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Metric list for Microsoft Advertising (Bing)

84 metrics available

BASICImpressionsImpressionsThe number of times an ad has been displayed on search results pages. Without impressions there are no clicks or conversions
ClicksClicksClicks are what you pay for. Clicks typically include a customer clicking an ad on a search results page or on a website on the search network. Clicks can also come from other sources (for example, spiders, robots, and test servers)
Total ad extension clicksAdExtensionTotalClicksThe number of billable and non-billable times that an ad extension was clicked
CostSpendCampaign cost in the currency of the advertising account
Cost (USD)Spend_usdCampaign cost converted to US dollars
Cost (GBP)Spend_gbpCampaign cost converted to British pounds
Cost (EUR)Spend_eurCampaign cost converted to euros
CTR (%)Ctr_percThe click-through rate (CTR) is the number of times an ad was clicked, divided by the number of times the ad was shown (impressions)
Expected CTR (%)ExpectedCtrHow well your keyword competes against other keywords targeting the same traffic. Ads that are relevant to searchers' queries or other input are more likely to have a higher click-through rate. This metric tells you if a keyword is underperforming and causing a loss in impression share, so you can make keyword changes or remove ads altogether. A score of 3 is Above Average; a score of 2 is Average; and a score of 1 is considered Below Average. If you specify a time period that spans multiple days, the score will be the same for each day in the time period, and the value is the most recent calculated score. Data for this field is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends
Historic expected CTR average (%)HistoricExpectedCtrHistorical average of expected click-through rate scores going back as far as 18 months from the current date. This score may vary from the score in the ExpectedCtr column, which is the current score and same value for each day in the time period
CPCCpcCost per click, cost divided by the number of clicks
CPMCpmCost per thousand impressions, average cost to have your ad served 1000 times
Ad relevanceAdRelevanceHow closely related your ads is to the customer's search query or other input. It tells you how relevant your ad and landing page are to potential customers. A score of 3 is Above Average; a score of 2 is Average; and a score of 1 is considered Below Average.If you specify a time period that spans multiple days, the score will be the same for each day in the time period, and the value is the most recent calculated score
Historic ad relevance averageHistoricAdRelevanceHistorical average of ad relevance scores back as far as 18 months from the current date. This score may vary from the score in the AdRelevance column, which is the current score and same value for each day in the time period
Quality scoreQualityScoreThe numeric score shows you how competitive your ads are in the marketplace by measuring how relevant your keywords and landing pages are to customers' search terms. The quality score is calculated by Microsoft Advertising using the ExpectedCtr, AdRelevance, and LandingPageExperience sub scores. If available, the quality score can range from a low of 1 to a high of 10. Quality score is based on the last rolling 30 days for the owned and operated search traffic. A quality score can be assigned without any impressions, in the case where a keyword bid did not win any auctions. Traffic for syndicated networks do not affect quality score
Historic quality score averageHistoricQualityScoreThe historical quality score for each row is the value that was calculated for quality score on that date. Use The historical quality score to find out how the quality score may have changed over time
Quality impactQualityImpactThe numeric score that indicates the possible increase in the number of impressions that the keyword could receive if the corresponding QualityScore column would rise above underperforming: 0 - Not available. Could be because the keyword is not underperforming; 1 - Low impact. Improving the quality score could increase impressions by less than 100 additional impressions per day; 2 - Medium impact. Improving the quality score could increase impressions by 100 to 500 additional impressions per day; 3 - High impact. Improving the quality score could increase impressions by more than 500 additional impressions per day
Impression share (%)ImpressionSharePercentThe estimated percentage of impressions you received, out of the total available impressions in the market you were targeting
Exact match impression share (%)ExactMatchImpressionSharePercentThe estimated percentage of impressions that your account received for searches that exactly matched your keyword, out of the total available exact match impressions you were eligible to receive
Impressions lost to budgetImpressionsLostToBudgetThe estimated number of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your daily or monthly budget
Impressions lost to budget (%)ImpressionLostToBudgetPercentThe estimated percentage of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your daily or monthly budget
Impressions lost to rank (aggregated)ImpressionsLostToRankAggThe estimated number of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your ad ranking
