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Dimension list for Microsoft Advertising (Bing)

145 dimensions available

TIMEYearYearYear, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Mon-Sun)YearOfWeekIsoYear of week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017
Year of week (Sun-Sat)YearOfWeekYear of week for US weeks, e.g. 2017
Year & monthYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
MonthMonthMonth, e.g. 6
Year & week (Mon-Sun)YearWeekIsoYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Sun-Sat)YearweekYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Week (Mon-Sun)WeekIsoISO week number, e.g. 51
Week (Sun-Sat)WeekUS week number, e.g. 51
Day of weekDayOfWeekDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
Day of week (Mon-Sun)DayOfWeekNameIsoDay of week name for ISO weeks, e.g. 1 Sunday
Day of week (Sun-Sat)DayOfWeekNameDay of week name for US weeks, e.g. 0 Sunday
DateDateDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
HourHourHour of the day, e.g. 22
ACCOUNTAccount IDAccountIdThe identifier of an account
Account nameAccountNameThe account name
Account numberAccountNumberThe assigned number of an account
Account statusAccountStatusThe account status
Account edit linkAccount_edit_linkLink to edit the advertising account
Currency codeCurrencyCodeThe account currency code
CAMPAIGNCampaign IDCampaignIdThe assigned identifier of a campaign
Campaign nameCampaignNameThe campaign name
Campaign typeCampaignType
Campaign labelsCampaignLabelsThe labels applied to a campaign
StatusCampaignStatusThe campaign status
Budget nameBudgetNameThe name of a budget. This will be empty for unshared budgets
Budget statusBudgetStatusThe budget status. The possible values are Active and Deleted. This will be empty for unshared budgets
Budget association statusBudgetAssociationStatusIndicates whether or not the campaign is currently spending from the budget mentioned in the BudgetName column. The possible values are Current and Ended
Tracking templateTrackingTemplateThe current tracking template for a campaign
Custom parametersCustomParametersThe current set of custom parameters for a campaign. Each custom parameter is a key and value pair. The list of custom parameters is semicolon-delimited and each key is enclosed by braces and a leading underscore, for example {_key1}=value1;{_key2}=value2
CAMPAIGN CHANGESChanged byChangedByThe username of the user that made the change to settings within an account. If the system made the change, the value will be Administrator
Item changedItemChangedThe value that identifies the entity that changed. If the change is an update to an element of the entity or is related to a target associated with a campaign or ad group, the "Attribute changed" field contains the element of the entity that changed or the type of target that was changed
Attribute changedAttributeChangedIdentifies the attribute or property of the entity from the "Item changed" field that changed
How changedHowChangedThe value that indicates whether the element was added, updated, or deleted. For adds, the "New value" field contains the added entity. For deletes, the "Old value" field contains the deleted entity. For updates, the "New value" field contains the new value and the "Old value" field contains the old value. If an entity which has a delivery status property was added, for example a campaign, the value of "How change" is Added. To report a deleted entity, the "Item changed" field is Status, the "How changed" field is Changed, and the "New value" field is Deleted. Associating a target with a campaign or ad group will be reported as an add change. The "Attribute changed" field will identify the target types contained in the target object. Updates to a target object will be reported as a delete change and an add change. Removing a campaign's or ad group's association with a target object will be reported as a delete change
Old valueOldValueThe value before the change
New valueNewValueThe value after the change
AD GROUPAd group IDAdGroupIdThe assigned identifier of an ad group. This will be empty if "Item changed" is not Ad, Ad group, or Keyword
Ad group nameAdGroupNameThe ad group name. This will be empty if "Item changed" is not Ad, Ad group, or Keyword
Ad group labelsAdGroupLabelsThe labels applied to an ad group. Labels are delimited by a semicolon (;)
Ad group statusAdGroupStatusThe ad group status
Ad group criterion idAdGroupCriterionIdA list of unique identifiers that identify the criterions to delete
Ad group audience targetAdGroupAudienceTargetingSetting
LanguageLanguageThe language of the country an ad is served in
Ad group networkNetworkThe current network setting of an ad group. The possible values include AOL search, Bing and Yahoo! search, Content, and Syndicated search partners
KEYWORDBiddable ad group criterion 1BidParam1
Biddable ad group criterion 2BidParam2
Biddable ad group criterion 3BidParam3
Keyword IDKeywordIdThe keyword identifier
KeywordKeywordThe keyword text
Keyword labelsKeywordLabelsThe labels applied to a keyword. Labels are delimited by a semicolon (;)
Negative keyword idNegativeKeywordIdThe assigned identifier of a negative keyword
Negative keywordNegativeKeyword
Negative keyword match typeNegativeKeywordMatchTypeThe type of match to compare the negative keyword and the user's search term. The possible values for a negative keyword are Exact and Phrase
Keyword conflict levelConflictLevelThe entity level where the keyword and negative keyword conflict occurs. The possible values are AdGroup and Campaign
Negative keyword list idNegativeKeywordListIdThe assigned identifier of a negative keyword list
Negative keyword listNegativeKeywordListThe name of a negative keyword list
Keyword statusKeywordStatusThe current keyword status
Bid strategy typeBidStrategyTypeThe bid strategy type. Possible values include EnhancedCpc, ManualCpc, MaxClicks, MaxConversions, and TargetCpa. If the InheritFromParent strategy type is used, the report will include the inherited bid strategy type e.g. one of the supported values listed above
Bidded match typeBidMatchTypeThe keyword bid match type. This can be different from the DeliveredMatchType column, for example if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match
