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Field list for Google Analytics

484 metrics and 626 dimensions available

TIMEYearYeardimThe year of the session, a four-digit year from 2005 to the current year
Year & monthYearmonthdimCombined values of ga:year and ga:month
Year & quarterYearquarterdimCombination of year and quarter
Year & week (Sun-Sat)YearweekdimCombined values of ga:year and ga:week
Year & week (Mon-Sun)YearweekISOdim
QuarterquarterdimQuarter, e.g. 1
MonthMonthdimMonth of the session, a two digit integer from 01 to 12
Week (Sun-Sat)weekdimThe week of the session, a two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday
Week (Mon-Sun)weekISOdim
Week (Mon-Sun, dates)yearweekiso_daterangedim
Day of monthdaydimThe day of the month, a two-digit number from 01 to 31
Day of weekdayOfWeekWithNamedim
DateDatedimThe date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD
HourHourdimA two-digit hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. If the timezone follows daylight savings time, there will be an apparent bump in the number of sessions during the changeover hour (e.g., between 1:00 and 2:00) for the day per year when that hour repeats. A corresponding hour with zero sessions will occur at the opposite changeover. (Google Analytics does not track user time more precisely than hours.)
MinuteminutedimReturns the minutes, between 00 and 59, in the hour
Nth monthnthMonthdimThe index for a month in the specified date range. In the date range, the index for the first month is 0, for the second month 1, and so on
Nth week (Sun-Sat)nthWeekdimThe index for each week in the specified date range. The index for the first week in the date range is 0, for the second week 1, and so on. The index corresponds to week entries
Nth daynthDaydimThe index for each day in the specified date range. The index for the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the second day 1, and so on
Nth hournthHourdimThe index for each hours in the specified date range. The index for the first hours of the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the next hour 1, and so on
Nth minutenthMinutedimThe index for each minute in the specified date range. The index for the first minute of the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the next minute 1, and so on
ACCOUNTAccount IDaccountIddimID of the account
Account nameaccountdimName of the account
Web property IDwebPropertyIddimID of the web property
Web property namewebPropertyNamedimName of the web property
View IDprofileIDdimID of the view
View nameprofiledimName of the view
Segment IDsegmentIDdim
MediummediumdimThe type of referrals. For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_medium campaign tracking parameter. For Google Ads autotagging, it is cpc. If users came from a search engine detected by Google Analytics, it is organic. If the referrer is not a search engine, it is referral. If users came directly to the property and document.referrer is empty, its value is (none)
Source / MediumsourceMediumdimCombined values of ga:source and ga:medium
Channel groupchannelGroupingdimThe Channel Group associated with an end user's session for this View (defined by the View's Channel Groupings)
KeywordKeyworddimFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_term campaign tracking parameter. For Google Ads traffic, it contains the best matching targeting criteria. For the display network, where multiple targeting criteria could have caused the ad to show up, it returns the best matching targeting criteria as selected by Ads. This could be display_keyword, site placement, boomuserlist, user_interest, age, or gender. Otherwise its value is (not set)
CampaignCampaigndimFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. For Google Ads autotagging, it is the name(s) of the online ad campaign(s) you use for the property. If you use neither, its value is (not set)
Campaign codecampaignCodedimFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_id campaign tracking parameter
Ad content (utm_content)adContentdimFor manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_content campaign tracking parameter. For Google Ads autotagging, it is the first line of the text for the online Ad campaign. If you use mad libs for the Google Ads content, it contains the keywords you provided for the mad libs keyword match. If you use none of the above, its value is (not set)
Referral pathReferralPathdimThe path of the referring URL (e.g., document.referrer). If someone places on their webpage a link to the property, this is the path of the page containing the referring link
Full referrerfullReferrerdimThe full referring URL including the hostname and path
Social networksocialNetworkdimThe social network name. This is related to the referring social network for traffic sources
Has social source referralhasSocialSourceReferraldimA boolean, either Yes or No, indicates whether sessions to the property are from a social source
Source PropertysourcePropertyDisplayNamedimSource property display name of roll-up properties. This is valid for only roll-up properties
Source Property IDsourcePropertyTrackingIddimSource property tracking ID of roll-up properties. This is valid for only roll-up properties
LOCATIONContinentContinentdimUsers' continent, derived from users' IP addresses or Geographical IDs
Sub continentSubContinentdimUsers' sub-continent, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. For example, Polynesia or Northern Europe
CountryCountrydimUsers' country, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs
Country ISO codeCountryIsoCodedimUsers' country ISO code in ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 format,derived from their IP addresses or Geographical ID
RegionRegiondimUsers' region, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. In U.S., a region is a state, New York, for example
Region IDRegionIddimUsers' region ID, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. In U.S., a region is a state, New York, for example. The region IDs are the same as the Criteria IDs listed at
Region ISO codeRegionIsoCodedimUsers' region ISO code in ISO-3166-2 format, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs
CityCitydimUsers' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs
City IDCityIddimUsers' city ID, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs
Designated Market Area (DMA)metrodimThe Designated Market Area (DMA) from where traffic arrived
LanguageLanguagedimThe language, in ISO-639 code format (e.g., en-gb for British English), provided by the HTTP Request for the browser
LatitudelatitudedimThe approximate latitude of users' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Locations north of the equator have positive latitudes and locations south of the equator have negative latitudes
LongitudelongitudedimThe approximate longitude of users' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Locations east of the prime meridian have positive longitudes and locations west of the prime meridian have negative longitudes
SESSIONUser typeUserTypedimA boolean, either New Visitor or Returning Visitor, indicating if the users are new or returning
Days since last sessionDaysSinceLastSessiondimThe number of days elapsed since users last visited the property, used to calculate user loyalty
