTypeL3
Product type (4th level)ProductTypeL4
Product type (5th level)ProductTypeL5
Product conditionProductCondition
Custom label 0CustomAttribute0The ProductCustomAttribute level 0 value of the product
Custom label 1CustomAttribute1The ProductCustomAttribute level 1 value of the product
Custom label 2CustomAttribute2The ProductCustomAttribute level 2 value of the product
Custom label 3CustomAttribute3The ProductCustomAttribute level 3 value of the product
Custom label 4CustomAttribute4The ProductCustomAttribute level 4 value of the product
LOCATIONLocation typeLocationType
Is targeting locationIsTargetingLocation
Metro areaMetroarea
Country codeCountryCodeTwo-letter country code
Target locationLocationGeo target. E.g. country, city, postal code, municipality, district etc
Postal codePostalCodePostal code of target location
LANDING PAGEMobile speed scoreSpeedScore
MULTI ASSET RESPONSIVE DISPLAYHeadline 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline1
Headline 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline2
Headline 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline3
Headline 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline4
Headline 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadline5
Long headline (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLongHeadline
Description 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription1
Description 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription2
Description 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription3
Description 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription4
Description 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescription5
Business name (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdBusinessName
Call to action text (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdCallToActionText
Promotion text (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDynamicSettingsPromoText
Ad format preference (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdFormatSetting
Main color (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMainColor
Accent color (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAccentColor
Allow flexible color (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAllowFlexibleColor
Logo URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage1
Logo URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage2
Logo URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage3
Logo URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage4
Logo URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImage5
Landscape logo URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage1
Landscape logo URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage2
Landscape logo URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage3
Landscape logo URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage4
Landscape logo URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImage5
Image URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage1
Image URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage2
Image URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage3
Image URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage4
Image URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage5
Image URL 6 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage6
Image URL 7 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage7
Image URL 8 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage8
Image URL 9 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage9
Image URL 10 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage10
Image URL 11 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage11
Image URL 12 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage12
Image URL 13 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage13
Image URL 14 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage14
Image URL 15 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImage15
Square image URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage1
Square image URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage2
Square image URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage3
Square image URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage4
Square image URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage5
Square image URL 6 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage6
Square image URL 7 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage7
Square image URL 8 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage8
Square image URL 9 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage9
Square image URL 10 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage10
Square image URL 11 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage11
Square image URL 12 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage12
Square image URL 13 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage13
Square image URL 14 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage14
Square image URL 15 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImage15
YouTube video URL 1 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo1
YouTube video URL 2 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo2
YouTube video URL 3 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo3
YouTube video URL 4 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo4
YouTube video URL 5 (multi asset responsive display)MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideo5
BID GOAL PERFORMANCEExternal customer IDExternalCustomerIdThe unique identifier of the customer
Bidding strategy statusBiddingStrategyStatusThe status of the bidding strategy
Target CPATargetCPAThe current target CPA set on the Target CPA bidding strategy
Target CPA max CPC bid ceilingTargetCpaMaxCpcBidCeilingThe maximum CPC bid limit for the target CPA bidding strategy
