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Dimension list for AdRoll

126 dimensions available

TIMEYearyearYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Sun-Sat)yearOfWeekYear of week for US weeks, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)yearOfWeekIsoYear of week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017
Year & monthyearMonthYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
QuarterquarterBusiness quarter, e.g. Q1
MonthmonthMonth, e.g. 6
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearWeekUS week number, e.g. 51
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearWeekIsoYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Sun-Sat)weekDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Week (Mon-Sun)weekIsoISO week number, e.g. 51
Day of monthdayOfMonth
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of week (Mon-Sun)dayOfWeekNameIsoDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
DatedateDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
ADVERTISERAdvertiseradvertisableNameAdvertiser profile
Advertiser EIDadvertisableEidEID of the advertiser
Advertiser statusadvertisableStatusStatus of the advertiser: admin_review, approved or rejected
Advertiser created dateadvertisableCreatedDateDate the advertiser profile was created
Advertiser currencyadvertisableCurrencyCurrency code (ISO-4217) use by the advertiser's account
Is advertiser activeadvertisableIsActiveWhether or not the advertiser is currently active
Business unitbusinessUnitThe business unit this Advertisable has signed up for
Advertiser URLurlAdvertiser's URL
Organization EIDorganizationEID of the advertiser's organization
Click-through conversions duration (days)clickThroughConversionWindowDuration of the advertiser's Click-through conversions conversion window in days
View-through conversions duration (days)viewThroughConversionWindowDuration of the advertiser's View-through conversions window in days
Rev share viewrevshareViewPercentPercentage of the rev share views
Rev share clickrevshareClickPercentPercentage of the rev share clicks
CAMPAIGNCampaigncampaignNameName of the campaign
Campaign EIDcampaignEidEID of the campaign
Campaign typecampaignTypeType for the campaign: prospecting, blended or retargeting
Campaign statuscampaignStatusStatus of the campaign: running, ended, paused, review, draft, rejected or deleted
Campaign currencycampaignCurrencyISO-4217 currency code for the given amount
BudgetbudgetDaily budget of the campaign
Max CPMmaxCpmMaximum CPM for the campaign
Campaign created datecampaignCreatedDateDate the campaign was created
Campaign updated datecampaignUpdatedDateDate the campaign was last updated
ChannelchannelCampaign channel: email, social or web
Campaign start datestartDateDate the campaign started
Campaign end dateendDateDate the campaign ended, exclusive
KPI currencykpiCurrencyISO 4217 currency code for kpiGoal. If not provided assume the currency provided at the Advertiser level
KPI goalkpiGoalGoal for the kpiMetric that drives the campaign's bid strategy. Null for automatic
KPI metrickpiMetricMetric being targeted by the campaign's bid strategy
SourcesourceService responsible for the creation of the campaign
ADGROUPAdgroupadgroupNameName of the adgroup
Adgroup EIDadgroupEidEID of the adgroup
Adgroup statusadgroupStatusAdgroup status: approved, paused, draft, rejected or deleted
Adgroup created dateadgroupCreatedDateDate the adgroup was created
Adgroup updated datetimeadgroupUpdatedDateDate the adgroup was last updated
Is adgroup activeadgroupIsActiveWhether or not the adgroup is currently active
Ad optimizationadOptimizationStrategy used to optimize ads when multiple ads fit a single ad space
Site exclusionssiteExclusionsList of excluded domains for the adgroup, with ad format information, if any
FlightsflightsScheduled flight periods when ads will be served. Null if there is no limitation
Flight timezoneflightTimezoneTimezone preference of all flights of this adgroup
ADAdadNameName of the ad
Ad EIDadEidEID of the ad
Ad typeadTypeAd type: liquid, image, flash or ad_network
Ad statusadStatusAd status: approved, paused, review, draft, rejected or deleted
Ad created dateadCreatedDateDate the ad was created
Ad updated dateadUpdatedDateDate the ad was last updated
Is ad activeadIsActiveWhether or not the ad is currently active
Ad format IDadFormatIDCorresponding ad format ID in the AdRoll system
Ad formatadFormatFormat string. i.e. '300 wide x 250 high'
Ad formatadFormatNameFormat string. i.e. '300x250'
Has future campaignshasFutureCampaignsWhether or not the ad has the possibility of serving based on the adgroups & campaigns in which it inhabits
Ad destination URLdestinationURLURL that the browser will navigate to when the ad is clicked