Session countsessionCountdimThe session index for a user. Each session from a unique user will get its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first session. Subsequent sessions do not change previous session indices. For example, if a user has 4 sessions to the website, sessionCount for that user will have 4 distinct values of '1' through '4'
Page depthPageDepthdimThe number of pages visited by users during a session. The value is a histogram that counts pageviews across a range of possible values. In this calculation, all sessions will have at least one pageview, and some percentage of sessions will have more
Session length (seconds)sessionDurationBucketdimThe length (returned as a string) of a session measured in seconds and reported in second increments
Client IDclientIDdimA unique Google Analytics ID for a browser
ECOMMERCEProduct BrandproductBranddimThe brand name under which the product is sold (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Category HierarchyproductCategoryHierarchydimThe hierarchical category in which the product is classified (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Category Level 1productCategoryLevel1dimLevel 1 in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Category Level 2productCategoryLevel2dimLevel 2 in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Category Level 3productCategoryLevel3dimLevel 3 in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Category Level 4productCategoryLevel4dimLevel 4 in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Category Level 5productCategoryLevel5dimLevel 5 in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product category (old ecommerce tracking)ProductCategorydimAny product variation (size, color) supplied by the ecommerce application for purchased items, not compatible with Enhanced Ecommerce
Product nameProductNamedimThe product name, supplied by the ecommerce tracking application, for purchased items
Product SKUProductSkudimThe product SKU, defined in the ecommerce tracking application, for purchased items
Product List NameproductListNamedimThe name of the product list in which the product appears (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product List PositionproductListPositiondimThe position of the product in the product list (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product VariantproductVariantdimThe specific variation of a product, e.g., XS, S, M, L for size
Internal Promotion CreativeinternalPromotionCreativedimThe creative content designed for a promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Internal Promotion IDinternalPromotionIddimThe ID of the promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Internal Promotion NameinternalPromotionNamedimThe name of the promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Internal Promotion PositioninternalPromotionPositiondimThe position of the promotion on the web page or application screen (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Order Coupon CodeorderCouponCodedimCode for the order-level coupon (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Coupon CodeproductCouponCodedimCode for the product-level coupon (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Checkout OptionscheckoutOptionsdimUser options specified during the checkout process, e.g., FedEx, DHL, UPS for delivery options
Shopping StageshoppingStagedimVarious stages of the shopping experience that users completed in a session, e.g., PRODUCT_VIEW, ADD_TO_CART, CHECKOUT, etc. (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Days to transactionDaysToTransactiondimThe number of days between users' purchases and the most recent campaign source prior to the purchase
Sessions to transactionsessionsToTransactiondimThe number of sessions between users' purchases and the related campaigns that lead to the purchases
Transaction IDTransactionIDdimThe transaction ID, supplied by the ecommerce tracking method, for the purchase in the shopping cart
AffiliationAffiliationdimA product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar location
Currency codecurrencyCodedimThe local currency code (based on ISO 4217 standard) of the transaction
CONTENTPage pathPagePathdimA page on the website specified by path and/or query parameters. Use this with hostname to get the page's full URL
Page directory level 1pagePathLevel1dimThis dimension rolls up all the page paths in the first hierarchical level in pagePath
Page directory level 2pagePathLevel2dimThis dimension rolls up all the page paths in the second hierarchical level in pagePath
Page directory level 3pagePathLevel3dimThis dimension rolls up all the page paths in the third hierarchical level in pagePath
Page directory level 4pagePathLevel4dimThis dimension rolls up all the page paths into hierarchical levels. Up to 4 pagePath levels maybe specified. All additional levels in the pagePath hierarchy are also rolled up in this dimension
Page titlePageTitledimThe page's title. Multiple pages might have the same page title
Landing page pathLandingPagePathdimThe first page in users' sessions, or the landing page
Second page pathSecondPagePathdimThe second page in users' sessions
Exit page pathExitPagePathdimThe last page or exit page in users' sessions
Previous page pathPreviousPagePathdimA page visited before another page on the same property, typically used with the pagePath dimension
CONTENT GROUPSContent group 1contentGroup1dim
Content group 2contentGroup2dim
Content group 3contentGroup3dim
Content group 4contentGroup4dim
Content group 5contentGroup5dim
Landing content group 1landingContentGroup1dim
Landing content group 2landingContentGroup2dim
Landing content group 3landingContentGroup3dim
Landing content group 4landingContentGroup4dim
Landing content group 5landingContentGroup5dim
Previous content group 1previousContentGroup1dim
Previous content group 2previousContentGroup2dim
Previous content group 3previousContentGroup3dim
Previous content group 4previousContentGroup4dim
Previous content group 5previousContentGroup5dim
Next content group 1nextContentGroup1dim
Next content group 2nextContentGroup2dim
Next content group 3nextContentGroup3dim
Next content group 4nextContentGroup4dim
Next content group 5nextContentGroup5dim
GOOGLE ADSCustomer IDadwordsCustomerIddimCustomer's Google Ads ID
Campaign IDadwordsCampaignIddimGoogle Ads Campaign ID
Ad group IDadwordsAdGroupIddimGoogle Ads Ad group ID
Creative IDadwordsCreativeIddimGoogle Ads Ad ID
Criteria IDadwordsCriteriaIddimGoogle Ads Criterion ID. The geographical targeting Criteria IDs are listed at
Ad groupadGroupdimThe name of the Google Ads ad group
Ad slotadSlotdimThe location (Top, RHS, or not set) of the advertisement on the hosting page
Ad slot positionadSlotPositiondim
Ad distribution networkadDistributionNetworkdimThe network (Content, Search, Search partners, etc.) used to deliver the ads
Ad match typeadMatchTypedimThe match type (Phrase, Exact, Broad, etc.) applied for users' search term. Ads on the content network are identified as "Content network". For details, see
Keyword match typeadKeywordMatchTypedimThe match type (Phrase, Exact, or Broad) applied to the keywords. For details, see
Ad matched queryadMatchedQuerydimThe search query that triggered impressions
Ad placement domainadPlacementDomaindimThe domain where the ads on the content network were placed
Ad placement URLadPlacementUrldimThe URL where the ads were placed on the content network
Ad formatadFormatdimThe Google Ads ad format (Text, Image, Flash, Video, etc.)