Target CPA max CPC bid floorTargetCpaMaxCpcBidFloorThe minimum CPC bid limit for the target CPA bidding strategy
Target ROASTargetROASThe desired revenue per unit of spend
Target ROAS (Maximize Conversion Value)MaximizeConversionValueTargetRoasThe target ROAS that was set for maximizing revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend
Target ROAS bid ceilingTargetRoasBidCeilingMaximum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the target ROAS bidding strategy configuration
Target ROAS bid floorTargetRoasBidFloorMinimum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the target ROAS bidding strategy configuration
Target spend bid ceilingTargetSpendBidCeilingThe largest max CPC bid that can be set by the target spend bidding strategy configuration
Target spend spend targetTargetSpendSpendTargetThe spend target under which to maximize clicks
Target impression share (location)targetImpressionShareLocationThe targeted location on the search results page
Target impression share % (location)targetImpressionShareFractionLocationThe desired fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. E.g. 1% equals 10,000
Campaign countCampaignCountThe count of Campaign objects using the bidding strategy
Non-removed campaign countNonRemovedCampaignCountThe count of non-removed campaigns using the bidding strategy
CHANGE HISTORY (EARLY ACCESS)Change datechange_dateDate when the change was applied
Change datetimechange_date_timeDate and time when the change was applied
Change descriptionchange_descriptionDescription of the changes that were applied, including a list of changes done to item properties
Short change descriptionchange_description_shortDescription of the changes that were applied
Changed fields descriptionchange_description_fieldsList of changes done to item properties
Change typechange_resource_change_operationWhether the change was a creation, update or removal
Changed fields listchange_changed_fieldsList of item properties that were changed
Changed campaign namechange_campaign_nameThe name of the campaign that was changed
Changed campaign IDchange_campaign_idThe ID of the campaign that was changed
Changed ad group namechange_ad_group_nameThe name of the ad group that was changed
Changed ad group IDchange_ad_group_idThe ID of the ad group that was changed
User emailchange_user_emailGoogle Ads login email of the user who did the change
Client typechange_client_typeWhich interface was used to make the change (such as the Google Ads API or the web UI)
Changed item IDchange_item_idID of the item that was changed, eg. of campaign or ad group
Changed item typechange_resource_typeType of the item that was changed, eg. campaign or ad group
Change event IDchange_event_idID for the change event
ASSETSAsset field typeassetFieldTypeRole that the asset takes in the ad
Asset statusassetStatusStatus of the asset
Asset primary statusassetPrimaryStatusPrimary status of the asset. This takes into account other signals, such as policy and quality approvals, to come up with a more comprehensive status
Asset primary status reasonsassetPrimaryStatusReasonsList of reasons for why an asset is not serving or not serving at full capacity
Book on Google AssetassetBookOnGoogleA book on google asset
Asset IDassetIdThe ID of the asset
Approval statusassetPolicySummaryApprovalThe overall approval status of this asset, calculated based on the status of its individual policy topic entries
Policy topic entriesassetPolicySummaryTopicsThe list of policy findings for this asset
Review statusassetPolicySummaryReviewWhere in the review process this asset is
Asset typeassetTypeType of the asset
Final mobile URL (Assets)assetFinalMobileUrlThe first final mobile URL after all cross domain redirects
Final URL suffix (Assets)assetFinalUrlSuffixURL template for appending params to landing page URLs served with parallel tracking
Final URL (Assets)assetFinalUrlThe first possible final URL after all cross domain redirects
Asset nameassetNameOptional name of the asset
Resource name (Assets)assetResourceNameThe resource name of the asset
Asset sourceassetSourceSource of the asset
Tracking URL template (Assets)assetTrackingUrlTemplateURL template for constructing a tracking URL
URL custom parametersassetUrlCustomParametersA list of mappings to be used for substituting URL custom parameter tags in the tracking_url_template, final_urls, and/or final_mobile_urls
Asset performanceassetPerformanceLabelThe performance of this asset
Interaction target asset resourceassetInteractionTargetAssetRawResource name of the interaction target asset
ASSET GROUPAsset group IDassetGroupIdID of the asset group
Asset group nameassetGroupNameName of the asset group
Asset group statusassetGroupStatusStatus of the asset group
CALL ASSETSAd schedule targets (Call assets)assetCallAdScheduleTargetsList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total
Call conversion actionassetCallCallConversionActionThis field only has effect if the Call conversion reporting state is set to Use resource level call conversion action
Call conversion reporting stateassetCallConversionReportingStateIndicates whether this CallAsset should use its own call conversion setting, follow the account level setting, or disable call conversion
Phone number's country codeassetCallCountryCodeTwo-letter country code of the phone number. Examples: 'US', 'us'
Phone numberassetCallPhoneNumberThe advertiser's raw phone number Examples: '1234567890', '(123)456-7890'
CALL TO ACTION ASSETSCall to actionassetCallToActionCall to action
CALLOUT ASSETSAd schedule targets (Callout assets)assetCalloutAdScheduleTargetsList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve
Callout textassetCalloutTextThe callout text
End date (Callout assets)assetCalloutEndDateLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Start date (Callout assets)assetCalloutStartDateStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
