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Dimension list for Google Search Ads 360 (legacy)

154 dimensions available

TIMEYearYearYear, e.g. 2017
Year & monthYearmonthYear and month, e.g. 2017|06
Year & week (Sun-Sat)yearweekYear and week for US weeks, e.g. 2017|08
Year & week (Mon-Sun)yearweekisoYear and week for ISO weeks, e.g. 2017|08
MonthMonthMonth, e.g. 6
Week (Sun-Sat)weekUS week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun)weekisoISO week number, e.g. 51
Week (Mon-Sun, dates)yearweekiso_daterange
Day of monthdayOfMonthDay of month, e.g. 2
Day of week (numeric)dayOfWeekNumericDay of week for ISO weeks, e.g. "1" for Monday and "7" for Sunday
Day of week (name)dayOfWeekNameDay of week for ISO weeks with names, e.g. "1 - Monday" or "7 - Sunday"
DateDateDate, e.g. 2017-01-31
ACCOUNTAccountaccountEngine account name
Account IDaccountIdDS engine account ID
Engine IDaccountEngineIdID of the account in the external engine account
Account typeaccountTypeEngine account type: Google AdWords, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo Japan Listing Ads, Yahoo Search Marketing, Yahoo Native Ads, Baidu, or Comparison Shopping
AgencyagencyAgency name
Agency IDagencyIdDS agency ID
AdvertiseradvertiserAdvertiser name
Advertiser IDadvertiserIdDS advertiser ID
CurrencyaccountCurrencyCodeCurrency code of the engine account in ISO 4217 format
Time zoneaccountTimeZoneTime zone of the engine account in IANA Time Zone Database format, such as America/New_York
StatusstatusThe status of the account: Active, Paused, or Removed
Site link display textsiteLinkDisplayText
Site link Description 1sitelinkDescription1
Site link Description 2sitelinkDescription2
Site link landing page URLsitelinkLandingPageUrl
Site link click server URLsitelinkClickserverUrl
Location business namelocationBusinessName
ID-MAPAgency ID (Old)oldAgencyIdAgency ID (Old)
Manager account ID (New)newManagerAccountIdManager account ID (New)
Advertiser ID (Old)oldAdvertiserIdAdvertiser ID (Old)
Sub Manager Account ID (New)newSubManagerAccountIdSub Manager Account ID (New)
Engine ID (Old)oldEngineIdEngine ID (Old)
Client Account ID (New)newClientAccountIdClient Account ID (New)
Campaign ID (Old)oldCampaignIdCampaign ID (Old)
SA360 Campaign ID (New)newCampaignIdSA360 Campaign ID (New)
Campaign target ID (Old)oldCampaignTargetIdCampaign target ID (Old)
SA360 Campaign criterion ID (New)newCampaignCriterionIdSA360 Campaign criterion ID (New)
Adgroup ID (Old)oldAdGroupIdAdgroup ID (Old)
SA360 Adgroup ID (New)newAdGroupIdSA360 Adgroup ID (New)
Ad ID (Old)oldAdIdAd ID (Old)
SA360 Ad ID (New)newAdIdSA360 Ad ID (New)
Entity typeentityTypeEntity type
CAMPAIGNCampaigncampaignCampaign name
Campaign IDcampaignIdDS campaign ID
Campaign StatuscampaignStatusThe status of the campaign: Active, Paused, or Removed
Campaign typecampaignTypeIndicates the type of campaign: Manual, Inventory, Inventory - PLA, Shopping, Comparison shopping, Mobile app install, or Universal app
Engine IDcampaignEngineIdID of the campaign in the external engine account
Daily budgetdailyBudgetDaily budget of the campaign
Monthly budgetmonthlyBudgetMonthly budget of the campaign
Delivery methoddeliveryMethodBudget delivery method of the campaign: Standard or Accelerated
Ad rotationadRotationAd serving rotation used by the ad group: Optimize or Rotate indefinitely
LabelscampaignLabelsNames of labels directly assigned to this campaign; inherited labels are not included
Start datecampaignStartDateStart date of the campaign
End datecampaignEndDateEnd date of the campaign
AD GROUPAd groupadGroupAd group name
Ad group IDadGroupIdDS ad group ID
Ad group statusadGroupStatusThe status of the ad group: Active, Paused, or Removed
Ad group labelsadGroupLabelsNames of labels directly assigned to this ad group; inherited labels are not included
Engine IDadGroupEngineIdID of the ad group in the external engine account
Start dateadGroupStartDateStart date of the ad group
End dateadGroupEndDateEnd date of the ad group
Search max CPCadGroupSearchMaxCpcDefault bid for search keywords in this ad group
Broad max CPCadGroupBroadMaxCpcDefault bid for broad match search keywords in this ad group (Microsoft Advertising only)
Exact max CPCadGroupExactMaxCpcDefault bid for exact match keywords in this ad group (Microsoft Advertising only)
Phrase max CPCadGroupPhraseMaxCpcDefault bid for phrasematch search keywords in this ad group (Microsoft Advertising only)
Content max CPCadGroupContentMaxCpcDefault bid for content keywords in this ad group
Mobile bid adjustmentadGroupMobileBidAdjustmentThe percentage by which bids are adjusted for mobile. For example, 0.2 means 20% increase, so mobile bids are 1.2 times the default bid. The range of valid values differs based on the external engine