Ad targeting typeadTargetingTypedimThis (keyword, placement, or vertical targeting) indicates how the Google Ads ads were targeted
Ad targeting optionadTargetingOptiondimIt is Automatic placements or Managed placements, indicating how the ads were managed on the content network
Ad display URLadDisplayUrldimThe URL the Google Ads ads displayed
Ad destination URLadDestinationUrldimThe URL to which the Google Ads ads referred traffic
Is TrueView video adisTrueViewVideoAddimA boolean, Yes or No, indicating whether the ad is an Google Ads TrueView video ad
Ad query word countadQueryWordCountdimThe number of words in the search query
BROWSER & NETWORKBrowserBrowserdimThe name of users' browsers, for example, Internet Explorer or Firefox
Browser versionBrowserVersiondimThe version of users' browsers, for example,
Browser sizeBrowserSizedimThe viewport size of users' browsers. A session-scoped dimension, browser size captures the initial dimensions of the viewport in pixels and is formatted as width x height, for example, 1920x960
Operating systemOperatingSystemdimUsers' operating system, for example, Windows, Linux, Macintosh, or iOS
Operating system versionOperatingSystemVersiondimThe version of users' operating system, i.e., XP for Windows, PPC for Macintosh
Screen colorsScreenColorsdimThe color depth of users' monitors, retrieved from the DOM of users' browsers. For example, 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, or undefined-bit
Screen resolutionScreenResolutiondimResolution of users' screens, for example, 1024x738
Java enabledJavaEnableddimA boolean, either Yes or No, indicating whether Java is enabled in users' browsers
Flash versionFlashVersiondimThe version of Flash, including minor versions, supported by users' browsers
HostnameHostnamedimThe hostname from which the tracking request was made
Network domainNetworkDomaindimThe domain name of users' ISP, derived from the domain name registered to the ISP's IP address
Network locationNetworkLocationdimThe names of the service providers used to reach the property. For example, if most users of the website come via the major cable internet service providers, its value will be these service providers' names
Data sourcega_data_sourcedimThe data source of a hit. By default, hits sent from analytics.js are reported as 'web' and hits sent from the mobile SDKs are reported as 'app'. These values can be overridden in the Measurement Protocol
DEVICEDevice categorydeviceCategorydimThe type of device: desktop, tablet, or mobile
Mobile device brandmobileDeviceBrandingdimMobile manufacturer or branded name
Mobile device modelmobileDeviceModeldimMobile device model
Mobile device model (improved)mobileDeviceModel_improveddimMobile device model. Improved GA data with iPhone models classified based on screen resolution
Mobile device full namemobileDeviceInfodimThe branding, model, and marketing name used to identify the mobile device
Mobile device full name (improved)mobileDeviceInfo_improveddimThe branding, model, and marketing name used to identify the mobile device. Improved GA data with iPhone models classified based on screen resolution
Mobile device marketing namemobileDeviceMarketingNamedimThe marketing name used for the mobile device
Mobile device input modemobileInputSelectordimSelector (e.g., touchscreen, joystick, clickwheel, stylus) used on the mobile device
EVENTSEvent categoryEventCategorydimThe event category
Event labelEventLabeldimEvent label
Event actionEventActiondimEvent action
MULTI CHANNEL FUNNELSTransaction IDmcf:transactionIddim
MCF channel groupmcf:basicChannelGroupingdim
MCF channel group pathmcf:basicChannelGroupingPathdim
1st interaction channelmcf:interaction1dim
2nd interaction channelmcf:interaction2dim
3rd interaction channelmcf:interaction3dim
4th interaction channelmcf:interaction4dim
Source pathmcf:sourcePathdim
Medium pathmcf:mediumPathdim
Source/medium pathmcf:sourceMediumPathdim
Campaign pathmcf:campaignPathdim
1st interaction campaignmcf:campaign1dim
2nd interaction campaignmcf:campaign2dim
3rd interaction campaignmcf:campaign3dim
4th interaction campaignmcf:campaign4dim
5th interaction campaignmcf:campaign5dim
Keyword pathmcf:keywordPathdim
Google Ads ad content pathmcf:adwordsAdContentPathdim
Google Ads ad group ID pathmcf:adwordsAdGroupIDPathdim
Google Ads ad group pathmcf:adwordsAdGroupPathdim
Google Ads campaign ID pathmcf:adwordsCampaignIDPathdim
Google Ads campaign pathmcf:adwordsCampaignPathdim
Google Ads creative ID pathmcf:adwordsCreativeIDPathdim
Google Ads criteria ID pathmcf:adwordsCriteriaIDPathdim
Google Ads destination URL pathmcf:adwordsDestinationUrlPathdim
Google Ads display URL pathmcf:adwordsDisplayUrlPathdim
Google Ads keyword pathmcf:adwordsKeywordPathdim
Google Ads matched search query pathmcf:adwordsMatchedSearchQueryPathdim
Google Ads placement domain pathmcf:adwordsPlacementDomainPathdim
Google Ads placement URL pathmcf:adwordsPlacementUrlPathdim
Conversion typemcf:conversionTypedim
Conversion goal numbermcf:conversionGoalNumberdim
Conversion path length (# of interactions)mcf:pathLengthInInteractionsHistogramdim
Conversion time lag (days)mcf:timeLagInDaysHistogramdim
INTERNAL SEARCHSearch keywordSearchKeyworddimSearch term used within the property
Search categorySearchCategorydimThe category used for the internal search if site search categories are enabled in the view. For example, the product category may be electronics, furniture, or clothing
Search usedSearchUseddimA boolean, either Visits With Site Search or Visits Without Site Search, to distinguish whether internal search was used in a session
Search start pageSearchStartPagedimThe page where users initiated an internal search
Search destination pageSearchDestinationPagedimThe page users immediately visited after performing an internal search on the site. This is usually the search results page
Search keyword refinementSearchKeywordRefinementdimSubsequent keyword search term or string entered by users after a given initial string search
ONSITE SOCIAL ACTIONSSocial engagement type socialEngagementTypedimEngagement type, either "Socially Engaged" or "Not Socially Engaged"
Social action typesocialInteractionNetworkActiondimFor social interactions, this is the concatenation of the socialInteractionNetwork and socialInteractionAction action (e.g., Google: +1) being tracked at this hit level
Social action networksocialInteractionNetworkdimFor social interactions, this represents the social network being tracked
Social action target URLsocialInteractionTargetdimFor social interactions, this is the URL (or resource) which receives the social network action
OFFSITE SOCIAL ACTIONSOffsite social action shared URLsocialActivityContentUrldimFor a social data hub activity, this is the URL shared by the associated social network users
USER/SESSIONAgeuserAgeBracketdimAge bracket of users
GenderuserGenderdimGender of users
Affinity categoryinterestAffinityCategorydimIndicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category
In-market categoryinterestInMarketCategorydimIndicates that users are more likely to be ready to purchase products or services in the specified category
Other categoryinterestOtherCategorydimIndicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category, and more likely to be ready to purchase
APP TRACKINGApp IDappIddimThe application ID
App nameappNamedimThe application name
App versionappVersiondimThe application version
App installer IDappInstallerIddimThe ID of the app installer (e.g., Google Play Store) from which the app was downloaded. By default, the app installer ID is set by the PackageManager#getInstallerPackageName method
Screen namescreenNamedimThe name of the screen
Landing screen namelandingScreenNamedimThe name of the first viewed screen
Exit screen nameexitScreenNamedimThe name of the screen where users exited the application
Screen depthscreenDepthdimThe number of screenviews (reported as a string) per session, useful for historgrams
