Frequently asked questions

Which connectors are available with Supermetrics?

Supermetrics offers more than 100 data source connectors that bring data into our supported data destinations.

Explore our full range of data sources

How do I get started with Supermetrics?

Visit our support center for information on setting up Supermetrics.

How does Supermetrics secure my data?

Supermetrics is committed to the security of the data you process with us. To that end, we've created our systems from the ground up based on security and data protection best practices.

Learn more about our security and data privacy policies

What are the historical limits and refresh windows for each data source?

Supermetrics supports as much history as each data source allows. Snapshot tables are an exception — they're limited to 2 years of historical data.

During a free trial, data warehouse and cloud storage destinations have a 14-day backfill limit and a maximum of 3 accounts per data source. There's no limit on the number of data sources you can connect.

Additionally, during the trial phase, the Supermetrics API has a limit of 100 queries per day per data source, 3 accounts per source, and backfill of up to 14 days.

Learn about the historical limits, refresh windows, and API delays for our data sources

What are early access connectors?

We invite you to test out some of our in-development connectors for free while we fine-tune their features. Sign up for any early access connector and you'll be able to use it for free until it's launched.

When an early access connector is fully released, any teams using it will be able to keep using it for free for 14 more days. After that, it'll be available for purchase.

Explore our range of early access connectors