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Metric list for AdRoll

40 metrics available

PERFORMANCEImpressionsimpressionsSum of the number of ad impressions and the number of unique-by-session email opens collected
ClicksclicksNumber of times an ad was clicked over the date range selected
Cost (USD)spendCost amount in USD
Cost (account currency)spend_campaignCurrencyCost amount in your campaign currency
CTRctrClick-through rate, percentage of impressions that resulted in a click. Click-through rate. CTR (%) = Clicks / Impression * 100
CPCcpcCost per click, spend divided by the number of clicks, in USD. CPC ($) = Spend / Clicks
CPMcpmCost per thousand impressions, average cost to have your ad serve 1000 times, in USD. CPM ($) = Spend / Impressions * 1000
CONVERSIONSConversionsconversionsConversions (count) = View Conversions + Click Conversions
Conversion rateconversionRatePercentage of conversions per the amount of clicks
Click-through conversionsclickThroughsClick-through conversions amount
View-through conversionsviewThroughsView-through conversions amount
CTC ratectcRateClick-through conversion rate, percentage of clicks that resulted in a click conversion. CTC Rate (%) = Click-through conversions / Clicks * 100
VTC ratevtcRateThe percentage of impressions that resulted in a view-through conversion. VTC Rate (%) = View-through conversions / Impressions * 100
RevenuerevenueRevenue (amount) = View Revenue + Click Conversions
Revenue (account currency)revenue_campaignCurrencyRevenue (amount) in your campaign currency
Click revenueclickRevenueClick revenue amount
View revenueviewRevenueView revenue amount
CPAcpaCost per acquisition, spend divided by the number of conversions. CPA ($) = Spend / Conversions
Click CPAclickCPACost per click acquisition, spend divided by the number of click conversions. Click CPA ($) = Spend / Click Conversions
View CPAviewCPAView CPA ($) = Cost / View-through
ROIroiReturn on investment: The profit per dollar spent on ads. ROI (x) = (Click Revenue + View Revenue) / Cost
Click ROIclickROIClick return on investment: Profit per dollar spent, generated from conversions that happen after someone clicks the ad. Click ROI (x) = Click Revenue / Cost
View ROIviewROIView return on investment: Profit per dollar spent, generated from conversions that happen after someone views the ad. View ROI (x) = View Revenue / Cost
VISITORSNew visitorsnewVisitorsNumber of new visitors who came to the site after viewing a prospecting ad
Engaged visitorsengagedVisitorsNumber of new visitors who have viewed at least 3 pages on the site after viewing a prospecting ad
Non-bounced visitors ratenonBouncedVisitorsRatePercentage of new visitors who have viewed more than one page after viewing a prospecting ad. Non-Bounced Visitors Rate (%) = Non-bounced visitors / New visitors * 100
New visitor costnewVisitorCostCost for each new visitor that came to the site after viewing a prospecting ad (newVisitorCost = Cost / New visitors)
Engaged visitor costengagedVisitorCostCost for each new visitor that has viewed at least 3 pages on the site after viewing a prospecting ad. Engaged visitor cost = Cost / Engaged visitors)
EMAILSendssendsNumber of emails sent by a campaign
AUDIENCE PERFORMANCEAudience total sizeaudienceSizeTotalNumber of total audiences
Audience current sizeaudienceSizeCurrentNumber of current audiences
GRANULAR CONVERSIONSAttributed conversionsattributedConversionsThe number of conversions attributed to your AdRoll ads based on your selected attribution model
SEGMENTSegment conversion value (USD)conversionValueValue of a conversion from the segment (in USD)
PLACEMENTAverage order valueavg_order_valueAverage revenue per attributed conversion
AUDIENCESynced audience sizeaudienceSyncSizeThe size of the synced audience
DEPRECATEDTotal visitors (deprecated)totalVisitorsNumber of total visitors. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-02-27
Bounced visitorsbouncedVisitorsVisitors who have only viewed one page and left the site after viewing a prospecting ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-28
Bounce ratebounceRatePercentage of new visitors who have only viewed one page and left the site after viewing a prospecting ad. Bounce Rate (%) = Bounced visitors / New visitors * 100. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-28
Audience new sizeaudienceSizeNewNumber of new audiences who came to the site after viewing a prospecting ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-28
Non-bounced visitorsnonBouncedVisitorsVisitors who have only viewed more than one page after viewing a prospecting ad. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-28