EXCEPTION TRACKINGException DescriptionexceptionDescriptiondimThe description for the exception
EXPERIMENTSExperiment IDexperimentIDdimThe user-scoped ID of the content experiment that users were exposed to when the metrics were reported
Experiment variantexperimentVariantdimThe user-scoped ID of the particular variant that users were exposed to during a content experiment
GOALSGoal completion pagegoalCompletionLocationdimThe page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal completion
Goal previous step 1goalPreviousStep1dimThe page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, one step prior to the goal completion location
Goal previous step 2goalPreviousStep2dimThe page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, two steps prior to the goal completion location
Goal previous step 3goalPreviousStep3dimThe page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, three steps prior to the goal completion location
USER TIMINGSTiming category userTimingCategorydimFor easier reporting purposes, this is used to categorize all user timing variables into logical groups
Timing labeluserTimingLabeldimThe name of the resource's action being tracked
Timing variableuserTimingVariabledimUsed to add flexibility to visualize user timings in the reports
CUSTOMUserDefinedValueUserDefinedValuedimThe value provided when defining custom user segments for the property
Custom dimension 1dimension1dim
Custom dimension 2dimension2dim
Custom dimension 3dimension3dim
Custom dimension 4dimension4dim
Custom dimension 5dimension5dim
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DOUBLECLICK BID MANAGERDBM Advertiser (GA Model)dbmClickAdvertiserdimDBM advertiser name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Advertiser ID (GA Model)dbmClickAdvertiserIddimDBM advertiser ID of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Creative ID (GA Model)dbmClickCreativeIddimDBM creative ID of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Exchange (GA Model)dbmClickExchangedimDBM exchange name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Exchange ID (GA Model)dbmClickExchangeIddimDBM exchange ID of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Insertion Order (GA Model)dbmClickInsertionOrderdimDBM insertion order name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Insertion Order ID (GA Model)dbmClickInsertionOrderIddimDBM insertion order ID of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Line Item (GA Model)dbmClickLineItemdimDBM line item name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Line Item ID (GA Model)dbmClickLineItemIddimDBM line item ID of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Site (GA Model)dbmClickSitedimDBM site name where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Site ID (GA Model)dbmClickSiteIddimDBM site ID where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Advertiser (DCM Model)dbmLastEventAdvertiserdimDBM advertiser name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Advertiser ID (DCM Model)dbmLastEventAdvertiserIddimDBM advertiser ID of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Creative ID (DCM Model)dbmLastEventCreativeIddimDBM creative ID of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Exchange (DCM Model)dbmLastEventExchangedimDBM exchange name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Exchange ID (DCM Model)dbmLastEventExchangeIddimDBM exchange ID of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Insertion Order (DCM Model)dbmLastEventInsertionOrderdimDBM insertion order name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Insertion Order ID (DCM Model)dbmLastEventInsertionOrderIddimDBM insertion order ID of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Line Item (DCM Model)dbmLastEventLineItemdimDBM line item name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Line Item ID (DCM Model)dbmLastEventLineItemIddimDBM line item ID of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Site (DCM Model)dbmLastEventSitedimDBM site name where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Last Site ID (DCM Model)dbmLastEventSiteIddimDBM site ID where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DOUBLECLICK CAMPAIGN MANAGERDFA AddcmLastEventAddimDCM ad name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Ad ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventAdIddimDCM ad ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Ad Type (DFA Model)dcmLastEventAdTypedimDCM ad type name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Ad Type ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventAdTypeIddimDCM ad type ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Advertiser (DFA Model)dcmLastEventAdvertiserdimDCM advertiser name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Advertiser ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventAdvertiserIddimDCM advertiser ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Attribution Type (DFA Model)dcmLastEventAttributionTypedimThere are two possible values: ClickThrough and ViewThrough. If the last DCM event associated with the Google Analytics session was a click, then the value will be ClickThrough. If the last DCM event associated with the Google Analytics session was an ad impression, then the value will be ViewThrough (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Campaign (DFA Model)dcmLastEventCampaigndimDCM campaign name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Campaign ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventCampaignIddimDCM campaign ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventCreativeIddimDCM creative ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative (DFA Model)dcmLastEventCreativedimDCM creative name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Rendering ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventRenderingIddimDCM rendering ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative Type (DFA Model)dcmLastEventCreativeTypedimDCM creative type name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative Type ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventCreativeTypeIddimDCM creative type ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative Version (DFA Model)dcmLastEventCreativeVersiondimDCM creative version of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Site (DFA Model)dcmLastEventSitedimSite name where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Site ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventSiteIddimDCM site ID where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Placement (DFA Model)dcmLastEventSitePlacementdimDCM site placement name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Placement ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventSitePlacementIddimDCM site placement ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Floodlight Configuration ID (DFA Model)dcmLastEventSpotIddimDCM Floodlight configuration ID of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Ad (GA Model)dcmClickAddimDCM ad name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Ad ID (GA Model)dcmClickAdIddimDCM ad ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Ad Type (GA Model)dcmClickAdTypedimDCM ad type name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Ad Type IDdcmClickAdTypeIddimDCM ad type ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Advertiser (GA Model)dcmClickAdvertiserdimDCM advertiser name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Advertiser ID (GA Model)dcmClickAdvertiserIddimDCM advertiser ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Campaign (GA Model)dcmClickCampaigndimDCM campaign name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Campaign ID (GA Model)dcmClickCampaignIddimDCM campaign ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative ID (GA Model)dcmClickCreativeIddimDCM creative ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative (GA Model)dcmClickCreativedimDCM creative name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Rendering ID (GA Model)dcmClickRenderingIddimDCM rendering ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative Type (GA Model)dcmClickCreativeTypedimDCM creative type name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative Type ID (GA Model)dcmClickCreativeTypeIddimDCM creative type ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Creative Version (GA Model)dcmClickCreativeVersiondimDCM creative version of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Site (GA Model)dcmClickSitedimSite name where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Site ID (GA Model)dcmClickSiteIddimDCM site ID where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Placement (GA Model)dcmClickSitePlacementdimDCM site placement name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Placement ID (GA Model)dcmClickSitePlacementIddimDCM site placement ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Floodlight Configuration ID (GA Model)dcmClickSpotIddimDCM Floodlight configuration ID of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only)