DISCOVERY CAROUSEL CARD ASSETSCall to action text (Discovery carousel card assets)assetDiscoveryCarouselCallToActionCall to action text
Carousel card headlineassetDiscoveryCarouselHeadlineHeadline of the carousel card
Marketing image assetassetDiscoveryCarouselImageAssetAsset resource name of the associated 1.91:1 marketing image
Portrait marketing image assetassetDiscoveryCarouselPortraitImageAssetAsset resource name of the associated 4:5 portrait marketing image
Square marketing image assetassetDiscoveryCarouselSquareImageAssetAsset resource name of the associated square marketing image
DYNAMIC CUSTOM ASSETSAndroid deep link (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Contextual keywords (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomContextualKeywordsContextual keywords, for example, Sedans, 4 door sedans
Formatted price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomFormattedPriceFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $20,000.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomFormattedSalePriceFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $15,000.00
Dynamic custom asset IDassetCustomIdUnique ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag, for example, sedan
Dynamic custom asset ID2assetCustomId2ID2 which can be any sequence of letters and digits, for example, red
Image URL (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomImageUrlImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Item addressassetCustomItemAddressItem address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Item categoryassetCustomItemCategoryItem category, for example, Sedans
Item descriptionassetCustomItemDescriptionItem description, for example, Best selling mid-size car
Item subtitleassetCustomItemSubtitleItem subtitle, for example, At your Mountain View dealership
Item titleassetCustomItemTitleItem title, for example, Mid-size sedan
Price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomPricePrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 20,000.00 USD
Sale price (Dynamic custom assets)assetCustomSalePriceSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 15,000.00 USD
Similar IDsassetCustomSimilarIdsSimilar IDs
DYNAMIC EDUCATION ASSETSSchool addressassetEducationAddressSchool address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Android deep link (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Contextual keywords (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationContextualKeywordsContextual keywords, for example, Nursing certification, Health, Mountain View
Image URL (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationImageUrlImage url, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Location ID (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationLocationIdUnique location ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits
Program descriptionassetEducationProgramDescriptionProgram description, for example, Nursing Certification
Program IDassetEducationProgramIdUnique program ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Program nameassetEducationProgramNameProgram name, for example, Nursing
School nameassetEducationSchoolNameSchool name, for example, Mountain View School of Nursing
Similar program IDsassetEducationSimilarProgramIdsSimilar program IDs
SubjectassetEducationSubjectSubject of study, for example, Health
Thumbnail image URL (Dynamic education assets)assetEducationThumbnailImageUrlThumbnail image url, for example,
DYNAMIC FLIGHTS ASSETSAndroid deep link (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Custom mappingassetFlightsCustomMappingA custom field which can be multiple key to values mapping. For example, wifi: most | aircraft: 320, 77W | flights: 42 | legroom: 32
Destination ID (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsDestinationIdUnique destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Destination name (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsDestinationNameDestination name, for example, Paris
Flight descriptionassetFlightsDescriptionFlight description, for example, Book your ticket
Flight priceassetFlightsPriceFlight price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Flight sale priceassetFlightsSalePriceFlight sale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD
Formatted price (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsFormattedPriceFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsFormattedSalePriceFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsImageUrlImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Origin ID (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsOriginIdOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique
Origin name (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsOriginNameOrigin name, for example, London
Similar destination IDs (Dynamic flights assets)assetFlightsSimilarDestinationIdsSimilar destination IDs, for example, PAR,LON
DYNAMIC HOTELS AND RENTALS ASSETSAddress (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsAddressAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Android deep link (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Category (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsCategoryCategory, for example, Hotel suite
Contextual keywords (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsContextualKeywordsContextual keywords, for example, Mountain View "Hotels", South Bay hotels
Description (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsDescriptionDescription, for example, Close to SJC Airport
Destination name (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsDestinationNameDestination name, for example, Downtown Mountain View
Formatted price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsFormattedPriceFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsFormattedSalePriceFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsImageUrlImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsPricePrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Property IDassetHotelsPropertyIdUnique property ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Property nameassetHotelsPropertyNameProperty name, for example, Mountain View Hotel