ADAdadAd name
Ad IDadIdDS ad ID. A value of 0 indicates that the ad is unattributed
Ad statusadStatusThe status of the ad: Active, Paused, or Removed. Note that campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads each have their own status. See status
Ad engine IDadEngineIdID of the ad in the external engine account
Ad engine statusadEngineStatusAdditional status of the ad in the external engine account. Possible statuses (depending on the type of external account) include active, eligible, creative deleted, creative approved family safe, etc
Ad headlineadHeadlineAd headline
Ad headline 2adHeadline2Ad headline 2; not available for some engines
Ad labelsadLabelsNames of labels directly assigned to this ad; inherited labels are not included
Ad description 1adDescription1Ad description line 1
Ad description 2adDescription2Ad description line 2; not available for some engines
Ad path field 1adPathField1Ad path field 1. Path fields 1 and 2 are combined with ad display URL to form the URL that is shown on an ad
Ad path field 2adPathField2Ad path field 2. Path fields 1 and 2 are combined with ad display URL to form the URL that is shown on an ad
Ad display URLadDisplayUrlAd display URL
Ad landing pageadLandingPageAd landing page. See Landing page and clickserver URLs
Ad typeadTypeThe type of ad: Text, Product, Dynamic search, Mobile app install, Call-Only, Expanded text, or Expanded dynamic search
Ad promotion lineadPromotionLineAd promotion line. A short promotional message for a product ad
KEYWORDKeywordkeywordTextKeyword text
Keyword IDkeywordIdDS keyword ID. A value of 0 indicates that the keyword is unattributed
Keyword statuskeywordStatusThe status of the keyword: Active, Paused, or Removed. Note that campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads each have their own status. See status
Keyword engine IDkeywordEngineIdID of the keyword in the external engine account
Keyword engine statuskeywordEngineStatusAdditional status of the keyword in the external engine account. Possible statuses (depending on the type of external account) include criterion rarely served, criterion below first page bid, criterion low quality score, review, campaign paused, etc
Match typekeywordMatchTypeKeyword match type: Broad, Exact, Phrase, or Content
Max CPCkeywordMaxCpcOverrides the ad group's max CPC and sets a maximum amount you are willing to pay if someone clicks an ad for this specific keyword. If this field is empty, the keyword will use the ad group's max CPC
Max CPC (effective)effectiveKeywordMaxCpcThe max CPC (maximum cost-per-click) that is in effect for this keyword. This will be either the same value as the ad group's max CPC or, if the keyword is overriding the ad group's setting, the keyword's own max CPC
Max bidkeywordMaxBidIf this keyword is managed by a DS bid strategy, the bid strategy will never raise bids above this limit
Min bidkeywordMinBidIf this keyword is managed by a DS bid strategy, the bid strategy will never lower bids below this limit
LabelskeywordLabelsNames of labels directly assigned to this keyword; inherited labels are not included
Landing pagekeywordLandingPageThe final URL that a user would visit after clicking on your ad. See Landing page and clickserver URLs
Is display?isDisplayKeywordIndicates whether this is a placeholder keyword that is used for display and placement reporting
Click server URLkeywordClickserverUrlThe URL that DS uses to track activity. A user who clicks an ad would visit the clickserver URL first, and then be redirected to the final landing page
SEARCHSearch querysearchQuery
Click typeserpTypeThe type of search result that Google users clicked
FLOODLIGHTFloodlight activityfloodlightActivityFloodlight activity name
Floodlight activity IDfloodlightActivityIdDS Floodlight activity ID
Floodlight activity tagfloodlightActivityTagFloodlight activity tag
Floodlight groupfloodlightGroupFloodlight group name
Type of conversions generated by Floodlight activitiesfloodlightGroupConversionTypeThe type of conversions generated by Floodlight activities in this group: Action or Transaction
Floodlight group IDfloodlightGroupIdDS Floodlight group ID
Floodlight group tagfloodlightGroupTagFloodlight group tag
TARGETINGCountrycountryTargetsCountry targets included in the campaign
ProvinceprovinceTargetsProvince targets included in the campaign
MetrometroTargetsMetro targets included in the campaign
CitycityTargetsCity targets included in the campaign
DevicedeviceSegmentSegments the report by device; each row and its aggregate metrics are split into multiple rows, up to one for each device segment