DFA ActivitydcmFloodlightActivitydimDCM Floodlight activity name associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Activity and GroupdcmFloodlightActivityAndGroupdimDCM Floodlight activity name and group name associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Activity GroupdcmFloodlightActivityGroupdimDCM Floodlight activity group name associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Activity Group IDdcmFloodlightActivityGroupIddimDCM Floodlight activity group ID associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Activity IDdcmFloodlightActivityIddimDCM Floodlight activity ID associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Advertiser IDdcmFloodlightAdvertiserIddimDCM Floodlight advertiser ID associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only)
DFA Floodlight Configuration IDdcmFloodlightSpotIddimDCM Floodlight configuration ID associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only)
DOUBLECLICK SEARCHSA360 Ad GroupdsAdGroupdimDS Ad Group (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 Ad Group IDdsAdGroupIddimDS Ad Group ID (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 AdvertiserdsAdvertiserdimDS Advertiser (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 Advertiser IDdsAdvertiserIddimDS Advertiser ID (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 AgencydsAgencydimDS Agency (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 Agency IDdsAgencyIddimDS Agency ID (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 CampaigndsCampaigndimDS Campaign (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 Campaign IDdsCampaignIddimDS Campaign ID (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 Engine AccountdsEngineAccountdimDS Engine Account (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 Engine Account IDdsEngineAccountIddimDS Engine Account ID (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 KeyworddsKeyworddimDS Keyword (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 Keyword IDdsKeywordIddimDS Keyword ID (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SAMPLINGIs sampledisSampleddimHas value of TRUE if the data returned by the Google Analytics API has been sampled
DEPRECATEDNext page pathNextPagePathdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2020-05-12. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Offsite social action usersocialActivityUserHandledimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-04-11. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Offsite social action user profile URLsocialActivityUserProfileUrldimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-04-11. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Offsite social action titlesocialActivityDisplayNamedimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-04-11. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Offsite social action URLsocialActivityEndorsingUrldimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-04-11. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Correlation Model IDcorrelationModelIddimThis dimension is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Offsite social action typesocialActivityActiondimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-04-11. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Related Product NamerelatedProductNamedimThis dimension is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Related Product VariationrelatedProductVariationdimThis dimension is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Related Product IDrelatedProductIddimThis dimension is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Queried Product VariationqueryProductVariationdimThis dimension is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Queried Product NamequeryProductNamedimThis dimension is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Queried Product IDqueryProductIddimThis dimensions is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Offsite social action post contentsocialActivityPostdimPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-04-11. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
SessionsSessionsmetThe total number of sessions
New usersnewvisitsmetThe number of sessions marked as a user's first sessions
BouncesBouncesmetThe total number of single page (or single interaction hit) sessions for the property
PageviewsPageviewsmetThe total number of pageviews for the property
Total time on site (seconds)sessionDurationmetTotal duration (in seconds) of users' sessions
Total time on site (hours)TimeOnSite_hoursmet
Bounce rate (%)entrancebouncerate_percmetThe percentage of single-page session (i.e., session in which the person left the property from the first page)
New sessions (%)percentnewvisits_percmetThe percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the property before
Avg. sessions per userAvgVisitsmet
Avg. session length (min)AvgTimeOnSite_minutesmet
Avg. session length (h:m:s)AvgTimeOnSite_hmsmet
Avg. session length (seconds)average_session_length_secondsmet
Avg. pageviews per sessionpageviewspervisitmetThe average number of pages viewed during a session, including repeated views of a single page
HitshitsmetTotal number of hits for the view (profile). This metric sums all hit types, including pageview, custom event, ecommerce, and other types. Because this metric is based on the view (profile), not on the property, it is not the same as the property's hit volume
1 day active users1dayUsersmetTotal number of 1-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 1-day period ending on the given date
7 day active users7dayUsersmetTotal number of 7-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 7-day period ending on the given date
14 day active users14dayUsersmetTotal number of 14-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 14-day period ending on the given date
28 day active users28dayUsersmetTotal number of 28-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 28-day period ending on the given date
30 day active users30dayUsersmetTotal number of 30-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 30-day period ending on the given date
ECOMMERCETransactionsTransactionsmetThe total number of transactions
Transaction revenueTransactionRevenuemetThe total sale revenue (excluding shipping and tax) of the transaction
Item revenueItemRevenuemetThe total revenue from purchased product items
Item quantityItemQuantitymetTotal number of items purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls, this will be 7
Transaction shippingTransactionshippingmetThe total cost of shipping
Transaction taxTransactiontaxmetTotal tax for the transaction
Unique purchasesUniquepurchasesmetThe number of product sets purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls from the site, this will be 2