Sale price (Dynamic hotels and rentals assets)assetHotelsSalePriceISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD
Similar property IDsassetHotelsSimilarPropertyIdsSimilar property IDs
Star ratingassetHotelsStarRatingStar rating. A number between 1 to 5
DYNAMIC JOBS ASSETSAddress (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsAddressAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Android deep link (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Contextual keywords (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsContextualKeywordsContextual keywords, for example, Software engineering job
Description (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsDescriptionDescription, for example, Apply your technical skills
Image URL (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsImageUrlImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Job categoryassetJobsCategoryJob category, for example, Technical
Job IDassetJobsJobIdUnique job ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Job subtitleassetJobsJobSubtitleJob subtitle, for example, Level II
Job titleassetJobsJobTitleJob title, for example, Software engineer
Location ID (Dynamic jobs assets)assetJobsLocationIdUnique location ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits
SalaryassetJobsSalarySalary, for example, $100,000
Similar job IDsassetJobsSimilarJobIdsSimilar job IDs, for example, 1275
DYNAMIC LOCAL ASSETSAddress (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalAddressAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Android deep link (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Category (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalCategoryCategory, for example, Food
Contextual keywords (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalContextualKeywordsContextual keywords, for example, Save groceries coupons
Deal IDassetLocalDealIdUnique deal ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Deal nameassetLocalDealNameDeal name, for example, 50% off at Mountain View Grocers
Description (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalDescriptionDescription, for example, Save on your weekly bill
Formatted price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalFormattedPriceFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalFormattedSalePriceFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalImageUrlImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalPricePrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Sale price (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalSalePriceSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field
Similar deal IDsassetLocalSimilarDealIdsSimilar deal IDs, for example, 1275
Subtitle (Dynamic local assets)assetLocalSubtitleSubtitle, for example, Groceries
DYNAMIC REAL ESTATE ASSETSAddress (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateAddressAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 217403
Android deep link (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
City nameassetRealEstateCityNameCity name, for example, Mountain View, California
Contextual keywords (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateContextualKeywordsContextual keywords, for example, For sale; Houses for sale
Description (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateDescriptionDescription, for example, 3 beds, 2 baths, 1568 sq. ft
Formatted price (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateFormattedPriceFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $200,000.00
Image URL (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateImageUrlImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstateIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Listing IDassetRealEstateListingIdUnique listing ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Listing nameassetRealEstateListingNameListing name, for example, Boulevard Bungalow
Listing typeassetRealEstateListingTypeListing type, for example, For sale
Price (Dynamic real estate assets)assetRealEstatePricePrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 200,000.00 USD
Property typeassetRealEstatePropertyTypeProperty type, for example, House
Similar listing IDsassetRealEstateSimilarListingIdsSimilar listing IDs
DYNAMIC TRAVEL ASSETSAndroid deep link (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelAndroidAppLinkAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Category (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelCategoryCategory, for example, Express
Contextual keywords (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelContextualKeywordsContextual keywords, for example, Paris trains
Destination addressassetTravelDestinationAddressDestination address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Destination ID (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelDestinationIdUnique destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and matches the values of remarketing tag
Destination nameassetTravelDestinationNameDestination name, for example, Paris
Formatted price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelFormattedPriceFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00
Formatted sale price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelFormattedSalePriceFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00
Image URL (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelImageUrlImage URL, for example,
iOS deep link (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelIosAppLinkiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page
iOS app store ID (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelIosAppStoreIdiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking
Origin ID (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelOriginIdOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique
Origin name (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelOriginNameOrigin name, for example, London
Price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelPricePrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD
Sale price (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelSalePriceSale price which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field
Similar destination IDs (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelSimilarDestinationIdsSimilar destination IDs, for example, NYC
Title (Dynamic travel assets)assetTravelTitleTitle, for example, Book your train ticket
HOTEL CALLOUT ASSETSLanguage code (Hotel callout assets)assetHotelCalloutLanguageCodeThe language of the hotel callout. Represented as BCP 47 language tag
Text (Hotel callout assets)assetHotelCalloutTextThe text of the hotel callout asset
IMAGE ASSETSFile sizeassetImageFileSizeFile size of the image asset in bytes
Image height (Image assets)assetImageFullSizeHeightPixelsHeight of the image in pixels
Full size image URLassetImageFullSizeUrlA URL that returns the full size image
Image width (Image assets)assetImageFullSizeWidthPixelsWidth of the image in pixels
MIME typeassetImageMimeTypeMIME type of the image asset
LEAD FORM ASSETSBackground image assetassetLeadFormAssetBackgroundImageAsset resource name of the background image
Lead form asset business nameassetLeadFormBusinessNameThe name of the business being advertised
Call to action descriptionassetLeadFormCallToActionDescriptionText giving a clear value proposition of what users expect once they expand the form
Call to action typeassetLeadFormCallToActionTypePre-defined display text that encourages user to expand the form
Custom disclosureassetLeadFormCustomDisclosureCustom disclosure shown along with Google disclaimer on the lead form. Accessible to allowed customers only
Custom question fieldsassetLeadFormCustomQuestionFieldsOrdered list of custom question fields
Delivery methodsassetLeadFormDeliveryMethodsConfigured methods for collected lead data to be delivered to advertiser
Description (Lead form assets)assetLeadFormDescriptionDetailed description of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating
Desired intentassetLeadFormDesiredIntentChosen intent for the lead form, for example, more volume or more qualified
FieldsassetLeadFormFieldsOrdered list of input fields
Headline (Lead form assets)assetLeadFormHeadlineHeadline of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating
Post submit call to action typeassetLeadFormPostSubmitCallToActionTypePre-defined display text that encourages user action after the form is submitted
Post submit descriptionassetLeadFormPostSubmitDescriptionDetailed description shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user
Post submit headlineassetLeadFormPostSubmitHeadlineHeadline of text shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user
Privacy policy URLassetLeadFormPrivacyPolicyUrlLink to a page describing the policy on how the collected data is handled by the advertiser/business
LOCATION ASSETSAsset location ownership typeAssetLocationOwnershipTypeThe type of location ownership
Asset place IDAssetPlaceIdPlace IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps
Enable customer level location asset setEnableCustomerLevelLocationAssetSetDenotes that the latest customer level asset set is used for targeting
MOBILE APP ASSETSApp ID (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppAppIdA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application. It should just contain the platform native id, like "" for Android or "12345689" for iOS
App store (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppAppStoreThe application store that distributes this specific app
End date (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppEndDateLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Link text (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppLinkTextThe visible text displayed when the link is rendered in an ad
Start date (Mobile app assets)assetMobileAppStartDateStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
PAGE FEED ASSETSLabelsassetPageFeedLabelsLabels used to group the page urls
Page URLassetPageFeedPageUrlThe webpage that advertisers want to target
PRICE ASSETSLanguage code (Price assets)assetPriceLanguageCodeThe language of the price asset. Represented as BCP 47 language tag
Price offeringsassetPricePriceOfferingsThe price offerings of the price asset
Price qualifierassetPricePriceQualifierThe price qualifier of the price asset
Price asset typeassetPriceTypeThe type of the price asset
PROMOTION ASSETSAd schedule targets (Promotion assets)assetPromotionAdScheduleTargetsList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve
Discount modifierassetPromotionDiscountModifierA modifier for qualification of the discount
End date (Promotion assets)assetPromotionEndDateLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Language code (Promotion assets)assetPromotionLanguageCodeThe language of the promotion. Represented as BCP 47 language tag
Amount (Money amount off)assetPromotionMoneyAmountOffAmountAmount off discount in the promotion
Currency code (Money amount off)assetPromotionMoneyAmountOffCurrencyCodeThree-character ISO 4217 currency code
OccasionassetPromotionOccasionThe occasion the promotion was intended for
Amount (Orders over amount)assetPromotionOrdersOverAmountAmountMicrosAmount over which the promotion is available
Currency code (Orders over amount)assetPromotionOrdersOverAmountCurrencyCodeThree-character ISO 4217 currency code
Percent offassetPromotionPercentOffPercentage off discount in the promotion
Promotion codeassetPromotionPromotionCodeA code the user used in order to be eligible for the promotion