Device targetsdeviceTargetsApiDevice targets at the campaign level; a combination of Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, or Other
Effective device targetseffectiveDeviceTargetsEffective device targets at the campaign level; a combination of Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, or Other
LanguagelanguageTargetsLanguage targets at the campaign level
Location targetlocationTargetNameThe name of the location target
Location target bid modifierlocationTargetBidModifierThe bid adjustment associated with the location target
Campaign target IDcampaignTargetIdThe ID DS generated for a campaign target
Ad group target IDadGroupTargetIdThe ID DS generated for an ad group target
Dynamic ad target conditionsdynamicSearchAdsTargetConditionsThe criteria the dynamic ad target uses to select pages under the site domain
Dynamic ad target CPC biddynamicSearchAdsTargetCpcBidThe dynamic ad target's max CPC (maximum cost per click) setting
Dynamic ad target destination URLdynamicSearchAdsTargetLandingPageUrlThe dynamic ad target's destination URL
Dynamic ad target coveragedynamicSearchAdsTargetCoverageThe percentage of pages on the advertiser's site that the dynamic ad target matches
Age target rangeageTargetAgeRangeThe age range of age target
Age target bid modifierageTargetBidModifierThe bid adjustment associated with the age target
Gender target typegenderTargetGenderTypeThe gender type of gender target: Male, Female, Unknown
Gender target bid modifiergenderTargetBidModifierThe bid adjustment associated with the gender target
REMARKETINGEngine remarketing listengineRemarketingListThe name of the remarketing list associated with the target
Engine remarketing list bid modifierengineRemarketingListBidModifierThe bid adjustment associated with the target
CONVERSIONConversion IDconversionIdID that Search Ads 360 generates for each conversion
Advertiser conversion IDadvertiserConversionIdFor offline conversions, this is an ID provided by advertisers. If an advertiser doesn't specify such an ID, Search Ads 360 generates one. For online conversions, this is equal to the conversionId column or the floodlightOrderId column depending on the advertiser's Floodlight instructions
Conversion statusconversionStatusThe status of the conversion: Active or Removed
Conversion typeconversionTypeThe type of the conversion: Action or Transaction
Conversion dateconversionDateThe date, in the Campaign manager network time zone, when the conversion occurred
Conversion attribution typeconversionAttributionTypeWhat the conversion is attributed to: Visit or Keyword+Ad
Conversion visit IDconversionVisitIdThe DS visit ID that the conversion is attributed to
Conversion visit dateconversionVisitTimestampThe UTC date of the visit that the conversion is attributed to
Conversion visit external click IDconversionVisitExternalClickIdA unique string, for the visit that the conversion is attributed to, that is passed to the landing page as the gclid URL parameter. Only enabled for advertisers with conversion API integration or Google Analytics integration
Conversion search termconversionSearchTermThe search term that led to the conversion
Inventory account IDinventoryAccountIdThe DS inventory account ID containing the product associated with the conversion. DS generates this ID when you link an inventory account in DS
Product IDproductIdThe ID of the product associated with this conversion
Product group IDproductGroupIdThe product group ID associated with this conversion. Only conversions from shopping campaigns have product group IDs
Product target IDproductTargetIdDS product target ID
Product countryproductCountryThe country (ISO 3166 format) registered for the inventory feed that contains the product associated with this conversion
Product languageproductLanguageThe language (ISO 639-1) of the product associated this conversion
Product store IDproductStoreIdThe store in the Local Inventory Ad associated with the conversion
Product channelproductChannelThe sales channel of the product associated with the conversion: Online or Local
Floodlight order IDfloodlightOrderIdThe Floodlight order ID provided by the advertiser for the conversion
Floodlight event request stringfloodlightEventRequestStringThe Floodlight request string of the conversion
Floodlight referrerfloodlightReferrerThe Floodlight referrer website of the conversion
Feed IDfeedIdThe ID of the feed table associated with this conversion
Feed item IDfeedItemIdThe ID of the feed item row associated with this conversion
Feed typefeedTypeThe type of feed associated with this conversion