Delivered match typeDeliveredMatchTypeThe match type used to deliver an ad. This can be different from the BidMatchType column, for example if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match
Current max CPCCurrentMaxCpcThe maximum cost per click bid that was in effect at the time the report was generated. It is not a moving historical bid throughout the report time period
Matched search querySearchQueryThe search term used by your potential audience
Keyword param 1KeywordParam1
Keyword param 2KeywordParam2
Keyword param 3KeywordParam3
ADAd IDAdIdThe assigned identifier of an ad
Ad titleAdTitleThe ad title
Ad title part 1AdTitlePart1The title part 1 attribute of an ad
Ad title part 2AdTitlePart2The title part 2 attribute of an ad
Ad title part 3AdTitlePart3The title part 3 attribute of an ad
Ad typeAdTypeThe ad type
Ad labelsAdLabelsThe labels applied to an ad. Labels are delimited by a semicolon (;)
Ad path part 1AdPath1The path 1 attribute of an ad
Ad path part 2AdPath2The path 2 attribute of an ad
Ad descriptionAdDescriptionThe first ad description that appears below the path in an ad
Ad description 2AdDescription2The second ad description that appears below the path in an ad. Ad description 2 might not appear in an ad
Ad distributionAdDistributionThe network where you want your ads to show
Ad statusAdStatusThe ad status
Ad top positionTopVsOtherThe report will include a column that indicates whether the ad impression appeared in a top position or elsewhere
Ad extension idAdExtensionIdThe ad extension identifier
AD EXTENSIONAd extension type nameAdExtensionTypeThe types of ad extensions that the list of identifiers contains
Ad extension type idAdExtensionTypeIdThe system identifier that corresponds to the "Ad extension type name" field. The supported identifiers are 10, 11, and 12
Ad extension versionAdExtensionVersionThe version attribute of an ad extension
Ad extension click itemAdExtensionClickType
Ad property valueAdExtensionPropertyValueThe human readable ad extension property value. The following are the possible property values corresponding to each ad extension type id: for type id 10, the property value is the display text of a sitelink ad extension, for type id 11, the property value is the company name of a location ad extension, for type id 12 or 14, the property value is the phone number of a call ad extension
GOALGoalGoalThe name of an event tracking or campaign analytics goal
Goal IDGoalIdThe assigned identifier of a goal
Product groupProductGroupA forward slash (/) delimited list of product conditions, reported as Operand = Attribute. For example "Product Type = Home / Product Type = Electronics / Product Type = DVD Player". Also note that in a report the single asterisk (*) refers to a product group that matches everything else besides the other filters for the product group
Product partition typePartitionTypeThe product partition type
Product group criterion idProductGroupCriterionId
Seller nameSellerNameThe merchant or store name that offers the product
Offer languageOfferLanguageThe language for the product offer, e.g. English
Country of saleCountryOfSaleThe country of sale for the product catalog
Product IDMerchantProductIdThe unique identifier provided by a merchant for each product offer
Product category 1ProductCategory1The first level value of the Product_category field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product category 2ProductCategory2The second level value of the Product_category field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product category 3ProductCategory3The third level value of the Product_category field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product category 4ProductCategory4The fourth level value of the Product_category field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product category 5ProductCategory5The fifth level value of the Product_category field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product type 1ProductType1The first level value of the Product_type field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product type 2ProductType2The second level value of the Product_type field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product type 3ProductType3The third level value of the Product_type field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product type 4ProductType4The fourth level value of the Product_type field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Product type 5ProductType5The fifth level value of the Product_type field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Custom label 0CustomLabel0The value of the Custom_label_0 field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Custom label 1CustomLabel1The value of the Custom_label_1 field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Custom label 2CustomLabel2The value of the Custom_label_2 field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Custom label 3CustomLabel3The value of the Custom_label_3 field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
Custom label 4CustomLabel4The value of the Custom_label_4 field in your Bing Merchant Center catalog
DESTINATIONDestination URLDestinationUrlThe destination URL attribute of an ad, keyword, or ad group criterion. If the destination URL contains dynamic text substitution parameters (for example, {param1}), the report will contain the URL after substitution occurs
Display URLDisplayUrlThe ad display URL
Final URLFinalURLThe Final URL of an ad, keyword, or criterion. Only the first URL in the list is reported. If the URL contains dynamic text substitution parameters (for example, {param1}), the report will contain the URL before substitution
Final URL suffixFinalUrlSuffixThe final URL suffix may include tracking parameters that will be appended to the end of the landing page URL
Final mobile URLFinalMobileURLThe Final Mobile URL of an ad, keyword, or criterion. Only the first URL in the list is reported. If the URL contains dynamic text substitution parameters (for example, {param1}), the report will contain the URL before substitution
Final app URLFinalAppURL