Impressions lost to rank (% aggregated)ImpressionLostToRankAggPercentThe estimated percentage of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your ad ranking
Click share %ClickSharePercentThe percentage of clicks that went to your ads. It is the share of the prospective customer's mindshare and buying intent you captured. You can use this performance metric to see where your growth opportunities are. For example, your click share percent is 30% if 10 ads were clicked, and three of the 10 ads were yours
Available impressionsAvailableImpressions
BUDGETAverage budget spent per dayDailySpendThe average amount of campaign budget spent per day
Average budget spent per monthMonthlyBudgetThe average amount of campaign budget spent during a calendar month
Amount of budget spent for the monthMonthToDateSpendThe amount of money spent to date for the month
AUDIENCEAudience bid adjustment (%)BidAdjustmentThis attribute reflects the current value of your ad group's audience bid adjustment, even if a different bid adjustment value was used when the ad was shown. This value is the requested percentage to increase or decrease the bid amount for the remarketing list
CONVERSIONSConversionsConversionsThe number of conversions. A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product, registering for your webinar, joining an organization, or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad's success
All conversionsAllConversionsThe number of conversions, including data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting
Conversion rateConversionRateThe conversion rate as a percentage. The number of conversions, divided by the total number of clicks. For example, if the ads in your campaign got 300 clicks and four conversions, the conversion rate is 1.33 (%). The formula for calculating the conversion rate is (Conversions / Clicks) x 100
All conversion rateAllConversionRateThe number of conversions, divided by the total number of clicks, including data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting
Conversions per impression rateCPI
Cost per conversionCostPerConversionThe estimated cost per conversion. The formula for calculating the cost per conversion is (Cost / Conversions)
Cost per all conversionsAllCostPerConversionThe cost per conversion, including data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting. The formula for calculating the cost per conversion is (Spend / Conversions)
Assists from other adsAssistsThe number of conversions from other ads within the same account that were preceded by one or more clicks from this ad. An ad is considered to have assisted the conversion if it was clicked before the most recently clicked ad that was credited with the conversion
Cost per assistCostPerAssistThe cost per assist. The formula for calculating the cost per assist is (Cost / Assists)
RevenueRevenueThe revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions. Corresponds to the optional revenue parameter of a Microsoft Advertising campaign analytics tracking script
All revenueAllRevenueThe revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions, including data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting
Revenue per conversionRevenuePerConversionThe formula for calculating the revenue per conversion is Revenue / Conversions
Revenue per all conversionsAllRevenuePerConversionThe revenue per conversion, including data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting. The formula for calculating the revenue per conversion is (Revenue / Conversions)
Revenue minus costRevenueMinusSpend
Return on ad spend (ROAS)ROASThe formula for calculating the ROAS is Revenue / Spend
Revenue per assistRevenuePerAssistThe formula for calculating the revenue per assist is Revenue / Assists
CALL TRACKINGPhone impressionsPhoneImpressionsThe number of times your tracked number was shown on all devices
Phone callsPhoneCallsThe number of total calls to the tracked phone number that showed with your ad. The formula for calculating the phone calls is ManualCalls + ClickCalls
Phone through ratePtrThe phone-through rate (Ptr). The formula for calculating the Ptr is PhoneCalls / PhoneImpressions
Duration of forwarded call from a call ad extensionCallDurationThe duration of each forwarded call that originated from a call ad extension
Benchmark CTRBenchmarkCtrShows you how other product ads for similar products are performing on average based on how often people who see the ad end up clicking on it. If the benchmark CTR is significantly higher than the CTR for your product group, you might consider raising your bid for that product group, or improving the product information, particularly product images and titles
Benchmark bidBenchmarkBidShows you how much other advertisers are bidding on average on similar products as your current target. Use this information as a benchmark to compare your bidding strategy for a product group against that of other advertisers advertising similar products. If the benchmark bid is significantly higher than your bid, you might consider raising your bid
LOW QUALITY TRAFFICLow quality impressionsLowQualityImpressionsThe number of impressions that result from low-quality keyword searches
Low quality clicksLowQualityClicksClicks that exhibit a low likelihood of commercial intent. You are not billed for these clicks
Low quality general clicksLowQualityGeneralClicksClicks that are filtered by general methods, such as blacklists and activity-based detection, and that exhibit a low likelihood of commercial intent. You are not billed for these clicks