Avg. revenue per userrevenuePerUsermetThe total sale revenue (excluding shipping and tax) of the transaction divided by the total number of users
Avg. revenue per itemrevenuePerItemmetThe average revenue per item
Avg. revenue per sessiontransactionrevenuepervisitmetAverage transaction revenue for a session
Avg. order valuerevenuepertransactionmetThe average revenue of an ecommerce transaction
Items per purchaseitemsPerPurchasemetThe average quantity of this item (or group of items) sold per purchase
Ecommerce conversion rate (%)EcommerceConversionRate_percmet
Item revenue (local currency)localItemRevenuemetProduct revenue in local currency
Transaction revenue (local currency)localTransactionRevenuemetTransaction revenue in local currency
Transaction shipping (local currency)localTransactionShippingmetTransaction shipping cost in local currency
Transaction tax (local currency)localTransactionTaxmetTransaction tax in local currency
Product List ViewsproductListViewsmetNumber of times the product appeared in a product list (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product List ClicksproductListClicksmetNumber of times users clicked the product when it appeared in the product list (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product List CTR (%)productListCTR_percmetThe rate at which users clicked through on the product in a product list (ga:productListClicks / ga:productListViews) - (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Detail ViewsproductDetailViewsmetNumber of times users viewed the product-detail page (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Adds To CartproductAddsToCartmetNumber of times the product was added to the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Removes From CartproductRemovesFromCartmetNumber of times the product was removed from the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product CheckoutsproductCheckoutsmetNumber of times the product was included in the check-out process (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product RefundsproductRefundsmetNumber of times a refund was issued for the product (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Refund AmountproductRefundAmountmetTotal refund amount associated with the product (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Product Revenue per PurchaseproductRevenuePerPurchasemetAverage product revenue per purchase (commonly used with Product Coupon Code) (ga:itemRevenue / ga:uniquePurchases) - (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Cart-to-Detail Rate (%)cartToDetailRate_percmetProduct adds divided by views of product details (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Buy-to-Detail Rate (%)buyToDetailRate_percmetUnique purchases divided by views of product detail pages (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Quantity Added To CartquantityAddedToCartmetNumber of product units added to the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Quantity Removed From CartquantityRemovedFromCartmetNumber of product units removed from a shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Quantity Checked OutquantityCheckedOutmetNumber of product units included in check out (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Quantity RefundedquantityRefundedmetNumber of product units refunded (Enhanced Ecommerce)
RefundstotalRefundsmetNumber of refunds that have been issued (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Refund AmountrefundAmountmetCurrency amount refunded for a transaction (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Local Product Refund AmountlocalProductRefundAmountmetRefund amount in local currency for a given product (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Local Refund AmountlocalRefundAmountmetTotal refund amount in local currency for the transaction (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Internal Promotion ClicksinternalPromotionClicksmetThe number of clicks on an internal promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Internal Promotion ViewsinternalPromotionViewsmetThe number of views of an internal promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce)
Internal Promotion CTR (%)internalPromotionCTR_percmetThe rate at which users clicked through to view the internal promotion (ga:internalPromotionClicks / ga:internalPromotionViews) - (Enhanced Ecommerce)
CONTENTPageviewsPageviews2metThe total number of pageviews for the property
Unique pageviewsUniquePageviewsmetUnique Pageviews is the number of sessions during which the specified page was viewed at least once. A unique pageview is counted for each page URL + page title combination
EntrancesEntrancesmetThe number of entrances to the property measured as the first pageview in a session, typically used with landingPagePath
ExitsExitsmetThe number of exits from the property
Total time on page (sec)TimeOnPagemetTime (in seconds) users spent on a particular page, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. This metric does not apply to exit pages of the property
Avg. time on page (sec)avgtimeonpagemetThe average time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages
Exit rate (%)exitrate_percmetThe percentage of exits from the property that occurred out of the total pageviews
Page valuepageValuemetThe average value of this page or set of pages, which is equal to (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:uniquePageviews
Content group 1 unique viewscontentGroupUniqueViews1met
Content group 2 unique viewscontentGroupUniqueViews2met
Content group 3 unique viewscontentGroupUniqueViews3met
Content group 4 unique viewscontentGroupUniqueViews4met
Content group 5 unique viewscontentGroupUniqueViews5met
EVENTSTotal eventsTotalEventsmetThe total number of events for the profile, across all categories
Unique eventsUniqueEventsmetThe number of unique events. Events in different sessions are counted as separate events
Unique dimension combinationsuniqueDimensionCombinationsmetUnique Dimension Combinations counts the number of unique dimension-value combinations for each dimension in a report. This lets you build combined (concatenated) dimensions post-processing, which allows for more flexible reporting without having to update your tracking implementation or use additional custom-dimension slots. For more information, see
Sessions with eventsessionsWithEventmetThe total number of sessions with events
Event valueEventValuemetTotal value of events for the profile
Avg. event valueavgeventvaluemetThe average value of an event
Avg. events per session with eventeventspervisitwitheventmetThe average number of events per session with event
PAID CAMPAIGNSAd ImpressionsImpressionsmetTotal number of campaign impressions
Ad clicksAdClicksmetTotal number of times users have clicked on an ad to reach the property
Ad costAdCostmetDerived cost for the advertising campaign. Its currency is the one you set in the Google Ads account
CPCcpcmetCost to advertiser per click
CPMcpmmetCost per thousand impressions
Avg. revenue per ad click (RPC)rpcmetRPC or revenue-per-click, the average revenue (from ecommerce sales and/or goal value) you received for each click on one of the search ads
Return on ad spend (ROAS) (%)roas_percmetReturn On Ad Spend (ROAS) is the total transaction revenue and goal value divided by derived advertising cost
MULTI CHANNEL FUNNELSTotal conversionsmcf:totalConversionsmet
Total conversion valuemcf:totalConversionValuemet
Assisted conversionsmcf:assistedConversionsmet
Assisted conversion valuemcf:assistedValuemet
First interaction conversionsmcf:firstInteractionConversionsmet
First interaction conversion valuemcf:firstInteractionValuemet
Last interaction conversionsmcf:lastInteractionConversionsmet
Last interaction conversion valuemcf:lastInteractionValuemet
Assisted/Last click conversions ratiomcf:assistedToLastClickRatiomet