Promotion targetassetPromotionPromotionTargetA freeform description of what the promotion is targeting
Redemption end dateassetPromotionRedemptionEndDateLast date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed
Redemption start dateassetPromotionRedemptionStartDateStart date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed
Start date (Promotion assets)assetPromotionStartDateStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
SITELINK ASSETSAd schedule targets (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkAdScheduleTargetsList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve
Description 1 (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkDescription1First line of the description for the sitelink
Description 2 (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkDescription2Second line of the description for the sitelink
End date (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkEndDateLast date of when this asset is effective and still serving
Link text (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkLinkTextURL display text for the sitelink
Start date (Sitelink assets)assetSitelinkStartDateStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving
STRUCTURED SNIPPET ASSETSSnippet headerassetStructuredSnippetHeaderThe header of the snippet
Snippet valuesassetStructuredSnippetValuesThe values in the snippet
TEXT ASSETSText (Text assets)assetTextTextText content of the text asset
YOUTUBE VIDEO ASSETSYouTube video IDassetYoutubeVideoIdYouTube video id. This is the 11 character string value used in the YouTube video URL
YouTube video URL (YouTube video assets)assetYoutubeVideoUrlYouTube video URL
YouTube video titleassetYoutubeVideoTitleYouTube video title
RESPONSIVE SEARCH COMBINATIONSAsset combination enabledassetCombinationEnabledThe status between the asset combination and the latest version of the ad. If true, the asset combination is linked to the latest version of the ad. If false, it means the link once existed but has been removed and is no longer present in the latest version of the ad
Combination headline 1assetCombinationServedAssetsHeadline1Headline 1 served for that combination
Combination headline 2assetCombinationServedAssetsHeadline2Headline 2 served for that combination
Combination headline 3assetCombinationServedAssetsHeadline3Headline 3 served for that combination
Combination description 1assetCombinationServedAssetsDescription1Description 1 served for that combination
Combination description 2assetCombinationServedAssetsDescription2Description 2 served for that combination
LISTING GROUP FILTERListing group filter IDlistingGroupFilterIdThe ID of a listing group filter
Listing group filter typelistingGroupFilterTypeType of a listing group filter node
Listing group filter verticallistingGroupFilterVerticalThe vertical the current listing group filter node tree represents
DEPRECATEDTarget outrank shareTargetOutrankShareTarget fraction of auctions where the advertiser should outrank the competitor. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Bidding strategy sourceBiddingstrategySourcePlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Page one promoted strategy goalPageOnePromotedStrategyGoalStrategy goal of where impressions will show on search result pages. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Target outrank share max cpc bid ceilingTargetOutrankShareMaxCpcBidCeilingThe target ROAS strategy's ceiling on max CPC bids. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
ExclusionExclusionPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-21
Placement destination URLPlacementdestinationURLPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-10-29
Preferred positionPreferredpositionPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Lowest positionLowestpositionPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-27
Keyword destination URLKeyworddestinationURLPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-10-29
Destination URLDestinationURLDestination URL of the ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-10-29
Max CPAMaxCPAPlease note that this field will be removed on 2021-10-04
Target outrank share bid changes for raises onlyTargetOutrankShareBidChangesForRaisesOnlyWhether the target ROAS strategy always follows bid estimate changes (false), or only increases (true). Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted bid ceilingPageOnePromotedBidCeilingMaximum bid limit for the page one promoted bidding scheme. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Target outrank share competitor domainTargetOutrankShareCompetitorDomainThe competitor's visible domain URL for the target ROAS strategy. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted bid changes for raises onlyPageOnePromotedBidChangesForRaisesOnlyWhether the page one promoted strategy always follows bid estimate changes (false), or only increases (true). Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Target outrank share raise bid when quality score is lowTargetOutrankShareRaiseBidWhenLowQualityScoreWhether the target ROAS strategy is allowed to raise bids on keywords with lower-range quality scores. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted bid modifierPageOnePromotedBidModifierBid multiplier defined on the page one promoted bidding scheme. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Changed ad IDchange_ad_idThe ID of the ad that was changed. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-07-22
Page one promoted raise bid when budget constrainedPageOnePromotedRaiseBidWhenBudgetConstrainedWhether the page one promoted strategy is allowed to raise bids if the campaign is `Limited by budget`. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06
Page one promoted raise bid when quality score is lowPageOnePromotedRaiseBidWhenLowQualityScoreWhether the page one promoted strategy is allowed to raise bids on keywords with lower-range quality scores. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-06