Low quality sophisticated clicksLowQualitySophisticatedClicksInvalid clicks that use sophisticated means to appear valid. You are not billed for these clicks
Low quality conversionsLowQualityConversionsThe number of conversions that originate from low-quality clicks
Low quality impressions rateLowQualityImpressionsPercThe low-quality impressions as a percentage. The formula for calculating the percentage is LowQualityImpressions / Impressions
Low quality clicks rateLowQualityClicksPercThe low-quality clicks as a percentage. The formula for calculating the low quality clicks percentage is LowQualityClicks / Clicks
Low quality conversion rateLowQualityConversionRateThe low-quality conversion rate as a percentage. The formula for calculating the conversion rate is LowQualityConversions / LowQualityClicks
PROMINENCETop impressionsTopImpressionsThe number of times your ad showed in the mainline, the top placement where ads appear above the search results, out of your total impressions
Absolute top impressionsAbsoluteTopImpressionsThe number of times your ad was in the first position of all returned ads, out of your total impressions
Top impression rateTopImpressionRatePercentThe percentage of times your ad showed in the mainline, the top placement where ads appear above the search results, out of your total impressions
Absolute top impression rateAbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercentThe percentage of times your ad was in the first position of all returned ads, out of your total impressions
Absolute top impression share lost to budgetAbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercentThe estimated percentage of how often your ad missed showing in the very top ad position, above search results, due to insufficient budget
Top impression share lost to budgetTopImpressionShareLostToBudgetPercentThe estimated percentage of mainline impressions, where ads appear above the search results, that were lost due to insufficient budget
Top impression share lost to rankTopImpressionShareLostToRankPercentThe estimated percentage of how often poor ad rank kept your ad from showing in the mainline, the top ad placements above the search results
Absolute top impression share lost to rankAbsoluteTopImpressionShareLostToRankPercentThe estimated percentage of how often poor ad rank kept your ad from showing in the first ad position at the top of search results
Top impression shareTopImpressionSharePercentThe estimated percentage of impressions for your ad in the mainline, the top ad placements above the search results, out of the estimated number of mainline impressions you were eligible to receive
Absolute top impression shareAbsoluteTopImpressionSharePercentThe estimated percentage of times your ad was in the first position of all ads shown, out of the estimated number of mainline impressions you were eligible to receive
DEPRECATEDClick callsClickCallsThe number of phone calls initiated by clicks. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to expected CTR (%)ImpressionLostToExpectedCtrPercentThe percentage of impression share lost due to low expected click-through rate. If this is high, figure out what you can do to increase your CTR. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to expected CTRImpressionsLostToExpectedCtrThe number of impression share lost due to low expected click-through rate. If this is high, figure out what you can do to increase your CTR. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Average cost per phone call (%)AverageCppThe average cost per phone call (CPP). This is applicable solely for manual calls, and does not include clicks-to-call data. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to ad relevanceImpressionsLostToAdRelevanceThe impressions lost due to low ad relevance. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to ad relevance (%)ImpressionLostToAdRelevancePercentThe percentage of impression share lost due to low ad relevance. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to bidImpressionsLostToBidThe number of times your ads would have been displayed to users, but were not because your bid was too low or your bid and quality score was below minimum thresholds, which prevented you from entering the auction. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to bid (%)ImpressionLostToBidPercentThe percentage of time your ads would have been displayed to users, but were not because your bid was too low or your bid and quality score was below minimum thresholds, which prevented you from entering the auction. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to rank (%)ImpressionLostToRankPercentThe estimated percentage of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your ad ranking. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impressions lost to rankImpressionsLostToRankThe estimated number of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your ad ranking. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25
Impression sharesImpressionSharesPlease note that this field will be removed on 2022-01-27
Average positionAveragePositionThe average position of the ad on a webpage. Please note that this field will be removed on 2020-04-01
Manual callsManualCallsThe number of calls dialed manually from any device to the tracked phone number. Please note that this field will be removed on 2019-06-25