ADSENSEAdSense ads viewedadsenseAdsViewedmetThe number of AdSense ads viewed (requires integration with AdSense). Multiple ads can be displayed within an ad Unit
AdSense ad units viewedadsenseAdUnitsViewedmetThe number of AdSense ad units viewed (requires integration with AdSense). An ad unit is a set of ads displayed as a result of one piece of the AdSense ad code. For details, see
AdSense page impressionsadsensePageImpressionsmetThe number of pageviews during which an AdSense ad was displayed (requires integration with AdSense). A page impression can have multiple ad Units
AdSense clicksadsenseAdsClicksmetThe number of times AdSense ads on the site were clicked (requires integration with AdSense)
AdSense revenueadsenseRevenuemetThe total revenue from AdSense ads
AdSense CTRadsenseCTRmetThe percentage of page impressions resulted in a click on an AdSense ad (requires integration with AdSense)
AdSense eCPMadsenseECPMmetThe estimated cost per thousand page impressions (requires integration with AdSense). It is the AdSense Revenue per 1,000 page impressions
AdSense exitsadsenseExitsmetThe number of sessions ended due to a user clicking on an AdSense ad (requires integration with AdSense)
AD EXCHANGEAdX revenueadxRevenuemetThe total estimated revenue from Ad Exchange ads
SOCIAL ACTIONSSocial actions (onsite)socialInteractionsmetThe total number of social interactions
Unique social actions (onsite)uniqueSocialInteractionsmetThe number of sessions during which the specified social action(s) occurred at least once. This is based on the the unique combination of socialInteractionNetwork, socialInteractionAction, and socialInteractionTarget
INTERNAL SEARCHSearch uniquesSearchuniquesmetTotal number of unique keywords from internal searches within a session. For example, if "shoes" was searched for 3 times in a session, it would be counted only once
Search sessionssearchSessionsmetThe total number of sessions that included an internal search
Search result viewssearchResultViewsmetThe number of times a search result page was viewed
Search refinementssearchRefinementsmetThe total number of times a refinement (transition) occurs between internal keywords search within a session. For example, if the sequence of keywords is "shoes", "shoes", "pants", "pants", this metric will be one because the transition between "shoes" and "pants" is different
Search exitssearchExitsmetThe number of exits on the site that occurred following a search result from the site's internal search feature
Avg. search pageviewsavgsearchresultviewsmetThe average number of times people viewed a page as a result of a search
Search depthsearchDepthmetThe total number of subsequent page views made after a use of the site's internal search feature
Avg. search depthavgsearchdepthmetThe average number of pages people viewed after performing a search
Avg. search durationavgsearchdurationmetThe average time (in seconds) users, after searching, spent on the property
Search exit rate (%)searchexitrate_percmetThe percentage of searches that resulted in an immediate exit from the property
Percent of sessions with searchpercentvisitswithsearchmetThe percentage of sessions with search
SITE SPEEDAvg. page load time (sec)avgpageloadtimemetThe average time (in seconds) pages from the sample set take to load, from initiation of the pageview (e.g., a click on a page link) to load completion in the browser
Avg. domain lookup time (sec)avgdomainlookuptimemetThe average time (in seconds) spent in DNS lookup for this page
Avg. page download time (sec)avgpagedownloadtimemetThe average time (in seconds) to download this page
Avg. redirection time (sec)avgredirectiontimemetThe average time (in seconds) spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, this is 0
Avg. server connection time (sec)avgserverconnectiontimemetThe average time (in seconds) spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page
Avg. server response time (sec)avgserverresponsetimemetThe average time (in seconds) the site's server takes to respond to users' requests
Page load samplepageLoadSamplemetThe sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the average page load time
Sample size used for calculating speed metricsspeedMetricsSamplemetThe sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages of site speed metrics. This metric is used in all site speed average calculations, including avgDomainLookupTime, avgPageDownloadTime, avgRedirectionTime, avgServerConnectionTime, and avgServerResponseTime
DOM content loaded time (ms)domContentLoadedTimemetThe time (in milliseconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts (DOMContentLoaded). When parsing of the document is finished, the Document Object Model (DOM) is ready, but the referenced style sheets, images, and subframes may not be finished loading. This is often the starting point of Javascript framework execution, e.g., JQuery's onready() callback
DOM interactive time (ms)domInteractiveTimemetThe time (in milliseconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document (DOMInteractive). At this time, users can interact with the Document Object Model even though it is not fully loaded
Avg. DOM content loaded time (s)avgdomContentLoadedTimemetThe average time (in seconds) the browser takes to parse the document
Avg. DOM interactive time (s)avgDomInteractiveTimemetThe average time (in seconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts
DOM latency metric sampledomLatencyMetricsSamplemetSample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages for site speed DOM metrics. This metric is used to calculate ga:avgDomContentLoadedTime and ga:avgDomInteractiveTime
Page load time (ms)pageLoadTimemetTotal time (in milliseconds), from pageview initiation (e.g., a click on a page link) to page load completion in the browser, the pages in the sample set take to load. Should be divided by the page load sample metric to get the average time
Domain lookup time (ms)domainLookupTimemetThe total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in DNS lookup for this page. Should be divided by the speed metrics sample metric to get the average time
Page download time (ms)pageDownloadTimemetThe total time (in milliseconds) to download this page among all samples. Should be divided by the speed metrics sample metric to get the average time
Redirection time (ms)redirectionTimemetThe total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, this is 0. Should be divided by the speed metrics sample metric to get the average time
Server connection time (ms)serverConnectionTimemetTotal time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page. Should be divided by the speed metrics sample metric to get the average time
Server response time (ms)serverResponseTimemetThe total time (in milliseconds) the site's server takes to respond to users' requests among all samples; this includes the network time from users' locations to the server. Should be divided by the speed metrics sample metric to get the average time
APP TRACKINGScreen viewsscreenviewsmetThe total number of screenviews
Unique screen viewsuniqueScreenviewsmetThe number of unique screen views. Screen views in different sessions are counted as separate screen views
Screen views per sessionscreenviewsPerSessionmetThe average number of screenviews per session
Avg. time on screen (sec)avgScreenviewDurationmetAverage time (in seconds) users spent on a screen
EXCEPTION TRACKINGExceptionsexceptionsmetThe number of exceptions sent to Google Analytics
Fatal exceptionsfatalExceptionsmetThe number of exceptions where isFatal is set to true
Exceptions per screenviewexceptionsPerScreenviewmetThe number of exceptions thrown divided by the number of screenviews
Fatal exceptions per screenviewfatalExceptionsPerScreenviewmetThe number of fatal exceptions thrown divided by the number of screenviews
USER TIMINGSAvg. timing value (sec)avgTimingValuemet
Timing sample sizeuserTimingSamplemetThe number of hits sent for a particular userTimingCategory, userTimingLabel, or userTimingVariable