utm_source parameter valueutm_sourceutm_source parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_medium parameter valueutm_mediumutm_medium parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_campaign parameter valueutm_campaignutm_campaign parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_term parameter valueutm_termutm_term parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
utm_content parameter valueutm_contentutm_content parameter value from the destination URL, can be used to join with Google Analytics data
Ad headlineheadlineFor Facebook ads, the text to be displayed as the ad's headline
Ad bodybodyFor Facebook ads, the text to be displayed as the ad's body
Ad messagemessageFor Facebook Newsfeed ads, the text to be displayed as the ad\s message
Original AdoriginalAdEID of the ad that was edited to create the ad
Ad sourcesrcAd's creative's source URL
Ad imagead_imageAd's creative image
Has editshasEditsWhether or not the ad has been edited such that another ad has it's original ad parameter set to this ad's EID
Has pending editshasPendingEditsWhether or not the ad has edits that must be reviewed by an AdRoll administrator
Is outlinedisOutlinedWhether or not an outline has been applied to the ad to satisfy network compliance
Valid click tagvalidClicktagFlag showing if the ad is in flash format, whether or not the clickTAG is compliant
AdRoll EIDadrollEIDAdRoll EID for prospecting ads
Ad heightheightHeight in pixels of the ad's creative
Ad widthwidthWidth in pixels of the ad's creative
Ad outline coloroutlineColorHexadecimal color code corresponding to the outline of an ad
SEGMENTSegment EIDeidEID of the segment
Segment namenameName of the segment, for use internally and for JS segment matching
Segment typetypeType of the segment: c or s (c=Conversion, s=Segment)
Segment tagstagsTags explicitly assigned to the segment
Segment currencysegmentCurrencyThe value of a conversion from this segment
Segment durationdurationDuration of the segment, in days
Is segment activeisActiveIndicates if segment was deleted or active
Is segment conversionsegmentIsConversionIs the audience a conversion audience
PLACEMENTPlacementplacementPlacement of the Ad in Facebook. For example "desktop", "feed"
AUDIENCEAudienceaudienceNameName of the audience
Audience EIDaudienceEidEID of the audience
Audience typeaudienceTypeThe type of the segment. url, crm, pages_viewed, products_viewed, etc
Audience campaignaudienceCampaignCampaign for the audience
Advertiser audienceaudienceAdvertisableAdvertiser EID for the audience
Audience currencyaudienceCurrencyCurrency code (ISO-4217) for the audience. Default to the Advertiser's currency
Segment EIDsegmentEIDEID of the segment
DescriptiondescriptionPieces to build the Audience's description formatted following the type
Audience created dateaudienceCreatedDateDate the audience was created
InclusioninclusionIs the audience an inclusion audience
Is conversion audienceisConversionIs the audience a conversion audience
GRANULAR CONVERSIONSAdRoll conversion IDadrollConversionIdThe unique identifier for the attributed or influenced conversion
DevicedeviceThe device where the conversion happened
Conversion timetimeWhen the conversion happened
CountrycountryThe country where the conversion happened
Country codecountryCodeThe two-letter code of the country where the conversion happened
CitycityThe city where the conversion happened
CookiecookieThe AdRoll cookie that was used to track this conversion's journey
Ad sizeadSizeSize of the converting ad
Referrer URLreferrerURLURL preceding the conversion
Days to conversion first touchdaysToConversionFirstTouchTime from first AdRoll touch to conversion (days)
Days to conversion last touchdaysToConversionLastTouchTime from last AdRoll touch to conversion (days)
First touch timestampfirstTouchTimestampWhen the first AdRoll touch occurred
Last touch timestamplastTouchTimestampWhen the final AdRoll touch occurred
External dataexternalDataData recorded by the AdRoll Pixel on the conversion event
Last touch attributionlastTouchAttributionTrue if it has been attributed as last touch
Touchpoint timestamptouchpointTimestampThe last preceding AdRoll touchpoint, such as an impression or a click
Attribution creditattributionCreditThe type of credit assigned: "attributed" or "influenced"
Attribution modelattributionModelThe attribution model applied at the time of conversion
DEPRECATEDPlacement targetsplacementTargetsList of strings for an adgroup's placement targets. Each entry can have a value of: all, newsfeed or rightcolumn. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-04-28
Is a B2B customeradvertisableIsB2BWhether or not the advertiser is a B2B customer. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-04-28
SegmentssegmentsList for the segments attached to the adgroup. Each entry has "id" and "is_negative" fields. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-04-28
Platform targetsplatformTargetsList for the adgroup's platform targets. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-04-28