Landing page experienceLandingPageExperienceAn aggregate quality assessment of all landing pages on your site. The landing page experience score measures whether your landing page is likely to provide a good experience to customers who click your ad and land on your website. A score of 3 is Above Average; a score of 2 is Average; and a score of 1 is considered Below Average. If you specify a time period that spans multiple days, the score will be the same for each day in the time period, and the value is the most recent calculated score. Data for this field is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends
Historic landing page experience averageHistoricLandingPageExperienceHistorical average of landing page experience scores back as far as 18 months from the current date. This score may vary from the score in the LandingPageExperience column, which is the current score and same value for each day in the time period
AUDIENCEAudience idAudienceIdThe assigned identifier of the audience, for example the remarketing list ID
Audience nameAudienceNameThe audience name
Audience association statusAssociationStatusThe status of the association between the ad group and remarketing list, which indicates whether ads are eligible to display. The possible values are Active, Paused, and Deleted
LOCATIONLocation typeLocationTypeThe location type used to deliver ads. For example to distinguish between people in versus searching for or viewing pages about the corresponding location of interest. The possible location type values are: Physical location - Indicates that the user was physically located in the corresponding City, Country, Metro Area, or State locations. Location of interest - Indicates that the physical location of the user was not used to serve the ad, and the user was searching for or viewing pages about the corresponding City, Country, Metro Area, or State locations. Unknown - Legacy value returned if the physical location was not used or confirmed prior to the release of this report field in May 2014. If the user is searching for the location that they are in, then the location type is Physical location. For example if the search user is in Seattle and searching for Seattle, the location type is Physical location
RadiusRadiusThe radius of a radius target bid. The geographic radius where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The "Radius name for landmark" field contains the address or landmark name of the radius
Radius name for landmarkProximityTargetLocationThe radius target bid name. The name of the geographic radius where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The "Radius" field contains the distance of the radius
Most specific locationMostSpecificLocationThe most specific location used to deliver ads. For example if the city and country are both identified, this field will include the same value as the "City" field. If postal code information is available, then it will be included in the report instead of city or country
VISITORAge groupAgeGroupThe age group of the audience who viewed the ad. The possible values are 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-64, and 65+
GenderGenderThe gender of the audience who might have viewed the ad, if known. Possible values are Male and Female
Visitor cityCityThe city where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The "Location type" field identifies whether the user was located in, searching for, or viewing pages about the location
Visitor area codeAreaCode
Visitor metro areaMetroAreaThe metro area (Nielsen DMA® in the United States) where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The "Location type" field identifies whether the user was located in, searching for, or viewing pages about the location
Visitor state/regionStateThe state where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The "Location type" field identifies whether the user was located in, searching for, or viewing pages about the location
Visitor countryCountryThe country where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The "Location type" field identifies whether the user was located in, searching for, or viewing pages about the location
Visitor country codeCountryCodeThe two-letter code of country where the user was physically located when they clicked the ad. The "Location type" field identifies whether the user was located in, searching for, or viewing pages about the location
Device typeDeviceTypeThe device name attribute of a device OS target bid. The type of device which showed ads. The possible values include Computer, Smartphone, Tablet, and Unknown
Device operating systemDeviceOSThe operating system of the device reported in the DeviceType column. The possible values include Android, Blackberry, iOS, Other, Unknown, and Windows
QUERY INTENTQuery intent countryQueryIntentCountryThe name of a country if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The country is set if the user's intent is related to a country, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the country
Query intent stateQueryIntentStateThe name of a state if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The state is set if the user's intent is a state or sub geography of the state, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the state
Query intent cityQueryIntentCityThe name of a city if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The city is set if the user's intent is a city, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the city
Query intent metro areaQueryIntentMetroAreaThe name of a metro area (Nielsen DMA® in the United States) if the user's geographical intent can be determined. The metro area is set if the user's intent is a metro area or city within the metro area, and not necessarily if they are physically located in the metro area
PUBLISHERPublisher URLPublisherUrlThe URL of a website that displayed the ad. If the Network is AOL search, then the publisher URL value is AOL Search Properties Only. If the Network is Bing and Yahoo! search, then the publisher URL value is either Bing and Yahoo! Search Properties Only or If the Network is Syndicated search partners, then the publisher URL value is determined by the Syndicated search partners URL
CALL TRACKINGStart time of the callCallStartTimeThe start time of a call
End time of the callCallEndTimeThe end time of a call
Call area codeCallAreaCodeThe area code where a user was physically located when they clicked the ad