CAMPAIGNOrganic searches within a sessionorganicSearchesmetThe number of organic searches happened in a session. This metric is search engine agnostic
GOALSGoal starts, all goalsgoalStartsAllmetTotal number of starts for all goals defined in the profile
Goal completions, all goalsgoalCompletionsAllmetTotal number of completions for all goals defined in the profile
Goal conversion rate, all goals (%)goalconversionrateall_percmetThe percentage of sessions which resulted in a conversion to at least one of the goals
Total goal valueGoalValueAllmetTotal numeric value for all goals defined in the profile
Total value (goals + ecommerce)totalValuemetTotal value for the property (including total revenue and total goal value)
Avg. goal value per sessiongoalvaluepervisitmetThe average goal value of a session
Goal 1 completionsgoal1completionsmet
Goal 2 completionsgoal2completionsmet
Goal 3 completionsgoal3completionsmet
Goal 4 completionsgoal4completionsmet
Goal 5 completionsgoal5completionsmet
Goal 6 completionsgoal6completionsmet
Goal 7 completionsgoal7completionsmet
Goal 8 completionsgoal8completionsmet
Goal 9 completionsgoal9completionsmet
Goal 10 completionsgoal10completionsmet
Goal 11 completionsgoal11completionsmet
Goal 12 completionsgoal12completionsmet
Goal 13 completionsgoal13completionsmet
Goal 14 completionsgoal14completionsmet
Goal 15 completionsgoal15completionsmet
Goal 16 completionsgoal16completionsmet
Goal 17 completionsgoal17completionsmet
Goal 18 completionsgoal18completionsmet
Goal 19 completionsgoal19completionsmet
Goal 20 completionsgoal20completionsmet
Goal 1 conversion rate (%)goal1conversionrate_percmet
Goal 2 conversion rate (%)goal2conversionrate_percmet
Goal 3 conversion rate (%)goal3conversionrate_percmet
Goal 4 conversion rate (%)goal4conversionrate_percmet
Goal 5 conversion rate (%)goal5conversionrate_percmet
Goal 6 conversion rate (%)goal6conversionrate_percmet
Goal 7 conversion rate (%)goal7conversionrate_percmet
Goal 8 conversion rate (%)goal8conversionrate_percmet
Goal 9 conversion rate (%)goal9conversionrate_percmet
Goal 10 conversion rate (%)goal10conversionrate_percmet
Goal 11 conversion rate (%)goal11conversionrate_percmet
Goal 12 conversion rate (%)goal12conversionrate_percmet
Goal 13 conversion rate (%)goal13conversionrate_percmet
Goal 14 conversion rate (%)goal14conversionrate_percmet
Goal 15 conversion rate (%)goal15conversionrate_percmet
Goal 16 conversion rate (%)goal16conversionrate_percmet
Goal 17 conversion rate (%)goal17conversionrate_percmet
Goal 18 conversion rate (%)goal18conversionrate_percmet
Goal 19 conversion rate (%)goal19conversionrate_percmet
Goal 20 conversion rate (%)goal20conversionrate_percmet
Goal 1 funnel abandon rate (%)goal1abandonrate_percmet
Goal 2 funnel abandon rate (%)goal2abandonrate_percmet
Goal 3 funnel abandon rate (%)goal3abandonrate_percmet
Goal 4 funnel abandon rate (%)goal4abandonrate_percmet
Goal 5 funnel abandon rate (%)goal5abandonrate_percmet
Goal 6 funnel abandon rate (%)goal6abandonrate_percmet
Goal 7 funnel abandon rate (%)goal7abandonrate_percmet
Goal 8 funnel abandon rate (%)goal8abandonrate_percmet
Goal 9 funnel abandon rate (%)goal9abandonrate_percmet
Goal 10 funnel abandon rate (%)goal10abandonrate_percmet
Goal 11 funnel abandon rate (%)goal11abandonrate_percmet
Goal 12 funnel abandon rate (%)goal12abandonrate_percmet
Goal 13 funnel abandon rate (%)goal13abandonrate_percmet
Goal 14 funnel abandon rate (%)goal14abandonrate_percmet
Goal 15 funnel abandon rate (%)goal15abandonrate_percmet
Goal 16 funnel abandon rate (%)goal16abandonrate_percmet
Goal 17 funnel abandon rate (%)goal17abandonrate_percmet
Goal 18 funnel abandon rate (%)goal18abandonrate_percmet
Goal 19 funnel abandon rate (%)goal19abandonrate_percmet
Goal 20 funnel abandon rate (%)goal20abandonrate_percmet
Goal 1 valuegoal1valuemet
Goal 2 valuegoal2valuemet
Goal 3 valuegoal3valuemet
Goal 4 valuegoal4valuemet
Goal 5 valuegoal5valuemet
Goal 6 valuegoal6valuemet
Goal 7 valuegoal7valuemet
Goal 8 valuegoal8valuemet
Goal 9 valuegoal9valuemet
Goal 10 valuegoal10valuemet
Goal 11 valuegoal11valuemet
Goal 12 valuegoal12valuemet
Goal 13 valuegoal13valuemet
Goal 14 valuegoal14valuemet
Goal 15 valuegoal15valuemet
Goal 16 valuegoal16valuemet
Goal 17 valuegoal17valuemet
Goal 18 valuegoal18valuemet
Goal 19 valuegoal19valuemet
Goal 20 valuegoal20valuemet
Goal 1 startsgoal1startsmet
Goal 2 startsgoal2startsmet
Goal 3 startsgoal3startsmet
Goal 4 startsgoal4startsmet
Goal 5 startsgoal5startsmet
Goal 6 startsgoal6startsmet
Goal 7 startsgoal7startsmet
Goal 8 startsgoal8startsmet
Goal 9 startsgoal9startsmet
Goal 10 startsgoal10startsmet
Goal 11 startsgoal11startsmet
Goal 12 startsgoal12startsmet
Goal 13 startsgoal13startsmet
Goal 14 startsgoal14startsmet
Goal 15 startsgoal15startsmet
Goal 16 startsgoal16startsmet
Goal 17 startsgoal17startsmet
Goal 18 startsgoal18startsmet
Goal 19 startsgoal19startsmet
Goal 20 startsgoal20startsmet
DOUBLECLICK BID MANAGERDBM ImpressionsdbmImpressionsmetDBM Total Impressions (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM ClicksdbmClicksmetDBM Total Clicks (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM CostdbmCostmetDBM Cost (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM CPAdbmCPAmetDBM Revenue eCPA (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM CPMdbmCPMmetDBM Revenue eCPM (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM CTR (%)dbmCTR_percmetDBM CTR (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM CPCdbmCPCmetDBM Revenue eCPC (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM ConversionsdbmConversionsmetDBM Total Conversions (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DBM Return on ad spend (ROAS) (%)dbmROAS_percmetDBM ROAS (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM)
DOUBLECLICK CAMPAIGN MANAGERDFA ImpressionsdcmImpressionsmetDCM Total Impressions (Analytics 360 only)
DFA ClicksdcmClicksmetDCM Total Clicks (Analytics 360 only)
DFA CostdcmCostmetDCM Total Cost (Analytics 360 only)
DFA CTR (%)dcmCTR_percmetDCM Click Through Rate (Analytics 360 only)
DFA CPCdcmCPCmetDCM Cost Per Click (Analytics 360 only)
DFA ConversionsdcmFloodlightQuantitymetThe number of DCM Floodlight conversions (Analytics 360 only)
DFA RevenuedcmFloodlightRevenuemetDCM Floodlight revenue (Analytics 360 only)
DFA ROI (%)dcmROI_percmet
DOUBLECLICK SEARCHSA360 ClicksdsClicksmetDS Clicks (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 CostdsCostmetDS Cost (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 ImpressionsdsImpressionsmetDS Impressions (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 CPCdsCPCmetDS Cost to advertiser per click (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 CTRdsCTRmetDS Click Through Rate (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 ProfitdsProfitmetDS Profit (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 ROASdsReturnOnAdSpendmetDS Return On Ad Spend (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
SA360 RPCdsRevenuePerClickmetDS Revenue Per Click (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS)
CUSTOMCustom metric 1metric1met
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Custom metric 49metric49met
Custom metric 50metric50met
Custom metric 51metric51met
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DEPRECATEDCorrelation ScorecorrelationScoremetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-06-02. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Social actions (offsite)socialActivitiesmetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-04-11. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Queried Product QuantityqueryProductQuantitymetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-06-02. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01
Related Product QuantityrelatedProductQuantitymetPlease note that this field will be removed on 2017-06-02. Please note that this field will be removed on 2022-03-01